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True censoring Al Jazeera and Australia plus

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Has anyone noticed that as soon as Thailand is mentioned on A/J or Australia plus the broadcast is interrupted and only returns at the end of the item?

Is this happening on other services and channels?


For instance twice this morning the item on gliding on Australia plus was replaced by a notice saying "programming will return shortly;


It happens on CNN also. Others have reported the same for BBC.

It seems that True has instructed their monitors to cut anything that mentions Thailand or that is what they think.


It is particularly annoying as this current censor us on a weather report...how crazy can you get? There is particularly unusual weather especially in the South as far north as HuaHin and CHONBURI....it would be nice to know what the forecasts by the net offices are.

Basically this sort of "unofficial" behavour is disgraceful

It is particularly annoying as this current censor us on a weather report...how crazy can you get? There is particularly unusual weather especially in the South as far north as HuaHin and CHONBURI....it would be nice to know what the forecasts by the net offices are.
Basically this sort of "unofficial" behavour is disgraceful

You do realise what type of government is currently in power in Thailand?
15 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


You do realise what type of government is currently in power in Thailand?


...and why should that either change my opinion or mitigate the action?


Furthermore it would seem that this is not actually official policy, it is a self imposed decision by True

51 minutes ago, Alan Deer said:

...and why should that either change my opinion or mitigate the action?


Furthermore it would seem that this is not actually official policy, it is a self imposed decision by True


It doesn't need to change your opinion, but under a military, unaccountable government it's not surprising if things like this happen.  Interesting if it's a self-imposed decision - I would imagine, in view of True's relationship with the powers that be, some pressure was applied!


44 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


It doesn't need to change your opinion, but under a military, unaccountable government it's not surprising if things like this happen.  Interesting if it's a self-imposed decision - I would imagine, in view of True's relationship with the powers that be, some pressure was applied!


I don't see the point you are trying to make apart from stating the obvious...we are all aware to some extent or another of the nature of the current regime...however they haven't declared this as far as I'm aware.

I would suggest the subscribers contact True for an explanation...I have

59 minutes ago, Alan Deer said:

I don't see the point you are trying to make apart from stating the obvious...we are all aware to some extent or another of the nature of the current regime...however they haven't declared this as far as I'm aware.

I would suggest the subscribers contact True for an explanation...I have


You seem detached from reality. The military controls the airwaves and they have said as much. The military can pull the broadcast license of any service provider deemed to have violated the military rules. What do you expect True will say? 

3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


You seem detached from reality. The military controls the airwaves and they have said as much. The military can pull the broadcast license of any service provider deemed to have violated the military rules. What do you expect True will say? 

Sorry? I'm well aware of what they can and nmighr do and the way they might do it... It would seem you don't 

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