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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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There is nothing to get angry about dual-pricing, instead what we foreigners should do is to react to it in a subtle manner ie avoid all places that practice dual-pricing and inform all your relatives and friends and also your media back home to ask people to avoid these places. Lobby your politicans back home to also put into place dual pricings policies only for thai people visiting there and also to lobby your governmenta nd media to stop assiting thailand in any way be it investments etc as they the thais practice dual -pricing and racism. Avoid all thai products back home and urge others and the media back home to support these moves. Never impart know=how or knowledge to thais and when there is such a need , practice dual pricings. Lobby all the pharmaceutical companies to sue companies in Thailadn making generic medicine and whn selling selling such medicine to thailand, sell it at very high exorbitant prices. etc etc

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5 minutes ago, sinbin said:

No we haven't. The thread was cut short by a moderator.


Quite right, gross generalisations and racist comments about Thais are against the rules.  You should be ashamed of yourself considering you have a Thai wife and family.


So you had to open your wallet and pay the falang price to enter a national park ...but maybe it's time to dry your eyes & redo your make up?

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2 minutes ago, maxpower said:

Thai in Ferrari pay 50B / Foreigner on motorbike pay 100B = Racist scam .... Period

Had the same experience in Agra, India. In the car-park to the Taj Mahal it was full of high prestige cars owned by Indians far wealthier than me. It didn't matter a toss as I was still expected to pay more than them for admittance.

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7 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

It doesn't make sense to them. Their owners, the country's leaders created this system to make more money and the sheeps simply follow because they are unable to think for themselves. 


I disagree totally.


Any local anywhere soon learns how to charge for goods or services.

If their price is too low they soon learn by seeing what the market is asking.

If they gouge too much, sales drop off.

They don't need to follow a leader in the way you mean.

They follow the lead of their fellow price gougers!


1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

Normally dual pricing doesn't bother me very much, but recently I went for a haircut, there is no price list so I assumed the usual price of 200 baht was in effect. When I was just about finished the woman asked her boss or coworker 200 or 250 Baht for farang?  I said I always pay 200baht, she said that she had raised the price for the new year, not knowing that I could understand their conversation. I will vote with my wallet as I usually do, they have seen the last of me.



Mine tried that: she doesn't have dual pricing but went for the big increase ( 200 to 300) because business was so slow. Lasted 10 days as her business went from slow to glacial. Now back at 200: loss of face but she might survive.


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17 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Lobby all you like but don't expect support, for one I am happy to pay more to enter tourist attractions, it helps keep the cost down for local people who are on average much less wealthy than me.  Your reaction is ludicrous, you wish to increase the price of medicine for Thai people because you are charged more for a tourist attraction, that is completely irrational selfishness.


Unfortunately, your premium payment does not support the poor. Shall we go back to Japan now ? 

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1 minute ago, laislica said:




Any local anywhere soon learns how to charge for goods or services.

If their price is too low they soon learn by seeing what the market is asking.


That is rubbish. When Thais start to lose money, instead of winning over new customers, they just increase their prices to off-set their loses. As shown in Pattaya (example) during the western banking crisis in 2006ish..

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Never had a problem with dual prices outside of the scumbag areas areas of BKK, Pattaya and pu-ket?. as in the rest of the country they want the trade and know they will loose it if they over charge. My wife who is Thai came up with a way of beating them anyway when shopping and she wants to buy something, the code word of walkon is delivered and she does the buying while I walk up the road. saved loads that has.


She recently said she was ashamed of her country now as its very racist among other comments one really shocked me.


I quote

The lights are going out fast here in Thailand with the tourists and locals who do live abroad, lets not visit again.


sad but true and that is why we said good bye to a country we both loved even though it is the most racialist country in the world as far as the ATM & scams goes

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1 minute ago, sinbin said:
8 minutes ago, laislica said:




Any local anywhere soon learns how to charge for goods or services.

If their price is too low they soon learn by seeing what the market is asking.


That is rubbish. When Thais start to lose money, instead of winning over new customers, they just increase their prices to off-set their loses. As shown in Pattaya (example) during the western banking crisis in 2006ish..



