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Want a driving license? Just go to a driving school


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18 minutes ago, natway09 said:

It is a waste of time testing Thais anyway.

Just got back from a 7 hour drive from up North & it is obvious they don't even know that a solid yellow line 

means. Just pass when they feel like it. The accidents are horrific 


Isn't that yellow line the way to the golden temple??? No? See i'm soo dumb.

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On 17/01/2017 at 6:02 PM, Alan Deer said:

You don't seem to understand the nature of corruption - those documents will be genuine......


Thanks for the confirmation :wink:


As to all those deriding this scheme, I believe that at least five hours of actual training is the thinking behind this, rather than the Thai version of a pitch and putt type test centre, and if you're lucky (in some form or another, it occurred to me that ALL of the other 'mai pans' were foreigners too, not one Thai), off you go new license in hand.



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9 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:


Thanks for the confirmation :wink:


As to all those deriding this scheme, I believe that at least five hours of actual training is the thinking behind this, rather than the Thai version of a pitch and putt type test centre, and if you're lucky (in some form or another, it occurred to me that ALL of the other 'mai pans' were foreigners too, not one Thai), off you go new license in hand.




9 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:


Thanks for the confirmation :wink:


As to all those deriding this scheme, I believe that at least five hours of actual training is the thinking behind this, rather than the Thai version of a pitch and putt type test centre, and if you're lucky (in some form or another, it occurred to me that ALL of the other 'mai pans' were foreigners too, not one Thai), off you go new license in hand.



unfortunately if you put the "5 hours of Training" in the hands of a private company or a government branch it is not hard to work out how it will operate.


THe other point is that the training I have witnessed is not based on any serious motoring sciece but appear to have been picked out of a hat and pasted into an instruction manual.

I concern is that it will fail as training but succeed in creating a new industry that is based on tea-money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it’s George Soros funded! Obviously he pays off the cops to not enforce the basic traffic laws, after a few years the population are fully trained to the Death Race 2000 standard. Then, travel visas for Thai’s are dropped covering Europe…job done!

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nat,i read your post and i agree.The Thai way of driving,is downright dangerous.But i would just like to point out that the solid yellow line actaully means,that you can pass/overtake,but not if it means that you have to enter the oncoming lane to do so.If it were the case of your argument,then motorbikes could not overtake for fear of committing a moving traffic offence.cars would not be allowed to overtake m/C's for the same reason.Its the same with the solid and dotted lines that are together on the road surface,Now,they take a lot of understanding for Thai drivers.The road markings are very much the same as the UK.I checked this on line by getting the answers to the questions set.There was one on passing on a solid line.Check it out,i think you will find i am right. :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

Danger Alert.


My Mrs sister got her licence and then purchased a brand new motor which within 40 minutes of driving she damaged. Car sat in carpark for a month now. Feeling left out my Mrs other sister's husband to be insists on helping her drive the car to Issan  from bkk during F×cking Songkran. Genius's this lot. Did I mention the lad did not have a licence last week. My Mrs voiced concern at the plan so within 2 days he has managed to get a licence. On the plus side the husband is very experienced biker rider but the sister who has 4 years of repayments to make on the car has never drove anything. Be careful on those roads.

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On 1/16/2017 at 11:37 AM, greenchair said:

It's around 5,000 baht to get training at the driving school. Then students will go to the transport department to do the practical test. 100 percent passes.  I went directly to L and T for free. I cannot pass the parking test as it must be exactly within a milimeter correct by the camera finish. My first fail I was a cm out. The 2nd test I was perfect but the wheel was slightly not straight. Meanwhile many vehicles that had 2 suspicious  crosses on the rear with coloured masking tape were all passing. Let me tell you, they were nowhere near straight. And one slightly touched the barrier and still passed. Let's be honest . The criteria of a drivers license is a few thousand baht. Nothing to do with the test. 

Try reading the article, you DON"T do the test at the DLT, you do everything at the driving school


This has been happening with the motorbike licence for a while. I did all the training and tests at a Honda training center, took 2 days. Then I went to the DLT with the certificate Honda gave me, plus the usual documentation, 30 mins later I had my licence.


I think it is a good idea. 

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1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

Try reading the article, you DON"T do the test at the DLT, you do everything at the driving school


This has been happening with the motorbike licence for a while. I did all the training and tests at a Honda training center, took 2 days. Then I went to the DLT with the certificate Honda gave me, plus the usual documentation, 30 mins later I had my licence.


I think it is a good idea. 

Same thing. Still pay the driving school and get a garanteed pass.

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On 16/01/2017 at 4:16 AM, fruitman said:

5 whopping hours! And there's me with my European licenses which took me 50-60 hours of driving together with an instructor in real traffic and costed me 200.000 baht. I also had to do 10 hours of theory and do an exam for that as well.

Superior people only need 5 hours, unlike us who need ten times that, you should know that as its sort of the same when you go to a national park


But they can keep the road kill here and not export it to other countries thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is no big bike test in Thailand

When I collected my license last year they gave me two cards. It wasn't until I got home that I realised one was a bike license.
Presumably they did so because there is a little picture of a motorbike on the back of my UK license.

I am neither swift enough nor hold enough to ride anything bigger than a Honda Wave...
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This is really bad,,, my GF got her license through a place like this in CM .. they told her verbally that they "guarantee" that she will pass the test.. They charge 3000 for thai's and 5000 for foreigners...


Ofcourse, the official test does not prove much more that you can park anyway.... 

