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Borax based chemicals to kill ants


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So I have a little ant problem. I read online to use borax to help kill the ants. I was wondering what household brands in Thailand have the chemical. 


Or perhaps if there is an on the shelf product anyone recommends to do the job. The ants are really becoming a nuisance in my house.




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You can buy Borax online from Chemipan  https://www.chemipan.com/i/en/a1/


If you do a search here on TV, (if the search feature is working), someone posted the exact page. 1Kg under THB160.


Here is the link to the Borax page: https://www.chemipan.com/i/en/a1/index.php/635-product/674-general-chemicals/675-general-chemicals/1160/1160-borax-chemical.html

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^ From England apparently.


Op, indeed, borax works really well on ants. Mix it up roughly 50:50 with sugar and blend together in warm water - drain and dry. Workers/soldiers take it to the nest, they all eat it and perish including the queen. There is a product in 7-11 that does similar called ARS Ant Killer (yellow pellets, about 50 baht), but not as effective.

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TERRO® Liquid Ant Baits - 6 Pack


I got ants in a house in the USA about 8 years ago. The above is sweetened Borax.

It works great - first a small line of ants to the bait traps, then after a day a thick line of them.

Then after about another day back to a small line, then none..


Borax is also a safe (other than pets) way to kill cockroaches. Home Depot/Lowe's in the USA sell powdered borax.

That works fine - the powder container has a narrow spout which makes it easy to make a thin line of it along the base of the wall, etc.

No harmful insecticide spray.

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Borax is also sold in the markets with the laundry detergents at least sometimes.

I think it deodorizes clothes? Not sure, never used it for laundry but you may find it in the market.

If I could get anything though I'd go with the Terro Ant Baits.

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9 hours ago, daveAustin said:

^ From England apparently.


Op, indeed, borax works really well on ants. Mix it up roughly 50:50 with sugar and blend together in warm water - drain and dry. Workers/soldiers take it to the nest, they all eat it and perish including the queen. There is a product in 7-11 that does similar called ARS Ant Killer (yellow pellets, about 50 baht), but not as effective.

Chemipan is in Bangkok. Ships very quickly. My Borax in arrived in Samui a couple of days after payment.

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the borax is actually only 40bt/kg from the chemical outlets and the idea is to mix it with something sweet.

As a stand alone, forget it it doesnt work.

sugar; well if it works for you great, for me it didnt, the grains were too big for the ants and they do avoid the borax; they are not stupid.


my solution: icing sugar

its the same consistency as the borax so you mix it up and you cannot see any difference.

if you pre mix some and then transfer it into one of the chaindrite ant powder puffers you are sorted.


I am fascianted that ants collect up their dead bodies and carry them off to a mass grave. I have a few mass graves along corners of ceilings and beams that just get bigget when you are not noticing. every 6 months I have a big ant grave clean out.

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  • 4 months later...
Chemipan is in Bangkok. Ships very quickly. My Borax in arrived in Samui a couple of days after payment.

Do they ship small amounts ?
I need my ants gone now, they are driving me crazy.

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Go to Tops supermarket and get some of this, I know they have it, not sure about the others. Put it down in the ant trail and they will take it back to the nest and your problem will disappear, I use it a lot.

I am assuming you mean the small ants that live in the ground, it doesn't work with the larger red ants in the trees.


ant1 001.jpg

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The pharmacy I buy my borax from on Samui, told me the other day, that she tried borax for ants and said it did not work!!


I asked her if she mixed with sugar, and a little bit of water... she said no!


Do add sugar and make a paste! It does work.... kills the whole nest..  I have found it's good for about 3 months... before a new colony moves in.


Some of the powders only kill what it contacts, so does not kill the nest....  so a waste of time and money!

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On 05/06/2017 at 9:53 AM, irlguy1 said:



Do they ship small amounts ?
I need my ants gone now, they are driving me crazy.

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I bought a kilo, which was the minimum I think. But it was very cheap, and I now have plenty for the future.

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Please, I need your help. White ant that lives under the ground eat partially all my doors. Need to replace them. Any advice to get doors which never get this problem and where to buy them close to Pattaya ?

Can anyone say thread hijack ?

Why not post your own thread about doors. This one is about poison.

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