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Has anyone got a recommendation where i could get a good heart check up with stress test etc in Bangkok or Pattaya? Approx cost?

Check this, Bumrungrad. 45,000B.


Regular full-checkup (not only cardiatric), including stress test is 12,000B or so, in both Bumrungrad and Bangkok Pattaya hospital.

BPH is a small shop compared to Bumrungrad, only 1 doctor attends all customers, I got frustrated in May this year and nearly left after nothing happened for more than 2 hours - that's impossible at Bumrungrad. The whole thing (27 tests) takes less than 2 hours.

Prices are similar, if you have choice where to go, do it at Bumrungrad, IMO.

Has anyone got a recommendation where i could get a good heart check up with stress test etc in Bangkok or Pattaya? Approx cost?

I can recommend BNH in Bangkok. They have an excellent Heart Department with what appears to me to be the vary latest equipment.

I fell ill in Tesco/Lotus in Supamburi ( 3 days after arriving)..went to local hospital..the did a an ECG etc and said no heart attack. My wife phoned BNH from Supamburi and we went first thing next morning. Turned out to be a bit of dehydration and too much Ramipril..apparenty commom in hot places..just stopped the the dose for a couple of days then half dose for a for a week or so.

The guy was very through..did the echo cardigram himself explained all the blood test results . He spent about half hour talking to me. I thought the very charge reasonable

It was 3750 for blood tests

It was 5300 for ECG and echo cardigram and something else

It was 600 for him!!!

Its costs me £150 in the UK just to see the specialist

He even gave my wife his card and said any problems phone me and if you are out of BK I will quickly find out the nearest hospital who can treat you and call you back.

They do a few packages..can't remember exactly but 10-12000 is the top package.

If you want the guys name pm me


The Bangkok Pattaya Hospital are doing MRI Cat heart scans for 17000 baht, I had one last month, called hospital on the thursday, went in friday morning , filled out a patients record form and was immediately taken to the heart dept where the procedure commenced. I was out in just over an hour with an appointment to see the specialist the following monday. On that day I went to the heart dept and waited about 5 mins, saw the specialist who went through everything , no problems, no need for bypass, no need for stent, no hardening of the arteries or furring etc. I was then given a complete set of colour photos of my heart with accompanying medical notes plus a cd with all the information on it. I now tell my friends I can prove I have a heart as I have the colour picture ! they dont :o

Joking aside, I am diabetic with hypertension which puts me in the high risk category for a heart attack so this test was worth the money. I dont like to think what it would cost to go private in the UK and unless you have a problem I dont think the NHS would do it for you on request. :D

Has anyone got a recommendation where i could get a good heart check up with stress test etc in Bangkok or Pattaya? Approx cost?

Hello Tolley, I go to Bumrungrad once a year for heart check up due to having by pass surgery in 1999 and holding a private pilots license in the USA the FAA requires me to give them a complete blood test,stress test and doctors report each year the total cost is now around 8200 baht it started out in 2000 at 4100baht check bumrungrad .com heart checkup for info. I do belive all the private hospitals do the same type of package and they are all good. PS I wote this reply before reading the two before me,both spot on.

OK lots of good info here but what is the best test or indicator of heart disease?

Is it the MRI or the ecg or some other test?

Tolley, I would say the stress test at the 3rd stage your getting a good work out and if you have a problem it will show there of corse there is the CT heart scan


Joking aside, I am diabetic with hypertension which puts me in the high risk category for a heart attack so this test was worth the money. I dont like to think what it would cost to go private in the UK and unless you have a problem I dont think the NHS would do it for you on request. :D


I'm diabetic and last week had Heart & Lung & Colon CT scan in the UK ( London) - £1k ( 70,000 Baht)



Has anyone got a recommendation where i could get a good heart check up with stress test etc in Bangkok or Pattaya? Approx cost?

Just had a 64 slice 3D Xray Imaging done to my Heart at Bangkok general Hospital in Soi Sunvijai,

highly recommended, excellent service and care ( I was the only one there )

for about B. 14,000 you will get the works that Includes kidney function test and at the end you will be

seen by a cardiologist for the results,

worth every penny,


The Ramkhamhaeng Heart Center has the 64 slice 3D Xray imaging....it reckons that this is the best test and almost 100 percent accurate comapred to the stress test which is only 50 percent accurate.

  • 2 weeks later...
Has anyone got a recommendation where i could get a good heart check up with stress test etc in Bangkok or Pattaya? Approx cost?

My advice on this subject, having just gone through the entire routine myself, is as follows:

Have the stress test first to see if that records anything unusual. I failed my stress test as a part of my annual check up at Bumrungrad (12,500 baht) and the cardiac folks there tried to push me into having an angiogram with a view to possibly having angioplasty surgery immediately thereafter. But because I suffered no symptoms I declined the aniogram and returned home to Chiang Mai.

I followed up at Chiang Mai Ram hospital where the doctors suggested I could have a CT 64 Slice scan of my heart which is essentially a non invasive CAT scan. That was a mistake because the results are less than perfect and gave readings that were less than wholly accurate. So because of that I finally submitted to the angiogram and that really is the gold standard for determining the true state of play. It all worked out in my favor eventually since the angiogram showed blockage that were well below the threshold required for intervention and the overall costs were substantially lower than at Bumrungrad. Having an angiogram incidentally is a walk in the park, painless and gives 100% accuracy.

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