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White House says media delegitimizing Trump, won't 'take it'


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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Of course they have. They have suggested that he is an anti-Semite for starters  - despite a mountain of evidence otherwise. Denying it does not change the facts.

Who is this "they"?  This is typical Trumpspeak. Speaking of the media as though it's a monolith. What lots of people have said is that he used anti-semitic tropes to attract support and that he was very very slow in repudiating and very unenergetic in expressing his disavowal when he was finally pushed to do so.


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38 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean like him admitting that Russia was doing the hacking.

Wasn't it Lance Priebus who said this allegedly on Trump's behalf?  And we know how often Trump undercuts the people who claim they are speaking on his behalf.  He doesn't have the guts to say it himself.  Such a snowflake.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who is this "they"?  This is typical Trumpspeak. Speaking of the media as though it's a monolith. What lots of people have said is that he used anti-semitic tropes to attract support and that he was very very slow in repudiating and very unenergetic in expressing his disavowal when he was finally pushed to do so.



"They " is much of the media and all the dog whisper stuff is impossible to prove because it is complete nonsense. 

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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Of course they have. They have suggested that he is an anti-Semite for starters  - despite a mountain of evidence otherwise. Denying it does not change the facts.

He's one of the rudest speakers I've ever seen.  He disparages almost everybody.  If he changed the way he spoke, the media would respect him more.  As you know, respect is earned, not given freely.  So far, Trump has not earned that respect for many of us.




It’s time to acknowledge reality: Donald Trump talks like an anti-Semite


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10 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I generally don't harp on a point someone is determined to ignore, but I am not talking about the differences between their characters, obviously they are very different. I am talking the change in decorum of the media for this historical event.  It is a red flag for what could be some very hard times forthcoming in America. I am talking about The useful idiots who are now frothing at the mouths for civil disobedience. Manipulated by the MSM. 

Understood.  But that is my point.  The media is treating him differently because he's nothing like any other president we've had.  He lies and disparages almost everybody.  The MSM are not manipulating anything.  They don't have to!  Trump's giving them softballs and they are eating it up! LOL


Civil disobedience, within the limits of the law, is a huge part of a functioning democracy.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


"They " is much of the media and all the dog whisper stuff is impossible to prove because it is complete nonsense. 

Love the hard numbers. "Much" is such a useful term.  So it's "much" but not "a lot"? And Trump's reluctant and tardy disavowal of anti-semitic white nationalists? And his accusing Hillary clinton of conspiring with international bankers?  You don't have to be an anti-semite to use anti-semitic expression to appeal to anti-semites.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


No they wouldn't. They did the same thing to George Bush and he was very polite. Much of the MSM are liberal partisans and honesty is not important to them.

Really? During the Bush-Gore election they favored Gore? What planet are you from?  And to make it worse, the media challenged George Bush during the run-up to the Iraq war? Your grasp on reality is nearly as tenuous as is Trump's.

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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Understood.  But that is my point.  The media is treating him differently because he's nothing like any other president we've had.  He lies and disparages almost everybody.  The MSM are not manipulating anything.  They don't have to!  Trump's giving them softballs and they are eating it up! LOL


Civil disobedience, within the limits of the law, is a huge part of a functioning democracy.


I'm a big fan of protests and as long as they are lawful I have absolutely no objections. What I don't like to see is the denial that what has come to pass has actually come to pass. I hope protests aren't the oppositions only strategy and that they are instead coming up with viable strategies to better serve the electorate. I know Sanders is working hard at this, but he seems to be the only one. Wouldn't it be ironic if the desperation to unseat Trump led to something just as bad or worse than Trump just because the opposition misread the temperature of the electorate, AGAIN.


I see that leading Democrats are hard at work to come up with the left version of Breitbart. They don't give me much confidence that they "get it".

Edited by lannarebirth
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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:

Does the POTUS not have advisors to explain things like a free press being the minimum requirement of a functioning democracy ...especially in regard to public scrutiny of elected officials.




Indeed, a free press is not a licence to print blatant lies and garbage. If the do that they forefeit their privilegs. What go to the White House, when they cam make up lies in their offices?

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Just now, uptheos said:


Indeed, a free press is not a licence to print blatant lies and garbage. If the do that they forefeit their privilegs. What go to the White House, when they cam make up lies in their offices?

 Such ignorance. In the USA a free press does have the right to print blatant lies and garbage. Do you even have a clue about the first amendment? You can't possibly be from the USA unless you were home-schooled by Steve Bannon.  But if the press doens't  have the right to that, then what about the news organization that recently published an article claiming that a mob of Muslims burned down a church in Germany. That was a blatant and utter falsehood.  I guess that organization will shortly be shut down.

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2 hours ago, Carib said:

It is all about a certain man's fragile ego...

Like the ego of a certain Mr Barack O?

Or a certain Mrs C?

Face the music, the last president made the world a much more dangerous place, the democrats made a mess of the US, and cannot accept the fact the other side can have a try now.

When Mr O came into power, did the republicans & followers demonstrated against him?

They did not, they accepted the results of the voting.

Accept the democratic processes!


Edited by hansnl
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3 minutes ago, dblaisde said:

As if this has occurred since Watergate. The MSM are bought and paid for, owned by the same big interests that own everything else. The internet and leakers are the future of journalism. It's been criminalized and driven underground.

