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Trump admin targets violent Islamist groups as foreign policy priority


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Trump admin targets violent Islamist groups as foreign policy priority

By Yeganeh Torbati

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U.S. President Donald Trump speaks after being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will make defeating "radical Islamic terror groups" its top foreign policy goal, according to a statement posted on the White House website moments after Donald Trump's inauguration as U.S. president.

Trump, a Republican, used his inaugural address on Friday to promise to "unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth."

In the statement, titled "America First Foreign Policy," the Trump administration said, "Defeating ISIS and other radical Islamic terror groups will be our highest priority." ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State.

In order to "defeat and destroy" Islamic State and similar groups, the new administration said it "will pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations when necessary," work to cut off funding for terrorist groups, expand intelligence sharing, and use "cyberwarfare" to disrupt propaganda and recruitment efforts. The statement offered no indication of how Trump's policies might differ from those of his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama.

The Obama administration also pursued those broadly described strategies: working with European and Middle Eastern allies in a bombing campaign targeting Islamic State leaders and their oil infrastructure, authorizing U.S. special forces operations against the group, and using sanctions and other methods to cut off its financing.

Trump's speech and the statement echoed his campaign criticism of Obama and his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, for not using the phrase "radical Islamic terror" to describe Islamic State and other hardline jihadist groups.

Obama argued that using the term would conflate "murderers" with "the billion Muslims that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful." Clinton said using the phrase would play into the hands of militants who want to portray the United States as at war with Islam.

The White House statement also appeared to nod at better relations with Russia, something that Trump has said he would pursue. "We are always happy when old enemies become friends, and when old friends become allies," the statement said.

Trump has rejected criticism that he is too eager to make an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The statement vowed to "rebuild" the American military, including enlarging the Navy and the Air Force, a frequent theme during Trump's campaign.

The statement repeated Trump's campaign vow to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Asian free-trade pact that Obama championed but was unable to get through Congress. Trump has said, without elaboration, that international trade deals have hurt American workers.

"President Trump will ensure that on his watch, trade policies will be implemented by and for the people, and will put America first," the statement said.

In a separate statement on the White House website, the Trump administration said it intends to develop a "state of the art" missile defense system to protect against attacks from Iran and North Korea. It did not say whether the system would differ from those already under development, specify the cost or say how it would be financed.


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4 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:

Really?  Because most terrorism in the US is carried out by white racist extremists.  Look it up.


What a white racist extremist KKK skinhead USA home grown terrorist 'allowed'

to do, not the same for the Islamist/Arabs counterparts, horses for courses.....

Not same-same.....


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       Several times during his speech, he said that bad things (fill in the blanks.....) will stop happening "from day one."   Now we're in day two. Have all those bad things stopped happening?  How about day 25, or day 116?  


          He speaks to American adults like a scatter-brained first grade teacher speaks to her students on the first day of class.  "Everything will be better now that I'm in charge.  No more bullies.  No more stealing.  No more bad things will happen.   Now, with me in charge, you all will all be safe.  From now on, everything will be great.  All the time. You got that, kids?"

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5 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Will Trump begin carpet bombing Syria and Iraq Monday to destroy ISIS?

Or just issue bombastic slogans.

Frankly, either is deadly.


I can see why you are worried if you think those are the only two options.

Relax, President Trump and the grown ups are in charge now.

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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Will Trump begin carpet bombing Syria and Iraq Monday to destroy ISIS?

Or just issue bombastic slogans.

Frankly, either is deadly.


Doubt he'll ever fund ISIS, or accept money from those that do. Can't say the same for other American wannabee presidents.

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6 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

Really?  Because most terrorism in the US is carried out by white racist extremists.  Look it up.


You've been called out by 2 posters. All you have to do is post your research that proves your statement.


We're waiting in anticipation.

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Our new man baby president talks about uniting the "civilized" world to fight against Islamic terrorism. I can get behind that for sure, but what I'm not so sure about after watching both trump's horrifying authoritarian style convention and inauguration speeches is whether trump's dark "vision" about the USA really qualifies the USA as being part of that "civilized" world. trumpism represents the TOTAL OPPOSITE of civility. 


God help us. 

Edited by Jingthing
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19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Our new man baby president talks about uniting the "civilized" world to fight against Islamic terrorism. I can get behind that for sure, but what I'm not so sure about after watching both trump's horrifying authoritarian style convention and inauguration speeches is whether trump's dark "vision" about the USA really qualifies the USA as being part of that "civilized" world. trumpism represents the TOTAL OPPOSITE of civility. 


God help us. 


Could you quote, something from his speech that you found horrifying?

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Pretty much the entire speech, and also, the dark picture he painted of America was pure fiction. 


He was speaking only to his rabid supporters and demonized everyone else. That's the exact opposite of what a decent president does at an inauguration speech, especially a president that received no mandate, and is massively unpopular already. 


He SCARES people. Instead of trying to fix that, he doubled down on that. Clearly a fascistic tactic. Be afraid with GOOD reason on this clown demagogue. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Pretty much the entire speech, and also, the dark picture he painted of America was pure fiction. 


