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British protesters tell Trump from Tower Bridge: "Build bridges not walls"

Jonathan Fairfield

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Hey, wait up there pardner; is that the same UK that voted 'YES' to Brexit because they feel they've enough foreigners in the country now? The whole idea of Brexit as explained to the rest of the world is there were too many immigrants in the UK so get out of the EU so you don't have to let them in anymore. 

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I don't see these same people complaining about the immigration policies of Thailand.  Or Mexico either for that matter.  I suggest that these "Open Border" proponents take a trip to Mexico, toss their visas and passport, and start working illegally.  See how that works out.  But America is suppose to allow the world to flow in unimpeded by Immigration laws and quotas that are the norm in countries outside of the EU.  These people and people like them are out of touch. 

Edited by connda
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4 hours ago, Bannoi said:

Has he got the power to use nukes against IS (small ones) or would he be stopped. Interesting times ahead methinks.

No, he does not, and yes he would be stopped. Yes very interesting times ahead, for the better I hope. You may have an ISIS operative living next door to you, they are not easy to find and/or monitor with all our civil liberties laws protecting them. A catch 22 I guess.

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Thanks to the protesters in London.

I'd really like to see similar in Moscow but of course there they're celebrating the ascension of a grand useful Yankee idiot. 



Dear oh dear. Still harping on that one like a broken record. All so unfair the wonderful public didn't elect the next clone in-line but went for something that might upset the cozy establishment's status quo. 


Nothing to do with people in London quite frankly. But the left PC liberals just can't abide the "rise of the populist right" in Europe. Heaven forbid people won't do as they are told, vote how they are told and accept the bigger and bigger lies the left trot out. 

Never occurs to these self appointed political regulators that people are fed up with their hypocrisy, lies and failed policies.

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2 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Hey, wait up there pardner; is that the same UK that voted 'YES' to Brexit because they feel they've enough foreigners in the country now? The whole idea of Brexit as explained to the rest of the world is there were too many immigrants in the UK so get out of the EU so you don't have to let them in anymore. 


No, it's just the usual group of left wing PC liberal activists, British and foreign there, who can't accept that not everyone simply believes everything their failed political parties tell them anymore. The same lot usually passionately support their right to protest and free speech but would deny the same by violence to anyone with a different view.

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3 hours ago, mrfill said:

As Reuters cannot even describe Tower Bridge properly (which is a double bascule bridge, NOT a drawbridge, which is the entrance to a castle), this must be fake news.


Just similar to the latest invasion of Norway by hundreds( well ok 3 hundred ) of troops.

News nowadays is far too much based on the opinions of self important newscasters. A bit like newspapers and tweeters, check the date and if that's correct then just ignore everything else reported.

I agree with DT putting America first and all who want to benefit from it for free second or even further down the scale.

My ideal description of a leftist is someone who has nothing and would love to share it with you.

I have nothing in this life I didn't work or pay for and I'm not prepared to hand it over to anyone for free. Exception being when I put my hand in my pocket for the Salvation Army.

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On 20/01/2017 at 7:55 PM, Savilesghost said:

Maybe if those protesting and the others slqgging Trump off all the time, stop calling people who disagree with them racists, stupid etc maybe then bridges can be built, but it is perfectly clear to me that its the lefie loonies who are the intolerant ones 

I used to consider myself a liberal. 


But I can no longer associate myself with some of the most intolerant and bigoted people on the political spectrum.

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18 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Hey, wait up there pardner; is that the same UK that voted 'YES' to Brexit because they feel they've enough foreigners in the country now? The whole idea of Brexit as explained to the rest of the world is there were too many immigrants in the UK so get out of the EU so you don't have to let them in anymore. 

The reason why the UK voted for Brexit boiled down to sovereignty.  Immigration was a factor, but it was the lack of democracy that caused the vote to leave.

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21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:



Farage is such a loser that he managed to win the Brexit vote?

Trump is such a loser that he amassed a  mega business empire, the support of  tens of millions and won the  presidency of the USA?


