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Thaivisa exclusive: Liverpool man wants Pattaya bargirl jailed but doesn’t blame the resort – “7/11 claim” was just nonsense


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2 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


George C Scott as Moredicai(sorry if spelling wrong)The flim flam man, what a great movie.Thanx for the memory.

Well...Hopefully some of the other TV members might actually watch the film and actually comprehend the meaning of it...maybe...but probably not...probably not...lol


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5 hours ago, farcanell said:

I didn't forget anything.... and the origional story came from the mouth of the woman being charged with a crime... it was her story


her story was refuted on that thread, by the woman in white ( meryl here) and myfriendu.... and countless others simply refused to believe the bar girls story, or condone her actions


so you have the choice of believing first hand stories by two of the victims, plus a forum poster, who witnessed the assault... or the story of the bargirl who savagely assaulted a 64 year old bloke... like I say... your choice, ive made mine


But, for you to consider....the article says they decided to pay their bill, which appeared excessive.... and it is ( but not worth arguing about)


the article says that they were then then presented with another bill, which was fake... totally fake... Bigly fake... which is when the fracas started (assumedly... only assumedly, this was presented after paying the origional bill)


anyway... to appease you... 350 for a G and T (99 baht at my local) 

3 X 100 baht for a beer (70 baht at my local)

grand total 650 baht (309 baht at my local)


lets review the OP.... "a little over 600 baht".... job done... bill accepted... gouged... but you get that and it was accepted.


then came a subsequent bill, which was disputed , as is the clients right, but which resulted in the attack, for which the bargirl is being prosecuted.


seems, like me, the police believe the victims.

Well, I don't believe either of us know the facts; and please quit with the Trumpesque bull. You do not know which side has given the fake story.


Quite frankly, the prices at you local are totally and completely irrelevant.


However, I can easily believe the Brit may have tried to make-up a story which made him look a little better since the papers in old blighty related how a barmaid had shamed him.


Seems to me, I 'd rather pay B90 than take a beating like that.

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5 hours ago, farcanell said:

You gotta be trolling, right?


from the OP.... when my wife suggested involving the tourist police, I was grabbed from behind and assaulted by the barbatcrazybitch.... (not a direct quote)


he didnt make a decision to be assaulted... he just was assaulted, and the assaulter is being charged for assault


mary and partner, I sincerely hope the aftermath of this incident, physically, emotionally and on your "extended" family, passes quickly... you are standing head and shoulders above the crassness of a lot of nasty, vitriolic and hateful posters, and I commend you for that... well done, and thanks for coming forward.

Gee, I betcha she would have stopped kicking his butt if he came up with the extra money.

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

Equally, one could ask " why do some farangs always blame other farangs" 

Are they trying to be Thai?

Or, you could say, why do some farangs always blame Thai. Are they trying to be farangs? 


We do not know the true story, do we?


I cannot see getting my butt whipped for B90; why did they not simply pay the bill?


Principle or just drunk and not thinking?


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35 minutes ago, gamini said:

The Brits always support the Brits on this forum, even if they're in the wrong.. There are always two sides to the story .The guy is an idiot ordering of drink in a bar without first finding what the price is. Especially in Pattaya. He claims,. He has  lived in Thailand for a long time. He should know this. He must have provoked the woman. The bill was a very small amount and he sounds like a cheap Charlie to have made a fuss about it.

Checking prices on entering a regular bar would make you a cheap Charlie. But I am not implying that you are a cheap Charlie, because I don't believe for a second that you actually do this.


The couple handled this as most other sensible people would. Have a drink without first behaving like a cheapskate and then check the bin. They thought the bar was overly expensive and decided to pay up and leave. Are you also suggesting that they should pay for drinks they didn't have? If not, it's very difficult to see what they did wrong. 


As for Brits always supporting Brits. Your post suggests that there may be some anti-Brits that always take the other side, no matter what. 

Edited by LandOfWiles
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Or, you could say, why do some farangs always blame Thai. Are they trying to be farangs? 
We do not know the true story, do we?
I cannot see getting my butt whipped for B90; why did they not simply pay the bill?
Principle or just drunk and not thinking?

