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Trump aide says endorsement of Ivanka's brand was 'light-hearted'


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13 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

               If it makes Trump family members ever-richer, then why not tout their products?  It's all about enrichment, isn't it? 


              When foreign diplomats and heads of state stay at Trump properties (note; T just doubled the annual membership fee at his Florida club), perhaps a Trump employee will roll a silver tray up to the room's door - displaying Trump Steaks, Trump Books, Trump Water, Trump Magazine, Trump Wine, Ivanka's handbags and bangles, Ivanka's husband's real estate deals, and Trump Vodka.   The foreign dignitary will know (though it's unspoken) he's required to buy a bevy of Trump products in order to stay in Trump's (and America's) good graces.   To not buy lots of Trump items would be an affront to the First Family.  

Good point, you forgot Trump Airlines, which went bankrupt (like everything Trump - except for most real estate) leaving $245 million in bills. Donald will do for the Trump name what W did for Bush - ruin it for everyone.

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14 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

A light-hearted, flippant comment that's against the law.  And she should be punished for it.  She knew what she was doing and knew it was illegal.  Everybody in government knows this.  Especially those at this level.  No excuses.  And is just one more in a long line of abuses the current administration is getting away with.


My gosh, what would have happened if this had been Obama's staff?  The outcry would be deafening.

Conway will be rewarded with a cut of the sales from Ivanka.

I do loath her, but I'm also in awe of her. Her skill to redirect a question into an answer she can win with, is impressive. Trump wouldn't have won without her on spin and damage control. "Alternative facts" alone, was a genius move. She is Team Trump's goose that lays the golden eggs, and every disreputable politician's dream.

Nothing light hearted or flippant about her game, she the MVP.

Edited by cncltd1973
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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


My gosh, what would have happened if this had been Obama's staff? 

Absolutely nothing. The press would have ignored it as a flippant, off hand remark and the Repubicans would have thought it too petty to bother with. However, apparently absolutely NOTHING is too trivial for "the resistance" to go after Trump for.  LOL.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

Absolutely nothing. The press would have ignored it as a flippant, off hand remark and the Repubicans would have thought it too petty to bother with. However, apparently absolutely NOTHING is too trivial for "the resistance" to go after Trump for.  LOL.

It's not the press that is screaming ethics violation.   

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4 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:


I do loath her, but I'm also in awe of her. Her skill to redirect a question into an answer she can win with, is impressive. Trump wouldn't have won without her on spin and damage control. "Alternative facts" alone, was a genius move. She is Team Trump's goose that lays the golden eggs, and every disreputable politician's dream.

Nothing light hearted or flippant about her game, she the MVP.

But this is what Trump campaigned on.  Make a change.  No more politicians.  No more lobbyists.  He's making it worse!  Another campaign promise broken.  Conway is exactly the type of character most hate about politicians.  They never answer a question and LIE!  And Conway has lied.  She even admitted.  How can you admire that?  Strange.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Absolutely nothing. The press would have ignored it as a flippant, off hand remark and the Repubicans would have thought it too petty to bother with. However, apparently absolutely NOTHING is too trivial for "the resistance" to go after Trump for.  LOL.

Is this an alternative fact?  Seriously, you know there would have been huge blow back.  Especially from all the Obama haters.  Of which there are many.  The Republicans would have been all over this.

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I don't think that Conway was making a serious plug for Ivanka's merchandise, I think she was responding to Ivanka's line being dropped.   Conway did what a lot of us might like to do for a friend, but you can't do that when you are in a position of power or trust.   


The big problem here is that it is typical of the amateurish and unprofessional manner in which this White House is being run.   

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3 minutes ago, Credo said:


The big problem here is that it is typical of the amateurish and unprofessional manner in which this White House is being run.   

Here's a whopper.  I wonder what all those will say who were complaining about Hillary and her email server.  This is beyond insane:






From Trump’s Mar-a-Lago to Facebook, a National Security Crisis in the Open


President Trump and his top aides coordinated their response to North Korea’s missile test on Saturday night in full view of diners at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida — a remarkable, public display of presidential activity that is almost always conducted in highly secure settings.




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18 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Is this an alternative fact?  Seriously, you know there would have been huge blow back.  Especially from all the Obama haters.  Of which there are many.  The Republicans would have been all over this.


