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Trump's spokesman promises reporters 'never to lie'


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3 hours ago, optad said:

Why does Donald have to semantically redefine  what is commonly know as to be a "lie"?


Ans why are we talking about this? It is a post truth world. 


Surely he has better things to do day two? Or doesn't he. Absolute deflection is a political game. Just four years of semantic blathering. Even having to answer this post makes me think Trump has nothing to offer his supporters defending him. 

The Post-Truth Era: Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life


John "deputy sherriff "Howard from the Land of Oz,defined election promises as core and non core promises.He was probably the blue print for Trump.Brandis in his own party called him the lying rodent.

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Reuters are being kind to him in this article. Wapo quoted Spicer extensively. Worth reading the full exchange. Here's a small sampling:


Journalist:But -- but in terms of the crowd size issue, why bring that up at the CIA? And why did you come out Saturday afternoon to talk about that? Did he tell you, Sean, I'm upset about this, I want you to come out and -- 

Spicer: No, I'm not going to get into conversations that I have with the president. But I will tell you that it's not -- it's not just about a crowd size. It's about this constant -- you know, he's not going to run. Then if he runs, he's going to drop out. Then if he runs, he can't win, there's no way he can win Pennsylvania, there's no way he can win Michigan. 

Spicer: Then, if won, it's oh, well he(ph) -- there is this constant theme to undercut the enormous support that he has. And I think that it's just unbelievably frustrating when you're continually told it's not big enough, it's not good enough, you can't win.


( https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/23/sean-spicers-defense-of-himself-and-explanation-of-donald-trumps-sensitivity-annotated/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_spicer-345pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory )


Jeez. What a whiner. Just wait till they ask for Trump's birth certificate, and when he produces it, ask for the long form, and when he produces that, still continue to somehow ask Trump to prove he's a real American and not a Russian plant.


With Spicer, I think we've found that Spice Girls member who was kicked out of the band early in their careers for being a Whitney little girly boy. He was called Snowflake Spice.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It took them how many hours to break their promise?

Trump Won’t Back Down From His Voting Fraud Lie. Here Are the Facts.


Interesting article parallel truths his and theirs seems to be the new standard. Get used to it folks 4 more years. He no doubt will issue a truth dictionary sometime in the future called "The World According To Trump"

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Given his addiction to lying, is it any wonder that these people support him?


Trump won this little chunk of Los Angeles, where half of voters are linked to Scientology


"It surprised no one last fall when Los Angeles and California at large overwhelmingly backed Hillary Clinton in her failed bid for the presidency. Just seven of the city’s 1,700 precincts went for Donald Trump.

But while nearly all of the surrounding region voted for the Democratic former secretary of state, one little chunk of Hollywood best known for the Church of Scientology’s “Big Blue” complex went red, picking the Republican billionaire instead."


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17 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Well, you have to parse the words of Washington politics-speak.


He did NOT promise to never lie.


He said, his INTENTION was to never lie.


And as they say, the best laid intentions of mice and men....


Exactly. So when they get caught out lying which they will, then it isn't their fault. Four more years of this...?

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14 hours ago, Scott said:

Oh, goodness, he reminds me of one of my students when I noted that he got every question on a test wrong.   He said, "These are the right answers, you just asked the wrong questions."



The student probably stole or bought the answers to the WRONG test!!! :tongue:  They gotta be careful about that.

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Donald Trump is releasing 'propaganda' from the White House press office


"It appears he's now gone a little overboard - emailing journalists a written statement containing only prior positive news coverage and no new information.

Mark Murray, the senior political editor for NBC News, tweeted a grab of an email he claims was sent to pool reporters:"



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1 hour ago, Opl said:

Like the series "Breaking Bad" you can see where this is going. The division and the delusion are just starting. 

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Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway faced ridicule on Friday after she used a TV interview to invent a terrorist attack that never happened, before criticising the media for failing to cover it.

Kellyanne Conway justified the anti-immigration decree of Donald Trump by the "Bowling Green Massacre." Problem: there was no massacre at Bowling Green.





