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Exclusive: Trump's travel ban polarizes America - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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15 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

So you want Trump to ban refugees and immigrants from Europe?  I am sure that he believes that he has the power to do so.


Do you have any idea how difficult the process is to gain access to the US as an immigrant, and even harder, as a refugee?

This Muslim guy managed to get in to the U.S. as a youth on refugee status, and look at the fame that he went on to achieve...






On November 28, 2016, a car ramming attack and mass stabbing occurred at 9:52 a.m. EST at Ohio State University (OSU)'s Watts Hall in Columbus, Ohio. The attacker, Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was shot and killed by the first responding OSU police officer, and 13 people were hospitalized for injuries.

Authorities have begun investigating the possibility of the attack being an act of terrorism. On the next day, law enforcement officials stated that Artan was inspired by terrorist propaganda from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. ISIL released a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, though there is no evidence of direct contact between the group and Artan.



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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

This Muslim guy managed to get in to the U.S. as a youth on refugee status, and look at the fame that he went on to achieve...





Reading of his life right up to the incident, anyone would be very hard pressed to find a single indication that this guy was a threat, but for a statement that in August 2016 that he was disturbed by statements that Donald Trump was making about Muslims, which would place him in the company of millions of Americans and others around the world.


I am certain that consular officers in Pakistan were extremely diligent in investigating his background, but unfortunately crystal ball are not part of the issued equipment at consulates.

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it's okay, he just made a move that he says will unite people.  EVERYONE will welcome his great pick for the Supreme Court from Colorado. 

he has to do that, add more nonsense on top of it.

total nonsense.  not just the usual 90% nonsense talk but upside down nonsense talk.

what a winner. what a "uniter". not.



Edited by maewang99
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49 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Reading of his life right up to the incident, anyone would be very hard pressed to find a single indication that this guy was a threat, but for a statement that in August 2016 that he was disturbed by statements that Donald Trump was making about Muslims, which would place him in the company of millions of Americans and others around the world.


I am certain that consular officers in Pakistan were extremely diligent in investigating his background, but unfortunately crystal ball are not part of the issued equipment at consulates.

So I guess that's a good lesson, then, that the supposed checks that are/were in place aren't any guarantee of safety.


As I said elsewhere, domestic U.S. crazies, we don't have any choice about. But Islamic crazies, we have no obligation to accept.


So, when was the last time a native European (non-Muslim) immigrant to the U.S. pulled that kind of a stunt in the U.S.???


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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They should try reading our Constitution and the Articles that govern us.  That would be un-American I guess and takes too much common sense. We do have have laws but it seems people just want to ignore them because they fit their agenda.  I need not say anymore I'll let the law speak for it's self.


Title 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.




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5 hours ago, Usernames said:

Seems as if Trump is winning the PR battle over this.  Not too hard, when Trump's opposition is hordes of anarchists trying to shut down airports and argue for the free movement of people from terrorist countries in the US.  And, like the US election, I bet this poll undercounts Trump support, especially from Trump hating Reuters. 

Question do anarchists get freedom of speech just wondering. I am surprised that Trump did not comment on the slim margin in his favor "This is all fake news more than 90% of the people agree with me." or something similar. I guess running the country is now starting to distract him. 

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And only 1/3rd thought the order would make them safer....Trump missed the mark on this order.


And the polls said Hilary would win easily, Brexit didn't have a chance and the last UK election would be either a Labor win or more likely a hung (and I would happily tie the knots) parliament.


Without seeing the survey design and sampling we've no way of knowing the usefulness of this poll. Remember a wise man uses statistics like a drunk uses a lamp post - for support not illumination!

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THe MSM is trying desperately to win the PR war…now there is a story on some iraqi dude (Mike is his name…lol) with US citizenship whose mother died because "Trump signed an order that barred her from entering the US".


He denied her the treatment she so desperately needed. Like they couldn't have flown her to Dubai. It's only a million miles nearer to Iraq.



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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Question do anarchists get freedom of speech just wondering. I am surprised that Trump did not comment on the slim margin in his favor "This is all fake news more than 90% of the people agree with me." or something similar. I guess running the country is now starting to distract him. 


The irony is anarchists, the pseudo liberal left, the ones who feverishly announce how democratic, reasonable and righteous they are all demand free speech - apart for anyone who they disagree with who must be a ruthless fascist racist white supremacist misogynist homophobilc Islamophobe who should be denied free speech and forced to change their views.



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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

THe MSM is trying desperately to win the PR war…now there is a story on some iraqi dude (Mike is his name…lol) with US citizenship whose mother died because "Trump signed an order that barred her from entering the US".


