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Thaivisa exclusive: Liverpool man wants Pattaya bargirl jailed but doesn’t blame the resort – “7/11 claim” was just nonsense


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Hey, it happens in Bangkok too. Over a year ago I went to The Game on Sukhumvit at soi 11. They had a 99 cent special on bourbon and coke. So I pick up the sign advertising the special and point at it saying that sounds pretty good. I ask him which bourbon and he replies Jim Beam. Great, I'll take it. The drink comes, then the bill: $1.99. I asked him to either adjust the bill or give me the special. He refused saying that is what I ordered. After some fruitless discussion, I say I am leaving having not touched the drink. The bartender hurdles the bar, punches me down the steps, then kicks me. The owner or manager, apparently named Greg, then punches me several times. After about 10 minutes on the sidewalk, him still demanding his 1.99, he threatens to call the police and have me put in jail. I say I want to see the police. His response: OK, I'll call MY POLICEMAN. The policeman comes and, ignoring my bloody face and ripped shirt, said I have to pay my bill. At that time, being fairly new here, I did not know there were tourist police or street cameras, or that a Thai bartender or American owner could actually be held accountable, especially when they obviously had police on the payroll.

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Aha....hope all the bash him brigade here are feeling a bit apologetic? Hardly, they always disappear after their useless posts.


Nice to see the other side of this unfortunate story after some disgraceful comments about him here on TV. ...me excluded.

I have no trouble beleiving him over a nasty bar girl who couldn't see the truth if it bit her in the ass.


He has lived here for years.....why in heck would he not know the rules by now.

If your're scammed in a bar....just pay up. The beer he didn't get? He was 100% correct in querying this....as any of us would.


Just as an aside. I was having a beer in Kata with my (delightful) GF with a table of three Norwegian young lads beside us. They were absolutely perfectly behaved. Not an ounce of bother. One fell off the rickety chair....mamasan came over screaming (!) for no reason whatsoever and as he explained she hit him over the head with am empty beer bottle. Right in front of us. 

We, and of course they,  left very much shocked.


A lunatic woman and methinks the one here may be just the same. No longer young, embittered, jealous and seething with anger towards the farang. Would she have done this to a Thai man. Not a chance!


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Having heard endless similar stories I had been carrying a concealed keychain pepper spray around with me. A situation arose at Nana which looked like exactly the ones described here, someone blocking me from exiting, and I made a split second decision and sprayed my way out. Turns out I had headed for an identically curtained doorway resembling the exit but it was the ladies dressing room, and the man was just trying to turn me away and toward the correct exit. . After my exit I realised what happened and ducked into another bar to think about somehow apologizing without risking my well being. I had forgotten about security cameras, and so I was found there, I ran for it, and got tackled with one minor painless punch to the head. I was sat down at a table and allowed to speak through an english speaking person who understood my confusion and my panic response. The man I had sprayed also understood my mistake and why I did it. I was brought to the police station because of the pepper spray which they said was illegal. I was not abused physically in any way, but treated humanely and with decency and to my amazement the man I had sprayed sat next to me (his eyes were open and he had recovered) and, sitting in the police car,  was not angry at me. I was apologizing profusely to him, bowing / wai ing repeatedly. He smiled and said it was OK. The police were very polite, one spoke perfect english while explaining the illegality and the possible penalties, but stating that they didn't want to go that route (I knew what was coming next, ha!) . In America cops would have beaten the s---- out of me, hand cuffed me, tasered me, and thrown me in jail on assault charges and left me there until I made bail. We simply negotiated "compensation" of 10,000 baht ($280 US dollars) and everyone was satisfied. It was my mistake and the man was entitled to his cut and as far as I'm concerned so were the police. In America I would have been sued for thousands after lawyers pounced on the case. When they released me I was actually happy because of how benign the whole thing had turned out to be, and was fortunate to have interacted with a better segment of Thai people. Not one person, security or anyone else, held a grudge the next time I went to Nana. I am relatively new to Thailand (my 4th time, 3 months) and have no idea what the ratio of humane experiences to bad ones is, but I don't think I will be carrying pepper spray anymore. I think this story was worth telling, and still plan to live here eventually. I wish this man the best of luck, chok dee mate. Next time I will make sure I know where the door is. The bar was laid out in a circle with no exit signs. 

