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Trump immigrant curbs cause chaos, panic, anger worldwide


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Trump immigrant curbs cause chaos, panic, anger worldwide

By Yeganeh Torbati and Doina Chiacu


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FILE PHOTO - A volunteer contacts the relatives of an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala after arriving to Announciation House, an organisation that provides shelter to immigrants and refugees, in El Paso, U.S. January 17, 2017.REUTERS/Tomas Bravo/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries caused confusion and panic among travelers on Saturday, with some turned back from U.S.-bound flights.

Immigration lawyers in New York sued to block the order, saying numerous people have already been unlawfully detained.

The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. He said the moves would protect Americans from terrorism, in a swift and stern delivery on a campaign promise.

The bans affects travelers with passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The action prompted fury from Arab travelers in the Middle East and North Africa who said it was humiliating and discriminatory. It drew widespread criticism from U.S. Western allies including France and Germany, Arab-American groups and human rights organizations.

Iran condemned the order as an "open affront against the Muslim world and the Iranian nation" and vowed to retaliate. Of the seven countries targeted, Iran sends the most visitors to the United States each year - around 35,000 in 2015, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The ban extends to green card holders who are authorized to live and work in the United States, according to Gillian Christensen, a Homeland Security spokeswoman.

It was unclear how many green card holders would be affected, but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.


Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from family members trapped abroad. Immigration lawyers worked through the night to help stranded travelers and enforcement at entry points was uneven.

"I never thought something like this would happen in America," said Mohammad Hossein Ziya, 33, who came to the United States in 2011 after being forced to leave Iran for his political activities.

Ziya, who lives in Virginia, has a green card and planned to travel to Dubai next week to see his elderly father. "I can't go back to Iran, and it's possible I won't be able to return here, a place that is like my second country," he said.

Saleh Taghvaeian, 36, teaches agricultural water management at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, said he feared his wife will not be able to return from Iran after a visit.

"In Iran they're not being allowed to get on the airplane," he said.

In Cairo, five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding an EgyptAir flight to New York on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said. Dutch airline KLM [AIRF.PA] said on Saturday it had refused carriage to the United States to seven passengers from predominately Muslim countries.

At least three lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project were at the arrivals lounge at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport's Terminal 4, buried in their laptops and conference calls, photocopies of individuals' U.S. visas on hand.


"Just because Trump signed something at 6 p.m. yesterday, things are coming to a crashing halt," said Mana Yegani, an immigration lawyer in Houston. "It's scary."

She and fellow lawyers worked all night fielding calls from travelers with student and worker visas who were being denied entry into the United States and ordered on flights back to the Muslim-majority countries.

Enforcement of the order was spotty and disorganized.

Travelers were handled differently at different points of entry and immigration lawyers were advising clients to change their destination to the more lenient airports, said Yegani, who works with the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

The order seeks to prioritize refugees fleeing religious persecution. In a television interview, Trump said the measure was aimed at helping Christians in Syria.

Some legal experts said that carve-out showed the order was unconstitutional, as it would violate the U.S. right to freedom of religion. But others said the president and U.S. Congress have latitude to choose who receives asylum.

Lawyers from numerous immigration organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union sued in federal court in Brooklyn on behalf of two Iraqi men, one a former U.S. government worker and the other the husband of a former U.S. security contractor.

The two men had visas to enter the United States but were detained on Friday night at Kennedy airport, hours after Trump's executive order, the lawsuit said.

Green card holders were also being stopped and questioned for several hours. Officials also denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada that were headed to the United States, Yegani said.

"These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here," Yegani said.

Those with visas from Muslim-majority countries have gone through background checks with U.S. authorities, Yegani noted.

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway reaffirmed the president's decision in a Twitter post on Saturday.

"@POTUS is a man of action and impact. Promises made, promises kept. Shock to the system. And he's just getting started," she tweeted.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-29
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What I can't believe is that Trump's ban includes individuals that are dual citizens.

How can you bar US citizens from returning to the US ? Isn't getting US citizenship enough "extreme" vetting

This is what happens when "outsiders" craft executive orders that won't pass legal muster. This administration is going to go down in history as being the most litigated in US history

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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15 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

What I can't believe is that Trump's ban includes individuals that are dual citizens.

