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Chiang Mai and Bangkok show solidarity with women's march


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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Oh great- please tell me, which protest- subject and form of protest you aprove of.

Next time, I feel like protesting, I sure turn to you for advice!


What happened to the topic was it hijacked?? by Shari law. Let the Sharians straighten that one out. 

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17 hours ago, nisakiman said:

Just what are they protesting about?


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that Trump has only just been sworn in, so hasn't yet enacted any legislation to protest about.


Or are they protesting in advance about things they think that perhaps he might do that will maybe disadvantage women?


I have to say that Mrs Trump doesn't look particularly downtrodden.


It all seems a bit silly to me. Something whipped up by the feminist loving media because they don't like the fact that Trump won.


I don't have a horse in this race, not being American, but I think it shows very poor form condemning the guy before he's had a chance to show what he can do. It smacks of bigotry, prejudice and hypocrisy.


Well he has just signed a memorandum stopping all state funding of abortion overseas. I was unaware the US did that. However, if it's simply financials (which I doubt given Pence's stance on abortion) it wouldn't make sense given abortion's far cheaper than raising the resulting unwanted child. If it's ideology, then that could be a step back imv.

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Just now, dageurreotype said:

Well he has just signed a memorandum stopping all state funding of abortion overseas. I was unaware the US did that. However, if it's simply financials (which I doubt given Pence's stance on abortion) it wouldn't make sense given abortion's far cheaper than raising the resulting unwanted child. If it's ideology, then that could be a step back imv.

Way back. The women of America better watch out it could come to American shores next. Politics is a nano game a small bite at a time till your the guest of honor at a feast. The Donald is only getting warmed up stay tuned. 

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Purely an ideological move.

Stops all U.S. foreign aid to all NGOs doing abortions. These NGOs generally provide a wide range of health services other than abortions. The trump move cuts out ALL their funding, not just the funds that would be used for abortion services. In some cases, U.S. aid is most of their funding. 

It doesn't stop abortions. Women will get them in back alleys and many will die. Only God knows how many women (and men) trump killed by signing that purely ideological executive order?


Edited by Jingthing
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More off-topic posts have been removed.


The subject is women protesting in the streets of Chiang Mai and Bangkok in support of women's rights in response to the election of Donald Trump, not how Trump was voted into office or if he'd make a good POTUS or not.


There are plenty of threads in the World News Forum to discuss issues like that.


Please read the entire article for discussion here

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7 hours ago, DoctorG said:

It would be nice if you could quote one (just one) instance where women are not equal to men under Western law.

On the other hand it is not difficult to find instances where women are treated better.

The laws are fair enough, but outcomes are still quite unequal (for example, study after study shows that American women make about 20% less per hour than men doing the same work with the same qualifications, which is a bigger gap than in many developed countries) because of the implementation of the law and latent sexism. With the executive and legislative branches (who carry out and interpret the law) set to be filled with individuals who have more socially-regressive views on gender, people are right to be concerned.

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6 hours ago, thai3 said:


Why, if they are at the forefront of the global struggle for gender equality do they never protest against the lower status and oppression of women in Islamic countries? instead they cosy up to it, bit of a contradiction. Note the poster supporting the wearing of the hijab, something of a cause with these nutters, and something that in many Islamic countries women have no freedom of choice over- they have to wear them, or be punished by law. Why do these feminists never protest against the appalling status of women in Saudi Arabia where they are not even allowed to drive? As a 'feminist' male what do you think?

Maybe because it doesn't make any sense? What would public protests against how foreign governments treat their own citizens accomplish?


What would you suggest? Taking over their countries and changing their laws? It's best to set a good example at home and let foreigners who are being oppressed immigrate, provided they are vetted and meet the requirements.


5 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Yet....Here you are.... In Thailand.


What does where you live have to do with what you believe? Should we all just move where everyone thinks and acts like we do?

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23 hours ago, Dale59 said:

Of course none of them know anything about who or what they are protesting. While Trump employed thousands of women at top pay over decades and gave them incredible opportunities for advancement, Hillary Clinton payed her female staff less than their male counterparts and conspired against her husband's rape victims. But let's not let the truth get in the way of a a good man hating hissy fit!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Most of the marchers and protesters in The US also have no or very little knowledge of why they are there and many didn't even vote.

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22 hours ago, daveAustin said:

At least they've got one thing right here; not allowing silly little girls to get on the streets and whine over perceived impingement of foreigners' rights. These girls would be better served doing something useful, like campaigning to free North Koreans or sweeping the roads. :giggle:

Or making sandwiches.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Purely an ideological move.

Stops all U.S. foreign aid to all NGOs doing abortions. These NGOs generally provide a wide range of health services other than abortions. The trump move cuts out ALL their funding, not just the funds that would be used for abortion services. In some cases, U.S. aid is most of their funding. 

It doesn't stop abortions. Women will get them in back alleys and many will die. Only God knows how many women (and men) trump killed by signing that purely ideological executive order?



People have to take personal responsibility for their actions. Keep your legs closed, use birth control, go to Mexico, whatever. Unless you're raped, you did it to yourself. That is most unfortunate, but that is life.


If the private sector wants to fund planned parenthood, they should free to do so. But it's not the responsibility of the government.

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9 hours ago, debate101 said:

Good for them. I'm a man, but I'm also a feminist and fully support women's rights and basic equality for all under the law. This is a good time to let the world know that even though the US has just elected its most sexist president in memory, American women will continue to be at the forefront of the global struggle for gender equality.

Perhaps Thai women should march for equality since most of the real work in this country seems to be done by them.

As for your Trump remark, I'm reminded of the good 'ole boy from Arkansas ...................

cigar girl.jpg

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

Perhaps Thai women should march for equality since most of the real work in this country seems to be done by them.

As for your Trump remark, I'm reminded of the good 'ole boy from Arkansas ...................


Clinton was pretty sexist too, but there's a degree of difference between casual sexual assault and consensual adultery. They're both immoral, but one is definitely more sexist.


Thais don't tend to demonstrate unless something affects their lives directly or they're trying to overthrow the government. They certainly have a different approach to gender roles. I'll give them that.

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6 hours ago, debate101 said:

Clinton was pretty sexist too, but there's a degree of difference between casual sexual assault and consensual adultery. They're both immoral, but one is definitely more sexist.


Thais don't tend to demonstrate unless something affects their lives directly or they're trying to overthrow the government. They certainly have a different approach to gender roles. I'll give them that.

Can't see a single Thai in that photo, they all look like expats and tourists.

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