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Well I am not going to try to work out who is telling the truth here and who is lying.  There have been times when I have been overcharged by adding an extra drink to my tab in a Thai bar and when I have pointed it out the bar simply adjusted the bill and said sorry for the mistake.  Even in Pattaya I doubt the bar tender would have kicked off like that over one drink.  Nobody knows the truth and we never will.

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Well I am not going to try to work out who is telling the truth here and who is lying.  There have been times when I have been overcharged by adding an extra drink to my tab in a Thai bar and when I have pointed it out the bar simply adjusted the bill and said sorry for the mistake.  Even in Pattaya I doubt the bar tender would have kicked off like that over one drink.  Nobody knows the truth and we never will.

My experiences mirror yours

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4 hours ago, pi2005ni said:

They know everything about Thailand and are very streetwise , obviously not or they would have queried the bill from the start . When you troll round these areas you need to be aware , which they weren't. They didn't deserve to be assaulted but maybe they will be a bit more polite next time they encounter a problem with their bill . Sometimes it's just better to pay and never frequent that bar again . Saves on the hospital bills . 

Did you say "sometimes its just better to pay and never frequent that bar again", what a load of croc, that's what a dog with this tail between his legs would do.


I was in Phuket with my wife and my cousin from Oz with his wife, we was showing them around, and my cousin wanted to go to one of those ping pong shows, I had never been, and was never interested in seeing someones pssy squirting out a ping bong ball, just when I thought I talked him out of it, we got approached by those street clowns that throw them cards in your face just about every step you take on Bangla Road, even under my 12 year old daughters nose 3 times once, short of flooring the guy, a gentle shove made him disappear on that occasion. Back to the cousin and the ping pong show now, the street clowns said "no cover charge" "no cover charge" and my cousin said come on mate, if you don't like it we can all leave, I could see he wasn't going to give up and my Mrs nodding her head, so we went, sat down and ordered 3 Corona's and a water, bill came, cousin said, I got it and took the bill, then he said to me, is that 380 baht or 3,800 baht, well I can tell you we didn't see the show, although it went on relentless, of my raised voice as to the whopping bill, she said well you have to pay for the entertainment, I said the guy on the street said "no cover charge", she said no no no, and kept going backwards and forward and came back with the bill reduced to 2,000 baht. I said its not on, I said to everyone to wait there, I went out in the street and grabbed the street clown who said "no cover charge" and pulled him into the place, and said tell them what you told us, "no cover charge", he said yes, and started talking Thai to them, they said if you want your 100 baht per head, you better get him to pay the bill, that is when my wife stepped in and said, there is 500 baht, we are going now, if you want me to come back with the police, up to you, then the girl said to her, sister, I have to eat too, help us out please, my manager will be very upset, with my wife turning to her and saying, my sister would never do what you are doing and we left.


Long of the short, stand your ground, the biggest part that peeed me off was later back in the hotel room when my wife told me that my cousin tried to pay the reduced bill of 2,000 baht but she interjected and said I would be so so peeed off, that was when I went to get the clown from the street, not getting to drink my bloody beer and the fact that he didn't even offer to give my wife 500 baht after she saved him almost paying 2,000 baht.


I let my cousin show himself around Phuket from that day forward, he had 3 days left, God only knows how many times he got ripped off from there, not my problem.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I said from the beginning that I could believe either story. In fact, it was more believable that the bill was padded. As I read more about the guy and how long he's lived here, it made more sense. Unless you've lived under a rock and this is your first rodeo in Thailand, you know that bars are more expensive than 7/11. The woman who assaulted him was never gonna say something that gave him even a fraction of questionable doubt. 


Sad things is some people were saying that her behaviour was justifiable when they heard the 7/11 comment. There is never an excuse for violence. Like the police said - if there's ever a problem with tourists then call them. Thailand has laws like other countries. Excusing this kind of behaviour is actually just enabling those who do it. It's also like saying that Thailand is inferior to where you come from. Like they don't know any better. 

Drinks are more expensive than at 7 11 everywhere, not just Thailand. 

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9 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you say "sometimes its just better to pay and never frequent that bar again", what a load of croc, that's what a dog with this tail between his legs would do.