How can you bar US citizens from returning to the US ? Isn't getting US citizenship enough "extreme" vetting

This is what happens when "outsiders" craft executive orders that won't pass legal muster. This administration is going to go down in history as being the most litigated in US history

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

I've found that Canadians with dual citizenship have been banned, but not US citizens with dual citizenship.

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13 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

What I can't believe is that Trump's ban includes individuals that are dual citizens.

How can you bar US citizens from returning to the US ? Isn't getting US citizenship enough "extreme" vetting

This is what happens when "outsiders" craft executive orders that won't pass legal muster. This administration is going to go down in history as being the most litigated in US history

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Actually any country can, its one of the draw backs of dual nationality, recognising dual nationality is not a "right" in the UK now one has to declare dual citizenship and give them a copy of the "other passport" upto a few years ago the UK didnt care, ultimately the US may get to the point of forcing dual nationals to choose what they want to be 



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1 hour ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

And now some judge in New York has struck parts of it down, describing it as "ill conceived" - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-muslim-deportations-stay-federal-judge-a7551546.html


Not just some judge, but a Federal judge



A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York issued an emergency stay on Saturday that temporarily blocks the U.S. government from sending people out of the country after they have landed at a U.S. airport with valid visas.

The order barred U.S. border agents from removing anyone who arrived in the U.S. with a valid visa from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. It also covered anyone with an approved refugee application. The Department of Homeland Security said that more than 170 people were denied entry to the U.S. as of Saturday night, according to Reuters.

The ruling by Judge Ann Donnelly of the U.S. District Courtfor the Eastern District of New York came during a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions

Twelve refugees were detained at JFK Airport within hours of Trump's order restricting immigration from seven majority-Muslim nations -- but two were released later in the day -- as hundreds of protesters continued to amass at the busy airport throughout the day and into the evening.  

One of the Iraqis, Hameed Jhalid Darweesh, 53, was released by midday Saturday. “I suffered to move here, to get my family here …. I can’t go back,” Darweesh said shortly after his release, according to the New York Post. Asked if he’d be killed in Iraq, he answered: “Yes, yes.”

source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/01/28/custom-officials-enforcing-trump-immigration-ban-at-us-airports.html

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1 minute ago, Johpa said:


And this is better than a minority of right wing leaning voters imposing "their way"? Or did you just conveniently forget that you lost the popular vote?

Happy Trails



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28 minutes ago, Johpa said:


And this is better than a minority of right wing leaning voters imposing "their way"? Or did you just conveniently forget that you lost the popular vote?

Happy Trails


Well one cannot state whether what Trump is better or worse than than any left or right wingers imposing their way at the moment, but one one can say for certain left wingers are making a complete cock of the world currently and will ultimately push certain countries to the brink of war, specfically in Europe 


Its their blinded cultural Marxism which have sowed the seeds of the likes of Trump, farage, Le Pen etc 


The times are a changin and its needed and long over due 


If the new administration in the US needs time to sort out the mess as regards immigration and to a assess things properly one needs to temporarly  not allow certain groups of people into the US, then so be it, if thats what it takes to sort this mess out properly 



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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"Just because Trump signed something at 6 p.m. yesterday, things are coming to a crashing halt," said Mana Yegani, an immigration lawyer in Houston. "It's scary."


Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway reaffirmed the president's decision in a Twitter post on Saturday.

"@POTUS is a man of action and impact. Promises made, promises kept. Shock to the system. And he's just getting started," she tweeted.



Yes, dear Mana….it's called an Executive Order. He is the President whether you like it or not.


Nice tweet Kellyanne…..she is channelling exactly what I said 2 days ago.


"A promise made. A promise kept."


I am happy that the Donald is proving to be a man of his word, unlike the thick skinned crooks who pass for politicians.


There was this fool of a mayor from Boston who actually said that illegal immigrants could use his office…I kid you not.


The dumbos at ISIS will probably unleash a couple of shootings in retaliation…showing the world that Mr Trump was absolutely right not to kowtow to them and other flaky liberal notions.



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2 hours ago, zydeco said:

Let's hold a national referendum on Trump's executive order bans. Which side do you think would win?

It is basically a 6 months ban until more stringent regulations can be put in place.Screw um if they don't like it.Give up your dual nationality if you want to become a citizen of The US.

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44 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Yes, dear Mana….it's called an Executive Order. He is the President whether you like it or not.


Nice tweet Kellyanne…..she is channelling exactly what I said 2 days ago.


