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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'


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2 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

If 157 awards as an actor makes Meryl Streep "overrated" what does 6 bankruptcies make Trump as a businessman?

I am sure in 4 years he will catch up. To emerge from 6 bankruptcies and fool 48% of the people is no mean feat. 

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Good call. I know lots of Trump supporters and they are a varied bunch. They are certainly no less intelligent than supporters of the Democrats. The only fanatical supporter of Trump that I know is a black women and she is very accomplished. I have to admit that I have not met any Hispanic ones in California though. I would probably have to go to Florida.

Personally, I will not boycott Meryl Streep's work, but I have a lot less respect for her than I did before her petty tirade.

Well there are plenty of petty tirades to go around, and Donald seems to top the bill.


Hopefully Donald will develop some thicker skin, if he doesn't it's going to be a long four years of twitter tirades on every perceived slight, real or imagined.


I wonder how Obama ever survived the birther controversy without resorting to Twitter??

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47 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

Crazy, one political statement made at an awards ceremony, results in an actor achieving more fame than what's been achieved in an entire career. 

Yes, until now Meryl Streep labored in obscurity, known only to a select few.  Those few being most of the North American populace.

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55 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

Crazy, one political statement made at an awards ceremony, results in an actor achieving more fame than what's been achieved in an entire career. 

Easy LammyTS1 There are lurkers here trying to claim fame as well. Unfortunately they do not have entire careers left. That is why some shoot their wad all in one day. Duck here comes another shooting star. 

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23 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Trump has had plenty of complaints about Fox News and Fox News commentators. As to the others that you mentioned, why would he even bother with them? I don't.


The "others" mentioned were Brietbart and Alex Jones. Steve Bannon of Breitbart is on Trump's staff. Trump was interviewed on Alex Jones's shows and repeated information appearing on the website. What you think about these two is immaterial. Trump obviously does "bother with them".

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7 minutes ago, Morch said:


The "others" mentioned were Brietbart and Alex Jones. Steve Bannon of Breitbart is on Trump's staff. Trump was interviewed on Alex Jones's shows and repeated information appearing on the website. What you think about these two is immaterial. Trump obviously does "bother with them".


Being aware of them is much different from commenting on their bias. Their bias is pretty apparent already and they are small fry indeed. Fox News is whole different story and Trump has criticized different commentators repeatedly.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Being aware of them is much different from commenting on their bias. Their bias is pretty apparent already and they are small fry indeed. Fox News is whole different story and Trump has criticized different commentators repeatedly.


Small fry how? Steve Bannon is Trump's chief strategist. You think Trump is merely "aware" of Breitbart? Or that he had wasn't playing ball with Alex Jones since the birther thing?

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Just now, Morch said:


Small fry how? Steve Bannon is Trump's chief strategist. You think Trump is merely "aware" of Breitbart? Or that he had wasn't playing ball with Alex Jones since the birther thing?


Small fry as in very little influence on public opinion. Besides the VERY far right (Brietbart) and conspiracy theorists (Alex Jones), no one pays them much attention. Fox News is a whole different story.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Small fry as in very little influence on public opinion. Besides the VERY far right (Brietbart) and conspiracy theorists (Alex Jones), no one pays them much attention. Fox News is a whole different story.


Breitbart's reach is rather wider than you assume, and ultimately it's their guy that got Trump's ear. Both might not be mainstream or even reliable, but they do appeal to a hardcore element of Trump supporters. He made use of that, and he's not likely to go hard on them. Well, unless they start saying "nasty things" about him.

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On 1/11/2017 at 0:25 AM, JackThompson said:


In other words, if the American people had not found out about the corruption inside the DNC (rigging against Bernie / pre-supplied debate questions), and the hypocrisy and duplicity, exposed by the correspondence of Hillary and her campaign chairman, and their associates. 


Yes, a real shame we found out the truth, isn't it? 


And lord knows, it takes a state-intelligence force to carry out a simple spear-fishing operation (Podesta's emails - whose password was the uncrackable "p@ssword"), no one at the DNC who liked Bernie would have possibly leaked, and intelligence services never lie for political / geo-political reasons.

