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Trump - militant attacks 'all over Europe,' some not reported


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Trump Administration has done it again, with BS commentary causing offence to an allied nation, this time regards some terror attacks in Australia which were covered extensively, including one that was not actually an Islamist terror attack. I do know the UK & US media such as BBC, Guardian, Fox News & CNN covered at least some of the attacks. Could give Trump some leeway if he's actually trying to say the entire US media doesn't cover all Islamist attacks worldwide. Trump with his uttering is increasingly demonstrating he is unfit to hold Office or maybe the reality is he should fire at least one of his 'senior advisers'.



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'The White House has released a list of 78 attacks which it described as “executed or inspired by” Islamic State to support a claim by President Donald Trump that the media is under-reporting terrorist atrocities.

But Rosie Ayliffe, the mother of Mia Ayliffe-Chung who was stabbed to death in a hostel in Australia, has criticised the inclusion of the 20-year-old’s killing by Smail Ayad as a “terror attack”.'


What's funny is the comments section is full of idiots slagging her off for being a liberal left winger and still calling it a terrorist attack instead of a mental health issue.

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I cannot speak about continental European newspapers, but in the UK we have some rabidly anti-Eu, anti-immigrant newspapers. What possible motive would they have to downplay such incidents, if they took place?



Only one paper reported the Muslim child rapist shouting Allah Akbar in court.  The BBC did not report the scenes of mass support the rapists had from their community in and out of the court room.  The Guardian did not report these disgraceful proceedings.  If you REALLY want to know about Islamic terror through out the world then Islamic watch covers the 99% stories ignored by the MSM.  Trump is correct. 

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2 minutes ago, The manic said:

Only one paper reported the Muslim child rapist shouting Allah Akbar in court.  The BBC did not report the scenes of mass support the rapists had from their community in and out of the court room.  The Guardian did not report these disgraceful proceedings.  If you REALLY want to know about Islamic terror through out the world then Islamic watch covers the 99% stories ignored by the MSM.  Trump is correct. 

Like the terrorist attack in Bowling Green

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2 hours ago, 14Stevie said:

For clarification can you confirm the year  to which these stats relate please? 


With regard to Germany, and 2016 in particular, the extract below was taken from the BBC website:


On 18 July, a teenage Afghan refugee  hacked at passengers on a train in Wuerzburg with an axe and knife, wounding five. He was shot dead by police.


On 24 July, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a woman with a machete and wounded five other people as he fled before being arrested. Later that day, a 27-year-old Syrian whose refugee application had been refused  blew himself up outside a bar in Ansbach. Fifteen people were wounded.


Just asking because if the BKA stats refer to last year then there appears to be either reporting or offender classification issues.




And 612 right wing extremist attacks (including murders) in Germany in 2015.  Some 2016 crimes are still being investigated but the figure for 2016 is considerably higher.  I am only posting this to illustrate that anyone can come up with statistics to "prove a point".  Germany has a much bigger problem with right wing extremists attacking people than with Muslims but hey! That's not the angle you want.

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7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

From what I've seen of the media coverage and analysis of it in Europe, supposedly in a lot of countries like Germany and some of the Nordic countries, there's supposedly been a tendency by the media to avoid mentioning if the perpetrators of crimes are Islamic immigrants/refugees.  The crime may get reported, but not (the detail of) who's believed responsible for it.


That's not the same thing as the media failing to report or underreporting supposed terrorist attacks, which I haven't seen any evidence of. But it definitely is under-reporting the extent of crime and other problems caused by Muslim immigrants and refugees in those communities.


There is a legal reason in most countries why full details of a suspect are not released until that suspect is charged.


For the UK: The risk of media identification of crime suspects


ACPO guidelines on police naming of suspects

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) issued a set of guidelines to the police on this subject. The guidelines stated that the police should not generally provide the names of people under investigation to the media. If they do not actually identify the suspect, the police are allowed to give some details such as age, occupation or where the suspect is from.  

The ACPO guidelines also state that once an individual has been charged then the police can and will identify them to the media, usually providing name, age and occupation. There are certain exceptions; for instance this applies to adults (see other articles for juveniles). The official release of this information will include details of the charge and subsequent court appearances.

In what it terms ‘exceptional circumstances’, the ACPO guidelines accept that police may release the name of a suspect prior to a charge, if it is in the public interest to do so. Moreover, when a media organisation has already discovered the suspect’s name through investigative journalism and seek confirmation of it, the police are permitted to confirm the name.

