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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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11 hours ago, laislica said:

Hope I'm not going too far off topic but....


UK Civilised? What?

They turned down a visa for my Thai wife to spend a three week holiday with me!

The UK will not let my Thai wife live with me in the uk unless she passes English verbal, reading and writing tests and a knowledge test that many born and bred English would fail. I also have to prove that I have at least 18k/annum.

Should I mention the cost of taking the test?
then there's the special books and courses to attend to achieve a pass. She's an old lady, doesn't work so what's that all about?

Yes, Nanny state UK does not generally allow double pricing but the new charges for foreigners to use the UK's NHS seem a bit dodgy?




Racism v Price Gouging

The problem is simple take the cash anyway you can and they do try it on with their own but farangs get the biggest rip off and the government here encourages it


onemorechang Said

This is Racism
    Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:


thank you onemorechang excellent reply




Yes that law does now exist 18k income having to pass tests and it was needed due to the amount of people trying to move to the UK for a better life and the numbers far outweigh here hence Brexit

My wife did it with no problem. She did it once and does not have to pay again or visit a border for the rest of her life or do 90 days report it cost us about 1k all in and she gets free healthcare for life and a pension when she retires

A Thai friend did it just before the new law and used forged papers and got it

Now that scammer has cost me a year of my life and close to £100.000 you will read about that soon


NHS Tourists where arriving in UK simple to get free medical care hence that law change

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3 minutes ago, poohy said:

Yep 100%


Mrs Poohy shops alone and certainly dressed down if i am there or she looks wealthy prices go up.( NB i mean where prices can  be variable i am allowed into Macro or Tesco)


But one thing has stuck with me  what she said many years ago......................... Thais dont trust Thais!

I think we should always remember this


Yeah, because some nationalities just instinctively trust everyone who shares their nationality, right?  What is it with people who imagine that Thai's will be so different from people in their own country?  Racism?

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12 hours ago, wakeupplease said:


I will do BKK as I do not want to waste TV server storage


I stood by my wife who is Thai who wanted a suitcase to put the extras in we bought to take home Price 4000B

She went back later same shop same guy same suitcase she bought it 1325B


Tshirts for me BKK at Phatunam? 300b wife said no and went on her own 100B


big shopping center next door they sell a lot of ladies clothes, wife who is Thai told me to sod off as prices where double with me around


Computer place next door UFO or Drone 4500 to me 1500 to her after she saved loads buying cloths next door

Ps dam thing flew off on its own when i fired it up, never to be seen again, but that is the fault of the Chinese or me not sure


Lottery Ticket 200b, Must have been thinking I was buying a UK Ticket


One 4 hour afternoon on my last visit to thailand, but will visit nice people next door as they do not Price Fix, 0ne price for all and say thank you come again


so many more but TV server space will end up full if I go on


To end


What Is A Scumbag Place to me?


Well anywhere that Corruption, Dual Pricing, Murder, Deception, Lies and Scams occur every day all day


London in its hey day was never this bad and boy it was bad way back and those guys knew how to fight


Love the Country and very sad to see the lights starting to go out

Times Up Thailand

There is a lot in what you say, but I still say that the good outweighs the bad here.

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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:

Yeah, because some nationalities just instinctively trust everyone who shares their nationality, right?  What is it with people who imagine that Thai's will be so different from people in their own country?  Racism?

Oi Listen!!!! 


She's Thai ....she said it 

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17 hours ago, fruitman said:

I buy a LOT from Banggood.com so i get everything for a cheaper price than the Thai vendors....i love that. And they even bring it to my house for free, give excellent service and give me birthdaypresents.



Thanks fruitman for the tip. I've used Lazada with success. I find the retail shops web sites not appealing and always a shipping charge.

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5 hours ago, digibum said:


Why just Thais?  Do you really think that Thailand is the only country that makes things cheaper for locals?  I mean, I just gave you three specific examples of where we do it in the US . . . to other Americans as well as foreigners.  


What seems to get you crying like a school girl with a skinned knee is that they actually post the price difference.  They say, "Hey, Thais pay X baht.  Foreigners Y baht."  But the end result isn't any different if I go to a restaurant and at the end of my meal they ask me if I'm a local and i show them my drivers license and get a 25% discount.  


You are living in a fantasy world if you don't think this isn't happening all over the world.  



