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Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration


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Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration

By Jonathan Landay and Scott Malone

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - America's political divisions turned violent on Washington's streets during U.S. President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday, as black clad anti-establishment activists set fires and clashed with police while Trump supporters cheered the new chief executive.

Hundreds of protesters with varying agendas marched through downtown streets, and some groups clashed with police, throwing rocks and bottles which police responded to with tear gas and concussion grenades. A helicopter hovered low overhead.

At one flash point, a protester hurled an object through the passenger window of a police van, which quickly sped away in reverse as demonstrators cheered. Earlier, activists wearing masks used chunks of pavement and baseball bats to shatter the windows of a Bank of America branch and a McDonald's outlet, all symbols of American capitalism.

Multiple vehicles were set on fire, including a black limousine and a television truck. A knot of people dragged garbage cans into a street a few blocks from the White House and set them ablaze, later throwing a red cap bearing Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan into the flames.

Police said that at least 95 people were arrested and two officers injured in scuffles with activists.

The protests played out just blocks from Pennsylvania Avenue, where New York businessman-turned-Republican politician Trump proceeded in the traditional parade a newly sworn in president takes from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.

The various protest groups scattered around the city chanted anti-Trump slogans and carried signs with slogans including "Trump is not president" and "Make Racists Afraid Again."

"Trump is not going to be stopped at the top, he's going to be stopped from the bottom, from people rising up," said Ben Allen, a 69-year-old retired teacher from San Francisco. "We support the right of everybody in this country, no matter what nationality, what religion, the colour of their skin, to be respected as a human being, and this guy doesn't respect anybody."


Trump supporter Ryan Shiring, 21, stood nervously with a group of friends near a pile of smouldering trash cans.

"We thought there would be protests but we didn't expect violence," said Shiring, a college student from Hartford, Connecticut. "We were hoping for a completely peaceful transfer of power."

Democratic officials, including Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser, condemned the violence.

The U.S. Secret Service, Washington police and other law enforcement agencies had about 28,000 officers in place to secure a roughly three-square-mile (7.8 square km) of the city.

During the election campaign and former reality TV star Trump's surprising rise to power, some of his rhetoric was interpreted as racist and anti-immigration. His inauguration speech was a populist and nationalist rallying cry.

Protesters and police said the black-clad violent activists were acting independently of organised opposition to Trump.

The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November.

Not far from the White House, Bob Hrifko, a member of the Bikers for Trump group, was struck in the face with an aluminium chair when he tried to intervene in a scuffle involving police and protesters.

"I know, law and order and all that. We need more order. This ain't right," said Hrifko, who was bleeding from a cut under his eye.

The number of people who turned out for the midday swearing-in ceremony in the rain appeared to be significantly smaller than the estimated 2 million who attended Democrat Barack Obama's first inauguration in 2009. Overhead video of the National Mall showed sections of the white matting laid down to protect the grass were largely empty.

Trump supporters Chris and Karen Korthaus, who carried a life-size cardboard cutout of the former reality TV star, crossed paths with an anti-Trump crowd.

"A protester came over and ripped off the Don's head," Karen Korthaus said as she showed a reporter a video of the incident. "We ran to a pizza shop and taped his head back on."

There were also protests around the world.

In Tokyo, several hundred people, most of them expatriate Americans, protested against Trump. In London, activists draped a banner across the British capital's iconic Tower Bridge reading "Build bridges not walls," a reference to Trump's promise to wall off the U.S.-Mexico border. But in Moscow, Russians hoping Trump will usher in a new era of detente with their country celebrated his inauguration.

Along the stretch of Washington where the rioters smashed windows, workers cleaned up the debris.

"We're just working, and the next thing you know, violence is coming our way," said Edwin Garcia, 26, a cook at an Au Bon Pain where three windows were shattered. "What was the point if they never got to where Trump is?"

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-21


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Hopefully these useless pieces of dem paid meat feel true violence soon enough


They have actually been quite fortunate that the majority see them as acting out

tantrum throwing <deleted> as is


That tolerance will not last & this lot stands no chance when push comes to pull...yes pull

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17 minutes ago, mania said:

Hopefully these useless pieces of dem paid meat feel true violence soon enough


They have actually been quite fortunate that the majority see them as acting out

tantrum throwing <deleted> as is


That tolerance will not last & this lot stands no chance when push comes to pull...yes pull


Nice try.  The <deleted> who vandalized businesses were anarchist pieces of shit, easily identifiable by their ANARCHY SYMBOLS that they wear, and the fact that they cover their faces in black so they can't be identified (similar to the violent pigs who cover up their badge numbers so they can beat protesters without reprisal).  Nobody likes those anarchist jerks; they're always ruining peaceful protests here in California with their senseless violence.