Queen’s Bench 1991 ruling

Despite the ACPO guidelines appearing to make it quite straightforward to media organisations what they can and cannot publish, the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court ruling regarding Westminster Press Ltd in 1991 is worth noting here. It was ruled that the media has no automatic right to be informed by the police the name of a person who is under investigation or who has been charged by a criminal offence.

 The APCO guidelines in full.

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6 hours ago, nontabury said:

   It took 6 yrs before the events regarding Muslim peodeophiles in Rotherham became general knowledge. What motives did the media and the Labour controlled  council have in trying to sweep it under the carpet.


The scandal of the abuse cases in Rotherham and elsewhere and the failures of the police and social services have been discussed at length elsewhere.


But two points.


1) The same failures occurred in child abuse perpetrated by others; media personalities, Catholic priests etc. What motives do you ascribe to those cover ups?


2) This topic is about Trumps fantasy that many Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe go unreported. Terrible though it is, especially to the victims, child abuse is not terrorism.

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

This topic is about Trumps fantasy that many Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe go unreported. Terrible though it is, especially to the victims, child abuse is not terrorism.

7by7 is absolutely right.  The way these threads get distorted in a desperate attempt to avoid the real question is tedious and unproductive.

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12 hours ago, Thian said:

It's true, European newspapers try to downplay or not report attacks all the time.

?????? Its true tells us what? I am amazed that so many other people agree with your unsubstantiated claims. I can spin a story as good as the next fellow but this is really reaching.  

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6 hours ago, nontabury said:

   It took 6 yrs before the events regarding Muslim peodeophiles in Rotherham became general knowledge.


How many years decades did it take before the antics of Jimmy Saville became public knowledge?


I'll give you a clue, ....the common denominator isn't Islam!!!

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48 minutes ago, The manic said:

Only one paper reported the Muslim child rapist shouting Allah Akbar in court.  The BBC did not report the scenes of mass support the rapists had from their community in and out of the court room.  The Guardian did not report these disgraceful proceedings.  If you REALLY want to know about Islamic terror through out the world then Islamic watch covers the 99% stories ignored by the MSM.  Trump is correct. 

The topic is about under-reporting of militant attacks, not child rape.  However even in this case it appears the crime was reported, just not to the level of detail you wanted.  Not really pertinent to this thread.


I've never heard of Islamic watch.  Are there comparable organizations digging up dirt on other religions?  You know, Catholic watch, Protestant watch, Hindu watch, etc.?  Catholic watch must have been going nuts about the pedophile priest.

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36 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

How many years decades did it take before the antics of Jimmy Saville became public knowledge?


I'll give you a clue, ....the common denominator isn't Islam!!!

Agree it took a long time, but the cover up was not for PC reasons. Perhaps I could refer you to the independent ( some would say,watered down) inquiry led by  Professor Alexis Jay.

And by the way, Rotherham was not an isolated case. Similar  events are coming to light every day, yet strangely very little mention in the national media.

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50 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


There is a legal reason in most countries why full details of a suspect are not released until that suspect is charged.


For the UK: The risk of media identification of crime suspects

 The APCO guidelines in full.


Reading what you have posted, I don't see anything there that would have prevented the police in the various European countries from having specified the NATIONALITY of suspect or suspects under investigation, or even if they were suspected Muslim militants -- provided that they're not specifically identifying a yet to be charged suspect by name.

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True they call it as mental problems instead of admit it's mussy terrorism ...Like the jailing this week of a Somali from Norway who stabbed a us tourist and attacked several more ...Life sentence instead of repatriation back to somali

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25 minutes ago, nontabury said:

 As I've explained to you on other threads,there have been NO demonstrations in Rotherham by the Muslim community, against the actions of their fellow devotees.

Why do you expect Muslims top take to the streets to demonstrate, but do not expect the same of others?

That topic has been up for 14 hours, and received only 13 replies in that time; none of which blame Catholicism; none of which demand to know why Australian Catholics aren't demonstrating against the actions of their fellow devotees; none of which use the lack of such demonstrations as evidence that all Catholics support, if not practice, child abuse.


Do you really think that topic would have received the same lack of interest had it been "Australian mosques face six decades of child abuse allegations?"


25 minutes ago, nontabury said:

 Hopefully one day 7x7 you will smell the coffee,or do you think, because the victims of this abuse were only from the low uneducated working class, that's that are not important.

No, I believe all cases of child abuse, sexual, physical or mental, are as important and horrendous as all others; regardless of the class, ethnicity, religion of perpetrator or victim.


Unlike certain members who are only interested in this horrible crime when they can use it to further their own political agenda. As their lack of interest in the Australian topic proves.


However, as previously said; none of this is relevant to this topic.