You missed the point on this one Marketing is not your strong point so I will explain and its not Racialism

Locals have been so many times they don't bother now as its boring to them


Disney need customers so to try and get them back they reduce prices but it hardly ever works may get a few


Plus its well advertised unlike thailand


I suggest you try this


Stand behind a thai and buy a lottery ticket

then you buy one at double the price for the same chance to win

you will like that I feel sure

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6 hours ago, MRDave said:

I no longer mind the duel pricing which is out of my control, because I get it back by no longer tipping which is in my control. I used to drive a taxi in the UK and when I picked up a Thai I charged her the normal price. She never tipped me so now I don't tip Thais.

How did you know anyone was actually a Thai unless they told you, people look alike in different South East Asia countries. ie, if I showed you a picture of one girl from each SEA country, would you be able to pick out the Thai?

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5 hours ago, digibum said:


Tell me how it's racism when it's based strictly on nationality?  


Actually, if you want to point a racist finger, point it at yourself because you only seem to be able to see the world through your own race.  What about all of the Chinese (Asians) who visit Thailand and pay the foreigner rate?  What about the Japanese (Asians) who pay the foreigner rate?  What about the Koreans (Asians) who pay the foreigner rate?  


Thai is not a race.  Thai is an ethnicity. 



I don't look at any of your posts, as I move away from them immediately. I find your avatar very repulsive, but each to his own.

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Shopping at Tesco (or substitute a similar company's name) guarantees not only that you'll be paying the same price as everyone else but that most of the profit from your purchase will go to shareholders in far away countries where dual pricing is unthinkable!

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


There are no losers until the wall is up and not functioning as promised, obviously. 


You might care to ask yourself how a wall is going to stop people any better than the current fenced sections which are all regularly breached by people with ladders, shovels and cutting equipment.  You might also ask yourself if the best way to spend your taxes is on a wall or on jobs, boots on the ground will always be a bigger deterrent than a physical barrier and taxes wasted on a wall means less taxes available for security jobs.  You should also ask yourself how a wall is going to stop the flow of drugs, 95% of which arrive by boat.  The answer is clear, the wall will not help in any other way than having helped get him elected. 


72% of Americans in border towns do not want to see the wall built, the people who do live far away and are ignorant of the issues and were sold this plan from an employer of illegal Mexican immigrants, I mean how gullible can you actually get!


So you are a sore loser,   then.  :thumbsup:


Edited by onemorechang
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15 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


 When I pay to enter a national park it goes to the national park and enables them to run the park without increasing fees for Thais, that is directly subsidising the poor.

The  poor  Mercedes drivers or the Poor  who turn up on foot or on a bicycle as Im sure these  poor  people really want to visit a national park rather than eat

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20 minutes ago, poohy said:

Oi Listen!!!! 


She's Thai ....she said it 


I got that, what amused me is that this seemed to come as a surprise to you, like you previously assumed Thai's would all trust every Thai, do you trust everyone from your country?

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We "loaded" foreigners can afford the 500 baht fee, when we once in a while visit Grand Palace and similar attractions – in all other cases in doubt, ask for the price first, and if you fint it too expensive for what you expect or get, just don't buy it – in most places it's not a big problems, or problem at all, as more-and-more chain-stores pops-up, and everybody, including Thais, pays the price on the pricetag. I happily pay farang-fee at Grand Palace and like, so they can be maintained in a proper condition, and Thais with little money only can visit their historical and sacred places...:smile:

And by the way, Thais are sometimes also overpriced by taxi-drivers or tuk-tuks...:whistling:

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30 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


So dangerous the border run!  What?

You don't read the news then? People have been killed travelling to the border to get passports stamped. Does dangerous mini van drivers not ring a bell?

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4 minutes ago, kannot said:

The  poor  Mercedes drivers or the Poor  who turn up on foot or on a bicycle as Im sure these  poor  people really want to visit a national park rather than eat


How shameful to assume that people who do not have a lot of money do not want the chance to visit national parks, like a day out is only something for the privileged.  By the way, there are school trips to national parks, every child goes regardless of their parents economic situation.

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10 hours ago, JesseHumphry said:

Alright, so firstly your entire message adds up to less than 300B of 'storage'. It's actually logged as an SQL entry to be called when the page is viewed. Don't present pseudo-knowledge as a mask for laziness, you just look bad.

Secondly, I'd like to know where the people experiencing the dual-pricing are living? I'm considering moving to Thailand, Chiang Mai specifically. A lot of people seem to be hovering around the Bangkok and Pattaya regions, curious to see if other people have experienced this in areas significantly further away than the capital. Chiang Mai is pretty tourist-y but from what I've read on it, it seems to be a different beast entirely. 

