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Exclusive: Trump's travel ban polarizes America - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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12 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

I must be missing something.  Trump spewing hate towards people and groups.  Can you elaborate on just who he is denigrating.  Any links to prove your assertion.:wai:

Seriously?  Just google "trump hate comments".  You'll get pages.  Here's but a few, the last one the scariest.






You preach an environment of hate, and it's only going to escalate things.  How about he preach towards the other end of the spectrum? LOL

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I agree. TVF has gone downhill considerably in the last two/three months. It has become a Donald Trump bashing and hate forum. I'm going to join chuckd and Neversure. If I want to hear or read Trump bashing I can listen to CNN or read the Washington Post.

Both excellent sources.
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35 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I agree. TVF has gone downhill considerably in the last two/three months. It has become a Donald Trump bashing and hate forum. I'm going to join chuckd and Neversure. If I want to hear or read Trump bashing I can listen to CNN or read the Washington Post.

With respect, Trump creates his own mess.  That's why the media is reporting about it.  You can surround yourself with like minded people, but that's probably not the best thing to do.  Seeing this from both sides is good!


One reason I travel.  It's a mind opening experience and gets rid of many prejudices.  I've had some wonderful times in Muslim countries.  And terrible times in Christian ones.  And vice a versa.  After some 90 countries, I've come to the conclusion most people are good.  It's their governments that are the problem.

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37 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I agree. TVF has gone downhill considerably in the last two/three months. It has become a Donald Trump bashing and hate forum. I'm going to join chuckd and Neversure. If I want to hear or read Trump bashing I can listen to CNN or read the Washington Post.

Besides having a little fun mocking the ones who kept saying Madame President for a year it's so tiring and I do worry about the mental state of this nonstop President bashing.


The louder they scream the less we will hear, Craig makes so excellent posts and I do take the time to educate myself on his links and posts and that's what it should be like without the histaria and name calling.


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Remember that Trump is President even if he is an a.h. which even the voters knew before elections BUT THIS ELECTIONS SHOWS THE EXACT AND MAJORITY OF AMERICAN FACE:

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Everything Trump does polarizes Americans.  

Only for those obsessed with demonizing him.

Many Americans are happy that he is in office and support much of what he is doing. The nonstop protests, rioting and conniption fits on the left is strengthening his support with the silent majority.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Only for those obsessed with demonizing him.

Many Americans are happy that he is in office and support much of what he is doing. The nonstop protests, rioting and conniption fits on the left is strengthening his support with the silent majority.

Nonstop rioting? You've outdone yourself with that porky. 

The truth is that trumpists are demonizing all dissent against trump, peaceful and not so peaceful. trump inspired by his truly evil alt-right nutcase advisor Bannon is the leader of that. He's painted anyone not on the trump train as internal ENEMIES. That is DISGUSTING. 


How nutty is Bannon, trump's "alt right" chief advisor.





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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nonstop rioting? You've outdone yourself with that porky. 



Riots in Portland, Berkeley, the inauguration and so on. Maybe you should not use UK slang if you do not know what it means.

The leftwingers trying to demonize the president for political reasons are the ones responsible for polorizing America.



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8 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Agree with the first sentence.  But not the last.  Trump is spewing hate towards a lot of different people and groups of people.  Some like that, and get wound up by it.  Kinda like a preacher at a sermon.  Totally responsible for his actions and those that follow them.

I don't agree Craig.   People have choices.  They can listen and dislike, or they can listen, dislike AND get steamed up to the point where they become abusive and violent.


OR.....they can listen and LIKE!!!

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Everything Trump does polarizes Americans.  His toxic personality is oozing overseas also.  Most foreigners either hate him or laugh at him.   To call him 'The Divider' is the nicest thing a person can say about him.  


Is that most foreigners on here, or have you conducted a world wide poll to back your assertions.  The latter I doubt and it would appear that like many others, you tend to exaggerate or at the very least, make things up. Maybe  if you got out and about then you would get some real facts, not the alternative ones you're proffering here.  :wai:

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On 02/02/2017 at 10:03 AM, optad said:

Few refugees are in anyway 'bad'. As a totality of my 38 hr week work, I deal with the new arrivals and few suggest anything less than big horizon for host country prospectus but also their own outcomes. This is my own view on the ground of course. Others will  just dislike the idea for different reasons.


The skills refugees bring are untold too. They bring post RF Visa are bigger than the welfare deficit ultimately they take which has most impact on voter reactions. I had client today [2/2/17] showing their crumpled stonemasonry factory, He is 32 yrs old replete with an impressive photographic cv. A stonemasonry outfit in Aleppo employing 25 people with immense architectural work. Church scale. These skills we do not have in aus on any scale. That was one story at 5.25 tonight. I have hundreds of others, Brand new arrivals. Sure there are welfare differentials for other povs but driving home I am thinking about the 4500 aud i spent on one of my sibling's headstones this fellow would have done better for so much less. He wants to works with skills we just do not have in a fair market sense. Yet we fear his wanting to do what every immigrant generation has always done in australia. Work hard and succeed. 

That's good. I'm sure if his skill set put you out of a job by offering to work for lower wages, you'd be just as generous.

