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Thais skipping the line


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21 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:

Wow after "your money".LOL..a whole thb 300/day or there abouts for the 500k visa


appears to be .too many whinging paranoid farang professional victims kicking about in Thailand.


Ok lets explore your bar stool remarks...in the case of the impending 10 years retirement visa, please explain how  immigration have their fingers in the pie in this instance ? 

You can forget your stupid barstool remarks for a start, I have never drank alcohol in my life, there is corruption everywhere in Thailand, and if you think there is not in government places, then you sure are deluded.

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11 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

You can forget your stupid barstool remarks for a start, I have never drank alcohol in my life, there is corruption everywhere in Thailand, and if you think there is not in government places, then you sure are deluded.

Just because you dont drink doesnt mean you dont frequent bars and sit on the provided barstools.


Not debating the existance or not of corrpution in Thailand, as with most other countries there is corruption 


i asked a very specifc question and still waiting for your factual specific answer not pie in the sky rhetoric and flim flammery 

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On ‎14‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 2:38 PM, Jingthing said:

It's more complicated than that. Thais may jump queues on other Thais but probably less so if they perceive that status of the Thai ahead of them to be higher than them. That's what I'm getting at. Foreigners ... low status. Can abuse without consequence. 


This is a picture of my queue jumping activation kit. Inserting it between the feet at just the right time results in the person falling over but they will do nothing as I'm disabled.



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1 minute ago, notmyself said:


This is a picture of my queue jumping activation kit. Inserting it between the feet at just the right time results in the person falling over but they will do nothing as I'm disabled.



Disgusting  attempting to possibly injure some one and then using your disability as an excuse...you should be ashamed of yourself, so you would have no objections if i kicked your walking stick from out under you ?  

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42 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:

Just because you dont drink doesnt mean you dont frequent bars and sit on the provided barstools.


Not debating the existance or not of corrpution in Thailand, as with most other countries there is corruption 


i asked a very specifc question and still waiting for your factual specific answer not pie in the sky rhetoric and flim flammery 

I stand by what I said, and I'm saying no more.

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3 hours ago, psyvolt said:

Actually had this happen at swamp immigration a few weeks back (didnt happen to me, but I was witness to it). 

The lines were massive, and we were all waiting patiently for our turn to me prcessed, when a family of Chinese consult ignored the Q and walked straight to the front (2 adults, grandparent and a child) of the Q, the ppl they jumped infront of right asked them what the F they thought they were doing, and a massive argument broke out. The chinese ppl were going nuts, saying they have been waiting a long time, and they deserved to go thru first. I was absolutely pissing myself in laughter. 

Security ended up been called, and the chinese ppl were asked to go to the back of the line, which they rufused to do. It actually then got pretty seriouse and the two adults ended up been frog marched off (rest of the family in tow). Everyone have a bit of a cheer, and tbh, I have no idea what happened after that, but they werent back in line by the time I went through.

Thanks for letting me like this twice.

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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I once came across that, I picked up the things she left and put them on the floor, another cashier, maybe a supervisor, came and picked them up, I just left my trolley and walked away.

You should have added your items to the pile and let them be scanned.

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44 minutes ago, notmyself said:


This is a picture of my queue jumping activation kit. Inserting it between the feet at just the right time results in the person falling over but they will do nothing as I'm disabled.




All the things you could have posted to this thread and you went with this? 

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How many times have I fallen on the deck due to someone barging in front of me, over the years? 100 time? 150? Somewhere in between I imagine. I'm never in that much of a hurry and will often just give up my place because I can or because someone is in a hurry for some reason or they have a child or are themselves infirm or because they ask or they are a polite person. When they barge past me and put me in a position of danger then I will reply. It is called being civilized.

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Who cares a little wait doesn't hurt of the western culture of queuing and getting your tackle in a knot when someone jumps it. TIT no queues just ask louder than the other peoplem now if you want to get humpty dumpy about queue jumping next time you go to immigration take a number as they call a number and no one moves to counter just go to counter say hi smile and sit down. Works every time.

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6 hours ago, psyvolt said:

Actually had this happen at swamp immigration a few weeks back (didnt happen to me, but I was witness to it). 

The lines were massive, and we were all waiting patiently for our turn to me prcessed, when a family of Chinese consult ignored the Q and walked straight to the front (2 adults, grandparent and a child) of the Q, the ppl they jumped infront of right asked them what the F they thought they were doing, and a massive argument broke out. The chinese ppl were going nuts, saying they have been waiting a long time, and they deserved to go thru first. I was absolutely pissing myself in laughter. 

