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Thai Police ordered to smarten up their act


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Police ordered to smarten up their act



Picture: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- Orders have been issued from the national police bureau to all stations nationwide for police to improve the service given to the public.


The six point plan covers a variety of measures designed to improve the force. Attempts are being made to root out corruption, instil more responsible behavior in the force, work with the public for the mutual benefit of everyone not just themselves, obey the law and enforce the law and update with better technology.


The orders have been issued to 1,482 stations. Inspections are expected when the end of February deadline is reached with those

stations that have public complaints against them targeted first for action.


The public can expect many more cameras. Some 60,000 dash cams and personal body cameras have already been purchased and a total of 150,000 will soon be operational.


Police hope this will improve evidence gathering and deal a blow to corrupt practices within the force, reported sanook.com.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-09
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has it just suddenly come to light that there is corruption within the RTA



That is a huge step forward


What's the next great discovery in Thailand ...........................no such a thing as powdered water - there's nothing to mix it with

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"...work with the public for the mutual benefit of everyone not just themselves..."


As damning an indictment of their endemic corruption as you are ever likely to see !!! 


And just when is this six-point plan likely to "take off" ??? 



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Last year, I have submitted 2 complaints to a big police station in Sukhumvit, one is

a serious of nature the other less nevertheless, a complaint the police obliged

to follow on, nearly a year later and I'm still waiting...

So yeah, improving the service to the public is needed right about now

( although I will not hold my breath on this one )....

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Are we now realising there is a problem with the police here?


What about all the 'farangs' here who think other foreigners living here shouldn't give the police such a tough time? The ones who congratulate police when they arrest someone (you know - doing their job) but get indignant when a foreigner harshly criticises them for not only not doing their job, but also committing crimes. 


The police here need huge reform. A country can't work with a police force that doesn't work properly and isn't trusted. Look at the guy who's asking for another month to explain his bribe money. That's farcical. A month to concoct lies and docotor paperwork, I imagine. Or should We give him the benefit of the doubt as he's in authority?


Trick me once and shame on you. Trick me twice and (hang on a minute. Are you a person in authority? You are) then shame on me again. 


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Ordered to improve service to the public :cheesy::cheesy:

Best one- liner i have read for a long time.

Start at the top, with senior policeman getting 50.000 baht per month from drinks company.

What do stories like this do to junior officers?

It makes them think, how can i get money like that, ohh easy cheat the public.

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Who issued the orders? The military government? The nations armed forces? Why after over 2 years of junta control is the police force still the only force to be told it needs to reform and smarten up? Is it because it is the only force in the country that is allowed to be criticised?

Another issue is that won't the constant complaining and lack of trust in the police form a negative view in the minds of the police that they are inferoir and made a laughing stock of.

A lack of respect of the police might weaken their allegiance to the junta rather than bringing them together as part of the nations armed forces.

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Some 60,000 dash cams and personal body cameras have already been purchased and a total of 150,000 will soon be operational.

I wonder how often they will be temporarily out of order when desperately needed? LOL


Do what the country of Georgia did:



In the mid-2000s the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia underwent a radical transformation. In 2005 Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili fired "the entire traffic police force" of the Georgian National Police due to corruption,[2] numbering around 30,000 police officers.

And guess what?  Crime went down because the police were involved in almost every aspect of criminal activity.  Either implicitly or explicitly.



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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Last year, I have submitted 2 complaints to a big police station in Sukhumvit, one is

a serious of nature the other less nevertheless, a complaint the police obliged

to follow on, nearly a year later and I'm still waiting...

So yeah, improving the service to the public is needed right about now

( although I will not hold my breath on this one )....

The police are too busy collecting their Tea money!


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My only conclusion is that there was a quid pro quo between the govt. and the police way back when. We will pay you a dismal salary, which is far less than a living wage. We will ask you to pay for alot of your own equipment, from your meager salary. In exchange, you are free to do as you please, and will never, ever be prosecuted for any crime. Ever. Sound fair? 


So, with this mentality, and this kind of lack of respect from the powers that be, how on earth is it possible to reform this band of charlatans? They are essentially revenue collection. Hope to stop that? Well, the government could come up with a trillion baht, to provide them with decent salaries, good equipment, forensic labs and training, etc. Will they do that? Of course not. Will things change and improve. Most likely not.


Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at an alarming pace. 

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Bodycams can be great, problem is that the corrupt cops will "forget" turning them on and there will be nobody to enforce that they use them correctly.


They need a new anti corruption unit that goes undercover to pay bribes etc and severe jail sentences to cops being found guilty of accepting bribes

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Sooo....will we also get daily video footage of those 60k dash cams and 150k body cams? You know, just to see how well they are doing their work all of a sudden ;)


Also, purchase some drones (hint hint you can sink some random staff here because why not) and have them fly up at big intersections about 1 hour prior to traffic police arriving and keep it up until they are done....then speed up video and show us just how great they are doing their job.


Well then, seeing as this is just smoke and mirrors, have a good day.

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2 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

This story has about the same humour value as the one about the election being held this time next year.


Or the even funnier one that Thai will be the next world language.

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10 minutes ago, twizzian said:


Or the even funnier one that Thai will be the next world language.

Yes indeed! Or that Madame TAT will eliminate prostitution in Thailand to improve the country's image for tourists.

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1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

Wifey and I are having a chat whilst reading this.

"Do you think this will work?" says I.

"No" says the voice of experience.


Hahaha... same here. Asked two friends - one was a little more diplomatic. She said "I don't think so. If the core of an apple is rotten, you have to throw the apple away and get a new apple."


The other friend, he's more direct. He just laughed his arse off, and then asked "Why do you read such crap???"


For the record, both friends are Thai.

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