They are all idiots and liars, including your boy.  Bernie was the only honest one running.  It's not ok for foreign governments to manipulate an election.  I hope you're not American if you think that's ok.  I guess you sat in on the intelligence briefings, so you know everything already.  I figured as much.

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Just now, Redline said:

They are all idiots and liars, including your boy.  Bernie was the only honest one running.  It's not ok for foreign governments to manipulate an election.  I hope you're not American if you think that's ok.  I guess you sat in on the intelligence briefings, so you know everything already.  I figured as much.


And look how the Dems tossed him overboard once he gave up and made that idiot Tim Kaine the dems VP nominee.........can't afford to have any honest people working in the party, especially if they might hold honest views counter to ours.

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11 minutes ago, uptheos said:


And look how the Dems tossed him overboard once he gave up and made that idiot Tim Kaine the dems VP nominee.........can't afford to have any honest people working in the party, especially if they might hold honest views counter to ours.

There are very few honest politicians.  This isn't a team sport, so quit saying your's and ours.  I'm not a democrat either.  Trump is an emotionally insecure baby.  Go to sleep

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6 hours ago, uptheos said:


And look how the Dems tossed him overboard once he gave up and made that idiot Tim Kaine the dems VP nominee.........can't afford to have any honest people working in the party, especially if they might hold honest views counter to ours.


If you do some research, you would see Bernie is not that qualify to be POTUS. He may be able to talk the talk, but I question his abilities to lead.

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8 hours ago, Redline said:

They are all idiots and liars, including your boy.  Bernie was the only honest one running.  It's not ok for foreign governments to manipulate an election.  I hope you're not American if you think that's ok.  I guess you sat in on the intelligence briefings, so you know everything already.  I figured as much.


Is that the same Bernie who just bought the nice big house after endorsing the most pro-war and anti-American-citizen-policy candidate of any in the general-stage of the election?  I'll give him credit for opposing the outsourcing trade-deals, though his reversal on the campaign trail of his previous (good) policy of, "Open Borders are the Koch Bros Immigration Policy," was unfortunate.  I could not disagree more strongly with his "bigger govt" solutions to economic issues.


If it's not OK for foreign govts to manipulate elections, we should inform the folks at the CIA and National Endowment for "Democracy" (sic) (and groups they fund) about that.  I'm not implying you approve of such, only that it's a bit rich for the USA to lecture any other country on the subject.  If the emails had been fake, there would be a much better case for criticism.  If similar leaks had been made available from the RNC (FBI confirmed attempts to hack which failed), they would likely have revealed insider-attempts to destroy Trump, so would actually have helped him.


As to Trump as POTUS, I'm in "wait and see" mode.  I don't buy what politicians promise.  The "GOP establishment" (Ryan, McCain, Graham) are as vile as the "DLC Dems" which the Koch Bros financed into power (Bill Clinton, etc).  That said, when you only have one candidate even saying they will oppose both of the primary policies of Globalization destroying American lives and families - immigration and trade - it is safe to say the others are not a good bet. 

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On 1/11/2017 at 0:49 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Although I agree that Trump should stop Tweeting so often, he is not actually in office yet. Unfortunately, he can not really "do his job" until he is. The guy in office now is really screwing things up.

Managing the transition is his job.

Divesting from his businesses is his job.

Attending security briefings is his job.

Holding regular press conferences is his job.

Tweeting is his passion.


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27 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Managing the transition is his job.

Divesting from his businesses is his job.

Attending security briefings is his job.

Holding regular press conferences is his job.

Tweeting is his passion.


He just said he's not going to divest of all his business interests.  Creating huge conflicts of interest.


Tweeting does seem to be his passion.  One suitable for somebody with an ego that big. 

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11 hours ago, Redline said:

They are all idiots and liars, including your boy.  Bernie was the only honest one running.  It's not ok for foreign governments to manipulate an election.  I hope you're not American if you think that's ok.  I guess you sat in on the intelligence briefings, so you know everything already.  I figured as much.



