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Trump adviser had five calls with Russian envoy on day of sanctions - sources


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Trump adviser had five calls with Russian envoy on day of sanctions - sources

By Jonathan Landay and Arshad Mohammed


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Former Defense Intelligence Agency Director retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, incoming White House national security adviser, speaks at the U.S. Institute of Peace "2017 Passing the Baton" conference in Washington, U.S., January 10, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Flynn, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for national security adviser, held five phone calls with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the United States retaliated for Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election, three sources familiar with the matter said.

The calls occurred between the time the Russian embassy was told about U.S. sanctions and the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that he had decided against reprisals, said the sources. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing internal U.S. government deliberations about the issue.

The calls raised fresh questions among some U.S. officials about contacts between Trump's advisers and Russian officials at a time when U.S. intelligence agencies contend that Moscow waged a multifaceted campaign of hacking and other actions to boost Republican Trump's election chances against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

On Dec. 29, U.S. President Barack Obama announced he had ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats suspected of being spies and imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies over their involvement in hacking U.S. political groups.

The administration told Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, an hour before the decision was made public, one of the sources said.

The phone calls between Flynn and Kislyak were first reported by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.

A Trump official confirmed one phone conversation between the two men on Dec. 29, and said their understanding was they did not discuss the sanctions.

The three sources stressed to Reuters that they did not know who initiated the five calls between Flynn, a former three-star Army general who headed the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama, and Kislyak. Nor did they know the contents of the conversations, and declined to say how they learned of them.

One source said there was nothing intrinsically odd or wrong about a Russian diplomat speaking to a member of Trump's team following the U.S. announcement. Moscow, the source added, probably would want to have some sense of what Trump's team thought about the measures.

That sentiment was echoed Friday by State Department spokesman Mark Toner. "This building doesn’t see anything necessarily inappropriate about contact between members of the incoming administration and foreign officials," Toner said.


The other two sources, however, said the timing of the calls raised a question about whether Flynn had given Kislyak any assurances to soothe Russian anger over the U.S. moves.

If that were the case, it would have raised a possible entanglement with the Logan Act. The 1799 law bars unauthorised U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments with which the United States has disputes. It is aimed at preventing the undermining of official U.S. government positions.

Alexey Mosin, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Washington, said: "The Embassy does not comment on multiple contacts, which are carried out on a daily basis with local interlocutors."

Flynn raised eyebrows among some U.S. foreign policy veterans when he was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow in late 2015 celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government.

However, Flynn has also expressed scepticism about Moscow's intentions - a view that does not seem to fit Trump's vision of closer ties with Moscow.

Classified documents that the heads of four U.S. intelligence agencies presented last week to Trump included unsubstantiated information compiled by a private security firm suggesting Moscow had compromising personal and financial details about Trump. Trump called a dossier that contains salacious claims about him in Russia "fake news" and "phoney stuff."

One of the sources said the U.S. actions "took the Russians by surprise." Russian officials threatened to shutter the Anglo-American School of Moscow, the source said. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov proposed tit-for-tat expulsions.

But on Dec. 30, Putin announced that he would not retaliate. Trump praised Putin for the decision, writing in a Twitter post, "Great move on delay (by V.Putin). I always knew he was very smart!"

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer earlier Friday said Flynn and Kislyak had spoken on Dec. 28, the day before Washington announced the expulsions and sanctions.

But a Trump official acknowledged later in the day that they held one conversation on Dec. 29 about setting up a telephone call between Trump and Putin after Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was aware of only one phone call between the two that day and did not know if they spoke again since.

After the Nov. 8 election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the state-run Interfax news agency that the Russian government was in touch with members of Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and knew most of his entourage.

At a news conference on Wednesday, Trump declined to answer whether anyone connected to him or the campaign had contact with Moscow during the campaign and said he had no loans or business deals with or in Russia.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Friday said it remained unclear whether such a call between Flynn and the Russian ambassador would be objectionable .

"It depends on what they discussed," Earnest told reporters. He said he could not weigh in without knowing the content.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-14


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At first, I thought...no biggie.  Until I read this.  Makes sense. 



If that were the case, it would have raised a possible entanglement with the Logan Act. The 1799 law bars unauthorised U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments with which the United States has disputes. It is aimed at preventing the undermining of official U.S. government positions.


He could be in serious hot water due to this.  Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.


