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White House says media delegitimizing Trump, won't 'take it'


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

And we're not going to sit around and take it," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday."

If your going to make a statement like that your best to sit among the "Friendlies" Who like you besides Faux News? Who sells appliances cheaper than Bad Boy is the answer. 

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

most watched inauguration in history, but it is pretty obvious that it was on TV

Nearly 31 million viewers watched live U.S. television coverage of Donald Trump's presidential inauguration, far fewer than tuned in to Barack Obama's first swearing-in, but otherwise the biggest such audience since Ronald Reagan entered office, ratings firm Nielsen reported on Saturday. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-inauguration-ratings-idUSKBN15600S

Unless you're using "alternative facts," maybe some supporting references to back your claim?

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They won't take it?

They deligimitized THEMSELVES doing what they do, saying what they say.

Face it folks, we've entered a kind of civil war already with right wing nativist authoritarians vs. everyone else (the majority). Hopefully it won't turn violent, but trump is not helping prevent that (witness his atrociously divisive inauguration speech). 

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Trump is playing the Presidency like a reality show and with his tweeting he attracts media response, this is his MO.  It's his game show and you can be sure that he will market it in the same vein.  Just like a game show though he needs the viewing figures but at what cost to the legitimacy of his position as POTUS.  He is already making the Presidency a farce and he is just a couple of days in. 

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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, it was the democrats who brought on the greatest economic crisis since the great depression It was the democrats who waged a war based on falsehoods that massively destabilized the Mideast and led to the rise of Isis. . But it was the Republicans who presided over the longest economic period of growth in U.S. history. It was the Republicans who drastically reduced the rate of uninsured in the USA. But it was the democrats who sabotaged that effort by pressing for its destruction instead of working to improve it. And now it's the democrats who have want to destroy it without having a plan to replace it. Evil, evil, democrats.

It will do you no good to continue down this path young Winston.  Accept and rejoice in the revisions from the tube, or it could lead to your undoing in that final room.

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This Articles starts out taking the position that the White House is Correct. <deleted>. Does anyone do any research?  Trump and his crew are Chronic liars. They lie every day.  Facts: 

1. Aerial Photos shows the lawn, TV Monitors at each lawn area...showing Trumps speaking.  The damn lawns int he back are half full !

2. Aerial Timelapse Video showing People coming, watching the inaugeration, and leaving. Lawn is Half FuLL


The Press was doing their job, calling out the President for LIES.  


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8 hours ago, JXCutter said:

It must be tough for Trump.  He has to deal with the liberals and their lying media plus the non-Americans who having been sucking off the US tit for decades.  I'm betting most of the anti-Trump losers that are posting here aren't even Americans.  As far as democracy and the press the media in the US has totally abused Freedom of the Press by deliberately lying to the American public.  It's their responsibility to tell the American public the truth not lie or slant the news.  Trump knows this and is by-passing the media.  And as far as being thin skinned I'm glad to see a President stand up to the lies and defend his integrity.  So you non-Americans go get your own house in order because we're cleaning up ours .

Here's a shocking example from the lying media:

White House Pushes ‘Alternative Facts.’ Here Are the Real Ones.


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9 hours ago, Richard W said:

Which is ironic, as Obama seems to have automatically regained his Kenyan citizenship during his second term in office, as part of Kenya's moves to allow dual citizenship and restore it to those who had been stripped of it for holding another nationality.

It's the first I've heard of that.  Probably part of the fake news that right wingers glom on to daily.  If it is true, it's not a big deal.  Thailand probably offered Thai citizenship to Tiger Woods.  Thaksin has a diplomatic passport from Nicaragua, and passports for about 9 other countries. Famous people can't control who gives them things.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's the first I've heard of that.  Probably part of the fake news that right wingers glom on to daily.  If it is true, it's not a big deal.  Thailand probably offered Thai citizenship to Tiger Woods.  Thaksin has a diplomatic passport from Nicaragua, and passports for about 9 other countries. Famous people can't control who gives them things.

It's true but it's been the law since 2010.


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Push comes to shove, I don't think most Americans like a BULLY. Yes, trump won the presidency being the biggest and most dirty talking bully in U.S. history, but only about 27 percent of people eligible to vote actually voted for him so that doesn't disprove my theory. These threats that they won't take it backed up by BIG LIES ... gonna backfire on them and good riddance. 

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16 hours ago, RickBradford said:

The snowflakes react to things they don't like by curling up in a ball, whimpering for their mommies to make the nasty man go away.

Absolutely.  If DT didn't win the election and all this questionable stuff regarding Russian hackers came up you can bet the flying monkeys of the right wing would have been all over it, even calling for the election to be voided.  But what did the Dems do?  Exactly what you described.  That's why I hate the Dem Party leadership.  I think the party leaders are just as corrupt as the GOP, and the Dems in lesser positions (like congressmen) just fall in line.  Wimpy-ness is no counter to GOP authoritarianism.  However, the authoritarianism of the Clinton machinery easily bowled over the Democrat party, which the Bernie contingent wouldn't stand for; I think HRC never considered the blowback from Bernie supporters would be so strong due to her in-party coup. 

