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Singer Madonna defends 'blowing up the White House' remark


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I always had the impression that F... Y.. is a generally accepted interjection in American English.
Like in: How the F... are Y..  ; What the F... is going on; Are you F...ink crazy ; and for "No" F... Y... (hence the frequent miscommunication around rape cases); similarly, "I cannot stand you" or any other disapproval of a person is frequently replaced by F... Y.. .
Or maybe that is only so with my U.S. colleagues, and in the C, D, E, etc. movies shown on cable. 

Anyway, another storm in a teacup.
No News about the Essence of Donald's "Tweet-as-you-go-Politics" it seems.

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2 hours ago, timewilltell said:

A whole lot of hot air over some over boisterous locker room boasting between two guys which is totally commonplace. These liberals women are making me more conservative with their persistent complaining against a President who hasn't done anything yet. Madonna is hardly an example of equality between the sexes.   And if anyone thinks women never utter profanities or speak crudely in the bathrooms around the world then you are living in a dream. These demonstrations were mistimed and nothing but an excuse to protest. Funny how the outrage doesnt extend to the horrendous abuse of women's rights in muslim countries or in the West where a blind eye is turned to areas practicing Sharia law but a few words uttered in confidence later betrayed bring out millions. Something tells me that people have ceased to be able to balance and compare problems and injustices.

As they say there is no smoke without fire......Trumplestiltskin and Schwartznegger are both the same kind of men. Sleezeballs. 

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Metaphor: implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics.


So, how is "blowing up" and "White House" a metaphor? 

Madonna -  Subject

Blowing up  -  Verb

White House  - Object
I don't see a metaphor.  I see a potential crime committed that will definitely get the secret service's attention directed toward Ms. Madonna.  She probably blew up her chances of not to receive a visit from the Secret Service. 

Edited by connda
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19 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I would venture to suggest that the great majority of these protesters are on welfare, parasites who are worried that things may be changing !

I am not at all surprised that you would suggest such a thing. You've never demonstrated that you had any use for real data.

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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says Madonna “ought to be arrested” for saying she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House” since Donald Trump’s election.

“She is parallel to the young fascists who ran around town breaking windows, all of whom should be given the maximum sentence,” Gingrich said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” on Monday. “What you have is an emerging left-wing fascism, she’s part of it and I think we have to be prepared to protect ourselves.”


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2 minutes ago, uptheos said:


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says Madonna “ought to be arrested” for saying she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House” since Donald Trump’s election.

“She is parallel to the young fascists who ran around town breaking windows, all of whom should be given the maximum sentence,” Gingrich said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” on Monday. “What you have is an emerging left-wing fascism, she’s part of it and I think we have to be prepared to protect ourselves.”


It's funny, conservatives always complain about liberal thought police. Now it looks like it's the conservatives who plan on actually creating them.

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2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

I would venture to suggest that the great majority of these protesters are on welfare, parasites who are worried that things may be changing !

I would venture to suggest that you have no idea what you are talking about. I would further venture to suggest that the great majority of Trump supporters are themselves parasites.


People can venture to suggest whatever they want. Unless they have facts (remember those?), it doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot.

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25 minutes ago, charmonman said:

I would venture to suggest that you have no idea what you are talking about. I would further venture to suggest that the great majority of Trump supporters are themselves parasites.


People can venture to suggest whatever they want. Unless they have facts (remember those?), it doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot.

I don't like the fascist language calling struggling people parasites. But one thing is certain, many of the desperate people that voted for trump to roll the dice are going to be directly hurt by the actual policies trump effects. Most dramatically, Obamacare repeal with total B.S. fake replace. The changes in the works will actually result in the deaths of thousands of these trump voters annually. trump speak -- SAD!

Edited by Jingthing
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12 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

I would venture to suggest that the great majority of these protesters are on welfare, parasites who are worried that things may be changing !


"I would venture to suggest that the great majority of Trump voters are White Supremacists who are hoping that things may be changing!"


My above sentence makes as much sense as yours.

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15 hours ago, connda said:

Metaphor: implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics.


So, how is "blowing up" and "White House" a metaphor? 

Madonna -  Subject

Blowing up  -  Verb

White House  - Object
I don't see a metaphor.  I see a potential crime committed that will definitely get the secret service's attention directed toward Ms. Madonna.  She probably blew up her chances of not to receive a visit from the Secret Service. 

If a  Tommy Taliban had stood on a stage in the US and said this would be in Gitmo now on terrorism charges fact

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It was an ignorant thing to say. No doubt about that. But, the fact is that there were far more people at the protests, than at the inauguration. He is not a president that inspires. I hope he is able to accomplish something. I hope he is more than just a bag of hot air. I hope he is able to translate his promises into some action. 


In reality, he asked for the media backlash, by making enemies of them. And he asked for this woman's movement (as silly as it does seem at times) with all of his offensive statements over the years, his incredible degree of disdain for alot of women, his constant tirades, and his behavior over the past few decades. We don't know the half of it. 

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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Then trump should go to jail too for his encouragement of people in his campaign to murder Hillary Clinton if she won. 

Now tell the story properly, he didnt encourage his people to murder anyone...your telling porkies , his remark referred to "2nd ammendment people "  and not all "gun supporters" are Trump supporters...


You know you can go to jail for telling porkies as well 


To quote the telegraph


Donald Trump suggests " 2nd amendment people" could act against Hillary Clinton"




Maddona was very specfic in what she said, there is no ambiguity in her remarks where as  regards what  Trump said could be interpreted multiple was dependent on which way you lean 

Edited by Savilesghost
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Madonna has a filthy mouth and should have been dragged off the stage. How can the left let someone on a stage address women and children and say what she did... you also had the Hillary rap concert awhile back using the N and F words every time they opened their mouths. I am not right wing but if this is the way the left conduct themselves perhaps Right is the correct way to go.
I have stopped watching a few shows and stopped listening to a few singers as they can't stay in the middle. I don't want some moron telling me how I should think. I think boycott those who are in the entertainment industry who can't keep their mouths shut, right and left !

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15 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Madonna has a filthy mouth and should have been dragged off the stage. How can the left let someone on a stage address women and children and say what she did... you also had the Hillary rap concert awhile back using the N and F words every time they opened their mouths. I am not right wing but if this is the way the left conduct themselves perhaps Right is the correct way to go.
I have stopped watching a few shows and stopped listening to a few singers as they can't stay in the middle. I don't want some moron telling me how I should think. I think boycott those who are in the entertainment industry who can't keep their mouths shut, right and left !

This is the thing, the left is the new right, and the old right is now center...LOL confused you soon will be 

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32 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Madonna has a filthy mouth and should have been dragged off the stage. How can the left let someone on a stage address women and children and say what she did... you also had the Hillary rap concert awhile back using the N and F words every time they opened their mouths. I am not right wing but if this is the way the left conduct themselves perhaps Right is the correct way to go.
I have stopped watching a few shows and stopped listening to a few singers as they can't stay in the middle. I don't want some moron telling me how I should think. I think boycott those who are in the entertainment industry who can't keep their mouths shut, right and left !


Well, keep in mind, Trump has Ted Nugent on his side. ? 


Something about living in glass houses surely applies. 



Just recently, Nugent told a crowd of Trump supporters that both Obama and Clinton to “be tried for treason and hung.” Later, during a mid-concert rant, Nugent told Hillary Clinton: “Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these guns into the sunset, you worthless bitch.”


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