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Phuket Governor in face off with Tourism Dept boss over corruption allegations, Patong bar crackdown


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Phuket Governor in face off with Tourism Dept boss over corruption allegations, Patong bar crackdown

Tanyaluk Sakoot




PHUKET: The Director-General of the Department of Tourism, Wanasiri Morakul, arrived in Phuket yesterday (Feb 2) to personally question Governor Chockchai Dejamornthan and other top officials about a slew of critical issues facing Phuket as a tourism destination.


Among the issues raised were the ongoing allegations of officials extorting money from tourism businesses and migrant workers, the crackdown on closing times on bars and nightclubs in Patong and the current state of Phuket International Airport.


“I came to Phuket to find out the truth from the Phuket Governor and relevant officials about that current entertainment tourism business ‘management’ as well as issues regarding the licenses of tour companies and tour guides,” she said.


“I also came to check the standard of tourism ‘places’ and to learn how Phuket Airport is taking steps to make it better for tourists – because Phuket is a major revenue-generating province for the country,” Ms Wanasiri said.


Sitting in the commander’s seat at the “Phuket Incident Commander Centre” at Provincial Hall, Ms Wanasiri opened the meeting with her focus on the current campaign on “illegal hotels”, to bring operators who rent out properties for periods of less than 30 days, including condo owners, into the fold under the Hotel Act.


To this, Ms Wansiri’s instructions were brief. “We must make every hotel legal as quickly as possible,” was all she would say.


By coincidence, only hours earlier Gov Chockchai was in the commander’s chair, but publicly denying any high-ranking officials had taken bribes to allow illegal hotels to operate. (See story here.)


This was not discussed when meeting Ms Wanasiri yesterday afternoon.


Regarding the crackdown on entertainment venues, forcing bars and nightclubs in Patong to close at midnight or 1am, Ms Wanasiri volunteered to act as an intermediary in resolving the issue.


“I will help to find a way to resolve the matter, and to help investors in entertainment businesses, as this industry generates a lot of revenue in the tourism sector,” she said.


The crackdown, which was launched by surprise on Monday night (Jan 30), has left Bangla Rd, the heart and soul of Patong’s party district, deserted after the bars and clubs close. (See story here.)


In response, more than 20 owners of bars, nightclubs and other entertainment businesses in Patong on Wednesday (Feb 1) filed a petition addressed to Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha for a special zone to be set up, allowing the venues to close later than the current legally mandated times. (See story here.)


However, Gov Chockchai made no mention on any further progress on the closing time crackdown.

Instead, he talked about tour guides.


“Only Thai people can be tour guides, and Phuket has many illegal tour guides,” he started.


“I have found there are many Scandinavian tourists coming to Phuket, and translators are needed because Thai tour guides cannot speak Scandinavian languages. But translators must work with Thai tour guides,” Gov Chockchai added.


Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-governor-in-face-off-with-tourism-dept-boss-over-corruption-allegations-patong-bar-crackdown-60904.php#h5coYeQZ2YJvIwuo.97


-- © Copyright Phuket News 2017-02-04


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Paper over the cracks and present a glossy picture whilst important people are here then back to normal. Phuket is a fiefdom and needs the big guns to break it properly. Crying about 'early' (LEGAL!!!) closing times- GO OUT EARLIER!


Only way to see what is really going on is to make an anonymous trip but that's impossible- someone will be paid off to forewarn the oligarchs down here.


Watch this space- Gov will be transferred within 6 months at the most for upsetting the apple cart.

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The Governor, his staff, the police, the marine police and their cronies on Phuket have so much power and influence that even she cannot, and did not, broach the issues of the cesspool that is Phuket with it's rampant corruption. They are truly above the law of the land. I note that Bangkok seems to have no inkling to change the appalling behaviour of those who run this island.


A "huge generator of revenue for the country"! And they still let this free for all and defunct island continue to rob, cheat and scam anyone they can It is all detailed here on TV already. Rotten to the core for such a wonderful attraction that it could be with a huge (military) broom to sweep the dirt off the island.


This could so easy have been a true five-star island, like Mauritius, where tourists feel safe and the police actually will help you without charging a "fee".

I absolutely loved Phuket thirty years ago as it was a true paradise. I love Phuket, but won't be back until the rats that run it are run out of town. Any hope of that?