He denied her the treatment she so desperately needed. Like they couldn't have flown her to Dubai. It's only a million miles nearer to Iraq.




Spot on. Or maybe she had a condition made worse by the long flight back to the US which brought on her demise.


But they will use any and everything to relentlessly demonize Trump will hoping all will forget all about Hilary's little issues being quietly swept under the carpet.


The left can forgive anybody anything, as long as they're on the left and PC. And will use every trick going to discredit those who aren't.

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Whether it is legal or not, whether it typifies American values or not, doesn't matter all that much. People seem to run much more on perceptions and emotions rather than facts all over the world these days. And the perception I would think among the 1 billion plus Muslims would take a bit of a shift or at least consideration "Hmmm maybe ISIS etc really do know something, maybe USA does hate Muslims".

 Will it make Americans in USA a bit safer? Probably. If Trump is serious about eliminating foreign terrorist threats, why do it half way? Pull up the drawbridge, restock the moat with gators and allow NO foreigners in, regardless of country. Them pesky terrorists will just have to pick off us soft targets like here in Thailand.

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What a wonderful distraction to deflect attention away from the looting of the nation by the ruling oligarchy, including Trump. Wait until he lowers taxes on corporations such as he himself owns under the lie that this will expand the economy. And after this immigration brouhaha subsides it will be guns, or abortions, or where transgendered can piss. Anything other subject other than a focus on the class war against labor and the rest of the middle class.

Happy Trails

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Just wondering why it is being called a Muslim ban?  If it is as the protesters and some world leaders are getting into a flap over than why are the following, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and Muslims from England, Canada, Australia, and many other countries, worlds wide, not affected and their citizens, regardless of  beliefs, can travel to the states and have not been included on the list of seven?  :wai: 

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Just wondering why it is being called a Muslim ban?  If it is as the protesters and some world leaders are getting into a flap over than why are the following, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and Muslims from England, Canada, Australia, and many other countries, worlds wide, not affected and their citizens, regardless of  beliefs, can travel to the states and have not been included on the list of seven?  :wai: 



Of Course It’s a Muslim Ban

A mountain of evidence proves Trump signed his executive order to target Islam.





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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Exclusive - Only a third of Americans think Trump's travel ban will make them safer

By Chris Kahn




Activists gather at Terry Shrunk Plaza to protest against President Donald Trump's travel ban in Portland, Oregon, U.S. January 30, 2017. REUTERS/Steve Dipaola


Where are the black faces ? Latinos ?  Is this only a white concern?

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10 hours ago, Usernames said:

Seems as if Trump is winning the PR battle over this.  Not too hard, when Trump's opposition is hordes of anarchists trying to shut down airports and argue for the free movement of people from terrorist countries in the US.  And, like the US election, I bet this poll undercounts Trump support, especially from Trump hating Reuters. 

Yes these hordes of Anarchists against Trump are everywhere.  Millions of them in the UK ,Europe, all over Australasia and of course all the "Muslim" countries.  But they won't count. 


Still it is none of their business

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

But less than one-third of Americans believe the move makes them "more safe," according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.

You read one poll and you get one lot of "statistics" then you get another and another "alternative" lot of statistics.  So just choose which one you want to believe and off you go! Rant away!!

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


And the polls said Hilary would win easily, Brexit didn't have a chance and the last UK election would be either a Labor win or more likely a hung (and I would happily tie the knots) parliament.


Without seeing the survey design and sampling we've no way of knowing the usefulness of this poll. Remember a wise man uses statistics like a drunk uses a lamp post - for support not illumination!

Polls change over time.  Like  Trump's ratings. LOL

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Yes these hordes of Anarchists against Trump are everywhere.  Millions of them in the UK ,Europe, all over Australasia and of course all the "Muslim" countries.  But they won't count. 


Still it is none of their business

I haven't seen Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, just to name a few and which have large Muslim Populations carrying on like pork chops.  So what you have written does not appear to be factual.


And with all the ranting and raving where do you think it will get them? They're just playing into the POTUS' hands and making his base stronger.  We all know who is behind the protests so I won't elaborate further on this aspect.:wai:

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10 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Even if that means other countries have to suffer by any actions taken.

Yes the complaint made about German currency manipulation should sure go over big. Hey Angela check your back for a knife. Germany is not perfect by any means and could pay more for its security but to come out of the blue with an accusation like that?? Saving face is a part of most cultures and Angela is no different. Of course the next excerpt from the Donald will be "Angela baby drop around and see me some time" Weird. 

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