Edited by hobz
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can understand that some countries do not accept Thai driver licenses because Thai people never learn to drive properly. Some are dangerous for their surroundings.  And we have kids driving motorbikes (without licenses of course and no helmet,) sometimes 3 -4 on a bike. And the police?  Well they look the other way. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 1/16/2017 at 11:40 AM, smedly said:

to keep them right all they have to do is send in a bogus applicant with the intention of slipping them a back hander to get the certificate - then introduce stiff penalties for those caught taking a bribe - like a mandatory jail sentence and stiff fine plus revoke the operators licence - that should work

No chance of that happening.  TIT!  No one would ever want to be party to making someone in authority lose face in any way.  

Edited by The Deerhunter
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On 16/01/2017 at 0:11 PM, tingtong said:

93 private schools nationwide?


those unlucky, might have to go to the next province to school, i guess that fill the figures on the practical hours.

5 hours with instructor, 2-5 times driving across the province to school for another 4-5 hour per occasions or more unsupervised?

in the "old" system students had to provide their own car for the driving test, bet nothing has changed much on that part. 

amulet sales will rise.


If there is 93 in Thailand, there must be a dozen in bkk..... 

How many new ones will open up now? 

5k per license sounds like a good investment  for the school owner



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Dont forget that once a Thai has offically been to a Thai driving ( or should that be droving ?) school and passed their test they will be, as soon as they walk out with their licence, superior to you in every way, they will instantly have more experience that you or me even though we may have been driving many many years and covered many more miles, they will be able to put you in your place and tell you that YOU are a bad driver, it was not the Thai driver!


I now await the youtube results to see if the crashes decline.......................

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/16/2017 at 4:09 PM, jesimps said:

Yes accidents will always happen, some places much more than others. I think it's safe to assume the better the training, the less frequent the accidents.

True, but there are more factors at play than that. The way Thai roads are designed and engineered is one big factor - those ubiquitous u-turns need to go. There needs to be more local roads rather than the highways that are built literally in the middle of a city. More expressways that separate local and long-distance traffic. Although foreign bikers seem to begrudge the fact that bikes of any size are prohibited from any limited access expressway in Thailand, as long as the driving standards are as they are, they should remain banned as at least on expressways (and motorways, same thing) one can actually drive without having to slow down or move into another lane to avoid a suicidal motorcyclist trying to do a u-turn, or for that matter worrying about speeding big bikers blinding moving into your lane without indicating and putting everyone's life at risk.


Still 200,000 Baht for a licence in Europe? What a rip-off. In the USA driver's licences are as cheap as chips, the roads are as good (if not better than Europe) with none of those goat tracks that pass as country roads which are almost too narrow for two cars to pass each other and the accident rate is no worse than in Europe. Seems like Europeans are the ones getting hosed...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/01/2017 at 11:35 AM, ezflip said:

5 hours? Really? I mean, really???


Most Thais that I know can't even sit still for 2 hours in front of the local monks while blessing a new home... Let alone stop playing on their phone as if Facebook updates are way more important then any driving video. Especially if the video does not contain car chases, guns and crashes.


Ok -- end of sarcasms for the day --


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On 16/01/2017 at 10:42 AM, webfact said:

All applicants need to do is go to a driving school, get a certificate and they will be behind the wheel.

A driving school where exactly?  After extensive research one is aware of three adjacent provinces where a driving school does not exist.  Should one not have undergone driving lessons, a "certificate" will no doubt be available for whatever amount the "instructor" deems the student can afford.

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  • 1 month later...

You get what you pay for. 


(In terms of education, road rules, all weather conditions experience, day and night driving.

Parking skills. Reaction response time. Do you need glasses. Medical conditions. 

It goes on and on.

We all know what we had to to to get our well earned accreditations)

I have multiple various types of license and tickets.

Many require zero BAC at all times and defensive driving training too.

Never one accident in 49 years.



Suppose it does give us the right to judge what the Keystone Cops have no idea about here.

Road Law. 

Driver Education. 

Consideration for others.

Roadworthy vehicles. 

Driver responsibility. 


They are good at nailing low hanging fruits. Instant tea money. End of month supplemental pay. lol.


It has to start with the police. 


Psychological testing. (Don't laugh).

Awareness of ALL the law breakers on every soi, not just the one THEY are targeting that day/night.


Many of these BIB never had a license until they were given one with the job.

Same for the Glock on thier hip.

Maybe the fact that they buy thier own bullets  (heresay) is why we dont get shot..


For every one unfortunate who gets pulled over and nailed, there are 1001 who get away with just about everything else. 


For every driver licenced to normal standards, the BIB should be licenced to even higher standards.


(I did my Thai licenses in Buriram, with police i.d check, hospital medical, TB and Meth.tests, come back next day, DLR response test, eyesight test, no sleight of hand payment.

(I wouldn't have it any other way ). And thats a lot more than some were doing).



Thats the alarm clock. 

Time to wake up....


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/16/2017 at 11:40 AM, smedly said:

to keep them right all they have to do is send in a bogus applicant with the intention of slipping them a back hander to get the certificate - then introduce stiff penalties for those caught taking a bribe - like a mandatory jail sentence and stiff fine plus revoke the operators licence - that should work

But will never happen...

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As long as there is a  requirement to collect the revenue for the upline senior officers, the lower lifes will keep collecting and ignoring every law in the Thai handbook. 


Realistically, we all want to see the  changes for the better, and preservation of life. 

We choose to live here and I'm sure we all have friends and families that get affected by it at some time.


But in all honesty...

Where's the incentive to change?

Enforce the law and kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 

Or ignore the laws and just let the public do their own thing. 


Except when its revenue collection time.


Edited by metisdead
Offensive emoji removed.
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