You mean big interests like Goldman Sachs? It's great we finally have a President who has completely and utterly repudiated their influence in government.  It would be terrible if he had apppointed the #2 man from there to be head of his economic council or make one its alumni and a predatory banker to boot his Treasury Secretary.  And appointed several others to high positions in government.  That would be scary.

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2 hours ago, NumbNut said:

I have a request. Could the right-leaning TV folks please describe to me what a 'snowflake' is?


Just trying to work out to which side this handle is best suited... 


Thank you kind sirs!


Final Thoughts: ˜What does it mean to be a snowflake?™

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm a big fan of protests and as long as they are lawful I have absolutely no objections. What I don't like to see is the denial that what has come to pass has actually come to pass. I hope protests aren't the oppositions only strategy and that they are instead coming up with viable strategies to better serve the electorate. I know Sanders is working hard at this, but he seems to be the only one. Wouldn't it be ironic if the desperation to unseat Trump led to something just as bad or worse than Trump just because the opposition misread the temperature of the electorate, AGAIN.


I see that leading Democrats are hard at work to come up with the left version of Breitbart. They don't give me much confidence that they "get it".

I'm not so sure the "opposition" is that organized.  Seems to be a grass roots effort coming from a variety of fronts.  Trump has, after all, pissed off more than 1/2 the US!  And a good part of the world. LOL

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9 minutes ago, uptheos said:


Indeed, a free press is not a licence to print blatant lies and garbage. If the do that they forefeit their privilegs. What go to the White House, when they cam make up lies in their offices?

What lies have they printed? 

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

 Such ignorance. In the USA a free press does have the right to print blatant lies and garbage. Do you even have a clue about the first amendment? You can't possibly be from the USA unless you were home-schooled by Steve Bannon.  But if the press doens't  have the right to that, then what about the news organization that recently published an article claiming that a mob of Muslims burned down a church in Germany. That was a blatant and utter falsehood.  I guess that organization will shortly be shut down.

Actually, that is not true.  All media sites are biased.  Some more than others.  If it's outright fake, or a lie, legal issues can (and do) arise.  The major media sites vet their info very well.  No denying that.  The small and more fringe sites don't vet their info very well.  They are more interested in click bait.

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1 minute ago, hansnl said:

Like the ego of a certain Mr Barack O?

Or a certain Mrs C?

Face the music, the last president made the world a much more dangerous place, the democrats made a mess of the US, and now cannot accept the fact the other side can have a try now.

When Mr O came into power, did the republicans & followers demonstrated against him?

They did not, they accepted the results of the voting.

Accept the democratic processes!

Yes, it was the democrats who brought on the greatest economic crisis since the great depression It was the democrats who waged a war based on falsehoods that massively destabilized the Mideast and led to the rise of Isis. . But it was the Republicans who presided over the longest economic period of growth in U.S. history. It was the Republicans who drastically reduced the rate of uninsured in the USA. But it was the democrats who sabotaged that effort by pressing for its destruction instead of working to improve it. And now it's the democrats who have want to destroy it without having a plan to replace it. Evil, evil, democrats.

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Here's Trump's take on the media:


>>>   Anything that praises Trump or props him up, HE LOVES IT, and shout it from the ramparts.


>>>  Anything which doesn't praise him:  HE HATES IT, and furiously denigrates the messenger, and hopes the company goes bankrupt (NYTimes, Wash Post, whatever). He is also the king of frivolous lawsuits.


       Like the Dutch fairy tale about the boy who puts his finger in the leaking dyke, ....Trump will need 100,000 fingers to try to plug all the news stories that have and will be coming out on him.  The news is almost always on the mark, but Trump only lauds the news which lavishes praise upon him and burnishes his Trump Tower-sized ego.



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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Actually, that is not true.  All media sites are biased.  Some more than others.  If it's outright fake, or a lie, legal issues can (and do) arise.  The major media sites vet their info very well.  No denying that.  The small and more fringe sites don't vet their info very well.  They are more interested in click bait.

Legal issues only arise in the case of private citizens who are not public figures. They certainly do not apply to what Uptheos was griping about.

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Several posts claiming MSM sites are less than reputable have been removed from view and a few members warned.  Per forum rules:


9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


There are plenty of websites out there that cater to this sort of stuff.  Ours is not one of them.

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42 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


That makes it even more revealing. He is not beyond changing his opinions or his policies when convinced that he was wrong. There are plenty of politicians who refuse to do that and his detracters should be giving him credit instead of trying to make political points.


Actually, he seems to hold opposing views at the same time. Best way to say "I was right all along" and not have to admit he was wrong.

ie. "No one respects women / intelligence community more than I do".

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Completely different treatment for good reasons.  He's a liar and so are his staff.  Congrats to the media for keeping up the pressure on these guys.





The future under these guys doesn't look bright.

You call Hillary truthful... 

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

From the Urban dictionary: link

An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in "safe zones" on college campuses.
Those social justice warriors are just a bunch of snowflakes.

So Trump is a snow flake.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean like him admitting that Russia was doing the hacking.

After a week of protesting and denying he finally had nowhere to go. Same as with Obama being a Kenyan, he kept on and on, depsite the evidence being very clear. Whgen after years and years he had nowhere to go he finally gave in.

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