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Heiress was not raped - but police still go after man and now the short time hotel too


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5 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

IF she consented it is not rape.Some women change their mind in the morning.Only 2 in the room comes down to he said,she said.

I've made it very clear about why I feel consent was not given, as you shall see if you go through the thread. 

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1 minute ago, Sup Slick said:


Lmao but your gonna keep replying with one-liners saying 'I already answered that' & 'read the thread'?


Kinda childish don't ya think?


Anyway I'm out. 

No, not childish, just responding. 


However if someone asks the same questions of myself,  I will help guide them to the answers they seek. 

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I don't believe I said sex took place did I?


Try reading a little more before responding. 


If someone is drunk then consent for sex cannot be seen to be given. 


This is creature took a drunk stranger to a hotel for sex. If sex had taken place that would be rape. 


He is predatory scum. 

Who is to judge drunkenness?Must we all carry a breatho around in our bag of tricks.What if she was the one to ask about going to a hotel and he was a bit pissy.Can she be charged with attempted rape.

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1 minute ago, louse1953 said:

Who is to judge drunkenness?Must we all carry a breatho around in our bag of tricks.What if she was the one to ask about going to a hotel and he was a bit pissy.Can she be charged with attempted rape.



Answered this already. 

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I never said rape took place. If they had had sex that would be rape. 


The guy is predatory scum. 


He is old enough to know what he was doing was wrong. 



At 21 she is an adult as well,so she is equally old enough.

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Surely the police will quietly let their ridiculous intention to charge the guy drop, once the hi-so family realise how silly their action is and how it will appear in social media?  


The proposed charge against the short-time hotel will be dealt with in the usual (monetary) way and dropped.


The guy should sue for defamation since she claimed she was raped but was shown not even to have had sex.  I doubt however that this will happen.

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To me it looks like a poor man is going to be the victim and serve a long sentence in prison because of a spoilt girl who has a rich family and they don't want the shame on their name.she wasn't raped or molested and he done the right thing at the end of the day.the poor man has been found guilty already by some tv judges.

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He went back to a hotel with her , she vomited and that put him off sex .

If his intention was indeed to rape her, her vomiting would not have made him change his mind , 

    The fact that he left her without any sexual activities taking place suggests that his intention wasnt to rape her .

   She and her family should be grateful that he didnt take advantage of the sitution

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41 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Um... then why ask?


and yes... grammatist... bloody spell check... it works when you don't want it too, and doesn't when you want it too.


but... you understood... so don't plead ignorance unless it's intended as trolling.

"Um... then why ask?"


Well, first of all, I wasn't asking you and, secondly, why did you query my mis-reading of gaol when you understood what I meant?  Double standards, or were you trolling?

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

If she was drunk then there was no consent. 


 I 'm guessing,like everyone on this thread, that both of them had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. They then Both agreed to go to this short  time hotel in the expectation of having consensual sex. Unfortunately on the way due to the fresh air and the transportation, she stared to feel rather dizzy, resulting in her being sick once they arrived in the room. 

Edited by nontabury
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11 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 I 'm guessing,like everyone on this thread, that both of them had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. They then Both agreed to go to this short  time hotel in the expectation of having consensual sex. Unfortunately on the way due to the fresh air and the transportation, she stared to feel rather dizzy, resulting in her being sick once they arrived in the room. 

Sorry but not how I read it. 

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This is a load of crap. From the beginning I believed he did not do anything 

I even posted on in

Now this has gone to the expreme The police are only looking to save face Thats all

Nothing should happen to this guy period

You should charge the girl for lying about being raped

 Now you wonder why people do not trust the police This is a perfect example

Edited by realenglish1
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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I am all for defending women who have been raped, but this girl is a monster that is letting a innocent man possibly go to jail because she can't lose face because of who she is.


Was she crying and fighting, or being dragged down the hotel hallway? If she was not drugged, left the bar with him, got in his car, walked into the hotel lobby, walked to the hotel room under her own power with this man and STILL did not have sex with him, she is totally to blame for her actions. And that includes drinking. Did they even get naked? Who knows what she said and did with the man in the bar to lead him on? 


And was the man drunk too? Then it was just two drunk people just doing their thing.  


I don't drink and drunk women are not my idea of a good time, but I have had Thai women who are interested in me go from very shy to hot to trot after about three drinks. Flirting like mad, saying and doing all sort of crazy stuff.  And I am not talking about bar girls.


Where this went wrong is she fell asleep. Then panicked in the morning.


All she had to do is go home in the morning BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED. But she could not do that.






Short time hotel no lobby, pull your car in behind the curtain get out and go to room. The staff doesn't even see you except to pay the bill

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23 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

"Um... then why ask?"


Well, first of all, I wasn't asking you and, secondly, why did you query my mis-reading of gaol when you understood what I meant?  Double standards, or were you trolling?


Oh.... sorry.... I thought this an open thread... I did not realise that answers were only permitted by certain individuals.... perhaps you need to add a rider to your comments, such as "bluespunk is only to reply


Anyway, on an open forum, you asked a question... I supplied an answer.


was I trolling? Refer my post 78.... we're I asked ( politely and in a non threatening or non aggressive manner), if you had misspelled gaol (in an effort to clarify) 


you did not answer, but later harped on about it... ergo I explained further, as you "appeared" to not understand.... but then you later stated that you did understand (kind of rudely, when I was trying to help), which suggests that you were being deliberately obtuse.... or trolling


so... no double standards... I politely queried... you ignored... I explained... you rudely countered... own it


that said.... I'm not going to get into your efforts at baiting.... you understand ( now) so enough said... I value my access to the forum more than I value arguing with you, as you seem aggregated and incensed.... chill... take a pill or something

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20 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I think we both know the answer to that one. 


   Some people still have the old fashioned Western mentality that females done like or want sex and they they only participate because they are either married, they get paid for it or they are forced to do it .

    Females do actually like to have sex as well and its not uncommon for them to insinuate it and to be complete willing partners with no questions asked, no contact details exchanged no payment and no desire for a long term relationship 

   It isnt always males forcing the issue . We have equality these days .

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Damn right they should. 


What he intended to do is rape. 


You take a drunk woman you've just met in a club to a short time hotel then any sex that happens is rape. 

Yes and if you believe in equal rights then she very well may have raped him.

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