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Responding to a comment about Thailand being a male dominated country...


2 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Another reason many of us live here


So, you feel the need to live someplace where one gender can "dominate" over the other?  You must feel so threatened by those poor subjugated women that you need to be someplace where they can be dominated.


You can't envision a life where men and women can co-exist as equals together?


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1 hour ago, tropo said:

Part of the problem the OP is having is probably payback because a lot of older retirees living in Thailand cop a lot of flak from Western women about marrying a young Asian lady.


When I visited Australia with my young Asian wife you could see the older Australian women talking negatively about us everywhere we went and often giving us evil glances. Even in Pattaya we can see the older female tourists talking about us negatively. It doesn't help that my nearly 29-year-old wife still looks 18.


Also from the OP and other contributors theres a strong sense that a westerm male / asian female marriage is somehow inferior.. I could go back and quote the statements, ranging from nothing to talk about, to only in it for the money, to the puzzling 'terrible sex lives' but they are there to be seen. 


I posted earlier in the thread how this summer with a single western female friend I used to know decades ago the option to cheat was clearly laid out.. I strongly doubt that if she knew I was married to a westerner that offer would have been as obviously made.. There really was a sense of 'well your married, but.. you know.. its only a Thai wife'.. this despite my wife being approximately my own age, me low end of 40, etc etc.. 


When you have an asian wife you just have to deal with that from non asian women it seems. 

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

When I visited Australia with my young Asian wife you could see the older Australian women talking negatively about us everywhere we went and often giving us evil glances. Even in Pattaya we can see the older female tourists talking about us negatively. It doesn't help that my nearly 29-year-old wife still looks 18.


Indeed - why care what complete strangers think. I always ask them ' What are you staring at ?' Envy is what they are displaying - as you are happy and they seemingly are not. A loud "Moo"  not out of place either.

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I would never have a gf/wife that got jealous because I talked with other women, and certainly I would not be told who I can speak with or meet. 

Any man who allows that BS deserves the pussywhipped life he has. 


edit: By the way, the Google photos of "Beautiful women over 55" just showcases what I mean. You look at them and think, "Yeah, 25 or 30 years ago they must have been stunners," but time does its thing, and they just look like grannies to me. Zero sex appeal. 

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17 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

Any man who allows that BS deserves the pussywhipped life he has. 


34 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

 A loud "Moo"  not out of place either.


Wow!  This thread is really pulling all of ThaiVisa's resident gender-equity experts out of the closet.... :ph34r:


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Oh contraire, it works both ways; if a man is jealous of his gf/wife talking to other men then he's a jackass. Same if he controls who she meets and speaks with. Total loser, and you see a lot of them around these parts. 


And same for "Beautiful men over 55" pretty much no such thing. Men might look more chiseled or grizzled, but not more handsome.  

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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I find it interesting how many people are confident they know exactly what any western woman they happen to see is thinking. Mind readers? Or just projecting?

Manginas, are true to form as an observation, Sir.

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This has been a very entertaining thread, probably the wheels will be coming off soon (the sensitive liberals have discovered the thread) but at least we got this far. I got to wondering how this thread would go in some parallel universe where Thailand was a place with a high percentage of feminist expats and there was just a handful of men on the forum. I imagine the women would have a higher opinion of the Thai ladies. But oh, I can see the full venom of the feminazis, writing in full cap red letters and calling for extermination.

Perhaps it feels that way here for the female posters here, I hope not. I really do think that there are some very interesting female expats here, and I do enjoy their input on the forum. Trust me guys the hardcore harpies you all remember from your past lives are not posting here.

Anyhow keep up the good fight ladies, we don't want this to be a total sausage fest

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Mangina....had to look that one up!  A whipping boy for a very feminist wife/under the thumb/likes being dominated et al.  Fortunately that doesn't apply to me. But I do know some in that catergory....poor souls

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57 minutes ago, canthai55 said:


Indeed - why care what complete strangers think. I always ask them ' What are you staring at ?' Envy is what they are displaying - as you are happy and they seemingly are not. A loud "Moo"  not out of place either.


I mentioned it as something that happens when travelling in farangland. I don't care about it one bit.


We all know why they react this way. There is no incentive for us older expats to be friendly to Western females who look down on us. Perhaps the OP doesn't have this negative impression (unlikely as that may be). It's just too bad - she's going to be labelled anyway, just as we are when we travel to farangland.


I'd say the main problem with the OP is she is far too sensitive and making a big deal about nothing.

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2 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

 Trust me guys the hardcore harpies you all remember from your past lives are not posting here.


And therein lies what I suspect is the main problem with a lot of the anti-farang-female male posters here.


They're carrying with them their past bad baggage from prior chapters of their lives, and then projecting that negativity onto members of the farang female expat community here, which is ill-will they had no part of and certainly don't deserve.


Well, guess what guys? You're the ones who picked those -- to repeat Canuckamuck's offensive term above -- "hardcore harpies" to become part of your personal lives, so how about owning up and taking responsibility for your own past bad decisions, and not going around blaming others who had nothing to do with it.


