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U.S. appeals court upholds suspension of Trump travel ban


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3 minutes ago, stander said:

President Trump will win in the end. In the mean time If even ONE terrorist attack happens in the future
the 9th Circuit OWNS it
The blood lies on the hands of a bunch of debased radicals
who sided against the safety of 330 million citizens
Because, wait for it...
Some foreign college students couldn't go to school

In other words; <deleted> the constitution, because an illiterate so-called president says so. Very democratic! What is especially interesting is that you're almost hoping for an incident so that institutions that uphold the law can be blamed for the incident! Stupidity at its finest.

The funniest part is that it is all based on nothing factual, because there hasnt been any terrorist attack on US soil by anyone from the 7 countries (a fact stubbornly ignored by people like you), so why would it happen now?

IMHO your freaky orange hero is either only mongering fear, or he fights against the constitution so that he can pave the way to ban all muslims. And these are the priorities to make America Akbar again?

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@stander:   77% Of “Refugees” Entering U.S. Since Robart Ruling Come From The 7 Banned Terror Nations


That would have been 847 refugees, who had already been vetted, been through multiple screenings and would have already had their travel documents in order.   With most, the flight arrangements had probably already been made.  

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30 minutes ago, stander said:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               President Trump will win in the end. In the mean time If even ONE terrorist attack happens in the future
the 9th Circuit OWNS it
The blood lies on the hands of a bunch of debased radicals
who sided against the safety of 330 million citizens
Because, wait for it...
Some foreign college students couldn't go to school

BS.  How about have Trump focus on more important things.  Like reducing gun deaths, reducing the deficit, creating more jobs, etc, etc, etc.  Instead of playing Chicken Little and worrying about the sky falling.

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7 minutes ago, Scott said:

@stander:   77% Of “Refugees” Entering U.S. Since Robart Ruling Come From The 7 Banned Terror Nations


That would have been 847 refugees, who had already been vetted, been through multiple screenings and would have already had their travel documents in order.   With most, the flight arrangements had probably already been made.  

847 poor souls who've had their lives turned upside down due to violence.  And if following the stats, 3/4's will be women and children.  I'm happy the US is providing a helping hand to these people.

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Most of those that are being moved through the queue the quickest would be those that have been employed by US military, embassy personnel and US gov't funded programs, I would guess.  Many of these would have been people such as interpreters and their families.   They would be able to get them through more quickly because a part of the vetting would have been done as a part of their application to work for the US gov't.  

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5 hours ago, stander said:

The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal court in the country, and is the most reversed court in the country. With an 87% reversal rate, these hacks aare obviously incompetent and should be impeached with a record like that.





get your facts straight. The 9th is by far the largest and the figure refers to the tiny proportion of cases that are referred to the Supreme Court.

5 hours ago, stander said:

The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal court in the country, and is the most reversed court in the country. With an 87% reversal rate, these hacks aare obviously incompetent and should be impeached with a record like that.


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2 hours ago, stander said:

In 2015, 80% of 9th Circuit's decisions were reversed. That's an 80% FAILURE rate. Total waste of time and money.


Totally incorrect


You are referring to the tiny percentage of cases that were sent to the Supreme Court for review AND which were accepted by the Supreme Court as having a high chance of succeeding.


Why, pork eating crusader, are you STILL going on?

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1 hour ago, stander said:

       President Trump will win in the end. In the mean time If even ONE terrorist attack happens in the future
the 9th Circuit OWNS it The blood lies on the hands of a bunch of debased radicals
who sided against the safety of 330 million citizens Because, wait for it...
Some foreign college students couldn't go to school

           It shouldn't be about Trump winning or losing.  It should be about what's right Constitutionally, legally, and morally.   Trump has already lost in two courts.  In the recent loss, Trump's lawyers were asked by one of the 3 Circuit judges whether Trump is above the law.  A long silence ensued, and then T's lawyer said, "uhmmm, .....well,......yes." 


          Not one credible person is supporting the president at this time.  If you don't believe me, then go and look up any of the dozens of media discussion groups which are discussing this issue right now, online.


           On a related issue, I just listened to a lengthy interview on BBC with the former US ambassador to Russia, who served from 2012 until recently.  He was nearly livid in his opposition to Trump, and contradicted Trump's statements (about Russia) on every point.  


                    It's only a matter of weeks before Congress, All Dems and nearly all Reps, will agree that Trump is seriously harmful to the US.  Already, Republicans are leaving him, day by day.  He's losing friends faster than the Bernie Madoff, after Madoff's shit hit the fan.

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34 minutes ago, connda said:

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals?  That's expected.  Off to the Supreme Court.

But do you see a pattern here?  ....and how Trump's/Bannon's on-going string of bad decisions will waste thousands of hours of taxpayer-paid peoples' time?   It costs millions of dollars to pursue legal cases.  All those hours and money wasted could instead be put toward trying to improve conditions for Americans.  


               It's like plans for a family outing.  Imagine a father telling his family they're all going to take a road trip to visit some National Parks.  Before they get their car out of the driveway, dad pours sand in the oil fill-up port.  It takes 13 hours of high-paid mechanics to clean out the engine.  Then, when that's fixed, dad takes a knife and slices all the tires, before the family car even gets down the driveway.   It then takes a tow truck and a garage 7 added hours of expensive fixes.  When the tires are fixed, dad takes a hammer and bashes all the windows,   .....you get the picture?   

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Donald Trump is the "Rambo" of the US legal system
A crucial line expressed in the ruling of the 9th Circuit  on the merits of the temporary travel ban
"The government has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States."
Fifteen of the 19 terrorists at 9/11were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the UAE, Egypt, and Lebanon.
Yes the US President has large powers to decide - based on national security - who can enter the US and which procedure visa applicants have to follow. But to refer to 9/11 and not include the Saudi's  illustrates the great hypocrisy of the Trump temporary travel ban.
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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

In other words; <deleted> the constitution, because an illiterate so-called president says so. Very democratic! What is especially interesting is that you're almost hoping for an incident so that institutions that uphold the law can be blamed for the incident! Stupidity at its finest.