So take YOUR violent sentiments toward peaceful protesters elsewhere.


Granted, I'm not saying that violence will not occur before this horrible chapter in American history is over...it most definitely will.  But the violence will be directed specifically at the Nazis and KKK who are a rising force in the US.    The violence today in DC was stupid; it was directed at businesses in an overwhelmingly Democrat city.  

Edited by Saastrajaa
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From AP:

“Scores were arrested for trashing property and attacking officers while a burning limousine sent clouds of black smoke into the sky during Trump's procession.”


“About 100 protesters who smashed the windows of downtown businesses including a Starbucks, a Bank of America and a McDonald's as they denounced capitalism and Trump.”


“When some crossed police lines, taunting, "Put the pigs in the ground,"




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One good thing- at least looking at some of the photos.


This dispels some folks' contention that this type of behavior is specific to one particular racial demographic.  


But that will probably be lost on the haters, anyway.

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12 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Snowflakes not getting their way. 


Or maybe desperate citizens who have watched the wealth disparity grow for 40 years, and their future being stolen by special interests- saying they're not going to stand by like sheep and let it keep happening just because the people doing it have enough money to pay for the rules in their favor?

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"We support the right of everybody in this country, no matter what nationality, what religion, the colour of their skin, to be respected as a human being, and this guy doesn't respect anybody."

...and we respectfully damage you and your property while in the process of determining who exactly deserves the most liberty, equality and who should be able to pursue happiness the best. Amen akbar. Idiots.

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14 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

...and we respectfully damage you and your property while in the process of determining who exactly deserves the most liberty, equality and who should be able to pursue happiness the best. Amen akbar. Idiots.


Not fair, unless the statement you quoted came from one of the guys actually doing the vandalism.  And those guys don't seem to be amenable to public press interviews, what with the masks and all.


Tens of thousands protesting peacefully (if not within the questionable laws saying when, where and how they're "allowed" to exercise their constitutional right to free assembly)  And some small subset of crazies (in masks, mind you) giving them a bad name by vandalism and general mayhem.  


Do we even know the baddies aren't being paid to do just that?  It wouldn't be the first time agitators were paid to cause trouble for law abiding groups...  And it certainly wouldn't be the first time a worthwhile protest was hijacked by a tiny fringe that's been looking for an excuse to cut loose.  Or score a big screen TV.

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1 hour ago, maoro2013 said:

Lefties are out of control. Idiots.


Those aren't lefties.  They are "anarchists".  They go around the country, infiltrating peaceful demonstrations and causing violence.  Any IDIOT could easiy figure that out: they're kind of easily identifiable by the anarchy symbols they wear, and the fact that they cover their faces, something that peaceful protesters do not do.

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4 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:

Those aren't lefties.  They are "anarchists".  They go around the country, infiltrating peaceful demonstrations and causing violence.  Any IDIOT could easiy figure that out: they're kind of easily identifiable by the anarchy symbols they wear, and the fact that they cover their faces, something that peaceful protesters do not do.


I wonder how much that pays?  And is there a dental plan?

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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


I wonder how much that pays?  And is there a dental plan?


From what I understand, they're basically people who actually believe the lines spoken by the Tyler Durden character in "Fight Club"...their goal is to tear everything down, and return human society to a hunter-gatherer state.  Good luck with that one, guys...

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47 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Snowflakes not getting their way.


In the past few days, and seemingly out of nowhere, I have read the word 'snowflake' used in a pejorative manner so many times. While less obscure than SJW, it is every bit as banal.

I assume it is intended to offend? If anything, its lack of originality and the frequency of its usage in this context offend my vocabulary. Are we really going to have to endure 4 years of 'snowflake' being used as an insult?

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

In the past few days, and seemingly out of nowhere, I have read the word 'snowflake' used in a pejorative manner so many times. While less obscure than SJW, it is every bit as banal.

I assume it is intended to offend? If anything, its lack of originality and the frequency of its usage in this context offend my vocabulary. Are we really going to have to endure 4 years of 'snowflake' being used as an insult?


God I hope not.  But they can't use "Obummer" any more...  


BTW, I had to Google "snowflake" and it wasn't exactly what I thought.  Close, but nuance is important when you're insulting large groups of people, so I figured I'd be safe and check.


Edit:  I'm kind of hoping it'll be for 8 years and not 4, because that will mean Trump has surprised and done a good enough job to get a second term.  Fingers crossed- not because I'm a Trump fan, but because I'd like to see him succeed anyway.