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3 hours ago, Opl said:

Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway faced ridicule on Friday after she used a TV interview to invent a terrorist attack that never happened, before criticising the media for failing to cover it.

Kellyanne Conway justified the anti-immigration decree of Donald Trump by the "Bowling Green Massacre." Problem: there was no massacre at Bowling Green.





Thats the trouble when you get your mind wrapped around an alternate truth its hard to separate fact from fiction and goodness knows I think the "lady" lives in a fiction world. All this being on Team Trump jazz has gone to her head. Hey Kelly the election is over your side won cut the bull. 

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Thats the trouble when you get your mind wrapped around an alternate truth its hard to separate fact from fiction and goodness knows I think the "lady" lives in a fiction world. All this being on Team Trump jazz has gone to her head. Hey Kelly the election is over your side won cut the bull. 

That is the point of having an 'alternate' truth. Semantically, the irony is that the phrase infers two or (an)other and as such is an implicit acceptance of the first  real truth. Terrible we should be having this discussion from that office. Anyhow....


I just think that, unwittingly, the parsing of 'alternate truth' or 'alternate facts' will define Donald's presidency. It heralds a complete and random approach to anything else which is reasonable. Agenda or issues forward from here are going to be with this random shadow /


Donald wants to be recalcitrant and in a narcissistic way, wants to be  liked but does not seem to understand that these two things are mutually exclusive. We are dealing with a powerful person with serious personality defects. It is a strange time for all of us watching this unfold. 

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Alternate facts have been around as long as there have been partisans. One set of facts is presented while omitting those facts that don't lend support to the partisan's argument. His opposite number will supply the omitted facts and try to minimize the importance of the previously presented facts. Nothing new about any of that. "Alternate Truth" is a whole 'nother matter altogether.

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Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway faced ridicule on Friday after she used a TV interview to invent a terrorist attack that never happened, before criticising the media for failing to cover it.
Kellyanne Conway justified the anti-immigration decree of Donald Trump by the "Bowling Green Massacre." Problem: there was no massacre at Bowling Green.

To add to that Shaun Spicer said at a briefing that Iran attacked a US ship, he was corrected by a reporter in that it was a Saudi ship. Mistake by Spicer or intentional?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Alternate facts have been around as long as there have been partisans. One set of facts is presented while omitting those facts that don't lend support to the partisan's argument. His opposite number will supply the omitted facts and try to minimize the importance of the previously presented facts. Nothing new about any of that. "Alternate Truth" is a whole 'nother matter altogether.

You're confusing alternate facts with alternate arguments. A fact is a statement of a thing that is so. An alternate to a thing that is so is a falsehood. An argument arranges facts or falsehoods or a mixture to point to a conclusion.  

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You're confusing alternate facts with alternate arguments. A fact is a statement of a thing that is so. An alternate to a thing that is so is a falsehood. An argument arranges facts or falsehoods or a mixture to point to a conclusion.  

You're assuming that all facts are provided in their entirety, in which case you would be correct. Politicians never present all the facts. They present the facts that bolster their argument. And often they lie about even that much.

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2 hours ago, alanrchase said:


To add to that Shaun Spicer said at a briefing that Iran attacked a US ship, he was corrected by a reporter in that it was a Saudi ship. Mistake by Spicer or intentional?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


I think they need to start attending these intelligence briefs.

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3 hours ago, alanrchase said:


To add to that Shaun Spicer said at a briefing that Iran attacked a US ship, he was corrected by a reporter in that it was a Saudi ship. Mistake by Spicer or intentional?

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



This Trump Administration's misstatements repeatedly used as arguments reveal its loose relations with Truth ,  next step would be to ensure that reality  sticks to the official narrative ..

Mistrust and manipulation are all around now


Edited by Opl
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9 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

"Alternate Truth" is a whole 'nother matter altogether.

Alternate Truth again becomes alternative facts depending on a certain persons viewpoint. Yes I would concede that they have been around for ever but the fact that they are being used in such a high  profile manner is worth a mention. Some days I feel like I have been around forever. Guess that is an alternate truth. 

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