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Police Chief wants more time to explain his monthly payments from booze company


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Police Chief wants more time to explain his monthly payments from booze company

By Coconuts Bangkok 



Photo: Thai PBS


BANGKOK: -- Metropolitan Police Chief Sanit Mahathavorn has just requested another month to explain the THB50,000 monthly payouts he has been receiving from booze giant ThaiBev for “consulting” services since 2015.


He is also supposed to reveal what, exactly, his role is with the country’s largest alcohol producer. ThaiBev makes Chang Beer as well as Hong Thong, SangSom and Blend liquors.


A few weeks ago, Sanit was given a week to explain why he’s on the booze company’s payroll. He disregarded the Feb. 2 deadline and the Royal Thai Police announced that Sanit had not breached police regulation by taking the money each month.


Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2017/02/08/police-chief-wants-more-time-explain-his-monthly-payments-booze-company

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-02-09
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2 minutes ago, webfact said:

He is also supposed to reveal what, exactly, his role is with the country’s largest alcohol producer. ThaiBev makes Chang Beer as well as Hong Thong, SangSom and Blend liquors.

His role?


Shut down craft beer operators who are providing minimal competition?

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I can't believe what I'm reading, a chief of police actually playing for time and needing

more of it to cook up an excuse as to the reason why he was caught with his hand

in the cookie jar... the truth doesn't need but a moment to reveal  it self, lies takes

for ever....

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Shouldn't the authorities also ask the same question to the payers, ThaiBev? Surely ThaiBev, the largest drinks producer here, should have an appointment letter which states what services they expect from their consultants?(/sarcasm)

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You could give him another millennium to think of a reason, but when the answer is going to amount to little more than utter BS, and have no impact on his role, entitlements, and reputation in the eyes of his superiors it is all kind of pointless anyway. He is a poster boy for the organization to which he belongs.

Another scandal will be along soon anyways, and this will go on to the forgotten pile along with all the other wrongisms the RTP are tainted by. 

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Collecting at least one brown envelope each month is part of the job description for most policemen. Why just pick on this one man? Is it the size of the envelope that is creating envy? The PM's faux fight against corruption seems to have little impact on those who offer and receive bribes which is probably what is intended.

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1 hour ago, tx22cb said:

Shouldn't the authorities also ask the same question to the payers, ThaiBev? Surely ThaiBev, the largest drinks producer here, should have an appointment letter which states what services they expect from their consultants?(/sarcasm)

They have both been asked to explain....obviously ThaiBev couldn't give a fig.....neither it seems, does Sanit :)

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Another month of head scratching and he will be bald.he looks really pessed off in the picture and looks like he wants to punch the woman.anyway he can take retirement with all the benefits and carry on being an adviser on 50,000b a month.oh no I forgot they will deffo stop.anyway what is really being overlooked as usual is the people paying this money and why.pity this wasn't Japan,there would be people falling on their swords daily but here bulls poo does the job.

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That shows the intelligence of the Police Chief. Need another month to set up a good lie. How did he got the job in the first place?  What about the reputation of Thailand? Another one who will get away. What a kindergarten. 

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That photo is great example of "tight lipped" if I ever saw one! He needs some time to hire some students of creative writing from some uni to cook up a story. Perhaps problem is the students plagiarize their "work" off the net.... 

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I know it's not really the fault of TV that this story is so badly reported, the reporting is being done by Coconuts but I don't have any convenient way to bitch at them. Evidently this guy is the Chief of the Bangkok Metropolitan Police, the Tetsakij, the guys who collect the rental money from the people who rent stall space on the sidewalks every day. The party asking him to explain himself is the City Ombudsman. Apparently somebody claiming to be a spokesman for the Royal Thai Police Department told representatives of the Press that they do not have any regulations that would prohibit a policeman from accepting gifts from an outside party (so it's OK to give your local plod a bottle of Black Label at New Years). We aren't told the exact wording of the Ombudsman's question to the Chief, so I don't have any idea what documents he claims he needs another month to get together. I would have thought he just needs to send them a note saying what he does for them that they are so grateful for. If the Ombudsman thinks further documentation is needed he could ask then. I'm sure, as another poster pointed out, that the idea here is that if he just keeps delaying people will turn their attention to other matters and forget about this. I certainly hope he's wrong.

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3 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Consultant .... for what exactly, what's his specialty? He's been a copper all his life, and now he's a business consultant? This is hilarious. 

"He's been a copper all his life,..."

And hes a copper still.........useful for a brewery.

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It's clear his job role is to smooth the way for the brewery company with any legalities that could involve RTP intervention. Whether that is a conflict of interest or not is for the ruling junta to decide, IMO, and then to act on it across the board.


However, this would mean unraveling decades of corrupt power in the RTP, and it is unlikely that any meaningful outcome would result without totally disbanding the RTP and starting from scratch. And that won't happen, ever.   

Edited by stephenterry
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But he's a police chief. He is not answerable to the law. Remember the last police chief who disciplined his subordinates for insisting he take a sobriety test at a road block when they did not recognize him out of uniform? Then he circulated photos of himself so it would not happen again. He was never disciplined. The municipal police chief is clearly above the law. Nothing new here.

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