May I ask two questions?  If a foreign government manipulated the election, then why isn't HRC the PE? According to all 17 Security Agencies the election was not manipulated, it was allegedly influenced.  In addition, given that no one from the DMC has denied the genuine content of the emails, why are so many upset about the truth being exposed, including the low act they perpetrated on Bernie?:wai:

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

I am baffled by people who voted for a celebrity businessman who hosted and is still executive producer of "Celebrity Apprentice"— dissing celebrities.




So you have no idea why 62 million people voted for him.  Obviously not paying attention. As for  his remaining an executive producer,  your problem with that is? :wai:

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:
1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

I am baffled by people who voted for a celebrity businessman who hosted and is still executive producer of "Celebrity Apprentice"— dissing celebrities.




So you have no idea why 62 million people voted for him.  Obviously not paying attention. As for  his remaining an executive producer,  your problem with that is? :wai:


Your response baffles me further...



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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Your response baffles me further...




So you not only have trouble with things baffling you, you also have trouble comprehending.  Sorry if you have difficulty in this vain and are labouring to find answers for two legitimate questions. :wai:

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3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


So you not only have trouble with things baffling you, you also have trouble comprehending.  Sorry if you have difficulty in this vain and are labouring to find answers for two legitimate questions. :wai:


You ask me to respond to questions based on a statement you claim I have made, which I have not. And ask me why I have a problem with something that I have not said I have a problem with,


Hence the bafflement.


I would love to follow you down this rabbit hole. Please proceed.



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On 1/11/2017 at 7:48 PM, GinBoy2 said:

Well there are plenty of petty tirades to go around, and Donald seems to top the bill.


Hopefully Donald will develop some thicker skin, if he doesn't it's going to be a long four years of twitter tirades on every perceived slight, real or imagined.


I wonder how Obama ever survived the birther controversy without resorting to Twitter??

What is the big deal about his twitter ravings? I've never read a "twitter", ever, so it doesn't concern me in the least one way or the other. Perhaps a lot of people are reading his ramblings just so they can get all hot and bothered. I see no other reason to be complaining about them. It's easy not to read anything on "twitter", and far as I can see it is just a huge waste of time doing so.

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Managing the transition is his job.

Divesting from his businesses is his job.

Attending security briefings is his job.

Holding regular press conferences is his job.

Tweeting is his passion.


Not so.

There are other people to manage the transition- President ( elects ) have better thing to do with their time than micro manage  bureaucracy.

He doesn't HAVE to divest anything.

He doesn't have to hold press briefings. That is the press secretary's job.


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3 hours ago, JackThompson said:


Is that the same Bernie who just bought the nice big house after endorsing the most pro-war and anti-American-citizen-policy candidate of any in the general-stage of the election?  I'll give him credit for opposing the outsourcing trade-deals, though his reversal on the campaign trail of his previous (good) policy of, "Open Borders are the Koch Bros Immigration Policy," was unfortunate.  I could not disagree more strongly with his "bigger govt" solutions to economic issues.


If it's not OK for foreign govts to manipulate elections, we should inform the folks at the CIA and National Endowment for "Democracy" (sic) (and groups they fund) about that.  I'm not implying you approve of such, only that it's a bit rich for the USA to lecture any other country on the subject.  If the emails had been fake, there would be a much better case for criticism.  If similar leaks had been made available from the RNC (FBI confirmed attempts to hack which failed), they would likely have revealed insider-attempts to destroy Trump, so would actually have helped him.


As to Trump as POTUS, I'm in "wait and see" mode.  I don't buy what politicians promise.  The "GOP establishment" (Ryan, McCain, Graham) are as vile as the "DLC Dems" which the Koch Bros financed into power (Bill Clinton, etc).  That said, when you only have one candidate even saying they will oppose both of the primary policies of Globalization destroying American lives and families - immigration and trade - it is safe to say the others are not a good bet. 

After Bernie found out about the DNC campaign to oust him, I'm sure he no longer supports her. The look on his face at conference was priceless. HRC, IMO, bought his endorsement by agreeing to some of his policies. He'd have had more chance of implementing those policies by running as an independent, as he might have won.

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