I was in Phuket with my wife and my cousin from Oz with his wife, we was showing them around, and my cousin wanted to go to one of those ping pong shows, I had never been, and was never interested in seeing someones pssy squirting out a ping bong ball, just when I thought I talked him out of it, we got approached by those street clowns that throw them cards in your face just about every step you take on Bangla Road, even under my 12 year old daughters nose 3 times once, short of flooring the guy, a gentle shove made him disappear on that occasion. Back to the cousin and the ping pong show now, the street clowns said "no cover charge" "no cover charge" and my cousin said come on mate, if you don't like it we can all leave, I could see he wasn't going to give up and my Mrs nodding her head, so we went, sat down and ordered 3 Corona's and a water, bill came, cousin said, I got it and took the bill, then he said to me, is that 380 baht or 3,800 baht, well I can tell you we didn't see the show, although it went on relentless, of my raised voice as to the whopping bill, she said well you have to pay for the entertainment, I said the guy on the street said "no cover charge", she said no no no, and kept going backwards and forward and came back with the bill reduced to 2,000 baht. I said its not on, I said to everyone to wait there, I went out in the street and grabbed the street clown who said "no cover charge" and pulled him into the place, and said tell them what you told us, "no cover charge", he said yes, and started talking Thai to them, they said if you want your 100 baht per head, you better get him to pay the bill, that is when my wife stepped in and said, there is 500 baht, we are going now, if you want me to come back with the police, up to you, then the girl said to her, sister, I have to eat too, help us out please, my manager will be very upset, with my wife turning to her and saying, my sister would never do what you are doing and we left.


Long of the short, stand your ground, the biggest part that peeed me off was later back in the hotel room when my wife told me that my cousin tried to pay the reduced bill of 2,000 baht but she interjected and said I would be so so peeed off, that was when I went to get the clown from the street, not getting to drink my bloody beer and the fact that he didn't even offer to give my wife 500 baht after she saved him almost paying 2,000 baht.


I let my cousin show himself around Phuket from that day forward, he had 3 days left, God only knows how many times he got ripped off from there, not my problem.

Sounds like you should leave your big man ego at home and also your 12 year old daughter who you seem to drag along on Bangla road. I mean really you actually brag about your 12 year old daughter seeing pussy ping pong pics under her nose 3 times and YOU act like it's the fault of touts when you are on Bangla Rd with her?  Very disrespectful. How do you think these places make money? You simply don't EVER go. That's it simple. 

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Its all great and nice that this chap is a cartoonist and 9/11 jokester but the bar girl I am sure after long hours on duty failed to share his humor. Something snapped. Next time I would advise you not to try out your sense of humor on a over worked bar girl. Some say she was the owner but I stand by my statement. Bar life is a tough go here. If there was indeed overcharging and not just a bleary eyed checking of the bill that should be looked into. 


I seriously can't take this forum. Can't use sense of humor with bar girls? The whole point of beer bars is to interact with bar girls and to have sanook. The girls themselves are often joking around all of the time. Most bar girls are polite, funny and have good manners about them (manners is important in Thailand). They don't take their shoe off and smash it over a guys face due to a small argument.


There are some real nasty types in Pattaya, about 3% of the population. Not enough to ruin the town but enough to cause problems. And these types only pick on weak or old people like the old man in this story, they never attack a big buff guy.

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4 hours ago, pi2005ni said:

They know everything about Thailand and are very streetwise , obviously not or they would have queried the bill from the start . When you troll round these areas you need to be aware , which they weren't. They didn't deserve to be assaulted but maybe they will be a bit more polite next time they encounter a problem with their bill . Sometimes it's just better to pay and never frequent that bar again . Saves on the hospital bills . 

You can be streetwise and still be a victim. He didn't claim he was infallible to being ripped off, only that he knew the score. He states that he and his wife and two other relatives went into the bar. A little maths lesson for you: that's four people that equals four drinks. The bill was the same padded bill for four drinks, with an additional one thrown in later, that he was still expected to pay for, which if you've read his comments properly he agreed to pay for, but not the additional drink. The tipping point was the extra drink that this lady added to his already extortionate bill. It's immaterial exactly when he discovered the exorbitant pricing, the outcome was still the same one. Four drinks for four people = padded bill.


Clearly the reason why he's mentioned being streetwise is to offset the lies that have been made against his name that claimed he could get cheaper at a 7-11 store and set the record straight that he's no greenhorn on a short vacation. The violent barlady also needs to be sued for deformation of character.

