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Video: Another example of Thai driving as cop hit on Zebra Crossing


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27 minutes ago, jimstar1 said:

Come on be Fair the driver was on the Phone smoking a Cigarette its Multi Tasking and you people expect him o watch where he is going It is Thailand Now Rules and why would you worry with the costs of Fines here

Over seas he would be Heavily fined and banned from driving don't you just love Thailand 

In a  bloody taxi yesterday ( trust me a rarity for me) guy had an old Nokia and new Samsung, didnt even know how to get it off lockscreen, spent the whole trip playing with it, turned  round and asked my Wife, all whilst driving.

On the way back the next  one was squinting out the window, clearly his vision wa s poor and he kept  doing an annoying twitch with his  shoulders like  some  sort of  spasm...........and 120kph on many occasions and plenty of (I didnt see you) last second braking manoeuvres




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10 minutes ago, DepDavid said:

I have stopped for young adults waiting to cross to university. There is a multi colored cross walk that has many warning signs. You would think I was wrong for stopping based on the honking and finger throwing at me. Someone will be killed there because of Thainess and their driving "skills. "


I have stopped for red lights to find cars/motocy's behind me honking...nobody stops for those stoplights at that spot, silly me i didnt know that :sick:

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Typical Thai arrogant scumbag driver. Things aint going to change here anytime soon. I took a one day trip to Sakon Nakhon this week distance 250 kilos. Saw three accidents involving cars on the way. During the evening around midnight going back to the Hotel on a relatively quiet main road two motorcyclists lying at the side of the road.  A few cars were stopped probably involved waiting for help. They both looked dead to me. Drink driving is common place amongst Thai people. Most do it. Dog eat dog on the roads.

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I always stop (as per the law) at the yellow grid marks until there is adequate room opposite the grid for my car. This allows cars to turn across my lane. Never fails thais race around me and fill in the gap causing a jam. The lack of driving courtesy here is nothing short of astounding. I have noticed countless times when I have waved a car in front off me or across me to benefit traffic flow and offer general road courtesy and the Thai driver stares motionless in amazement as if in his entire driving history no one has ever offered him such a gesture. And then he sits bewildered on how to proceed. I can also say in 3 years driving here the same courtesy has never once been extended to me.  The FTW mentality of the common driver here is shameful.

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1 hour ago, See Will said:

He should have shot a tire flat and confiscate the car forever as it is used as a weapon, that is how to handle the traffic idiots in Thailand. 


I was hoping the cop would pull out a pistol and shoot the tires! If I were a cop and some <deleted> pulled that move IN A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING I would have been tempted to. Furthermore, it is charming how the cops all engage in hot pursuit on foot, strolling as fast as our 3 year old. I guess their bikes are far away?


Or perhaps the cop or his colleague should have smashed out the rear tail lights with the night stick. That is useful to identify a car and get their attention as well.

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Similar incident happened this morning in front of our local school. Traffic policemen was hit by a car he tried to stop to allow kids across the intersection. The driver got mad at the policemen for slowing him down. Such is Thai driver mentality.

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1 hour ago, fruitman said:

How should he know it's a policeman in that orange raincoat?


I also won't stop if the securityguard (without good uniform) from the cardealer down the road is stopping cars to let customers out..


They just jump on the road without looking and want all to stop, they just have to wait for their turn.

With this statement you show exactly the mindset of most Thai drivers.

My compliments!


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37 minutes ago, csabo said:

I always stop (as per the law) at the yellow grid marks until there is adequate room opposite the grid for my car. This allows cars to turn across my lane. Never fails thais race around me and fill in the gap causing a jam. The lack of driving courtesy here is nothing short of astounding. I have noticed countless times when I have waved a car in front off me or across me to benefit traffic flow and offer general road courtesy and the Thai driver stares motionless in amazement as if in his entire driving history no one has ever offered him such a gesture. And then he sits bewildered on how to proceed. I can also say in 3 years driving here the same courtesy has never once been extended to me.  The FTW mentality of the common driver here is shameful.

Only the drivers?

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1 hour ago, fruitman said:

How should he know it's a policeman in that orange raincoat?


I also won't stop if the securityguard (without good uniform) from the cardealer down the road is stopping cars to let customers out..


They just jump on the road without looking and want all to stop, they just have to wait for their turn.


Todays 'Thainess' post brought to you by...

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"these animals are forced to cross the crocodile-infested Mara River. "


Darwin forcing these animals to cross there?  NO.  Only a 2 million years of survival dictate that is the best place to cross. A few zebras feed the crocs, the rest cross easily.  The gene pool lives on.


And on the topic of police, crossings and Thai car drivers i'd say that in daily life the ordinary thai male feels pretty powerless, so once in the mighty steed, on they power with 100s of horses under their command, driving to victory.  Childish to be sure.

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Todays 'Thainess' post brought to you by...