He certainly didn't look sober when he "tottered" out of the bar.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you say "sometimes its just better to pay and never frequent that bar again", what a load of croc, that's what a dog with this tail between his legs would do.


I was in Phuket with my wife and my cousin from Oz with his wife, we was showing them around, and my cousin wanted to go to one of those ping pong shows, I had never been, and was never interested in seeing someones pssy squirting out a ping bong ball, just when I thought I talked him out of it, we got approached by those street clowns that throw them cards in your face just about every step you take on Bangla Road, even under my 12 year old daughters nose 3 times once, short of flooring the guy, a gentle shove made him disappear on that occasion. Back to the cousin and the ping pong show now, the street clowns said "no cover charge" "no cover charge" and my cousin said come on mate, if you don't like it we can all leave, I could see he wasn't going to give up and my Mrs nodding her head, so we went, sat down and ordered 3 Corona's and a water, bill came, cousin said, I got it and took the bill, then he said to me, is that 380 baht or 3,800 baht, well I can tell you we didn't see the show, although it went on relentless, of my raised voice as to the whopping bill, she said well you have to pay for the entertainment, I said the guy on the street said "no cover charge", she said no no no, and kept going backwards and forward and came back with the bill reduced to 2,000 baht. I said its not on, I said to everyone to wait there, I went out in the street and grabbed the street clown who said "no cover charge" and pulled him into the place, and said tell them what you told us, "no cover charge", he said yes, and started talking Thai to them, they said if you want your 100 baht per head, you better get him to pay the bill, that is when my wife stepped in and said, there is 500 baht, we are going now, if you want me to come back with the police, up to you, then the girl said to her, sister, I have to eat too, help us out please, my manager will be very upset, with my wife turning to her and saying, my sister would never do what you are doing and we left.


Long of the short, stand your ground, the biggest part that peeed me off was later back in the hotel room when my wife told me that my cousin tried to pay the reduced bill of 2,000 baht but she interjected and said I would be so so peeed off, that was when I went to get the clown from the street, not getting to drink my bloody beer and the fact that he didn't even offer to give my wife 500 baht after she saved him almost paying 2,000 baht.


I let my cousin show himself around Phuket from that day forward, he had 3 days left, God only knows how many times he got ripped off from there, not my problem.

It seems to me the way he was trying to get away as the barmaid just kept kicking his butt was pretty much "what a dog with this tail between his legs would do."


Well, there are some differences; you and your party were not drunk and you had a good strong woman as your wife who could and did explain it to them.

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41 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, I don't believe either of us know the facts; and please quit with the Trumpesque bull. You do not know which side has given the fake story.


Quite frankly, the prices at you local are totally and completely irrelevant.


However, I can easily believe the Brit may have tried to make-up a story which made him look a little better since the papers in old blighty related how a barmaid had shamed him.


Seems to me, I 'd rather pay B90 than take a beating like that.


Maybe we ( you and I) don't know the facts.... but we now have three sides to a story, which is corroborated by the video, and witnessed by another neutral poster


as I said... you can choose to believe who you want... I choose to believe the victims, who's story rings true, whilst you choose to believe the bargirl, who criminally assaulted a patron... right there is a reason to condemn the bargirl... but if you believe that assaulting a businesses client is OK... then OK ( great business model that.... assault the patrons)


quoting trumpisms amuses the shit out of me.... and I don't care if you don't like it... tough... grow up... or down, and accept it as a bit of humor... or don't.. not my problem


the prices at my local are relevant.... it demonstrates that the drinks as ordered, were overpriced, and we both know that... but as the bill was agreed to be paid, at a high price, the point is that they paid enough, and didn't need to be further crucified.... and the comparison was only made because YOU brought up the 350 baht (what... 350... ridiculous) price for a G and T... so don't go critising someone else for discussing costs / prices.... you can't have it both ways


if you are prepared to be charged for drinks, above and beyond what you have already accepted, after having accepted the origional bill, then, to emulate trump, all you need to do is reach between your own legs to grab a baby cat... I hope you enjoy that


and finally, why not believe the Brits?.... Mary (meryl) came straight out and gave an explaination on the first thread, which is believable.... to disregard the posters who have put their side forward ( both victims and another poster, backed by the police), and believe what most here believe a BS story by a bargirl, then I can only speculate that a Brit must have tupped your missus, leaving you as an embittered person towards brits.... of which I am not one


oh... sorry... finally finally.... I wish I had a chance to do business with folk of your ilk, who are happy being ripped off by an extra 15% over an outrageously inflated bill... I would be a millionaire by now.... my loss I suppose... ah well... can't have everything 


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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

Well, I don't believe either of us know the facts; and please quit with the Trumpesque bull. You do not know which side has given the fake story.


