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Video: Tour bus driver fined 5,000 baht for reckless driving


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Well he was fined 5000 baht , that's around 40% of his salary .  I think this could help  them to think twice , if the traffic cops could just do their jobs and continue with the heavy fines.  


Edited by balo
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This fool of a bus driver is just a common example of virtually all the commercial drivers in Thailand.  I have the bigger vehicle, so get out of my way.  When in Thailand, my wife and I make regular auto trips to the North of Thailand to visit friends.  Passing on corners and in blind spots is just normal for these idiots.  There is no traffic enforcement by the police, and no consequence for the driver when one is captured on camera endangering the lives of their passengers and the public.  It is no wonder the carnage continues, year after year.  

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2 hours ago, landslide said:

... and no consequence for the driver when one is captured on camera endangering the lives of their passengers and the public.


Yes there is. The driver in this instance was nailed and fined 5000 baht.


But I get your point completely. It takes video posted on social media before the cops do anything. Before FB, they did absolutely bugger all, now they do less than bugger all.

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14 hours ago, midas said:



isn't there a special and tougher driving test for potential bus drivers?

There probably is but presumably that necessity is by-passed when you pay the "connection".

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What a stupid excuse ......... So, when the 40 people on his bus were killed that'll be fine ..... Oh, yes, he needed to catch up with his buddies.

Convoys!!! Usually blocking the road in the fast lane, forcing everyone to either sit in a long queue or undertake.

It should be another practice which is banned in Thailand.

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