He was speaking only to his rabid supporters and demonized everyone else. That's the exact opposite of what a decent president does at an inauguration speech, especially a president that received no mandate, and is massively unpopular already. 


He SCARES people. Instead of trying to fix that, he doubled down on that. Clearly a fascistic tactic. Be afraid with GOOD reason on this clown demagogue. 






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15 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:






Do you believe that approximately 330 million Americans live in Chicago?

In fact, not that I think you have much use for them, the homicide rate in America is drastically lower than it was 20 years ago. In fact, it's roughly at the level where it was in the 50's.  You know, the era that Trump supporters think they yearn for.

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8 hours ago, Patong2 said:

217 rioters arrested and charged with federal offence of rioting.

That's a great start.


Normally incompetent police forces such as Fergusson, have just let them destroy and burn peoples property.

Are these Clinton supporters?  Just can't understand Americans, they had an election, one side lost so the losers start acting  like 3rd world animals rioting, looting and destroying property.  I thought Americans were civilized and educated.  Geez grow up Americans. 

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8 hours ago, Patong2 said:

217 rioters arrested and charged with federal offence of rioting.

That's a great start.


Normally incompetent police forces such as Fergusson, have just let them destroy and burn peoples property.

Are these Clinton supporters?  Just can't understand Americans, they had an election, one side lost so the losers start acting  ice 3rd world animals rioting, looting and destroying property.  I thought Americans were civilized and educated.  Geez grow up Americans. 

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27 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Are these Clinton supporters?  Just can't understand Americans, they had an election, one side lost so the losers start acting  ice 3rd world animals rioting, looting and destroying property.  I thought Americans were civilized and educated.  Geez grow up Americans. 


The reality is they are not really. There is a hardcore of anarchists that turn up to demonstrations and take them over and are violent and loot and destroy. The problem is the Clinton supporters do not immediately disavow and expose these terrorists and so they have to carry the blame for the results.

Bit like Muslims not denouncing the ISIS scum and thereby become complicit by their silence.

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2 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

Could you quote, something from his speech that you found horrifying?


     You're prompting another poster, but I'll respond.  I don't use the word 'horrifying' but I will use the word 'troubling.'   In his speech, Trump portrays the US as fraught with unemployment (#'s improved steadily under Obama's 8 yrs), that the US armed forces are weak (they're quite strong). Trump also characterizes all US cities with black sections are fraught with crime and misery.  That's just not so.  


          Memo to Trump:  it's not a black & white world out there.  As much as you want everything to be either wonderful (like his unspecified plans for health care and the US in general) or horrible (like he characterizes detailed plans by experienced & wise people) ..... domestic and int'l issues are a lot more convoluted than you, Mr. Trump, paint them.   


He says he'll appoint the best people.  Look at his appointees.  6 are Goldman Sachs execs and they're cumulative wealth = about $14 billion.  None have significant experience with the positions they've been assigned.  Like Trump, they're groping in the dark (except when Trump gropes, it could be for some woman's privates).

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50 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


     You're prompting another poster, but I'll respond.  I don't use the word 'horrifying' but I will use the word 'troubling.'   In his speech, Trump portrays the US as fraught with unemployment (#'s improved steadily under Obama's 8 yrs), that the US armed forces are weak (they're quite strong). Trump also characterizes all US cities with black sections are fraught with crime and misery.  That's just not so.  


          Memo to Trump:  it's not a black & white world out there.  As much as you want everything to be either wonderful (like his unspecified plans for health care and the US in general) or horrible (like he characterizes detailed plans by experienced & wise people) ..... domestic and int'l issues are a lot more convoluted than you, Mr. Trump, paint them.   


He says he'll appoint the best people.  Look at his appointees.  6 are Goldman Sachs execs and they're cumulative wealth = about $14 billion.  None have significant experience with the positions they've been assigned.  Like Trump, they're groping in the dark (except when Trump gropes, it could be for some woman's privates).

Trump's inbreeding incest team is condemned to collapse by economic facts.


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3 hours ago, Patong2 said:


The reality is they are not really. There is a hardcore of anarchists that turn up to demonstrations and take them over and are violent and loot and destroy. The problem is the Clinton supporters do not immediately disavow and expose these terrorists and so they have to carry the blame for the results.

Bit like Muslims not denouncing the ISIS scum and thereby become complicit by their silence.


Very similar to the UK.

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Funny thing, some Algos on the financial market got triggered by a word or sentence and started to sell heavily. I don't know what was actually the trigger. After the sell off, the market recovered and ended in green.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Are these Clinton supporters?  Just can't understand Americans, they had an election, one side lost so the losers start acting  ice 3rd world animals rioting, looting and destroying property.  I thought Americans were civilized and educated.  Geez grow up Americans. 

That's my thoughts too. I think, these violent people only looking for a cheap reason to be violent. I wonder how many of them even voted. In Germany the same group of extreme lefties get paid by some left parties. It's a open secret (and proved).

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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