"A promise made. A promise kept."


I am happy that the Donald is proving to be a man of his word, unlike the thick skinned crooks who pass for politicians.


There was this fool of a mayor from Boston who actually said that illegal immigrants could use his office…I kid you not.


The dumbos at ISIS will probably unleash a couple of shootings in retaliation…showing the world that Mr Trump was absolutely right not to kowtow to them and other flaky liberal notions.




Odd that you would think Trump's use of Executive Orders to make him a "man of action", while at the same time insisting that Obama, who initiated far fewer Executive Orders than either Dubya or Bill Clinton, was usurping the Constitution. The legality/Constitutionality of Trump's order is extremely questionable. What isn't questionable is the omission of Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia from his list of banned nations...all three of which are countries where Trump has deep business ties. Egypt, which has been victim of one of the highest rates of terrorism in the world. Saudi Arabia, home to 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists. Turkey, a nation that is growing increasingly hostile in its Islamic rhetoric. But, because Trump has money tied up in those places and certainly wouldn't want to anger their leaders, I guess he figures we can skip over countries that arguably shelter more terrorists than any other. But, I'm sure that's probably just a small oversight on Trump's part. The hypocrisy and self-dealing are mind-numbing. But then, this is a man whose ego and self-interest know no limits.

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Maybe Trump and Bannon worrying that with ISIS on the run, who can they have for enemies? Oh, this will help recruit more to extreme side, banning people from select group of Muslim countries (absence of countries 9/11 group came from... hmmm). Nothing like having external enemies, real or not, to justify usurping of power. Just ask Adolf

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Trump is awesome ! Not only is the wall with Mexico going to start , he curbs the migrants too. Just not enough , it should have been ALL muslim countries, especially saoudi arabia .

Sure some anger "worldwide " ....But not from all . Trump is right , I 'm happy with what he's doing , and I'm not even american.

8 days in office and he's done better things than the last 5 presidents together.

Go Trump ,go !

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4 hours ago, Savilesghost said:

Actually any country can, its one of the draw backs of dual nationality, recognising dual nationality is not a "right" in the UK now one has to declare dual citizenship and give them a copy of the "other passport" upto a few years ago the UK didnt care, ultimately the US may get to the point of forcing dual nationals to choose what they want to be 



The US did not recognize dual citizenship until 1967. Before then if

you gained US citizenship through naturalization you had to give up

your old citizenship. If you were American by birth or parental lineage

you could gain dual citizenship of another country as long as you did not

tell immigration when you crossed the boarder into the US.  


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3 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It would seem that the Trump's miscalculations and incompetence are already dooming his hopefully shortlived presidency.

That's a nice wish but he controls congress, and will soon control SCOTUS. The republicans are enjoying the POWER. They're the only ones with the power now to put a stop to this. Their patriotism to stop an insane clown needs to be stronger than their lust for power. I'm not optimistic. 

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2 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Maybe Trump and Bannon worrying that with ISIS on the run, who can they have for enemies? Oh, this will help recruit more to extreme side, banning people from select group of Muslim countries (absence of countries 9/11 group came from... hmmm). Nothing like having external enemies, real or not, to justify usurping of power. Just ask Adolf

Anyone who would join ISIS because they could not get into

the US becauseof Trumps executive orders are not people

you ever wanted into the country.We will see how long this

goes on for. I am at a loss as the US has failed to protect translators and other Iraqi/Afghani support staff (who they promised they would protect by allowing them to immigrate

to the US). That said I do understand where Trump is coming from. That said how about banning/deporting Saudi Imams preaching hatred and jihad in the US. Perhaps if the

US/Europe had been more targeted in the past not allowing these Imams out of Saudi we would not have this issue now.

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35 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It would seem that the Trump's miscalculations and incompetence are already dooming his hopefully shortlived presidency.

Bookmakers are offering only 7 to 4 that he will not last the first term with reasons including impeachment, death in office,assassination, probably throw in overeating and stress etc.

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6 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

What I can't believe is that Trump's ban includes individuals that are dual citizens.

How can you bar US citizens from returning to the US ? Isn't getting US citizenship enough "extreme" vetting

This is what happens when "outsiders" craft executive orders that won't pass legal muster. This administration is going to go down in history as being the most litigated in US history

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

"travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship"

You mean these dual citizens?

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