Absolutely correct. I have lived in CM for > 8 years with my Thai partner and in my own house for > 6 years - yes you can OWN a house in Thailand, but not the land - it's called a usufruct and is annotated on the title deed - off-topic - sorry! But my point is local tradesmen and engineers who have done extensive work in and around my house have never, ever over-charged or dual-priced me, nor have local noodle shops, restaurants, cafes or bars -  same price for everyone. Seems to be a phenomena peculiar to the likes of BKK, Pattaya and Phuket. National Parks used to accept a Thai driving licence for local rates but no longer - but as others have stated a pink ID card MIGHT do the trick - 
I must get one - I need a yellow book 1st  - yet to get one of these too!  As a final note if you can show you're over 65 or even 60, in some cases, parks, gardens, museums, galleries and zoos will let you in much cheaper - Queen Sirikit Botanical Gardens, CM Zoo, CM National Museum and some National Parks for example do do this. 

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Just now, possum1931 said:

You don't read the news then? People have been killed travelling to the border to get passports stamped. Does dangerous mini van drivers not ring a bell?


Yes, car accidents happen.  Must dash, I have to do the dangerous run to get the milk from the 7-11.

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10 minutes ago, onemorechang said:


So you are a sore loser,   then.  :thumbsup:



He hasn't built the wall yet, once he has and it changes nothing except for costing you money, you will be the sore loser.  I, not being an American, am a casual observer of others utter stupidity.

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18 hours ago, SneekyPete said:

And ain't it funny that the ones with the authority to make such changes are rarely, if ever, in the firing line of an angry farang,

This ones in authority comment holds pretty well true for Thai's as well. Anger here gets you nowhere fast. No sense confronting people that are non confrontational. 

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43 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

A sterling example of Thai racist logic and complete lack of understanding of simple economics.


You seem rather insistent on demonstrating that you don't know the meaning of the word racist.  


A Thai cop thinking that someone from an economic region that is perceived to be wealthy and then making ignorant and incorrect assumptions about how wealthy people from that region are, is not racist.  It may be uninformed.  It may be ignorant.  It may be simplistic.  But it is not racist.  


It's no more racist than someone thinking that someone from Germany has done 100mph on the autobahn.  It's a random assumption based on limited knowledge.  


Now, if the cop had said, "I hate you filthy white trash," that would be racist.  To say that the USD trades at 35:1 to the dollar so Americans must be 35x more wealthy than Thais is as simply a poor understanding of economics.  


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17 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Its just hearsay, if you have ever been to a tourist attraction where there are Chinese tourists you would know that their claim is entirely false, my wife is often asked to prove she is Thai despite obviously speaking Thai as she is Thai, but she probably does look more like an Indian than most Thai's.

In my experience not all attractions or parks ask for any proof. My Lao partner has always, without exception paid the local price. Hell even a friend of mine from Malaysia, who doesn't speak a word of Thai got in at the local price.

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18 hours ago, ezflip said:

Anyone who says that foreigner should pay more since they have more money is basically saying that it is ok to scam people.


Since when is it ever ok to scam people? Be it 10 baht or 100 baht or 1000baht... a scam is a scam.


Better to walk away and give your business to honest people.

By the Thai way of thinking (not a common occurrence), they should also be overcharging the over-rich Thais. So why aren't they?

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2 minutes ago, digibum said:


You seem rather insistent on demonstrating that you don't know the meaning of the word racist.  


A Thai cop thinking that someone from an economic region that is perceived to be wealthy and then making ignorant and incorrect assumptions about how wealthy people from that region are, is not racist.  It may be uninformed.  It may be ignorant.  It may be simplistic.  But it is not racist.  


It's no more racist than someone thinking that someone from Germany has done 100mph on the autobahn.  It's a random assumption based on limited knowledge.  


Now, if the cop had said, "I hate you filthy white trash," that would be racist.  To say that the USD trades at 35:1 to the dollar so Americans must be 35x more wealthy than Thais is as simply a poor understanding of economics.  


The way dual pricing at some venues is applied IS racist, as those venues are letting people in for the local price purely by the way they look.

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36 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I don't look at any of your posts, as I move away from them immediately. I find your avatar very repulsive, but each to his own.


Shame.  You might learn something.  


Then again, some bask in ignorance.  To each his own.  

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