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Gripen jet pilot posthumously promoted an air marshal


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The guy died,it doesnt matter if through his own stupidity or loss of control,or acting on orders,he paid the highest price.I think the promotion is a good gesture.If it was me,i would like to think that my dependents were taken care of.Because in the country some people get sweet FA and at least his wife/kids? wont have to worry too much about finances.Does the pension last as long as she does?

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

If it was me,i would like to think that my dependents were taken care of.Because in the country some people get sweet FA and at least his wife/kids? wont have to worry too much about finances.Does the pension last as long as she does?



Sqd Ldr Dilokrit, 34, was the eldest son of Air Chief Marshall Arom Pattawee, former Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Royal Thai Armed Forces. 


 - Yes, I think that "the pension will last as long as the widow does".


Edited by andersonat
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10 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

I bet that pleases him no end.


Maybe it's just my suspicious mind, but considering he single-handedly took out a decent sized proportion of the Thai air force's fighting capability, something doesn't smell right here.


If it was a choice between recouping the cost of the jet from the family and compensating them, I know which I would expect

Actually I see a problem or two if the reincarnation does not go well

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9 hours ago, Enoon said:


Yesterday the news described him as a Squadron Leader.  Today it describes him as a Group Captain who is being promoted to Air Marshal.


I have read that it is common to posthumously promote in order to compensate the family.


The highest ranking Marshal of the RTAF is 7 from SL and 5 from GC.  Ordinary Air Marshal is 5 from SL and 3 from GC.


 Either way it is a big jump, but not surprising as they really don't want anyone "reflecting" on the circumstances of this incident.


Make of this what you will:

"ACM Dilokrith said he expected the result of the cause of the plane crash within two months. He maintained that the air show on Saturday in Hat Yai was normal training flight and not an acrobatic air show ."


I suspect that the maneuver was unplanned, unpractised, not "cleared" and "off the cuff".  As was the whole "display".


The words "Get up there and chuck it around a bit" spring to mind.


Aaaah! The "fog" is starting to lift, perhaps he thought that it might be a good time to practice for the "Blue Angels"? The adrenaline rush of doing something dangerous that you haven't tried before??? RIP.....a least it was quick! :wai:

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7 hours ago, thaipo7 said:

To me it was clear what happened.  He flew over the crowd and then inverted the plane and forgot he was inverted and went to go into a climb but instead of a climb he flew himself into the ground.  This was his 3rd airshow of the day and he may have been tired.  He was disorientated in flight and moved the control stick in the wrong direction.  Very sad for him and his family.

Don't forget to CC a copy to the airforce investigation team - they might be in need of some expert advice.

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10 hours ago, bheard said:

Very mysterious indeed. The reaction a bit over the top?


If perchance a Thai pilot gets shot down in the line of duty, as in a real combat situation, would he get the same treatment?


We'll have to wait and see, although don't hold your breath. It ain't gonna happen for a long time.

That will be the day there has never been a war they can claim to have taken part in except cook and build, even Cambodia gave them a kicking lost 101 to lost 10


thailand does not need such a big costly army, Laos will never invade nor Burma, Cambodia well may if they get to much crap


China has?


Spend the money on good things like roads, healthcare, pensions. WATER, Electricity, but those above want subs and tanks and planes to play with and an aircraft carrier with no planes that can land on it.


Love the Country hate the education system



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19 hours ago, Ceruhe said:


Thx and thx.

Guess I'll need to re-rationalize that somehow. Call me simple minded or whatever, in my head one needs to earn the promotion and future benefits of said promition while alive or KIA during war....and not just for the sakes of it.

A tragic loss of a person who spent many yrs learning but at least the Government looked after his family by promotion

Now for the so called western countries. * No difference in being qualified or having experience (have had many on major construction jobs- especially cowboy kiwis ) * Western governments would be chasing you to the grave for money after ther've <deleted>**d your family over  (Australia)

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hilarious , why  not  make  him  "vice admiral ruler  almighty kong  the great"  while theyre  at  it......i  do   know Admirals are in the  navy  befor u start,  have they  concluded  the  cause  yet?

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17 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

The guy died,it doesnt matter if through his own stupidity or loss of control,or acting on orders,he paid the highest price.I think the promotion is a good gesture.If it was me,i would like to think that my dependents were taken care of.Because in the country some people get sweet FA and at least his wife/kids? wont have to worry too much about finances.Does the pension last as long as she does?

and  lets say he'd   flown into the  onlookers?

