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Refugees in Greece and Serbia forced to endure sub-zero temperatures


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Refugees in Greece and Serbia forced to endure sub-zero temperatures




ATHENS: -- Fears are growing for thousands of refugees stuck with next to no shelter in sub-zero temperatures.


In Serbia, hundreds of migrants lined up in the freezing snow at a make-shift shelter in the capital Belgrade to receive a warm meal.

Aid agencies have blasted the authorities for failing to implement emergency measures.


“I haven’t seen this kind of place in my dreams. This situation is too bad and the weather is too cold. I have this kind of place and there you can see, we sleep in there three person,” said one refugee.


In Greece, the conditions facing refugees are also said to be severe.


On Monday, the European Commission described the situation on several Greek islands as ‘untenable’, heavily criticising the response from Athens.


“Some people have children. Small, small children. And they need to be warm,” one Afghan refugee said.


The severe arctic weather sweeping most of central and eastern Europe, has been so extreme, parts of the Danube have frozen over, with temperatures dropping below -30.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-11
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The photo implicates the situation pretty accurately. Able younger men, properly dressed with their hands in the pockets. No women, no children, no elderly people. Even with little education they might have learnt that south = warm, north = cold. 
These are not refugees, these are "asylum chancers"; I've seen refugees and they don't stand around well dressed waiting for hand outs. 
And as suggested by another TV member; they can follow the birds behaviour and ....... go south! 

It's time to stop this biased media avalanche and get to the root of the problem - send them home! 

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11 minutes ago, 4737 Carlin said:

They haven't been 'forced to endure' anything. They chose to invade Europe - where they are unwanted and unwelcome.


If I had to write the headline I would also twist things to something like.

Illegal economic migrants get free handouts while local entitled people suffer and have to prove they are entitled.

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Far as I'm concerned, they have no "right" to expect anything in Serbia or Greece, as they all went through the first safe country on their journey.

As for Greece, I thought they were broke and living off German money. Why should they be expected to provide everything for unwelcome strangers?

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for example afghanistan is a safe country hence they are illegal freeloaders nobody asked them to come. thereto they came from safe shelters in turkey where food and housing was provided, same applies to syrians send them home to aleppo to rebuild their country. 




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If only EU member countries has listened to Mrs. Merkel's dictat.


All these could have been allocated to countries as part of their quota, been given adequate free shelter, warm clothing, food, heating fuels,  hi-speed internet access and some reasonable "pocket money'. All paid for by the EU tax payer whose opinion is of no consequence.


See, Angela will get re-elected and will, with that nice Mr. Juncker's help sort all this mess out, without bothering to ask, consult or discuss with anyone.


What do you mean they made the mess????

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Pretty sure it's colder in Pakistan or Afganistan during winter. All these illegal migrants should be rounded up and expelled from Europe. They have their own countries. If they want a better life they should endevour to improve their homes. Not come to Europe.

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2 hours ago, Pdaz said:

Pretty sure it's colder in Pakistan or Afganistan during winter. All these illegal migrants should be rounded up and expelled from Europe. They have their own countries. If they want a better life they should endevour to improve their homes. Not come to Europe.

Quite difficult when your country is at war, most of the time because of western countries which do not hesitate to invade them to "bring them freedom"...you reap what you saw

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18 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Quite difficult when your country is at war, most of the time because of western countries which do not hesitate to invade them to "bring them freedom"...you reap what you saw

100% agree!

We are wasting out time, though!

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4 minutes ago, DM07 said:

100% agree!

We are wasting out time, though!


Many neighbouring countries offer food and shelter but that is not what economic migrants want. They want free handouts and cash.

They also want to change their and I repeat their chosen country and that country's law to their liking.

Only a minority want to work and contribute, the rest want to take and then complain that what they get is not up to their expectations.

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plenty of local old folk who have lived there - and most likely paid into their system - all their lives would love free winter clothing, food and shelter.

Why give it to these fit young men?


As said above, where are the old people, the children?

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8 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Yeah, old big belly farangs in Pattaya know better about life and why one shouldn't leave his own country...what a joke!


Not all expats are old or old and fat although the ratio of fat to thin would fall in your favour ☺ especially in Pattaya.

The vast majority of these so called refugees are men in their 20's to early 30's who think they deserve a free easy life at someone elses expense.