Actually it is an opinion as is yours and no I do not "know" there would have been much response from anyone. Normally, it would be too frivolous to bother with. :coffee:

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Actually it is an opinion as is yours and no I do not "know" there would have been much response from anyone. Normally, it would be too frivolous to bother with. :coffee:

The FACT is that she broke the law.  But yes, your posts and mine are just opinions.

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I think that may Stephen Miller's - who relayed Ms. Conway's "comments" in the OP - .  one and only Sunday appearance. He came off as universally creepy.


He may have gotten too close to Michelle Bachmann and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III in his previous jobs; and the ooze spread to him? Or he is a some sort of experiment Roger Stone created in his evil lair? 



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Oh my God. I cant believe what I just said. Did I really say that? Actually I meant every word of it, and I was dead serious. But, now that my nose is to the grindstone, my feet are feeling the flames, and my job and reputation is on the line, to tell you the truth (something I rarely do), I did not mean it seriously. I just meant it as a joke. You could tell by that beaming smile of mine that I was not serious, right? No? Why? Come on. Play along. Get me off the hook here. I do not like all of this pressure and scrutiny. It makes me feel bad. My boss does not like it either. I really embarrassed him, and believe me that is a hard thing to do. He embarrasses himself alot, but when other people do it for him, he does not like it at all. I am a really sweet woman. I embrace my femininity to the max, and I am a lovely soul. Love me please. Give me a break. OK? I deserve one. Damn, this is a hard job. 


He said drain the swamp. Yet, this woman is behaving like a lobbyist for his daughter. He has populated his administration with insiders. It is quite possible she broke the law here. And it is quite possible Flynn broke the law with his conveyance of national security information to the Russians. Swamp? They have dredged a new one, and it is filling up fast. 

Edited by spidermike007
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12 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

Conway will be rewarded with a cut of the sales from Ivanka.

I do loath her, but I'm also in awe of her. Her skill to redirect a question into an answer she can win with, is impressive. Trump wouldn't have won without her on spin and damage control. "Alternative facts" alone, was a genius move. She is Team Trump's goose that lays the golden eggs, and every disreputable politician's dream.

Nothing light hearted or flippant about her game, she the MVP.

Kellyanne Conway’s Political Machinations .. " In a sense, Conway’s life prepared her for a boss like Trump. “Her view is that she needs to intuit what he’s good at and what he’s bad at, and how to deal with them. “They have very good chemistry, “I view her as an enabler,””



Kellyanne Conway’s Battle for Trump’s Favor

" Conway’s lack of clearance for high-level national-security discussions was increasingly leaving her out of the inner circle. Trump frequently asked Conway why she wasn’t in meetings, and Conway had to explain that she was waiting for her top-secret clearance. All that was left, for her to gain the access that her male rivals have, was to finish the training yesterday. But her comments about Ivanka pulled her off track."



161017_r28865 Image associée



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Kellyanne Conway’s Political Machinations .. " In a sense, Conway’s life prepared her for a boss like Trump. “Her view is that she needs to intuit what he’s good at and what he’s bad at, and how to deal with them. “They have very good chemistry, “I view her as an enabler,””
Kellyanne Conway’s Battle for Trump’s Favor
" Conway’s lack of clearance for high-level national-security discussions was increasingly leaving her out of the inner circle. Trump frequently asked Conway why she wasn’t in meetings, and Conway had to explain that she was waiting for her top-secret clearance. All that was left, for her to gain the access that her male rivals have, was to finish the training yesterday. But her comments about Ivanka pulled her off track."
161017_r28865-320x404-1475866113.jpg 1204-kellyanne-conway-donald-trump-superwoman-twitter-4.jpg

I think it is better for her to be not in the circle, gives her much more leeway in her alternative truths.

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

No she won't. Otherwise, her accusers might have a more reasonable point.

Her accusers already have a reasonable point.  And are going after her.





Ethics office: White House should investigate Conway for Ivanka Trump plug

Shaub sent the letter to the White House after a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the House Oversight Committee asked the agency to look into Conway.


Shaub asked for an answer from the White House by Feb. 28.


More than 1,500 federal workers were accused of violating government ethics rules in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. Those employees were hit with disciplinary actions ranging from reprimand to dismissal.




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