It's your condescending dismissive arrogance that put these two people  where they are today.

Because you disagree, doesn't make them losers. I have no love for either of these two, but they gave voice to the frustrations of tens of millions who have been pissed upon for decades by people like you. You will propel them further unless you reconsider your approach.


I have long thought that Trump's ascension has been a reaction against PC culture and identity politics.  Jonathan Pie sums it up perfectly:


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On 1/20/2017 at 6:47 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

'"For me it's about not just the inauguration of Trump, but about the rise of right wing populism across Western Europe and the US ... Jac St John, ... said ...'

Where did right wing come into it? Or, for that matter, populism? Every wing of the political and business spectrum helped create the conditions, either proactively or pro-complacently, that led to both the Brexit vote and that for Trump. Now they and their supporters seek to place the blame anywhere but where it belongs - in their own back yard.

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On 1/21/2017 at 1:15 PM, connda said:

I don't see these same people complaining about the immigration policies of Thailand.  Or Mexico either for that matter.  I suggest that these "Open Border" proponents take a trip to Mexico, toss their visas and passport, and start working illegally.  See how that works out.  But America is suppose to allow the world to flow in unimpeded by Immigration laws and quotas that are the norm in countries outside of the EU.  These people and people like them are out of touch. 

'... America is suppose to allow the world to flow in unimpeded by Immigration laws and quotas ...' A bit like the UK. Except the UK, with a population much the same as Thailand, has a land mass less than two thirds of LoS, and substantially smaller than the U.S.

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11 hours ago, teatree said:

I used to consider myself a liberal. 


But I can no longer associate myself with some of the most intolerant and bigoted people on the political spectrum.


Well well said, one of the shocking things i read about was these so called peace loving tolerant liberals physically attacking US veterans at Trumps swearing in, really shows how dangerous these people really are, the scream facism, but one suspects its them who are the facists, intolerant to any opinions which disagree with their brain washed view of life 

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3 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Where did right wing come into it? Or, for that matter, populism? Every wing of the political and business spectrum helped create the conditions, either proactively or pro-complacently, that led to both the Brexit vote and that for Trump. Now they and their supporters seek to place the blame anywhere but where it belongs - in their own back yard.


If the truth be told the " right wingers " are now the populists, while the" left wing" are now the right wing facists 

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19 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:


If the truth be told the " right wingers " are now the populists, while the" left wing" are now the right wing facists 

Dude, you way oversimplify politics. 

Demagogic populist authoritarians transcend left and right, they come from both.

Chavez, left. Castro, left. Duterte, right. Putin, right. trump, right. 


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, you way oversimplify politics. 

Demagogic populist authoritarians transcend left and right, they come from both.

Chavez, left. Castro, left. Duterte, right. Putin, right. trump, right. 


Ah ok got it Commie, Commie, Commie,  Putin right wing  Sure about that ?


So thanks for confirming that left wingers are all Communists...funny you say Putin is right wing...he  is a communist,...


given all all countries which became communist became so via a violent overthrow, i can see the connection between the violent communist actions in the past and the violence in the US over Trump


In summary there is an attempted communist overthrow of a democratically elected president in US with the intent of installing a totalitarian commie goverment in the US ? 

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52 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:

Ah ok got it Commie, Commie, Commie,  Putin right wing  Sure about that ?


So thanks for confirming that left wingers are all Communists...funny you say Putin is right wing...he  is a communist,...


given all all countries which became communist became so via a violent overthrow, i can see the connection between the violent communist actions in the past and the violence in the US over Trump


In summary there is an attempted communist overthrow of a democratically elected president in US with the intent of installing a totalitarian commie goverment in the US ? 

There is such a lack of basic logic and/or basic understanding of politics in your post that the only rational response is ignore list. 

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There is such a lack of basic logic and/or basic understanding of politics in your post that the only rational response is ignore list. 

Left wing by any chance ? Figures ? 


Will not engage in debate, hurls insults and threats and makes assumptions and jumps to conclusions with no factual base 


Refer video post 41 

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