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5 minutes ago, overherebc said:


Not all expats are old or old and fat although the ratio of fat to thin would fall in your favour ☺ especially in Pattaya.

The vast majority of these so called refugees are men in their 20's to early 30's who think they deserve a free easy life at someone elses expense.

Repeating the -and proven wrong- BS over and over again, doesn't make it right! 

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12 minutes ago, overherebc said:


Not all expats are old or old and fat although the ratio of fat to thin would fall in your favour ☺ especially in Pattaya.

The vast majority of these so called refugees are men in their 20's to early 30's who think they deserve a free easy life at someone elses expense.

so yeah, you confirm you know nothing about their conditions....thanks for this

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Nobody is forced to endure this, they choose to go to Europe to reap freebies. If they don't like the cold or to work for their survival, go back home! Europeans are suffering from the cold too, but they deal with it! These refugees are worthless leeches on society, where are the old and women and kids? It seems only the able body men are looking for freebies. 

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28 minutes ago, WhamBam said:

plenty of local old folk who have lived there - and most likely paid into their system - all their lives would love free winter clothing, food and shelter.

Why give it to these fit young men?


As said above, where are the old people, the children?


If you and others posting in this topic would invest a few minutes doing some research there would not be so many uniformed posts. At the URL below are some stats talking to child refugees in Greece.




With regards to funding millions have been provided to support refugee camps in Greece for the winter period, but have been very poorly managed / disbursed by the Greek government. As I said some basic research will quickly provide facts as opposed to fact less speculation.




Many are stuck in Greece due to the very leghty wait times for assessment of asylum seeker status and of course very limited access to resettlement places for those positively vetted.


I would guess the same scenarios apply to Serbia

Edited by simple1
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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:


Serious question, how much time have you spent in the countries these people come from and by time I mean working?

Having been in more than 4 countries in Africa for work and for french companies, as well as having been close to middle east refugees the last year I can assure you those people are not here to "profit" or leech on western countries.

90% of them leave a country for one they know nothing about. They leave behind them family, friends,...basically their life to come here.

They do not cross the sea on small boats, knowing them or their kids could die during the travel to profit.

Have a look at the civil wars in Africa, have a look at the history of Afghanistan, the history of Iraq, Libya, Syria..Can you assure me the western countries are for nothing in the crumbles you can see in these countries?

In Africa the french and Belgium companies are really happy the countries they work in are corrupted. They can exploit misery and make the people work in atrocious conditions, without any thought about human life and do not give a sh!t about what may happen the day after. The "franceAfrique" is not dead neither. Franc CFA is also a way to steal from Africa and maintain the countries dependent of their former western "masters"...


I said that more than one time, I am tired to repeat myself while you are not genuinely interested..if you are then tell me what you think of the last 30 years of war in middle east orchestrated by western countries, go have a look at the political and economical history of african countries...then you will know.

But I know it is hard to convince someone who do not want to listen...

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1 minute ago, DavidVincent said:

Having been in more than 4 countries in Africa for work and for french companies, as well as having been close to middle east refugees the last year I can assure you those people are not here to "profit" or leech on western countries.

90% of them leave a country for one they know nothing about. They leave behind them family, friends,...basically their life to come here.

They do not cross the sea on small boats, knowing them or their kids could die during the travel to profit.

Have a look at the civil wars in Africa, have a look at the history of Afghanistan, the history of Iraq, Libya, Syria..Can you assure me the western countries are for nothing in the crumbles you can see in these countries?

In Africa the french and Belgium companies are really happy the countries they work in are corrupted. They can exploit misery and make the people work in atrocious conditions, without any thought about human life and do not give a sh!t about what may happen the day after. The "franceAfrique" is not dead neither. Franc CFA is also a way to steal from Africa and maintain the countries dependent of their former western "masters"...


I said that more than one time, I am tired to repeat myself while you are not genuinely interested..if you are then tell me what you think of the last 30 years of war in middle east orchestrated by western countries, go have a look at the political and economical history of african countries...then you will know.

But I know it is hard to convince someone who do not want to listen...


Since the 70's I have worked in most of the middle east countries from Syria all the way west through Egypt to Libya and the other 'oil rich states'.

I was often asked why do you come here to work when you can stay in UK and your government will give you everything you need, house and money etc and you won't need to work.

