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Trump's refugee order triggers protests across Australia


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4 hours ago, JackThompson said:

I agree.  I only wish we could bill the people who pushed for this war - the Neo-Cons and Council on Foreign Relations types - to pay for the reconstruction.  Ideally, the families of the dead and injured could sue them personally.


In case anyone is unfamiliar with the support from the Rockefeller-created Council on Foreign Relations, which has held top posts in the US-State Dept for a decades, here is an article from the early days, titled "Two Cheers for Syrian Islamists":

These War-Criminals, who started this war (and many others), should pay for what they have done - ideally serving the rest of their days in The Hague, but I won't hold my breath.  In any case, with the same funds, we can help 12x more of those harmed by this neocon war by helping them in the region, rather than bringing them to our countries.

Chaney, Bush and Blair first on the docket. Conservatives in Canada were cheering them on and now that we have lent Iraq cash to rebuild they have croc tears. 

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They wanted to dump all their trouble in the USA ...Meanwhile Melbourne becomes crime ridden due to homeinvadors ..Car jackers and steamers ...And the residents erect barbed wire around their homes to keep out the home invadors from Africa...

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There is no jobs for non English speakers as car factories all gone and no unskilled jobs even for bogun miners...Aussies don't make much these days ...All gone to pot..So where will they all work??More likely on Benny's for their lives !

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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

<snip>, have the Muslims taken over Your country, or what?


No, but the bigots & bogans are well on their way.



an uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status.
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This would be funny if it was not so blatantly hypocritical. A country that accepts zero muslim refugees has people that are protesting another countries decision to temporarily delay (for 90 days) the entrance of any immigrants from only seven muslim countries with terrorism issues.


The phrase "he who lives in glass houses should not throw stones" come to mind. Some of the most openly racist people I have ever met are from Australia, followed closely by the British (and I am from the USA).



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On 04/02/2017 at 11:35 AM, Baerboxer said:


Isn't this Australia who offered to pay traffickers to take boat loads of refugees back out somewhere else? Australia that wants to swap it's illegal migrant Muslim detainees for illegal Christian South American migrants detained in the US?


But hey, it's not so apparently politically correct to protest the Aussie government as it is Trump.


Ignore facts and reality, just protest what it's fashionable to.

As is often the case, your comments about Australia have the slimmest veneer of fact and 99% of your own bias. 

Australia did pay the captain of a ship to reverse route and return to Indonesia rather than attempt to continue . It was one strategy to attempt to break the power of the people smugglers ( that is , people in Indonesia, foreign citizens and nationals who have accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars preying on the vulnerable and desperate; they function with the tacit support of Indonesian authorities, including the police and military; Indonesia has done almost nothing to stop the activity, either directly or indirectly by stopping arrivals by plane of those likely to continue to Australia illegally)

The power of the people smugglers has been broken, the boats no longer run: simply because the word is out that there is no way to end up with legal residency of Australia via this route ( also involving queue jumping those already in line for Australia's significant LEGAL refugee settlement program).

Many Australians don't like this policy; however few would doubt that it has not worked.

The deal with Obama was a win/win to the extent that the 'no rewards for queue jumpers' policy for both Australia and the US was honoured.

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28 minutes ago, Ahab said:

This would be funny if it was not so blatantly hypocritical. A country that accepts zero muslim refugees has people that are protesting another countries decision to temporarily delay (for 90 days) the entrance of any immigrants from only seven muslim countries with terrorism issues.


The phrase "he who lives in glass houses should not throw stones" come to mind. Some of the most openly racist people I have ever met are from Australia, followed closely by the British (and I am from the USA).



Par 1 is complete, utter, unqualified, 100% nonsense. 

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On 2/5/2017 at 0:01 AM, simple1 said:

Travelling from say Iran to Oz, don't believe there is one country signed up to UN Convention for Refugees, at the very least do not have the law / protocols in place for asylum seeker / refugee protection and processing for legal status / residency.

Perhaps because they could forsee the chaos that would arise from an accord signed in good faith to help refugees at a time when there were much smaller numbers, and had the good sense not to do so.

I doubt any western country would have signed if they knew what would be happening now.

Regardless, does the convention specifically say that only countries that signed are "safe" countries?