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4 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:


Nice try.  The <deleted> who vandalized businesses were anarchist pieces of shit, easily identifiable by their ANARCHY SYMBOLS that they wear, and the fact that they cover their faces in black so they can't be identified (similar to the violent pigs who cover up their badge numbers so they can beat protesters without reprisal).  Nobody likes those anarchist jerks; they're always ruining peaceful protests here in California with their senseless violence.


So take YOUR violent sentiments toward peaceful protesters elsewhere.


Granted, I'm not saying that violence will not occur before this horrible chapter in American history is over...it most definitely will.  But the violence will be directed specifically at the Nazis and KKK who are a rising force in the US.    The violence today in DC was stupid; it was directed at businesses in an overwhelmingly Democrat city.  

don't believe the hype...nazis and kkk are not ascending in the usa...the left wing anarchists are, however...that is why the majority of middle class citizens elected trump...a glance at demographics indicates that voters for clinton huddle in ny and the west coast...where more than 30% of the population depend on the govt for their support...

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1 hour ago, hdkane said:

a glance at demographics indicates that voters for clinton huddle in ny and the west coast...where more than 30% of the population depend on the govt for their support...


Why is that relevant?  More people voted for Clinton than for Trump.  Period.  It doesn't matter where they came from, what they do (or don't do) for a living, what race, religion or gender they are.  Why do people have to denigrate Clinton voters?  They're full citizens.  They each get one vote.   Just like the Trump voters.


That doesn't change the fact that Trump won under the Electoral College system, which is the system in place.   Also, full stop.

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Or maybe desperate citizens who have watched the wealth disparity grow for 40 years, and their future being stolen by special interests- saying they're not going to stand by like sheep and let it keep happening just because the people doing it have enough money to pay for the rules in their favor?

By putting a brick through Starbucks window? Right.

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6 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

By putting a brick through Starbucks window? Right.



I don't condone their behavior, but I do understand their anger and frustration.  Like those scofflaws that tossed all that tea into Boston Harbor.  What were they thinking?


Edit: I'll leave you with this:


Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


I'm not sure (and Thank God I don't have to decide) if 40 years of watching the decline of the 99%'s share of the American dream qualifies, but apparently some think that's long enough.


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1 minute ago, impulse said:


I don't condone their behavior, but I do understand their anger and frustration.  Like those scofflaws that tossed all that tea into Boston Harbor.  What were they thinking?


I've been on the losing side many times during my lifetime and I've never felt I needed to destroy someones property, but I guess I am a higher class person, than those morons we saw yesterday.

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1 minute ago, uptheos said:

I've been on the losing side many times during my lifetime and I've never felt I needed to destroy someones property, but I guess I am a higher class person, than those morons we saw yesterday.


I don't disagree, but it seems pretty clear that the morons basically hijacked a peaceful -albeit probably noisy- demonstration.  I'll be curious to see how it all shakes out- were they agitators on a payroll, anarchists doing what they do, or part of the main group and they put on masks to hide that fact.  Lots of questions to be answered...

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4 minutes ago, impulse said:


I don't disagree, but it seems pretty clear that the morons basically hijacked a peaceful -albeit probably noisy- demonstration.  I'll be curious to see how it all shakes out- were they agitators on a payroll, anarchists doing what they do, or part of the main group and they put on masks to hide that fact.  Lots of questions to be answered...


They should be putting the blame squarely where it lies, on lazy lying Hillary's shoulders.

Yes she won 'the popular' vote, but most of those votes were in California and New York, where she thought all her progressives would surely get her through. She ignored all the poor counties in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania et al, too lazy, couldn't care less after all she was going to win so what did she need to promise them? Won the popular vote east and west coast, but not middle America and besides it really doesn't matter at all because electoral college rules.

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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


I don't disagree, but it seems pretty clear that the morons basically hijacked a peaceful -albeit probably noisy- demonstration.  I'll be curious to see how it all shakes out- were they agitators on a payroll, anarchists doing what they do, or part of the main group and they put on masks to hide that fact.  Lots of questions to be answered...


I think you are right about the hijacking. It seems now that the main choices we have in politics are dominated by those at the extreme ends of the spectrum, and that the charismatic and eloquent leaders of those positions attract a less eloquent, but devoted following who will happily jump on any bandwagon to create chaos. 


16 minutes ago, uptheos said:

I've been on the losing side many times during my lifetime and I've never felt I needed to destroy someones property, but I guess I am a higher class person, than those morons we saw yesterday.


I agree with your sentiment, but I believe that our leaders are responsible for fanning the flames of dissent that we are seeing. Nobody seems to want to stay in the middle ground; all want to pander to the extremes.

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I hope trump puts an end to the useless violence in the US, but it looks like the hatred runs deep from all sides. I think it is reaching levels prior to the civil war. This fact plus 200,000,000 privately owned guns could spell disaster.

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