Quite frankly, the prices at you local are totally and completely irrelevant.


However, I can easily believe the Brit may have tried to make-up a story which made him look a little better since the papers in old blighty related how a barmaid had shamed him.


Seems to me, I 'd rather pay B90 than take a beating like that.

smotherb, yesterday you knew the facts well enough to write this:



Yeah, the cheap twit; he deserved every bit of it. Why didn't they go to the 7/11 if that is their style?  I wonder how many Thais he will say beat him up?

Today you're admitting that we don't know the whole story. Does this not mean you owe David an apology for what was a hasty judgement by you yesterday? 



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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

Well, I don't believe either of us know the facts; and please quit with the Trumpesque bull. You do not know which side has given the fake story.


Quite frankly, the prices at you local are totally and completely irrelevant.


However, I can easily believe the Brit may have tried to make-up a story which made him look a little better since the papers in old blighty related how a barmaid had shamed him.


Seems to me, I 'd rather pay B90 than take a beating like that.

So once again the victim is guilty? First of all you quite rightly say that neither of you know the facts, and then proceed to imply that the Brit may have tried to make up a story because the barmaid had "shamed" him. Are you Thai? We're not talking a slight loss of face here - the barmaid didn't shame him - she battered him with her shoe!  ( which you refer to in your final sentence). And all because he complained about the bill!


Seems like you think that by being in Thailand, you should expect to be ripped off if you go into an "entertainment" area, and if you complain about it, you should expect to get a beating!





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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

Gee, I betcha she would have stopped kicking his butt if he came up with the extra money.

Unbelievable - you do realise that you are almost saying that robbery with violence is acceptable behaviour?

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37 minutes ago, smotherb said:

It seems to me the way he was trying to get away as the barmaid just kept kicking his butt was pretty much "what a dog with this tail between his legs would do."


Well, there are some differences; you and your party were not drunk and you had a good strong woman as your wife who could and did explain it to them.

A dog with tail between his legs... lol... after meekly been ripped off, as you suggest is the best way forward..... :clap2:

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8 hours ago, smotherb said:

You have to remember, this is the story they tell now. Is it true? To argue over a B600 bill for four drinks is pretty bad, especially if the one drink was B350; then they claim another B90 for a beer. It simply does not compute.


And, from the video I saw, no Thai man was holding him; the bar maid was kicking his butt

That's because who ever filmed it started a few minutes later numptie

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8 hours ago, georgemandm said:

I know from the start not to believe the bad lady from the bar , but like always TVF members get on they high  Horse and run people down with out the hole truth.

why not get on here those people and  apologize , to those people, but you see the big mouth ones you know who you are  , don't have the balls to say I was wrong.

Well said Sir

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8 hours ago, malcoml said:

No I'm suggesting on the night of the incident he explained clearly to the police what had happened with the bill and hence this was the reason the bar girl had the menu out explaining it to the police.


It obviously wasn't a very believable story and hence she spent the night in jail.


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8 hours ago, johna said:

I find your post incomprehensible, he paid the first bill which he thought to high, and is then presented with a second bill. She escalated the situation by attacking him!!! How many times had she pulled this trick in the past. Are you seriously suggesting tourist's should pay any bill presented to them without question.????

Are people really so unintelligent on here? Thank you for this comment Sir.