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20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Reading what you have posted, I don't see anything there that would have prevented the police in the various European countries from having specified the NATIONALITY of suspect or suspects under investigation, or even if they were suspected Muslim militants -- provided that they're not specifically identifying a yet to be charged suspect by name.

 They quite often do, or if not the nationality, which may not be known, at least the ethnicity.


Particularly when doing so will aid the arrest of the suspect.


For example, from a report published on 15th July:  Nice attack: At least 84 killed by lorry at Bastille Day celebrations


What we know about the attacker

No group has so far said it was behind the attack.

The identity papers of a 31-year-old French-Tunisian were found in the lorry, which was reportedly rented out two days earlier in the suburb of Saint-Laurent-du-Var.

The man has been named by local media as Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, although not by police

Strangely enough, this attack is one of those Trump claims was under reported!

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23 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

True they call it as mental problems instead of admit it's mussy terrorism ...Like the jailing this week of a Somali from Norway who stabbed a us tourist and attacked several more ...Life sentence instead of repatriation back to somali


Whether one accepts the fact that that was an attack carried out by a schizophrenic who happened to be Muslim, or whether one believes that because he was Muslim it was a terrorist attack; one thing cannot be denied.


It was widely covered in all UK media at the time of the attack, and again now that the case has come to court.


If you want to discuss this particular case further, there is a topic about it elsewhere in World News. I suggest you start with this first post about the court case , but if you want to plough through the preceding 312 that's up to you.

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24 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Why do you expect Muslims top take to the streets to demonstrate, but do not expect the same of others?

That topic has been up for 14 hours, and received only 13 replies in that time; none of which blame Catholicism; none of which demand to know why Australian Catholics aren't demonstrating against the actions of their fellow devotees; none of which use the lack of such demonstrations as evidence that all Catholics support, if not practice, child abuse.


Do you really think that topic would have received the same lack of interest had it been "Australian mosques face six decades of child abuse allegations?"


No, I believe all cases of child abuse, sexual, physical or mental, are as important and horrendous as all others; regardless of the class, ethnicity, religion of perpetrator or victim.


Unlike certain members who are only interested in this horrible crime when they can use it to further their own political agenda. As their lack of interest in the Australian topic proves.


However, as previously said; none of this is relevant to this topic.


I'm disapointed in you 7x7 only carrying forward part of my reply, omitting the rest of the facts.

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Just now, Thian said:

No because they are all called "incidents" done by "confused people" who like to yell allahu akhbar...and i won't reply to dreamers anymore.

It wasn't a difficult question. Name just one unreported terrorist attack in Europe? That would involve people being gunned down in the street or a bomb attack or a truck attack on innocent bystanders.


Do you believe that in this social connected world, where everyone has a camera on their mobile phone, that you could hide something like this? 


You cant answer the question because you have no evidence, none whatsoever. And if you are referring to the Louvre incident in Paris, that was widely reported? 



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3 minutes ago, Thian said:

facts are the 50 terrorist attacks which have happened in Europe last years....or would you deny that as well? There were big ones, small ones, hidden ones, reported ones, unreported ones, silly ones but they were all done by the same religious group....or would you deny that as well?

And what percentage of the total number of homicides in those nations did that amount to? And what are your chances of dying in a automobile crash in those nations as opposed to being killed by a terrorist?  Even if you could produce facts about deaths from terrorism, how significant are they in respect to other causes of mortality?


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7 minutes ago, Thian said:

That mass-shooting in the nightclub in Paris was NOT (i repeat NOT) on tv in my homecountry cause it might hurt the poor weak souls there..so they only spoke about it and showed some images from outside...NOT the mountains of corpses laying in pools of blood cause the weak souls might have misunderstood what happened there.


That's another big disgrace, if something like that happens we have THE RIGHT and duty to watch it...not the national tv banning those images cause it might set people up against eachother. We all know who did it and we all can't accept it but nothing is done to stop it.


At least mr Trump does something (although it's a stupid rule to not ban all muslems, only 7 countries).

Such nonsense.  The Western media have always been squeamish about broadcasting grizzly scenes of death.  Some other parts of the world, not so much.

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20 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I'm disapointed in you 7x7 only carrying forward part of my reply, omitting the rest of the facts.

I saw no point in quoting the whole of your post, some of which was fact, other parts fantasy, and quoted the parts I was responding to; a common practice and one which I am sure you, yourself, have used in the past.


But tell us; why do you demand Muslims demonstrate against child abuse committed by Muslim taxi drivers, but don't demand that Catholics demonstrate against child abuse committed by Catholic priests?

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