Security ended up been called, and the chinese ppl were asked to go to the back of the line, which they rufused to do. It actually then got pretty seriouse and the two adults ended up been frog marched off (rest of the family in tow). Everyone have a bit of a cheer, and tbh, I have no idea what happened after that, but they werent back in line by the time I went through.



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5 hours ago, Savilesghost said:

Never heard it in 15 years, if your feeling so opressed and victimised in Thailand why you still here then ?....surely the pull of cheap women for you to have paid sexual intercourse is a big draw for some, but cant believe you would tolerate oppression just for the sake of paid for sex ? 


I am of the opinion that the average Thai doesnt give a rats ass about farangs, they just dont appear on their radar, but if thinking they are jealous of you and that makes you feel better about yourself, keep telling yourself that 





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On 14/01/2017 at 0:35 PM, worgeordie said:

Before they introduced the roped Q's at the Banks ,it used to

be like a rugby scrum,trying to get your bank book in the tray.


Q jumping is something Thai people do,were you in a hurry,

you never got your Papaya,and the seller is not going to change

just because you walked away,this is Thailand,not the West.

regards worgeordie

I think waiting your turn is a good habit that prevents confrontation,  if it doesn't happen to be part of the local culture perhaps it is something they can learn. I see it occasionally here but never thought it too bad. Russians used to do it a lot in supermarket queues too.

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They tend to always be the old fat porkers that never smile. You want to avoid them if they themselves have a restaurant or shop. You are about to get screwed over. I agree it is the shop owners fault for allowing it.  At 7/11 for example i just drop whatever i have on the floor and walk off and never return. If possible i just push them away from the front and hold my arms out so they can,t get in front of me and shout (Farang Gone!) as loud as i can. There is one shop for example that does not allow others to jump in front of me and reminds the Thais that the foreigner was before you.  Bangkok Thais tend to be the worst and rudest with everything. Park in the middle of a busy road to run into a 7/11 or even have dinner, park just a few feet away from your front door so near you can not exit. A restaurant is full and there is one open table where you are sitting. You offer them to sit at the same table and they refuse. So i sit and eat as slow as possible and have a nice ten or twenty minute rest after my meal and make them suffer.

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They tend to always be the old fat porkers that never smile. You want to avoid them if they themselves have a restaurant or shop. You are about to get screwed over. I agree it is the shop owners fault for allowing it.  At 7/11 for example i just drop whatever i have on the floor and walk off and never return. If possible i just push them away from the front and hold my arms out so they can,t get in front of me and shout (Farang Gone!) as loud as i can. There is one shop for example that does not allow others to jump in front of me and reminds the Thais that the foreigner was before you.  Bangkok Thais tend to be the worst and rudest with everything. Park in the middle of a busy road to run into a 7/11 or even have dinner, park just a few feet away from your front door so near you can not exit. A restaurant is full and there is one open table where you are sitting. You offer them to sit at the same table and they refuse. So i sit and eat as slow as possible and have a nice ten or twenty minute rest after my meal and make them suffer.

Do you eat alone alot?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, themerg said:

It is Thai etiquette. A Thai person is respected more than a farang by another and will be served first.


Hmm. Must be a new one. Could make my visits to busy Tesco and Familymart stores kinda awkward though constantly being booted to the back of the queue. 

: p






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17 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

Walking away was the best thing to do. Give the seller one more chance if you like his fruit - he might remember that you walked away and serve you in turn next time.

Ha ha ha do you honestly think after spitting out ones dummy and walking away.  The stall holder is going to remember you or indeed give a rats poo that you walked away in the first place. Not a hope just do as others do you will get served then.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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7 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Ha ha ha do you honestly think after spitting out ones dummy and walking away.  The stall holder is going to remember you or indeed give a rats poo that you walked away in the first place. Not a hope just do as others do you will get served then.

Who said anything about spitting the dummy? Rudeness never gets us anywhere in Thailand. 


Walk away calmly. If there is anything other than perfect service on the second attempt, walk away and never return. 

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44 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

Who said anything about spitting the dummy? Rudeness never gets us anywhere in Thailand. 


Walk away calmly. If there is anything other than perfect service on the second attempt, walk away and never return. 

Yer ok why not just do as Thais do get served quicker then go home and enjoy your purchase

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