As for the mob braying that Australia's offshore policy is bad, I doubt that many would welcome a refugee family to share their house. Hypocricy comes to mind.

It's always OK when someone  else has to pay the bill.

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8 hours ago, Prbkk said:

As is often the case, your comments about Australia have the slimmest veneer of fact and 99% of your own bias. 

Australia did pay the captain of a ship to reverse route and return to Indonesia rather than attempt to continue . It was one strategy to attempt to break the power of the people smugglers ( that is , people in Indonesia, foreign citizens and nationals who have accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars preying on the vulnerable and desperate; they function with the tacit support of Indonesian authorities, including the police and military; Indonesia has done almost nothing to stop the activity, either directly or indirectly by stopping arrivals by plane of those likely to continue to Australia illegally)

The power of the people smugglers has been broken, the boats no longer run: simply because the word is out that there is no way to end up with legal residency of Australia via this route ( also involving queue jumping those already in line for Australia's significant LEGAL refugee settlement program).

Many Australians don't like this policy; however few would doubt that it has not worked.

The deal with Obama was a win/win to the extent that the 'no rewards for queue jumpers' policy for both Australia and the US was honoured.

However, if the deal with the US goes ahead, expect to see the boats sailing once again as the scum traffickers promise that a trip to Australia will result in being transferred to the US. It won't take long before as many are banged up as there are at present.

The people that worked out that deal were, IMO, idiots.

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On 2/5/2017 at 3:15 PM, Thaidream said:

There are not 80,000 refugees in El Cajon. I have been there many times. You may want to Google the city and see the ethnic breakdown. At the most, El Cajon has approximately 13,000 Middle East refugees mostly Iraqis and Assyrians.

However, I will stick with my original premise that Middle East refugees are ahppier living in the Middle East. The situation in Syria is a disaster. Trump now has an opportunity to solve the issue.  Russia and the US need to work out an arrangement to end the conflict and if that means leaving the current  Syrian Administration in place- so be it. In addition US forces should be supporting Russian troops fighting ISIS. President Obama wanted regime change but because of this the war went on, Once the fighting stops- there should be a concentrated effort from the West to pour reconstruction money into Syria so the Syrians can return home and live in peace.

IMHO Germany, Sweden and France have made a huge mistake in bringing MIddle East refugees into their countries.  They have not assimilated and will never do so. These refugees have changed the culture of these countries in ways that will have negative affects on future generations. 

The best way to help Middle Eastern displaced persons is to either assist in finding refuge in the Middle East or contribute to stability in the country they came from so they can return.


Trump, happily has opposed efforts to send US boys to die in the middle east morass. Syria isn't his problem and he should stay out. The Russians and Iranians don't need any help from the US. Trump should arm the Kurds and let them get on with it.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps because they could forsee the chaos that would arise from an accord signed in good faith to help refugees at a time when there were much smaller numbers, and had the good sense not to do so.

I doubt any western country would have signed if they knew what would be happening now.

Regardless, does the convention specifically say that only countries that signed are "safe" countries?


As for the mob braying that Australia's offshore policy is bad, I doubt that many would welcome a refugee family to share their house. Hypocricy comes to mind.

It's always OK when someone  else has to pay the bill.

I'm sure you're quite capable of looking up the UN definition of 'Safe Country" and associated international law. As to the rest of your commentrary been repeated countless times and so.... Zzzzzz


The deal between Oz & USA has been emphasised as one off specifically to address concerns of exploitation by people sumugglers. There has been varying claims on the number of refugees to be resettled by Oz from Costa Rica as a reciproical arrangement - all rather bizarre

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On 2/4/2017 at 11:56 PM, simple1 said:

it's illegal for an asylum seeker to try and enter Oz by sea, contrary to international law, but not if arriving by air on a tourist visa then apply for asylum - thousands do so every year.

Obviously the ones with money and means, at least more than those who come by boat with all its inherent dangers

Edited by Linzz
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On 2/6/2017 at 0:42 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump, happily has opposed efforts to send US boys to die in the middle east morass. Syria isn't his problem and he should stay out. The Russians and Iranians don't need any help from the US. Trump should arm the Kurds and let them get on with it.

Except for Yemen. And he is proposing the establishment of safe zones for refugees. Zones that will be protected by U.S. troops.

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