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Burglary in Pattaya ends with severe beating



PATTAYA:-- In the early hours of January 14th, around 3:00am, Pattaya police were called to investigate an attempted burglary at a house in Pattaya.


The incident took place at Suk Sabai Villas and arriving at the scene, police found the victim waiting there with some nasty looking injuries to his face and body.


The victim went on to explain to police that he had been sat at home watching TV downstairs when he heard some noises coming from upstairs. He immediately went to have a look what was going on, where he found three men rummaging through his personal belongings.


The three men then approached the victim, and whilst two of them held him back, the third proceeded to deliver a good old fashioned beating. The victim initially tried to fight back, but to no avail, so he started crying out for help. At this point the three men started worrying about getting caught, so all three made a run for it.


Fortunately, nothing was taken from the house however, the victim was left with some pretty bad injuries. He was taken to hospital for a full checkup and is now recovering.


There were no eye witnesses to the attempted burglary, so police are now looking at cctv images from around the area in an attempt to catch the culprits responsible.


Source: http://pattayaone.news/en/home-burglary-beating/


-- © Copyright Pattaya One 2017-01-14
3 hours ago, retiredusn said:

Really sounds like there is more too the story. May never know


Have to agree... why wast their time and energy unless they wanted to know the pin numbers for his ATM cards???


So he was downstairs watching tv then heard the rumblings upstairs?  Sounds a bit odd.  How long had he been home?  How long had he been watching TV?  How did the alleged bad guys get upstairs?  Broken or open windows?  Forced door? 

10 hours ago, BuaBS said:

I hoped it was the other way around , the burglar(s) getting the beating....

nope! unfortunately in Pattaya 99% of the time the perpetrators of the original crime also offer severe beating to their victims towards the end as a "finale".

I started to think this is a thing of honor in Thailand if  beatings don't end at least with a giant pool of blood.

I call it full-service!

13 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

There were no eye witnesses to the attempted burglary, so police are now looking at cctv images from around the area in an attempt to catch the culprits responsible.

Aren't they usually unplugged for "obvious reasons"?!


"good old fashioned beating"

What crap reporting considering the seriousness of the crime

There is nothing " good" about it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


".....so police are now looking at cctv images from around the area in an attempt to catch the culprits responsible. "


No dusting for finger prints?


If you're going to shoot intruders, make sure you shoot them all and make sure they're dead. No-one to contradict your version of events.  Put a couple of warning shots into the ceiling and then call the police. Make sure the corpses had some weapons in  hand to attack you with.

20 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

So he was downstairs watching tv then heard the rumblings upstairs?  Sounds a bit odd.  How long had he been home?  How long had he been watching TV?  How did the alleged bad guys get upstairs?  Broken or open windows?  Forced door? 

Possibly he had a beating laid on him for some "other " reason and then told the police it was a robbery attempt gone wrong.

Yah Never Know....lol



If the victim had been armed, he might have gone downstairs and delivered "a good old fashioned" shooting to the robbers.  Confronted with three of them, he would have had to act quickly and decisively before they could fire back, stab or chop him or disarm him.  No time for double taps.  You need to try put a shot into each of them in quick succession aiming for centre of mass and then go back for the second shots into centre of mass or head shots in sequence until each is clearly immobilised. The objective is not to kill but to neutralise the threat to life and limb and one shot cannot be sure of doing this.  A 12 guage shot gun loaded with 00 buck shot would have come in handy as it should be possible to incapacitate more than one intruder with one shell, provided they are standing close together, as you get 9 shots, each the size of 9mm pistol bullets.  However, you and your family members (and the robbers) may end up temporarily or permanently deafened as a result of one or more shotgun blasts in a confined space without hearing protection (most people don't wear this when confronting threats.)


In Thailand there is no need for the average  Thai householder, who is qualified for a gun permit, to confront intruders in his home unarmed.  But, if you have no weapon, it is far better to lock oneself in a safe room and call the police, who of course may elect not to show up.  This may be the safest course of action, even if you are armed, unless, of course, there are others in the house in other rooms you need to protect.  Unfortunately the variable of whether Thai police would bother to show up at all is a factor here and if you are in an isolated area, you could more or less guarantee they would not attend promptly, or at all.  This article makes me think that a handgun with capacity of only 6-8 rounds like a revolver or a 1911 .45 pistol may not be adequate, given the risk of 3 or more assailants.  Two shots to each of 3 assailants would empty a revolver and you could easily miss with some of the shots in a high stress situation and the difficulties of reloading under stress.  A pistol with capacity of 14+ rounds might be better.  A pump or semi-auto shotgun with capacity of 6-8 rounds should be OK though, subject to the noise factor, since you are less likely to miss at close range and might get more than one assailant per round. 