No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

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24 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

Actually it was a brilliant move.  Deescalated a situation  that could have turned ugly.


You mean Trump's incoming White House national security adviser may have suggested to the Russian Ambassador to Washington that Putin not do the standard tit-for-tat expulsions and Putin said, "Good idea."?


God!.. I simply love a ripping yarn in the morning!

Edited by NanLaew
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What a bunch of B.S. -  spreading drivel with no basis in fact.  Is this what they teach now in Journalism classes??


"The three sources stressed to Reuters that they did not know who initiated the five calls between Flynn, a former three-star Army general who headed the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama, and Kislyak. Nor did they know the contents of the conversations, and declined to say how they learned of them"


This is not news, it is rumor mongering!




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It's quite obvious that a Trump presidency is scaring the living hell out of the establishment which in turn is doing everything in their power to delegitimatize the president elect and the incoming administration.  The propaganda machine, which is normally directed at world leaders that are vilified in order to instigate 'regime change'  has now be turned full-force and directed at the incoming presidential administration - in order to instigate 'regime change.  This stupidity is unprecedented in the history of the United States and could very well destabilize the entire country if it continues.  Which is exactly why the swamp desperately needs to be drained.

Edited by connda
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

At first, I thought...no biggie.  Until I read this.  Makes sense. 



He could be in serious hot water due to this.  Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.


No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

You are probably right. However, even Trump, or his entourage, may one day go too far in dealing with Russia. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that during the campaign there was constant contact between Trump's camp and Russia. If that comes out officially and is confirmed, it could be a ground for impeachment. This may not be possible now, with the Republican majority in both houses, but after the 2018 elections, there might be a Democrat majority in both houses and then the situation may look completely differently. Trump may be talking about 8 years , he may be lucky to survive one term of 4 years. If a USA can safely survive it, is another question.

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1 hour ago, connda said:

It's quite obvious that a Trump presidency is scaring the living hell out of the establishment which in turn is doing everything in their power to delegitimatize the president elect and the incoming administration.  The propaganda machine, which is normally directed at world leaders that are vilified in order to instigate 'regime change'  has now be turned full-force and directed at the incoming presidential administration - in order to instigate 'regime change.  This stupidity is unprecedented in the history of the United States and could very well destabilize the entire country if it continues.  Which is exactly why the swamp desperately needs to be drained.


I still don't understand Republicans statement of draining the swamp when they are restocking it with the same type of people just different names. I do agree with you the propaganda machine is a scary thing, but if it worked so well Trump would not have been elected and the whole US government is rigged like he claims - unfortunately its not the case.



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

At first, I thought...no biggie.  Until I read this.  Makes sense. 



He could be in serious hot water due to this.  Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.


No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

No problem, the puppet has to be given his instructions

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1 hour ago, connda said:

It's quite obvious that a Trump presidency is scaring the living hell out of the establishmen

It might be but it is also scaring the hell out of many ordinary Americans as well as many people from other countries, the last thing the world needs is a Russian puppet in the white house 

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2 hours ago, TGIR said:

What a bunch of B.S. -  spreading drivel with no basis in fact.  Is this what they teach now in Journalism classes??


"The three sources stressed to Reuters that they did not know who initiated the five calls between Flynn, a former three-star Army general who headed the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama, and Kislyak. Nor did they know the contents of the conversations, and declined to say how they learned of them"


This is not news, it is rumor mongering!





No no. It's anti Trump, anti Flynn, anti the new administration so must be true. 


All based on assertions don't you know.


What's laughable is how Obama went around lecturing other countries on democracy and freedom, while presiding over subversive intelligence and security services who even bugged phones of so called best friends and close allies!


To be believed all you have to be is a PC liberal left supporter. Whatever they say is their reality - and they really do believe it.

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54 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

It might be but it is also scaring the hell out of many ordinary Americans as well as many people from other countries, the last thing the world needs is a Russian puppet in the white house 


The political class, in all Western democracies, have been lying, cheating, and misleading the electorate for years. As with all things unchecked it becomes worse and worse. Many only pay lip service to elections and never deliver on much of their manifesto and campaign promises.

They also seem to have "unwritten rules and understandings" about how to keep this jolly little show going on and on. 


Now along comes someone whose not from that little club, who couldn't give a monkey's toss for their little rules and self benefiting understandings and who doesn't put them all above the law or dismiss any wrongdoings by excusing them in the interests of the "big picture" i.e. their own interest.