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10 minutes ago, katana said:

That's good. I'm sure if his skill set put you out of a job by offering to work for lower wages, you'd be just as generous.

Ultimately he will contribute not replace someone. Would you prefer he be on perpetual welfare?


And, I do not live in fear of what i do not know.

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12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Are you fair dinkum? Maybe if you followed your own advise and just Google, "Obama tells protesters to keep going, not to shut up." and you will be enlightened.:wai:

When I state something, I almost always back it up with a link.  Rarely do I do otherwise.  You stated this:



So what do you call Obama's call to the anarchists and protesters to keep going.  Divisive?

I googled that and here's one article I found.  Hardly looks like he's calling for "anarchists" to keep going. LOL







Barack Obama stops crowd from turning on war vet Donald Trump supporter by telling Hillary Clinton fans to shut up

President Obama wasn't impressed when a rowdy crowd of Clinton supporters started to boo a pro-Donald Trump protester at their rally



Here's about as close as I could come to your incorrect statement.




President Obama, speaking at a press conference in Germany, passed up the opportunity Thursday to tamp down the anti-Donald Trump protests back home -- urging those taking part not to remain "silent."


"I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests," he answered. "So, I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent." 


He added: “Voting matters, organizing matters and being informed on the issues matter.” 



Hard to argue with him about this.  Peaceful protests are a key part of a healthy democracy.  As long as they are done within the limits of the law.  And most of these protests were doing just that.  No anarchists.



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20 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Hard to argue with him about this.  Peaceful protests are a key part of a healthy democracy.  As long as they are done within the limits of the law.  And most of these protests were doing just that.  No anarchists.




There were anarchists and violence too.


Little known to practitioners of mainstream American politics, militant anti-fascists make up a secretive culture closely associated with anarchists. Both reject social hierarchies as undemocratic and eschew the political parties as hopelessly corrupt, according to interviews with a dozen anarchists around the country. While some anarchists espouse nonviolence, others view property damage and even physical attacks on the far right as important tactics.




Donald Trump’s inauguration was marred by protesters’ clashes with police, who used pepper spray and stun grenades in a melee just blocks from the new president’s inaugural parade route.

Protesters rampaged through downtown Washington DC, smashing shop windows in the run up to the swearing in of the new president.

Dressed in black and carrying anarchist flags, the demonstrators, many of them wearing masks, were chased by security personnel spraying what appeared to be tear gas.




Mayor of Berkeley answers tough questions following Milo Yiannopoulos riots


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6 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

I don't agree Craig.   People have choices.  They can listen and dislike, or they can listen, dislike AND get steamed up to the point where they become abusive and violent.


OR.....they can listen and LIKE!!!

History is replete with con men getting people to follow their crazy ideas.  Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler, that crazy monk in Bangkok, the violent protest leaders here in Bangkok.  These people spew crazy ideas and get their followers to believe the BS.  So yes, I blame those in the "pulpit" for starting the violence.  Not the followers.


You are right.  They can just listen and do nothing.  But history shows that's not how it always works out.  Blame rests at the top.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Only for those obsessed with demonizing him.

Many Americans are happy that he is in office and support much of what he is doing. The nonstop protests, rioting and conniption fits on the left is strengthening his support with the silent majority.

A majority do not approve of what Trump is doing.  And many strongly disagree with his actions.




A majority, 53%, disapprove of the way the President is handling his job, according to a new CNN/ORC poll, marking the highest disapproval for a new elected president since polls began tracking those results. Trump is the only President to hold a net-negative rating this early in his tenure.


Overall, 44% approve of the way he's handling the job, seven points below the previous low-point of 51%. Further, the share who disapprove "strongly" of Trump's work as president is nearly as large as the total block who approve, 43% feel intensely negative about Trump.



This has nothing to do with left and right.  This has to do with what's right and wrong.

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Not sure how much I believe the polls after the massive screw-up concerning the presidential election. However, different polls say different things. This one says that the majority DO approve:


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.






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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Riots in Portland, Berkeley, the inauguration and so on. Maybe you should not use UK slang if you do not know what it means.

The leftwingers trying to demonize the president for political reasons are the ones responsible for polorizing America.



Some times, you really do reap what you sow.  Just too many comments from his to list them all.  This has nothing to do with left and right.  Stop portraying it as this.  It's about what's right and wrong.  If Trump was more respectful, the polarizing would stop.  He's got an opportunity to bring American together, he's just tearing it apart.




He spews hate and then doesn't like it when it's returned in kind?  Ridiculous.






Donald Trump shows hate speech is now out and proud in the mainstream

The Republican candidate’s anti-Muslim rhetoric has shocked many, so is it time we finally saw the comic villain as a threat?


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Federal judge temporarily halts Trump travel ban nationwide



I don't really understand why everyone gets so up in arms about this kind of stuff. On the one hand they think Trump is going to destroy the democracy and the national institutions, but on the other they seem to have no faith in the institutions themselves. let the process work.


Fact is, Executive Orders are a terrible way to attempt to govern. It was terrible when Obama did it, it is terrible when Trump does it. Like Obama, Trump is learning that the US presidency is largely impotent in making domestic decrees and like Obama I expect one after the other of his orders to be overturned. That's how the system was designed to work, and it does.

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