Or, maybe some guys had bad experiences with divorce and child care settlements in their home countries, and thus have a chip on their shoulders for farang women? Well, once again, who made the decisions to enter into marriage and have children with those women?  And who passed the laws in your home countries setting out divorce and child care provisions? Male-dominated legislative bodies did, more than likely.


So, to be fair, let's stop stereotyping entire segments of society here based on people's past life experiences with other people/women in other countries. Give a try to treating and judging people as the individuals they are, and not presuming to label/smear an entire segment of our community whose members, for the most part, you probably don't know and have fairly little direct experience with.


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5 minutes ago, CMKiwi said:

Magina....had to look that one up!  A whipping boy for a very feminist wife/under the thumb/likes being dominated et al.  Fortunately that doesn't apply to me. But I do know some in that catergory....poor souls

Didn't think it would ever apply to you, and "Jake the Mus" is  the other extreme  not portrayed.

Would be good to meet this February on our next visit, on the proviso no whoring allowed.

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8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


And therein lies what I suspect is the main problem with a lot of the anti-farang-female male posters here.


They're carrying with them their past bad baggage from prior chapters of their lives, and then projecting that negativity onto members of the farang female expat community here, which is ill-will they had no part of and certainly don't deserve.


Well, guess what guys? You're the ones who picked those -- to repeat Canuckamuck's offensive term above -- "hardcore harpies" to become part of your personal lives, so how about owning up and taking responsibility for your own past bad decisions, and not going around blaming others who had nothing to do with it.


Or, maybe some guys had bad experiences with divorce and child care settlements in their home countries, and thus have a chip on their shoulders for farang women? Well, once again, who made the decisions to enter into marriage and have children with those women?  And who passed the laws in your home countries setting out divorce and child care provisions? Male-dominated legislative bodies did, more than likely.


So, to be fair, let's stop stereotyping entire segments of society here based on people's past life experiences with other people/women in other countries. Give a try to treating and judging people as the individuals they are, and not presuming to label/smear an entire segment of our community whose members, for the most part, you probably don't know and have fairly little direct experience with.




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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


That's easy. Your friend is the misogynist.


OK "smarty pants" how did you work that one out?


Still not sure if we have worked out the OP's dilemma, but sure beats discussing burgers, pizza and the latest discounts at HomePro.

It has even dragged me out of the "Ladies" section. That is the section where you guys don't have access! Sorry couldn't resist that one .!

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2 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


What a shame for you. I can't imagine disliking women so much I couldn't be bothered to talk to them.

You're the one projection the "dislike" factor.  It was not afaik mentioned by the person you were quoting.  You're responding to the post as you want it to have been :)   Me?  I can't be bothered to talk to lots of people, men and women, if there is nothing in common between us. I don't like or dislike them, and I'd hold the door open for them if in that situation.  Life really is very easy :)

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1 minute ago, CMKiwi said:

Paul, my whoring days are well over.  Have a great GF and no requirement to stray/wander etc.  Oh and she is Thai too..... over 4 years in this relationship. Cant complain. May see you next month then....

What an egg you are, sexual gratification wasn't on the books as you well know.

Intellectually  whoring being the subject matter is the agenda. I cannot whore myself on a visa exhemption as it doesn't bestow a work permit, yet I am able extend formal or informal dining for yourself and partner.

Will give a PM to finalise.

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OK, Amykat, Buddhalady, the OP and I need to draw up a roster, so we can cover this thread 24/7 to keep it under control.  Meanwhile, we'll invite TallGuyJohn who came up from BKK to join our team as someone who can write from our perspective. 


Amykat's been deflecting more than her share of bullcr@p on this thread.    I spent Sunday working on CEC stuff, today at CM Immigration and tomorrow I'll be helping someone at Suan Dok hospital.  Hard to chime in when I'm typing on a Smartphone.  I'll do what I can this evening.

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5 minutes ago, NancyL said:

OK, Amykat, Buddhalady, the OP and I need to draw up a roster, so we can cover this thread 24/7 to keep it under control.  Meanwhile, we'll invite TallGuyJohn who came up from BKK to join our team as someone who can write from our perspective. 


Amykat's been deflecting more than her share of bullcr@p on this thread.    I spent Sunday working on CEC stuff, today at CM Immigration and tomorrow I'll be helping someone at Suan Dok hospital.  Hard to chime in when I'm typing on a Smartphone.  I'll do what I can this evening.


If there's going to be any value here (not that everyone participating expects any value to result), it's going to be because men and women here can somehow manage to talk WITH each other vs. talking AT or DOWN to others.


There are a lot of seemingly hard-core anti-female posters here, illustrating one of the points made by the OP.  But as yet, not ONE of them has managed to answer or respond to my call for all of us to treat and judge each other as individuals, and stop trying to unfairly paint people and segments with the broad brush of their own personal history.

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