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19 hours ago, andersonat said:

I am surprised that no-one has yet seen fit to mention what the job was of the Pilot's Father, before he retired  -  because perhaps this information has a bearing upon the developments after the crash.  

or  even on his  position in the air  force

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And lets say that he died avoiding flying into the onlookers.We shall never know,will we? You dont know that he didnt.No one will ever know.So why not just accept the fact that a guy died,and his family were compensated.Why do you have a problem with it? Why are you so much against it.What if it was you?

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I dont understand why there are some who begrudge this guys family from being compensated for his death.This has happened a few times at the Biggin Hill air show in the  Uk.But there was no mention of compensation in the news papers on those accounts.In this case,it was published that the guys family will be compensated.So what?What makes it such a bad thing.The fact remains that the guy died,a painful death if he was still alive when he hit the ground,waiting to be blown to bits.If the complainers are so aggrieved over this ,then put in a signed petition to the TRA,not forgetting to add your home country and your Thai adresses.

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18 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

Clever  comment, no, just ignorant. Military officers all around the world get promoted upon death on duty. Fool.

Really?, military personnel can receive posthumous awards for bravery, Victoria Cross, Purple Heart etc .

 In my own brief spell in the worlds oldest Air Force I never came across anyone being promoted posthumously. 

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2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I dont understand why there are some who begrudge this guys family from being compensated for his death.This has happened a few times at the Biggin Hill air show in the  Uk.But there was no mention of compensation in the news papers on those accounts.In this case,it was published that the guys family will be compensated.So what?What makes it such a bad thing.The fact remains that the guy died,a painful death if he was still alive when he hit the ground,waiting to be blown to bits.If the complainers are so aggrieved over this ,then put in a signed petition to the TRA,not forgetting to add your home country and your Thai adresses.


AAIB warts-an'-all reports are published on Gov.uk website (example below). Compensation is a separate issue but the reports presumably support any claims thereafter.



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4 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

Really?, military personnel can receive posthumous awards for bravery, Victoria Cross, Purple Heart etc .

 In my own brief spell in the worlds oldest Air Force I never came across anyone being promoted posthumously. 

Your brief spell in the SAAF proves nothing , your wrong.

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Maybe the promotion is their way of doing things.I seem to recall reading about several soldiers that were awarded the VC posthumously in the little altercation we had with the Zulu in the19th century.Would you begrudge them their medals?


A less deflecting comparison:




Key Phrase:


'....parents agreed an undisclosed settlement with the MoD in December, after the MoD admitted liability for the incident'.

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18 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


And lets say that he died avoiding flying into the onlookers.We shall never know,will we? You dont know that he didnt.No one will ever know.So why not just accept the fact that a guy died,and his family were compensated.Why do you have a problem with it? Why are you so much against it.What if it was you?

EXACTLY " they dont know what caused the crash yet" but have promoted him....bizzarre.............any sensible result  would be find the cause of the accident BEFORE promotion......its gonna  look awfully bad if he was negligent in his flying isnt it

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18 hours ago, sandgroper2 said:

Simple minded muck rakers. Either of you ex military?

THANKFULLY  NOT.............. and as w e  all know many get their   position in Thailand through their talent , skill, and hard  work...sarcasmometer ON

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Quite possibly,but if you read the history,some of those were nee'r do wells and recalcitrant soldiers,but to the British public they were heroes.And thats the way history has portrayed them. So be it with this pilot.The Thai face thing will never admit that he was an idiot in charge of a multi million baht fighter plane.

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5 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I dont think there will be much left to sift through.And even if it was pilot error,do you really think they will admit it? To the public at large,he will have died a hero,to substantiate the promotion.

Exactly............so whats the point, however air investigators are darned good..............in "other" countries, bet they could find out what happened

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/18/2017 at 8:44 AM, sandgroper2 said:

Road sweepers dont sign on to possibly fight and die for their country so that jerks like you can be key board wariors.

No need to be abusive, sign of a keyboard warrior yourself.

How many Thai air force pilots have died fighting for their country in the last 30 years?

I've met a few, fine men they are, but I don't think they expect to die in service. There is no imminent Battle of Britain.

A road sweeper has just as much chance of being injured or worse by drunk motorists in the early hours.

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