That belief still remains and that's why they want to be in Europe.

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4 minutes ago, overherebc said:


Since the 70's I have worked in most of the middle east countries from Syria all the way west through Egypt to Libya and the other 'oil rich states'.

I was often asked why do you come here to work when you can stay in UK and your government will give you everything you need, house and money etc and you won't need to work.

That belief still remains and that's why they want to be in Europe.

So you know the past of Syria, Libya, Iraq,...and why their countries are now under constant threat, war or western bombings, right? Is it because they are lazy or because western countries went there to bring freedom and ended by putting those countries on their knees. It is then not a surprise if right after Guaddafi went down that a french company like Total took 30% of the oil companies, why UK blamed their government in a report which pointed the abuses during this war as well. It is not like the USA wanted Iraq to fall to free them, but because of the oil there as well. Syria pipeline project which would compete with the USA sponsored pipeline neither.

In Africa you are probably aware that in Cameroon 3 months ago more than 150 people died on a train accident, mostly because the french company Bollore) who built the line used poor material and no quality/safety control. Uranium, precious metal for electronic components, all of this which can only be found in countries in Africa only...etc... History of africa and its past is not hidden...have a look at the countries which are currently at war or on the brink of civil war and their history...

I remember as well a pretty picture of thousands of people on the boats from Europe to Algeria and Morroco during world war 2...just to flee the war...why is this different.

As for the people living on benefits...What do you have to say of  more than 30k UK citizen living in UE on benefits...and I am sure we can find some numbers linked to Thailand as well...

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12 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

So you know the past of Syria, Libya, Iraq,...and why their countries are now under constant threat, war or western bombings, right? Is it because they are lazy or because western countries went there to bring freedom and ended by putting those countries on their knees. It is then not a surprise if right after Guaddafi went down that a french company like Total took 30% of the oil companies, why UK blamed their government in a report which pointed the abuses during this war as well. It is not like the USA wanted Iraq to fall to free them, but because of the oil there as well. Syria pipeline project which would compete with the USA sponsored pipeline neither.

In Africa you are probably aware that in Cameroon 3 months ago more than 150 people died on a train accident, mostly because the french company Bollore) who built the line used poor material and no quality/safety control. Uranium, precious metal for electronic components, all of this which can only be found in countries in Africa only...etc... History of africa and its past is not hidden...have a look at the countries which are currently at war or on the brink of civil war and their history...

I remember as well a pretty picture of thousands of people on the boats from Europe to Algeria and Morroco during world war 2...just to flee the war...why is this different.

As for the people living on benefits...What do you have to say of  more than 30k UK citizen living in UE on benefits...and I am sure we can find some numbers linked to Thailand as well...


Your figures on UK citizens in the EU and Thailand are most likely correct, in fact add one more, me, but bear in mind I paid tax and NI all my life, in fact I still pay some tax so I am 'entitled' to what I get as 99% of those getting benefits are.

I did not pay those monies to finance someone who is an illegal immigrant and complains he doesn't get enough while using a new I-pod and smoking at the same time.

I donate to charity when I can, but only one, The Salvation Army, not because I'm religious, I'm not, but because 98% donated to them is used where it should be and doesn't enrich the lives of those who run the charity.

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33 minutes ago, overherebc said:


Your figures on UK citizens in the EU and Thailand are most likely correct, in fact add one more, me, but bear in mind I paid tax and NI all my life, in fact I still pay some tax so I am 'entitled' to what I get as 99% of those getting benefits are.

I did not pay those monies to finance someone who is an illegal immigrant and complains he doesn't get enough while using a new I-pod and smoking at the same time.

I donate to charity when I can, but only one, The Salvation Army, not because I'm religious, I'm not, but because 98% donated to them is used where it should be and doesn't enrich the lives of those who run the charity.

...and complains he doesn't get enough while using a new I-pod and smoking at the same time.....


Sorry but this is enough for me to know you do not want to open your eyes. You understand that the benefits you are entitled are not from the money you paid at the time, but from the active people paying tax nowdays in UK, rtight? ironically, the immigration economical balance has always been positive in UE and UK and guess what? a part of your benefits come from the taxes on product bought by those "illegal immigrants"

If you are fed up to see your country "invaded" by immigrants, petition your government to stop meddling in wars which create those migration flux.

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