I don't want to hear or see a Clinton ever again.  I never liked Bubba and his "I can talk the birds out of the trees" manner, and HRC's  principle campaign issue "I am Woman, hear me bore."



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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Push comes to shove, I don't think most Americans like a BULLY.

But there's a lot that really, really go for authoritarianism, it's practically an S&M-type fetsih.  Just look at all of them here on TV alone that will support any ridiculous thing that comes out of DT's prolapsed orifice.


If you want to go the psych route, check out Wilhelm Reich's writings on why the people of Germany were so supportive of the little guy with the moustache in the 1930s.



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11 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Here's a shocking example from the lying media:

White House Pushes ‘Alternative Facts.’ Here Are the Real Ones.


His and his staffs list of lies are quite long!  Incredible people still support this guy.  Can't believe anything he says.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

His and his staffs list of lies are quite long!  Incredible people still support this guy.  Can't believe anything he says.

Given that it is just 2 months since the NYT had to issue a grovelling public apology for its biased anti-Trump election coverage, it's hard to believe anything they say, either.

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4 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Given that it is just 2 months since the NYT had to issue a grovelling public apology for its biased anti-Trump election coverage, it's hard to believe anything they say, either.

I didn't see that.  Do you have a link?

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55 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Just what I thought:

Actually, it's an open letter written by NYT publisher and executive editor Arthur Sulzberger Jr, where he admits the newspaper's bias in the election coverage and pledges "to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. "


So, "just what you thought", is just what you wanted to think, without troubling to do the slightest research.

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39 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Actually, it's an open letter written by NYT publisher and executive editor Arthur Sulzberger Jr, where he admits the newspaper's bias in the election coverage and pledges "to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. "


So, "just what you thought", is just what you wanted to think, without troubling to do the slightest research.

I don't see an apology there.  I'll stick with politifact's analysis, from the link above:



The 200-word letter primarily serves to thank readers for their loyalty and to say that New York Times will "rededicate" itself to the high journalistic standards it has employed thus far.


Nowhere in the letter did the authors write anything like an apology. Nor did they say that the organization’s overall coverage of Trump was "bad."


Here's what you posted:


Given that it is just 2 months since the NYT had to issue a grovelling public apology for its biased anti-Trump election coverage, it's hard to believe anything they say, either.


I don't any grovelling, nor a public apology, other than to admit they underestimated Trump's ability to win.  Something most of the US did also.



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Well, it's a matter of opinion.


Many professional commentators saw it as a stunning public admission of bias, when the NYT has to try to reassure readers that it will "rededicate" to "reporting, honestly, without fear or favor", thus admitting it had failed to be honest in its prior reporting.


This is not some teenage blog, this is a 160-year-old newspaper of considerable repute, which doesn't usually wash its dirty linen in public.

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On 1/23/2017 at 9:55 AM, louse1953 said:

Spot on.In his previous job he was a bully boy boss and nobody challenged him.His ego is very soft and he knows he is not up to the job so attack the messenger is the way to go.This will not end well.

It may end very well, with him truly being exposed as the spoiled, failed, lying buffoon he really is. :coffee1:

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2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Actually, it's an open letter written by NYT publisher and executive editor Arthur Sulzberger Jr, where he admits the newspaper's bias in the election coverage and pledges "to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. "


So, "just what you thought", is just what you wanted to think, without troubling to do the slightest research.

Can you please quote the exact passage where he admits the newspaper's bias?  I did look up the speech but in the version I saw, I guess the apology fell out.

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And here's the latest news. Trump claimed to congressional leaders that he would have won the popular vote if 3-5 million illegals hadn't voted.


I know what the objection is going to be. I'm citing the left wing Fox News as the source.

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2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Well, it's a matter of opinion.


Many professional commentators saw it as a stunning public admission of bias, when the NYT has to try to reassure readers that it will "rededicate" to "reporting, honestly, without fear or favor", thus admitting it had failed to be honest in its prior reporting.


This is not some teenage blog, this is a 160-year-old newspaper of considerable repute, which doesn't usually wash its dirty linen in public.

You haven an unfailing gift for error. For years the Times has had a public editor whose job is to air its dirty linen in public.  The only way you could not know that is if you didn't read the NY Times.  But thank you for sharing your ignorance

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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You haven an unfailing gift for error. For years the Times has had a public editor whose job is to air its dirty linen in public.  The only way you could not know that is if you didn't read the NY Times.  But thank you for sharing your ignorance

Oh, I know about the public editor position.  It's similar to the BBC Editorial Standards Committee (an oxymoron if ever there was one) which does a fabulous job of marking its own homework.


I don't think there are many instances of Sulzberger himself feeling the need to publicly apologise, any more than the Director-General of the BBC does.

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