Trump may have a lot wrong with him, be a loose cannon, and not the nicest of people - but he certainly will shake the established political class up, and won't jump to their tune or sell himself out to them - not his nature.

I suggest more new wave politicians like this will be springing up in other countries. People are sick of the lies and deceit of the established gravy train brigade.

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

At first, I thought...no biggie.  Until I read this.  Makes sense. 



He could be in serious hot water due to this.  Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.


No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

Now you are bordering on the ridiculous.

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4 hours ago, TGIR said:

What a bunch of B.S. -  spreading drivel with no basis in fact.  Is this what they teach now in Journalism classes??


"The three sources stressed to Reuters that they did not know who initiated the five calls between Flynn, a former three-star Army general who headed the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama, and Kislyak. Nor did they know the contents of the conversations, and declined to say how they learned of them"


This is not news, it is rumor mongering!

Guaranteed the details are known.  Just not given to the public.  Just like the Russian hacks.  Many here said they were fake due to lack of details.  Well, the details are out there now and those who said it was fake now have egg on their face.

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

Your right on that one. More than likely he told the Russian diplomats to not terminate their leases that they would be back right after Donald is sworn in. Does Donald really put his hand on the bible and swear? Earth shattering look out for a lightning bolt. 

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Your right on that one. More than likely he told the Russian diplomats to not terminate their leases that they would be back right after Donald is sworn in. Does Donald really put his hand on the bible and swear? Earth shattering look out for a lightning bolt. 

LOL.  I'll have to watch that part closely.  Hand on the bible.  But then, he can just say he's not religious, so it means nothing. LOL 

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

LOL.  I'll have to watch that part closely.  Hand on the bible.  But then, he can just say he's not religious, so it means nothing. LOL 

In that case maybe he just swears. I can think of a few but I think that would get me a time out. 

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Just now, Pimay1 said:

I was talking about this part of your post.

Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.

Got ya!  I guess you'll have to tell all the lawmakers in the US this is ridiculous.  Many don't seem to think so.  Thus, this article, and this one:




Senate probe into election hacking to review possible links between Russia, campaigns


Too many dots starting to connect for this to be all about nothing.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


The political class, in all Western democracies, have been lying, cheating, and misleading the electorate for years. As with all things unchecked it becomes worse and worse. Many only pay lip service to elections and never deliver on much of their manifesto and campaign promises.

They also seem to have "unwritten rules and understandings" about how to keep this jolly little show going on and on. 


Now along comes someone whose not from that little club, who couldn't give a monkey's toss for their little rules and self benefiting understandings and who doesn't put them all above the law or dismiss any wrongdoings by excusing them in the interests of the "big picture" i.e. their own interest.


Trump may have a lot wrong with him, be a loose cannon, and not the nicest of people - but he certainly will shake the established political class up, and won't jump to their tune or sell himself out to them - not his nature.

I suggest more new wave politicians like this will be springing up in other countries. People are sick of the lies and deceit of the established gravy train brigade.

Nice rant. At least we agree on one thing; Trump is not a nice person. If he is taken down he won't mind taking the whole of the US (or world) with him. You say you want someone from outside "the club" and who don't play by the established rules but cutting off your nose to spite your face was never a good idea, and electing the man-child to the most important office in the world has got to be the biggest nose job in history.

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35 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I was talking about this part of your post.

Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.

Sorry but nothing about this administration and transition team will be beyond ridiculous, in particular PeeOTUS. I accept you hated HRC and voted for Trump as the alternative was too much for you to consider, please also accept that as a result of your dichotomy you voted in an utter moronic narcissist who will make the USA the laughing stock of the world, big military or not.


You do realise don't you that all the 'fake allegations' reported by the ex MI6 operative WILL turn out to be completely true! Start getting used to that idea now.

Edited by Andaman Al
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56 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Sorry but nothing about this administration and transition team will be beyond ridiculous, in particular PeeOTUS. I accept you hated HRC and voted for Trump as the alternative was too much for you to consider, please also accept that as a result of your dichotomy you voted in an utter moronic narcissist who will make the USA the laughing stock of the world, big military or not.


You do realise don't you that all the 'fake allegations' reported by the ex MI6 operative WILL turn out to be completely true! Start getting used to that idea now.

We will agree to disagree.

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