By me! Okay you tell us what official persons who allowed to stop traffic look like....so since today it's an orange raincoat? I have a yellow one, does that also count?


Last week i drove on a big bridge and some guy had parked his motocy on top of it at the side...he waved at cars so they stopped. When i also almost stopped he pointed at an accident which had happened on the other bridge 10 meters away...He almost caused accidents by stopping cars for that. Why would we have to stop for an accident on another bridge?? And who's him to stop us?


Also many markets and roadrestaurants have a guy stopping traffic so their customers can come out in reverse...They should buy a real parkinglot, this is very dangerous and us bangkokians won't stop for that nonsense.

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3 minutes ago, fruitman said:


By me! Okay you tell us what official persons who allowed to stop traffic look like....so since today it's an orange raincoat? I have a yellow one, does that also count?


Last week i drove on a big bridge and some guy had parked his motocy on top of it at the side...he waved at cars so they stopped. When i also almost stopped he pointed at an accident which had happened on the other bridge 10 meters away...He almost caused accidents by stopping cars for that. Why would we have to stop for an accident on another bridge?? And who's him to stop us?


Also many markets and roadrestaurants have a guy stopping traffic so their customers can come out in reverse...They should buy a real parkinglot, this is very dangerous and us bangkokians won't stop for that nonsense.


What on earth are you banging on about? With regard to the OP, anyone who looks at the VIDEO IN QUESTION and thinks that's not a cop probably needs their eyes tested.

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3 hours ago, trogers said:

Now we know why drivers like to hide behind dark tinted glass films. Time to enforce this law seriously.

In Australia tinted windscreens and front side windows are illegal. Many times drivers rely on some signal coming from the driver of another car to alter their driving so as to avoid an accident.

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As Thailand is well known for copying everything. Maybe they should start copying the traffic laws and law enforcement of some western countries.


e.g. Swiss... OMG that would cost this reckless driver so much. Or Germany... 1 year without driving licence, a very high fee, maybe a jail term but for sure an MPU (idiot test)

Checking his responsibility to drive and handle a car.


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3 hours ago, trogers said:

Now we know why drivers like to hide behind dark tinted glass films. Time to enforce this law seriously.

But is there a Thai statute on window tints? I heard that mirror tints and darkened visosrs on motorbike helmets were illegal but not sure if it goes much beyond that.

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1 hour ago, boooker said:

I see such happend everyday at the Kindergarten once I step with our 4 year kid on the zebra.You just cannot cross it without constandly being threaten by oncoming Vehicle.

One of these Idiots had push his bumper to a Mother with child crossing the zebra to get into the kindergarten...he actually really roll forward to her knee.

Everyday that happend scarry zebra walk.

It is a simple character and educational +lawenforcement issue...you just cant control this mass of uncontrolled vehicles driver to many characters behind the wheel.

You nailed it with a realistic post... Education + law enforcement is the answer, like many things in Thailand.  I'd be encouraging the PM to make driving licenses and traffic rule enforcement a priority; overhaul the testing system, issue L plates, more ... better paid traffic police.  I hope they are able to catch that red plate idiot.   Thanks to the driver who turned in the video record.

Maybe the PM could also work in better road markings, signage, get that tinted film off the windscreens and forward side windows...

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:

What on earth are you banging on about? With regard to the OP, anyone who looks at the VIDEO IN QUESTION and thinks that's not a cop probably needs their eyes tested.


He doesn't look like a cop AT ALL...he should also give clear handsigns or show a trafficsign to the cars to stop.


He doesn't even have the text POLICE on his coat. And since when is the police wearing orange?


Also a zebra means nothing at all in BKK, nobody stops for them so since when do we have to stop at a zebra?? 



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2 minutes ago, sabaii69 said:

Best idea is to take the keys and handcuff the driver to the steering wheel. Make him sit in his car for a few hours; then give the driver a nice fine.


With the subject video playing on a big screen behind him...

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As long all the participants in traffic are not fined that it hurts them horrible: nothing change!!!!!!!!!!

Confiscate car, motorbikes and charge thousands of bath: if they not pay just keep the cars and bikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes that includes all farangs as well as i see more and more beeing as rude as thais instead beeing a role model!!!!

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Because of car drivers like this hundreds of motorbike drivers die every week in thailand. They drive recklessly in their new cars ignoring motorbikes and pedestrians. When they hit a motorbike the car driver survives and the motorbike driver dies.

The death is then blamed on the motorbike driver not wearing a helmet and the cops set up checkpoints to check motorbike drivers helmets while letting cars pass without check..

The statistics make it seem like the motorbikes are the problem but its the reckless car, van, truck and bus drivers that are the problem, they feel invincible and drive recklessly, and when shit hits the fan its the motorbike driver that pays.


When im out driving i rarely feel afraid of the other motorbikes, it happens but its rare. But pretty much every other day some car or bigger vehicle does something reckless that scares me.

Edited by hobz
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