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I posted this in the original article's thread but I'll say it again here.  A year ago there was a fight in nana where some African guys were accused of not paying their bill.  The waitress said that the guys said they could get drinks cheaper at 7/11 and refused to pay and then attacked her.  Exact same as this story, with the 7/11 comment, so I think it's a BS line all Thai waitresses will use.  Also, if you are sure the customer should be paying, why wouldn't you be glad for them to call the police?  Why would you attack them?  Fishy from the start.  Glad to see my suspicions confirmed.  


Also, price lists are fine but it's more common to pad a bill by adding drinks you didn't order.  Charging you for 8 beers when you only had 7.  When you're in a group and drink for a long time, most people will lose track of how many drinks they had.

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54 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Sounds like you should leave your big man ego at home and also your 12 year old daughter who you seem to drag along on Bangla road. I mean really you actually brag about your 12 year old daughter seeing pussy ping pong pics under her nose 3 times and YOU act like it's the fault of touts when you are on Bangla Rd with her?  Very disrespectful. How do you think these places make money? You simply don't EVER go. That's it simple. 

I have heard of people being referred to as dipsticks, and it appears that you fit the category.


Bangla Road is an entertainment strip, touts as you refer to them have no legal right to be there, i.e. they shouldn't be there, they are pests, and when one shoves a card under your kids nose, let me know how your ego is, you obviously don't have kids, and to say you simply don't take your kids there is ridiculous, its a farken circus mate.

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58 minutes ago, Havrum said:


I seriously can't take this forum. Can't use sense of humor with bar girls? The whole point of beer bars is to interact with bar girls and to have sanook. The girls themselves are often joking around all of the time. Most bar girls are polite, funny and have good manners about them (manners is important in Thailand). They don't take their shoe off and smash it over a guys face due to a small argument.


There are some real nasty types in Pattaya, about 3% of the population. Not enough to ruin the town but enough to cause problems. And these types only pick on weak or old people like the old man in this story, they never attack a big buff guy.

who was obviously drunk. 

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2 hours ago, Chivas said:

All publicity is sadly good publicity and no doubt the takings in the Bar have gone up since the incident as people view the gorgeous creature involved in the beating up...!

Cant say I have any idea where this place is in Soi 8 either to be honest

Quit using your wife or g/f as an avatar not fair. 

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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

You do not know whether they ordered the extra beer or not; neither do I. So to base your argument on something you plainly do not know seems rather naive.

Equally, one could ask " why do some farangs always blame other farangs" 

Are they trying to be Thai?

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When I read how much idiots here pay overcharged bills, I understand full why some bad bar owners overcharge farangs. They make a good profit of all this idiots.


But what make me really angry is that only because so much farangs pay it "THEY CHARGE TO MUCH!!!"


I for sure take a look at the bill and call the police.

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7 minutes ago, snowgard said:

When I read how much idiots here pay overcharged bills, I understand full why some bad bar owners overcharge farangs. They make a good profit of all this idiots.


But what make me really angry is that only because so much farangs pay it "THEY CHARGE TO MUCH!!!"


I for sure take a look at the bill and call the police.

How exactly can u say u been overcharged when there is no pricelist for drink visible?

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My mate,is a lone wolf boozer He goes out on his own, and makes his entertainment at what ever bar he is in.A good old boy, never a problem with him.he only drinks beer, no spirits.To make sure he only pays for the drinks he has had, he gets the girl to leave the bottle top in the ash tray, which he keeps in front of him And even when he goes for a piss, he takes it with him.

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Once upon a time ...my friend and myself went into one of the rip off bars that have the "surprise, extra price" for a special show that they attach to the drink bill and try to charge you say 2000 or 3000 or 5000 baht or more....and some people get taken for 10,000 baht or more if it is group of say 5 or 6 tourist people that they recognise as fresh off the plane and ripe for the picking....Bonanaza!!!

After 1 drink each at 150 baht each we asked for the bill and the bill is presented and the bill is 3000 baht ( 300 baht for 2 drinks and 2700 baht for special show )

I am telling them in Thai language I / We are not going to pay for the 2700 baht special show and told them I will pay for the cost of the 2 drinks at 150 baht each and give them a tip of 100 baht for 400 bath total.

Then we are surrounded by 4 guys and the 2 bars girls and the Mamasan  insisting we pay.