If you have a gun registered in the name of a Thai spouse, it is legal for you to use it in self defence in your home.  The owner needs to have a good reason to let someone else fire the gun and intruders in your home who looked like they might be armed should be accepted by a court as good reasons both for your wife to let you use her firearm and for you to shoot them.  I have seen a case where the elderly owner of a minimart attached to his home was informed by a male employee, who had stepped out of the store for a moment, that an armed robbery was in progress in the minimart and a robber had a gun to the cashier's head.  The owner quickly gave a handgun to the employee who rushed into the shop and shot the armed robber dead before he could react.  No charges were pressed against the owner of the gun and the shop or the employee who shot the robber dead.  Mind you, if the robber had been the son of an influential and wealthy person, the story would have ended differently but they usually have more subtle ways to commit theft.

3 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Lucky he was not raped....seems like a new thing in thailand these days according to the British media, guys getting raped.


Really?  I hadn't heard that.

22 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

If the victim had been armed, he might have gone downstairs and delivered "a good old fashioned" shooting to the robbers.  Confronted with three of them, he would have had to act quickly and decisively before they could fire back, stab or chop him or disarm him.  No time for double taps.  You need to try put a shot into each of them in quick succession aiming for centre of mass and then go back for the second shots into centre of mass or head shots in sequence until each is clearly immobilised. The objective is not to kill but to neutralise the threat to life and limb and one shot cannot be sure of doing this.  A 12 guage shot gun loaded with 00 buck shot would have come in handy as it should be possible to incapacitate more than one intruder with one shell, provided they are standing close together, as you get 9 shots, each the size of 9mm pistol bullets.  However, you and your family members (and the robbers) may end up temporarily or permanently deafened as a result of one or more shotgun blasts in a confined space without hearing protection (most people don't wear this when confronting threats.)


In Thailand there is no need for the average  Thai householder, who is qualified for a gun permit, to confront intruders in his home unarmed.  But, if you have no weapon, it is far better to lock oneself in a safe room and call the police, who of course may elect not to show up.  This may be the safest course of action, even if you are armed, unless, of course, there are others in the house in other rooms you need to protect.  Unfortunately the variable of whether Thai police would bother to show up at all is a factor here and if you are in an isolated area, you could more or less guarantee they would not attend promptly, or at all.  This article makes me think that a handgun with capacity of only 6-8 rounds like a revolver or a 1911 .45 pistol may not be adequate, given the risk of 3 or more assailants.  Two shots to each of 3 assailants would empty a revolver and you could easily miss with some of the shots in a high stress situation and the difficulties of reloading under stress.  A pistol with capacity of 14+ rounds might be better.  A pump or semi-auto shotgun with capacity of 6-8 rounds should be OK though, subject to the noise factor, since you are less likely to miss at close range and might get more than one assailant per round. 


If you have a gun registered in the name of a Thai spouse, it is legal for you to use it in self defence in your home.  The owner needs to have a good reason to let someone else fire the gun and intruders in your home who looked like they might be armed should be accepted by a court as good reasons both for your wife to let you use her firearm and for you to shoot them.  I have seen a case where the elderly owner of a minimart attached to his home was informed by a male employee, who had stepped out of the store for a moment, that an armed robbery was in progress in the minimart and a robber had a gun to the cashier's head.  The owner quickly gave a handgun to the employee who rushed into the shop and shot the armed robber dead before he could react.  No charges were pressed against the owner of the gun and the shop or the employee who shot the robber dead.  Mind you, if the robber had been the son of an influential and wealthy person, the story would have ended differently but they usually have more subtle ways to commit theft.



21 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Lucky he was not raped....seems like a new thing in thailand these days according to the British media, guys getting raped.


Yeah, a new thing these days because of one single reported case, right?  You are fantasizing, why not take it a bit further with a trip to Boystown?

22 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

If the victim had been armed, he might have gone downstairs and delivered "a good old fashioned" shooting to the robbers.  Confronted with three of them, he would have had to act quickly and decisively before they could fire back, stab or chop him or disarm him.  No time for double taps.  You need to try put a shot into each of them in quick succession aiming for centre of mass and then go back for the second shots into centre of mass or head shots in sequence until each is clearly immobilised. The objective is not to kill but to neutralise the threat to life and limb and one shot cannot be sure of doing this.  A 12 guage shot gun loaded with 00 buck shot would have come in handy as it should be possible to incapacitate more than one intruder with one shell, provided they are standing close together, as you get 9 shots, each the size of 9mm pistol bullets.  However, you and your family members (and the robbers) may end up temporarily or permanently deafened as a result of one or more shotgun blasts in a confined space without hearing protection (most people don't wear this when confronting threats.)


Which actually reads like a conversation between 12 year olds.

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