The funniest part is that it is all based on nothing factual, because there hasnt been any terrorist attack on US soil by anyone from the 7 countries (a fact stubbornly ignored by people like you), so why would it happen now?

IMHO your freaky orange hero is either only mongering fear, or he fights against the constitution so that he can pave the way to ban all muslims. And these are the priorities to make America Akbar again?

I generally agree with people's concerns regards Trump's intentions in the longer term. However, there have been a few non fatal terror attacks by nationals within the US from the country list proposed by Trump, err sorry...Bannon.




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7 hours ago, webfact said:

executive order barred entry for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen

Meanwhile it appears that Venezuela officials may have been selling valid Venezuela passports to the highest bidders, many from the Middle East and specifically from Iraq and Syria. By identifying themselves as Venezuelan citizens, passport holders would be able to enter the US from other intermeditory countries in Europe and the UK with perhaps less scrutiny and avoid Trump's ban per se.





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19 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I generally agree with people's concerns regards Trump's intentions in the longer term. However, there have been a few non fatal terror attacks by nationals within the US from the country list proposed by Trump, err sorry...Bannon.




So three non fatal incidents in 15 years is the justification for banning all people from the 7 countries entering the US? Including people fleeing from a was zone! And that would keep America safe? It has been said before, but I'll say it again; in the first 41 days of this year there has been 6,416 (!!) gun related incidents in the USA, in which 1,690 people died and 3,224 people got injured. If they were sincere about keeping America safe, their focus would be on gun control, but that of course won't justify their aim of a blanket ban on Muslims..

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11 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

So three non fatal incidents in 15 years is the justification for banning all people from the 7 countries entering the US? Including people fleeing from a was zone! And that would keep America safe? It has been said before, but I'll say it again; in the first 41 days of this year there has been 6,416 (!!) gun related incidents in the USA, in which 1,690 people died and 3,224 people got injured. If they were sincere about keeping America safe, their focus would be on gun control, but that of course won't justify their aim of a blanket ban on Muslims..

Gun control? That would be political suicide for the Trump Administration, though he's progressing quite well on that front already i.e. political suicide

Edited by simple1
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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Gun control? That would be political suicide for the Trump Administration. 

That would be much better than making most of us want to commit suicide every time we listen to the Trump Administration.

Edited by Andaman Al
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47 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I generally agree with people's concerns regards Trump's intentions in the longer term. However, there have been a few non fatal terror attacks by nationals within the US from the country list proposed by Trump, err sorry...Bannon.




Three attacks were listed in the linked article.  Two of the perpetrators arrived in the US as children, and one as a 14 year old.


It is difficult, but not impossible, to vet people from certain countries, and I think that the Consular folks do a remarkable job in screening - if otherwise, there would be many many more examples of people who slipped in.


However, as proficient as the Consular folks are, I don't think that crystal balls that look 10-15 years into the future are are part of their tool kit.



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So far the best article I have found that explains the legal failings of the Trump Executive Order and the government's defense is here:


3 key Trump mistakes that led to the travel ban court defeat



Edited by Langsuan Man
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1 minute ago, WaywardWind said:

Three attacks were listed in the linked article.  Two of the perpetrators arrived in the US as children, and one as a 14 year old.


It is difficult, but not impossible, to vet people from certain countries, and I think that the Consular folks do a remarkable job in screening - if otherwise, there would be many many more examples of people who slipped in.


However, as proficient as the Consular folks are, I don't think that crystal balls that look 10-15 years into the future are are part of their tool kit.



Very true and as you well know a number of Islamic terror attacks are carried out by second generation Muslim heritage people in the West, so where to next? Does society pay the price in the name of constitutional principles, put in a lot more effort / funding into integration programs to minimise risk and so on. 

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:


This presidency position become a mockery whereby people have elected

 a president and strait away are putting obstacles in his to preform his

duties and vision of a better America and all in the name and under the guise

of righteousness....

Presidents are not above the LAW.

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While the 80% reversal rate for the 9th circuit sounds high, all of the appeals courts have a greater the 50% reversal rate for cases that go to the SCOTUS.  The 'best' court is the 7th circuit with only 55.3% reversal rate.  6 out of 13 appeals and federal courts have reversal rates of over 70%. 

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34 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Very true and as you well know a number of Islamic terror attacks are carried out by second generation Muslim heritage people in the West, so where to next? Does society pay the price in the name of constitutional principles, put in a lot more effort / funding into integration programs to minimise risk and so on. 

Integration of foreigners is key for a stable society, but also acceptance and understanding (education?) of the "natives" of that country. That will bring compassion and empathy. Of course the west needs to stop their senseless interference in other countries. That only causes death, destruction, resentment and hate on both sides...

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America elected a dangerous moron to become POTUS.  The reality of that was obvious to most of us but not to others.  What is happening is that the USA is doing itself enormous harm and it really does have to stop the rapidly sinking ship.  This is one small step towards doing that and hopefully the momentum will build and more and more people will turn against this destructive monster.



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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

America elected a dangerous moron to become POTUS.  The reality of that was obvious to most of us but not to others.  What is happening is that the USA is doing itself enormous harm and it really does have to stop the rapidly sinking ship.  This is one small step towards doing that and hopefully the momentum will build and more and more people will turn against this destructive monster.




The system is still working.  That's why his travel ban is suspended, until it can be vetted.


What exactly has this 'destructive moron/monster' destroyed so far?   A simple non-OTT response would be much appreciated.

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