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Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump - CNN


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Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump - CNN




Donald Trump speaks to the press during an announcement that Trump is investing in the development of luxury properties in the country of Georgia at a press conference in New York March 10, 2011. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Classified documents presented last week to Donald Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising information about the president-elect, CNN reported on Tuesday.


The allegations were in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report presented by U.S. intelligence officials to Trump and President Barack Obama on Russian interference in the 2016 election, CNN said, citing multiple U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings.


The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work U.S. intelligence officials consider credible, CNN said.


(Writing by Eric Beech; Editing by Eric Walsh)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-11
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Classic trade-craft: Honeypot.




And Ms. Conway said that “He has said he is not aware of that.”


And V. Putin will probably disavow this as well, and like most Americans I believe comrade Putin.

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The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.
Sources tell CNN that these same allegations about communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians, mentioned in classified briefings for congressional leaders last year, prompted then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to send a letter to FBI Director Comey in October, in which he wrote, "It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government -- a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States."



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Even more ammo against the illegitimate POTUS-elect. Comrade Donald has been in Putin's front pocket all this time. How much of this type of thing needs to come to light before Congress boots out his con-man butt?


These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia



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7 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even more ammo against the illegitimate POTUS-elect. Comrade Donald has been in Putin's front pocket all this time. How much of this type of thing needs to come to light before Congress boots out his con-man butt?


These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia



Wow. Read that document attached.  This is a big deal.

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How about the FBI requesting warrants to monitor Comrade Donald's campaign team's contacts with Russian officials? Yet another nail in this "Russian Connection"!


"The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials."



FBI chief given dossier by John McCain alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts



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the games haven't begun yet.... it gets thicker ****after**** he takes office.

thank God saving everyone we have ever known as well as rising from The Dead is a very high bar.  or maybe the opposite, as this is supposed to be a milk toast type.... not a New Surrogate wannabee.... with instantaneous and irretrievable nuclear launch authority.


Edited by maewang99
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Of course they have dirt on Trump. There is so much dirt to be had. But, as we know, his supporters did not vote for him due to his character, or his integrity, or his honor, or his ethical behavior. They voted for him as a vote against Clinton, and the DNC, and the culture of political correctness, and weakness. So, little could hurt him at this point. And as we know, the Russians have him exactly where they want him. Maybe they are simply reminding him of who his master is. He is subject of Mother Russia at this point, and will follow their beck and call, regardless of whether or not it represents treason to his own nation. He is their lapdog. Though alot of people consider him tough, he really has no pedigree of toughness. He would probably go down after a gentle slap across the face, in a street fight. He is probably all bluster, and little fight. He is probably a school yard bully type, who would not be prepared for a real battle. That is my guess. Time will tell if he indeed is the charlatan, man child I believe him to be, or a capable leader. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Of course they have dirt on Trump. There is so much dirt to be had. But, as we know, his supporters did not vote for him due to his character, or his integrity, or his honor, or his ethical behavior. They voted for him as a vote against Clinton, and the DNC, and the culture of political correctness, and weakness. So, little could hurt him at this point. And as we know, the Russians have him exactly where they want him. Maybe they are simply reminding him of who his master is. He is subject of Mother Russia at this point, and will follow their beck and call, regardless of whether or not it represents treason to his own nation. He is their lapdog. Though alot of people consider him tough, he really has no pedigree of toughness. He would probably go down after a gentle slap across the face, in a street fight. He is probably all bluster, and little fight. He is probably a school yard bully type, who would not be prepared for a real battle. That is my guess. Time will tell if he indeed is the charlatan, man child I believe him to be, or a capable leader. 

Interesting comment.  I've asked several friends recently why they voted for Trump, and what they think of him now that's he's backed off on many campaign promises.  Their reply...an vindictive tirade against Clinton.  But not saying anything really good about Trump during the rant. LOL 


Luckily, Trump can't do whatever he wants as president.  Many around him are holding him to task, and know as much about this stuff as anybody.  Interesting times coming up.  Sadly...

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There is dirt on every human being on earth!!!!!!  And the media can make whatever they want look worse, of course.  Presidents do drugs, make money by using loopholes, and it's impossible to go through life without an entire closet full of stuff you might worry about if a politician.  Trump will likely not care at all, and his support staff will blame someone else.  Nobody cares about Trump's issues.....they just want some change.  just any change.  good or bad, but something to happen is better than despair. Can you get me a job?  Yes, but I cheated on my taxes 10 years ago.  I don't care, get me the job.  

Edited by puukao
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Unless there is a real 'smoking gun' here this will go nowhere.  Trump has pised off the Intelligence Community and they may be sending him a message to back off. Trump better learn that his power is limited and he is not as smart as he thinks he is. There are huge interests at work in America that have a lot more money than Trump and can cause much mayhem if provoked. In addition, Trump has already pissed off several influential Republican Senators whom he needs to get his agenda passed. Trump needs to stay away from Social Media and keep his mouth shut.

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This really could get interesting. A couple of hours ago a guy from Anonymous, posting on reddit, claimed to have made this stuff up and passed it onto Rick Wilson who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.

Many have run with the story as front page headline like Guardian with all the shocking details (all unverified)….apparently the dossier was passed to the FBI by John McCain who had hired the ex-MI5 bloke. 

One wonders at the red faces if this turns out to be a hoax?

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22 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Other than having sex with a dead youngster what could possibly shock Americans ?


There could be video footage of Trump humping a mummified orangutan corpse and his supporters will still support him.  Their response would be along the lines of "Who hasn't done that?"  And of course, they'll attack the liberal media for even bringing it up.   

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3 minutes ago, retarius said:

This really could get interesting. A couple of hours ago a guy from Anonymous, posting on reddit, claimed to have made this stuff up and passed it onto Rick Wilson who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.

Many have run with the story as front page headline like Guardian with all the shocking details (all unverified)….apparently the dossier was passed to the FBI by John McCain who had hired the ex-MI5 bloke. 

One wonders at the red faces if this turns out to be a hoax?

But of course we all now jump to believe an anonymous person on Reddit. Of course! 


Or perhaps there is an urgent need to cast doubt over the matter? What do you think?

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Just now, oilinki said:

But of course we all now jump to believe an anonymous person on Reddit. Of course! 


Or perhaps there is an urgent need to cast doubt over the matter? What do you think?


There is absolutely no way anyone of us on this forum can know what is true and what is not, so maybe we should hold our fire until more information comes out.

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4 minutes ago, retarius said:


There is absolutely no way anyone of us on this forum can know what is true and what is not, so maybe we should hold our fire until more information comes out.

And that's why each country has their own intelligent agencies, who can provide the real information.


I'll bet Trump is very pissed now.

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21 minutes ago, retarius said:

This really could get interesting. A couple of hours ago a guy from Anonymous, posting on reddit, claimed to have made this stuff up and passed it onto Rick Wilson who swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.

Many have run with the story as front page headline like Guardian with all the shocking details (all unverified)….apparently the dossier was passed to the FBI by John McCain who had hired the ex-MI5 bloke. 

One wonders at the red faces if this turns out to be a hoax?

We heard the same stuff about Russian hackers.  It was an "unofficial" source, not verified, etc, etc, etc.  It all turned out to be true.  I'm sure a few here were red faced over that.


If the top 4 intelligence chiefs are putting their reputation behind this, guaranteed there's some substance.  But yes, it's not all vetted yet.  At least for public consumption.

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