Behave yourself or go in the Sinbin LOL

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

I buy a LOT from Banggood.com so i get everything for a cheaper price than the Thai vendors....i love that. And they even bring it to my house for free, give excellent service and give me birthdaypresents.



Thanks for the link :)

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2 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Never had a problem with dual prices outside of the scumbag areas areas of BKK, Pattaya and pu-ket?. as in the rest of the country they want the trade and know they will loose it if they over charge. My wife who is Thai came up with a way of beating them anyway when shopping and she wants to buy something, the code word of walkon is delivered and she does the buying while I walk up the road. saved loads that has.


She recently said she was ashamed of her country now as its very racist among other comments one really shocked me.


I quote

The lights are going out fast here in Thailand with the tourists and locals who do live abroad, lets not visit again.


sad but true and that is why we said good bye to a country we both loved even though it is the most racialist country in the world as far as the ATM & scams goes


I agree totally and my wife also makes similar comments.

We live half time in Thailand and the rest in Spain but recently we are talking about  not visiting Thailand for a while.

It is a shame but it's more than the wallet reacting.

Personal safety (muggings and the like), road deaths etc, not to mention the murder of her 19 year old son a couple of years ago in one of the accepted College Gang fights.


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32 minutes ago, sinbin said:

Generalisation  and racist comments about Thais is against TV rules when it clearly is trueful? This is what Thai schools teach the children.




555 ..you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now, I wonder why you didn't show the whole image or why you didn't link to any articles covering the story?  Otherwise people might learn that many Thais were not happy with the graphic either.


You are trying to paint a picture where this is taught in all Thai schools are part of the national curriculum while in reality:


It was created by a Facebook page “Ideas and teaching materials for English lessons.” The page is no longer available.


Or as one Thai commented...which was liked by dozens of Thais:

Read the text below, it means written by one person. So it's just bad idia from one person. Thais also disagree!




It's not the most sensitive thing in the world, but neither does it mention race, it's talking about differences ..unless your saying non-whites cannot be ugly?




Nice try, but no cigar.

Edited by onthesoi
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13 minutes ago, maxpower said:


Unfortunately, your premium payment does not support the poor. Shall we go back to Japan now ? 


Its only you who is avoiding the Japanese question, we are waiting, is it racist to offer foreigners a discount or not?

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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:


 When I pay to enter a national park it goes to the national park and enables them to run the park without increasing fees for Thais, that is directly subsidising the poor.

Go back to your own country and tell me the same rules apply there.Can you imagine the flak that would be thrown up if the UK applied the same rules as Thailand?

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1 hour ago, bokningar said:

As long as you are happy, but I can't find 1 price there that I cant fine a cheaper option on ebay or even Lazada, when they have smilar stuff.



There is some interesting stuff there ( in addition to the DIY tattoo machine and the portable vortex, the latter rather disappointingly turns out to be a blender on closer reading) and quite cheap at first glance.

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1 minute ago, sinbin said:

Go back to your own country and tell me the same rules apply there.Can you imagine the flak that would be thrown up if the UK applied the same rules as Thailand?


Is there flak in Switzerland, are there tourists demanding not to pay less for their train ticket because they think it is racist to be given a foreigner discount?

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sinbin said:

Go back to your own country and tell me the same rules apply there.Can you imagine the flak that would be thrown up if the UK applied the same rules as Thailand?


OAP's get free local travel?

A bus pass, that sorta thing?

I haven't been back to the UK since 2010 so things may have changed so do tell.


I recently took the train from somewhere deep in Changwat Samut Sakhon to Samut Songkran.

Price for the 3 locals in our party - Free.

Two Farang 10baht each....


Edited by laislica
@sinbin the poct didn't include his quote
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12 minutes ago, sinbin said:

 It clearly shows that the Negro/Afro man is ugly. It doesn't show an ugly farang and say this man is also ugly. The emphasis is on the coloured person. Clearly racist.


555 ...one silly Facebook image doesn't prove all Thais are racist nor does it substantiate your claim that Thais are taught to be racist as part of the national curriculum in schools.


What is funny is your constant negative emphasis on Thais....yet you fail to see your own racism which is much more explicit than this silly facebook image.


Once again the graphic says nothing about race, the heading(which  you tried to hide) is about difference, the fact they used a dark skinned gent could well be coincidence.

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