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7 hours ago, farcanell said:

I didn't forget anything.... and the origional story came from the mouth of the woman being charged with a crime... it was her story


her story was refuted on that thread, by the woman in white ( meryl here) and myfriendu.... and countless others simply refused to believe the bar girls story, or condone her actions


so you have the choice of believing first hand stories by two of the victims, plus a forum poster, who witnessed the assault... or the story of the bargirl who savagely assaulted a 64 year old bloke... like I say... your choice, ive made mine


But, for you to consider....the article says they decided to pay their bill, which appeared excessive.... and it is ( but not worth arguing about)


the article says that they were then then presented with another bill, which was fake... totally fake... Bigly fake... which is when the fracas started (assumedly... only assumedly, this was presented after paying the origional bill)


anyway... to appease you... 350 for a G and T (99 baht at my local) 

3 X 100 baht for a beer (70 baht at my local)

grand total 650 baht (309 baht at my local)


lets review the OP.... "a little over 600 baht".... job done... bill accepted... gouged... but you get that and it was accepted.


then came a subsequent bill, which was disputed , as is the clients right, but which resulted in the attack, for which the bargirl is being prosecuted.


seems, like me, the police believe the victims.

You explain well but still there will be airheads on here that will not get it. Thanks for trying though

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7 hours ago, farcanell said:

You gotta be trolling, right?


from the OP.... when my wife suggested involving the tourist police, I was grabbed from behind and assaulted by the barbatcrazybitch.... (not a direct quote)


he didnt make a decision to be assaulted... he just was assaulted, and the assaulter is being charged for assault


mary and partner, I sincerely hope the aftermath of this incident, physically, emotionally and on your "extended" family, passes quickly... you are standing head and shoulders above the crassness of a lot of nasty, vitriolic and hateful posters, and I commend you for that... well done, and thanks for coming forward.

Thanks a Million. Got to admit, I've never read such gobbledegook comments on here ever. Then again, I never normally have much to do with blogs, prefare going to the beach, having dinner, nice cocktail somewhere. Then off home to my hobby of sticking pins in Spiders. Each and everyone to their own though. Best regards kind Sir. David Lodge

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3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

How exactly can u say u been overcharged when there is no pricelist for drink visible?

I never order or buy something without knowing the prices. Who does this is either rich or just stupid.

If the isn't a pricelist I ask for it.

But this not help if they charge additional drinks what you never ordered.


So, just call the police and let they solve the problem. But important, you must call the police/touristpolice otherwise the bar owner best BIB friends come.


And not forget. Almost everywhere are CCTV cameras. This can help a lot to check what you drinked.

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6 hours ago, Senior Player said:

You can be streetwise and still be a victim. He didn't claim he was infallible to being ripped off, only that he knew the score. He states that he and his wife and two other relatives went into the bar. A little maths lesson for you: that's four people that equals four drinks. The bill was the same padded bill for four drinks, with an additional one thrown in later, that he was still expected to pay for, which if you've read his comments properly he agreed to pay for, but not the additional drink. The tipping point was the extra drink that this lady added to his already extortionate bill. It's immaterial exactly when he discovered the exorbitant pricing, the outcome was still the same one. Four drinks for four people = padded bill.


Clearly the reason why he's mentioned being streetwise is to offset the lies that have been made against his name that claimed he could get cheaper at a 7-11 store and set the record straight that he's no greenhorn on a short vacation. The violent barlady also needs to be sued for deformation of character.

There is a God. Thank you too. Xxxxxx

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9 hours ago, smotherb said:

You do not know whether they ordered the extra beer or not; neither do I. So to base your argument on something you plainly do not know seems rather naive.

it must be naive of me as well to trust that you have read and understood the post.

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12 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

Yeah, all the posters that jumped on the bandwagon with this story will no doubt be quiet or finding some way to blame him anyhow.


The 7/11 quote was obviously BS from the start. 

Stop believe the bullshit that he is spreading that he is innocent. This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill. What should have done was to say in a decent way that something was wrong with the bill and speak to the manager to sort things out. He got what he were looking for and now thinks people must feel sorry for his sake now.? Pay Caesar what belongs to him and stop crying. He made an arshole out of himself.!!

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1 hour ago, snowgard said:

I never order or buy something without knowing the prices. Who does this is either rich or just stupid.

If the isn't a pricelist I ask for it.

But this not help if they charge additional drinks what you never ordered.


So, just call the police and let they solve the problem. But important, you must call the police/touristpolice otherwise the bar owner best BIB friends come.