Knowing how it could get ugly I / we just sat there and patiently kept on telling them I would give them 400 baht ...take it or leave it while the lot of them stared us down with angry expressions on their face while verbally trying to intimidate us.

Finally after continually speaking Thai to them they told us to get out and Fxxx off and the usual aggressive show they put on.

When we stepped outside and went down the stairs while the bar boys were shouting at us and berating us as part of their routine

 Myself and my friend stood there for about 10 seconds deciding were else to go and  then...a police car starts to cruise by and had to slow down and stop while trying to squeeze past us in the narrow Soi ...

So, I tapped on the passenger side window and the one police officer rolls down the window and asks me what I want and I tell him that this bar here ......yes...this bar right here...... tried to cheat us.

The police officer says : And then????.......So I told him they tried to cheat us by trying to charge us 3000 baht and tried to intimidate us and start a fight with us to make us pay the bill.

Then, the other officer leans over and says: "How much did they try to charge you"  and I said 3000 baht

The one officer looks over at the other officer and says something I did not quite hear and then the both of them laugh for a few seconds and then the police officer on the passenger side rolls up the window and the driver backs up and off they go.

My friend is confused and asks me what I said and I told him what I said and he says: "Maybe they did not understand you"...... and I said they did understand but when they asked how much money was involved  and I told them 3000 baht they laughed and drove off.

My friend is still confused and said: "Why did they laugh when you told them 3000 baht....???

So I had to explain to my friend: "It is Small Money"...Not enough money to interest them.

My friend is still confused while I had to explain to him that had I told them they ripped us off for say 10,000 baht or 15,000 Baht then that amount of money would have been worthy of their attentions...but only 3000 baht is not interesting enough for them while they have more important money matters to take care.

Finally he understood ...but said: Hmmmm......should have exaggerated the amount and told them 15,000 baht to get their attentions and stir up some trouble and a little bit of pay back.....lol


1992 ...Pat Pong Road....



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7 hours ago, pi2005ni said:

They know everything about Thailand and are very streetwise , obviously not or they would  have queried the bill from the start . When you troll round these areas you need to be aware , which they weren't. They didn't deserve to be assaulted but maybe they will be a bit more polite next time they encounter a problem with their bill . Sometimes it's just better to pay and never frequent that bar again . Saves on the hospital bills . 

That's exactly that attitude that lets these "bill padders" get away with it!


You obviously didn't read the article properly and assumed that they were to blame by not querying the bill in the first place, and "they should be a bit more polite in future next time they encounter a problem with the bill"


"David said that it was his wife Mary who had questioned the bill but they had decided to pay the tab amounting to a little over 600 baht."


You also assume that the were "impolite" when they brought up the subject of the bill. How do you know they were impolite? Were you there?


I thought that the Mods had made it quite clear that there were to be no more derogatory posts regarding the tourists involved in this case, but obviously you didn't read that post either!  






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6 hours ago, JSixpack said:

Our "Thai police always against farang" brigade is notably silent in view of David Lodge's praise for them.


I think Mary could have taken off her shoe though and gave back, shoe vs shoe.

And I think we all know what that would have escalated into!

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The sad part about all this,is, that the Thai shysters think they invented the three card trick.In counties in Europe and the continental, USA we were performing these scams long before they were born.You get a couple of likely lads from say, the East end of London, or Hells kitchen NY,and they know the score.But the Thai ignorance of the outside world prevents them from knowing that we know the game.We might have come straight over on a plane, but we 'aint come straight off the boat.

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4 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

The sad part about all this,is, that the Thai shysters think they invented the three card trick.In counties in Europe and the continental, USA we were performing these scams long before they were born.You get a couple of likely lads from say, the East end of London, or Hells kitchen NY,and they know the score.But the Thai ignorance of the outside world prevents them from knowing that we know the game.We might have come straight over on a plane, but we 'aint come straight off the boat.

Absolutely correct.

The number 1 country for scams, rips offs, frauds, con men, "Flim Flam Men", Ponzi schemes etc. and a long, long  list of such orchestrated types of fraud based criminal activities and perpetrated in relative widespread abundance is.......You guessed it ..the USA ...hands down wins the crowning achievement award.




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Don't worry about comments from members of the Forum. Many of them can't think straight ,never mind make informed comments. Too many times it is Mr. Alcohol talking or just simple nonsense. Stupid remarks seem to be the high lite of this forum too many times.

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