Many here will remember Surin with two straw restaurants and Patong as a happy go lucky place. 


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3 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

The Governor, his staff, the police, the marine police and their cronies on Phuket have so much power and influence that even she cannot, and did not, broach the issues of the cesspool that is Phuket with it's rampant corruption. They are truly above the law of the land. I note that Bangkok seems to have no inkling to change the appalling behaviour of those who run this island.


A "huge generator of revenue for the country"! And they still let this free for all and defunct island continue to rob, cheat and scam anyone they can It is all detailed here on TV already. Rotten to the core for such a wonderful attraction that it could be with a huge (military) broom to sweep the dirt off the island.


This could so easy have been a true five-star island, like Mauritius, where tourists feel safe and the police actually will help you without charging a "fee".

I absolutely loved Phuket thirty years ago as it was a true paradise. I love Phuket, but won't be back until the rats that run it are run out of town. Any hope of that?


Many here will remember Surin with two straw restaurants and Patong as a happy go lucky place. 


I am one of those who remember the straw restaurants and having a meal and beer at them - great. Long time ago but!.

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10 hours ago, catinthehat said:

Not to change the venue and stay on topic: If the wanted to see something really shocking they should drill deeply into the obscene amount of extortion money that is generated by the Thong Lor police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... and the relevance to a Phuket topic is?

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Rubbish, most Scandanavians can speak English. But Thai guides cannot.


Your comment about Scandanavians being able to speak English is partially correct.  The vast majority of younger Scandanavians are fluent in English, due to the influence of English language TV programs, the internet, English in education etc.\


But many older Scandanavians are far from competent in speaking English. (I know this from years of working in the hospitality industry).


In fact, due to history (WWII), they are more likely to be able to converse in German.


This is why the Scandanavian tour operators employ a high number of staff to meet and greet their tourists at the airport - it makes sense to speak to them in their own language.

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For those who have been here a while, you will know this is all a common situation (corruption/neglect/lies).


But this episode is one of many recently, where the 'main Govt' is openly 'expressing displeasure' with the corrupt system. Because the 'Govt' knows that the corruption/neglect is the main cause of the tourism numbers (temps and expats) reducing. And lets get real - it IS the biggest single cash cow for the Thai economy. And other than rice/agriculture they have little else to base their economy upon - and just look at what they did to their rice industry.


However, again for those who have been here a while will know, the Thai 'system' and 'culture' does not provide for a coordinated and organised approach to changes and improvements across all the various structures of Government and Businesses. We in the west still struggle even with our institutional system designed to be 'managed', but in Thailand the inevitable result is a total clusterpharrk whenever HQ tries to make changes/improvements. 


As one of many Expats who is leaving or has left, and one of a very large and growing number who no longer think Thailand is a good destination to visit as a tourist, I can say with a high degree of certainty that Thailand's tourism boom is currently running out. And as soon as other SEAsian countries improve their services and infrastructure, the Expat tourism in Thailand will follow the same decline. 


Certainly Thailand will be the 'preferred' choice for the criminals, the losers, the desperates, and sex-tourists  from the west for a while longer, but the large numbers of 'annual' Tourists are inevitably decreasing - just like Spain experienced for tourism from Europe/UK many years ago. Even my Thai wife openly admits that she is keen to live in another country (as long as we visit family once a year) because she saw first hand how badly her own business was affected over the last few years. 


Yes I am a bit 'disillusioned' and leaving and therefore a bit negative, but I also think that my judgement is pragmatic and reasonable. It all my years here, I have never seen things get so bad and continue to get worse. There was always a few issues/troubles (previous coups etc), but the Thai economy always bounced back with 3-6 months. This decline has been happening for several years, and despite the Govt's recent attempts to win over the Chinese and their money, the decline is continuing. 


Hey - the good news is that despite all this the Thais just keep on building properties - waiting for the bounce back. In 3-5 years time there will be plenty of properties that have been repossessed and up for sale at bargain prices.  And this reminds me of one of the problems the Thai 'culture' has with economics and why it is seriously in trouble if tourism continues to decline.  Most Thais would rather lose an investment property to the bank, than reduce the price to ensure a sale - they can then blame the market and not have everyone blame them and have 'loss of face'.  Unbelievable - but it means great property bargains in the years ahead.  Might just snap up a bargain place to stay in, when we visit in the years ahead.







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