And not forget. Almost everywhere are CCTV cameras. This can help a lot to check what you drinked.

For me personally  most bars i feel are honest here.i never really check prices and when i pay then i give a tip regardless.But it can become another story if indeed u walk in the wrong joint.we only talk about the  excess.there maybe are a couple hunderd bars and just about one of them has a problem in the week.

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1 minute ago, Rough Rider said:

Stop believe the bullshit that he is spreading that he is innocent. This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill. What should have done was to say in a decent way that something was wrong with the bill and speak to the manager to sort things out. He got what he were looking for and now thinks people must feel sorry for his sake now.? Pay Caesar what belongs to him and stop crying. He made an arshole out of himself.!!

Are you "For Real"? 


"This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill."

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1 hour ago, Rough Rider said:

Stop believe the bullshit that he is spreading that he is innocent. This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill. What should have done was to say in a decent way that something was wrong with the bill and speak to the manager to sort things out. He got what he were looking for and now thinks people must feel sorry for his sake now.? Pay Caesar what belongs to him and stop crying. He made an arshole out of himself.!!

Yet another illiterate tool bumping his gums.... why don't you read the OP before shooting your mouth off?


from the OP.... when Mary suggested getting the tourist police involved, the batshitcrazybargirl assaulted the guy (not a direct quote)


he did not ague the point, but rather, Mary reasonably suggested getting the cops involved, as is the 100% correct thing to do


if doing the 100% correct thing equates to making an arshole of himself, ( herself actually, but it was him that was assaulted, which is worse, as it was beyond his control) then I can only assume that you too are either one, (arshole was it?) or a dishonorable lowlife, who doesn't bother doing the correct thing.... which, funnily enough, would amount to the same thing... a lower most excretion hole


and ceasar took with might, not right, thru extreme violence... a bully, backed by an army.... which is perhaps why you identify with the violent and abusive bargirl



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1 hour ago, Rough Rider said:

Stop believe the bullshit that he is spreading that he is innocent. This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill. What should have done was to say in a decent way that something was wrong with the bill and speak to the manager to sort things out. He got what he were looking for and now thinks people must feel sorry for his sake now.? Pay Caesar what belongs to him and stop crying. He made an arshole out of himself.!!

You are somebody that will never believe the truth even if it hit you in the face. I was NOT arguing with the Woman, my wife was over the prices on the tab. We had 4 drinks. We only popped in for one round whilst waiting for our friends finished their drinks in the go go bar opposite. The Wife checked the tab immediately as the bar bint looked a bit iffy. On it she charged us 350 baht each for three vodkas and 90 baht for a beer. She also charged 70 baht for a tonic and brought a full sugar coke not diet. The wife sent her back to get the right coke and she put the top on the unwanted one and placed back in the fridge. She said that one of the vodkas was a double but all were the same measures. The wife got her to see that she knew we were getting ripped off and settled on a more reasonable 650 baht..  still too much but hey let's get out of here. The bar Woman who was the owner then produced a further pot not from our table for another beer that she said my brother in law had had but he still had half of his first in his hand? We tried to leave leaving our un consumed drinks on the table and it was then I said she was a robber and the Wife also mentioned the tourist Police. That's when she went mental and for the first minute I was held in a headlock by a Thai geezer and pinned in my chair while she rained her cheap heavy shoe in my face. He released me when she got a bullseye on my conk and blood came. Now I hope this is detailed enough for the dim posters but I,m not holding my breath.

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1 hour ago, Rough Rider said:

Stop believe the bullshit that he is spreading that he is innocent. This would never have happened if he did not start arguing about the bill. What should have done was to say in a decent way that something was wrong with the bill and speak to the manager to sort things out. He got what he were looking for and now thinks people must feel sorry for his sake now.? Pay Caesar what belongs to him and stop crying. He made an arshole out of himself.!!

This is the stupidest post I read about this attack. Please come back after you sober up.


By the way I passed by the pasty bar yesterday, there are several CCTV cameras in that bar. I am sure the footage was one of the first things the police asked for. I am guessing they told the police all of them were not working when this happened. This would have cleared up any confusement about which drinks were served to them.

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