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What do thaï people want to know about the western world?


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I have often questioned myself, what do Thaï people want to see/know/hear about western life.


For example: I like to see the different architecture of temples, the colors especially since they are the complete opposite of European churches which tend to be just gray.


I like to see the smiling people everywhere since it's the opposite of here where everyone has a sad face.


I like to see every cultural difference: importance of not losing face, love for the king, ladyboys everywhere, ice cubes in beer, no kissing on the cheek or giving hands etc....


In other words, I like to see everything that is different and that I would not expect.


Of course after a while you get used to all of this, but it takes time to really understand Thaï life and that's what I love about it, it keeps me curious and it keeps me questioning.


Are Thaï people like this also? I tend to have the impression that they are not that curious about western life (even if they are greatly influenced by it), I noticed that whenever I talk about the differences they often try to look like they care (they always do) but they actually don't.


Anyways, my question is: what do most Thaï people find interesting about the west, I don't want to bore them about things they wouldn't care.


The only few things that come up to my mind are: food....well that's just it to honest.


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As a rough generalization, the culture here does not value or reward intellectual curiosity very much. There are obviously exceptions. Some of my funniest moments living in Thailand are watching westerners trying to tell Thai people about things from their home country and you can see how BORED they are and you can also see how the westerners are BORES for not picking that up themselves. 

That's kind of my answer. The Thais you answer, feel them out individually, and be prepared for a lot of disinterest. 

Reminds me of an experience I had at a home products store. I was looking for a product popular in the west that I wasn't sure could be had in Thailand. So I asked the staff and as soon as they heard it was a product I knew about from the west, there was instant and total SWITCH OFF ... we don't even have to know about that and we don't want to know about that ...

It's possible that the product was available here (or is now) but once the NOT IN THAILAND bell went off, instant permission to avoid any mental effort. 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Some of my funniest moments living in Thailand are watching westerners trying to tell Thai people about things from their home country and you can see how BORED they are and you can also see how the westerners are BORES for not picking that up themselves. 

Haha, yes that's exactly what I noticed.

On dating sites their interests in their profiles are also pretty much the same: I like food, I love to eat, I like cat, dog,....

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Haha, yes that's exactly what I noticed.

On dating sites their interests in their profiles are also pretty much the same: I like food, I love to eat, I like cat, dog,....

So they like to eat cat or dog or both? Is this dating site persifically for people who like to eat their pets?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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1 hour ago, roo860 said:



So they like to eat cat or dog or both? Is this dating site persifically for people who like to eat their pets?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app





1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

 the culture here does not value or reward intellectual curiosity very much. There are obviously exceptions.

You seem to understand them pretty well, here (at least in my home country) it is very common that we tell stories about history, geography, art, politics, psychology, etc... We like to share knowledge (obviously there are exceptions to that, some people just like to talk about fast cars and soccer/football).


Sharing knowledge is quite important when dating people and/or making friends.


Here it doesn't seem to be that way, don't get me wrong, I don't think this is entirely bad. Here we tend to overthink a lot and not enjoying the moment that much. When I see Thaï people hanging out in a group together they seem to have lots of fun, they seem to be "in the moment" and they seem to know how to enjoy themselves. 


What I'm wondering is, what do they like to talk about when hanging out together, just smalltalk? What do they talk about? 


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a series of "western" thingies Thais are interested in;



Mercedes Benz

Hot Dogs



J Walker Black Label

Michael Jackson







to name a few


widespread interest in shallow things





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On 21/02/2017 at 1:08 PM, Jingthing said:

As a rough generalization, the culture here does not value or reward intellectual curiosity very much. There are obviously exceptions. Some of my funniest moments living in Thailand are watching westerners trying to tell Thai people about things from their home country and you can see how BORED they are and you can also see how the westerners are BORES for not picking that up themselves. 

That's kind of my answer. The Thais you answer, feel them out individually, and be prepared for a lot of disinterest. 

Reminds me of an experience I had at a home products store. I was looking for a product popular in the west that I wasn't sure could be had in Thailand. So I asked the staff and as soon as they heard it was a product I knew about from the west, there was instant and total SWITCH OFF ... we don't even have to know about that and we don't want to know about that ...

It's possible that the product was available here (or is now) but once the NOT IN THAILAND bell went off, instant permission to avoid any mental effort. 

I agree in general...

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On 21/02/2017 at 8:21 PM, melvinmelvin said:

a series of "western" thingies Thais are interested in;



Mercedes Benz

Hot Dogs



J Walker Black Label

Michael Jackson







to name a few


widespread interest in shallow things





You missed out Westerner's money and how to get it without working.

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On 2/21/2017 at 8:21 PM, melvinmelvin said:

a series of "western" thingies Thais are interested in;



Mercedes Benz

Hot Dogs



J Walker Black Label

Michael Jackson







to name a few


widespread interest in shallow things





Michael Jackson! Madonna!

The 90's called and was wondering when you'll be back? 

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 I've lived in Thailand for approximately 11 years and never had one person ask me what the United States was like?


Most Thai men show absolutely no interest in American women.


Every Thai woman that visit United States that I know returned as soon as her visa expired. During the wintertime, some returned within two weeks. 

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They don't want to know anything about the West.  They already know that people from Myanmar are BAD!!  and they all wear black...  And of course they are good at doing the jobs Thais wont do for small money


In the North West there is Lao where a good percentage have relatives, which is why it is Thailands number one choice for overseas destinations


Think I am joking.......

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Everything has been said above, so I don't say anything more,  but when you say " For example: I like to see the different architecture of temples, the colors especially since they are the complete opposite of European churches which tend to be just gray. " , you are wrong


it is known that cathedrals in Europe, when they were built,  were coloured but with time ( several centuries ), the color has faded and now is gray

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Not much really - - since they consider Westerners to be rich, sometimes you can amuse them with how much money they can make at their profesion if in the West - then explain how much it costs to live there...


Of course, it works the same back home for the most part... after explaining for five minutes that I live in Thailand, not Taiwan and seeing that people can't grasp that there might be some difference, it is equally dull.

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The West...most dont know which direction is west....i was at a party last week sat with a Thai Friend and he said to me...that lady over there lives in Japan..i said yes i know her.....he said do you know her ?? i said yes ...he said you should as Japan is next to to England in the world.....no comment.....

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Many Thais have asked me why the foreigners living  and coming here are so ugly,. Something which they did not find when they travelled abroad. I had to explain to them, that they couldn't find a decent looking girls in their own country, so they came here where they are able to obtain female company who don't seem to mind how ugly they are provided they have some money. That settled their curiosity

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My wife has no interest of the west and I hope it stays that way. The last thing I would want would be for her to turn into one of those western women that drove me away. She is not a stunner but she gives respect to everybody and treats me and all of her family like royalty. I have met few like that in the west, and those I did meet were already spoken for. The west never comes up in any of my conversations with any Thais.

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A Istanbul carpet seller told me, after six months traveling around U.S. selling carpets I can't wait to get home. The U.S. had no ancient historical sites, nothing but fast food joints, and malls. Americans are obsessed with money, buying stuff to impress other people, know nothing about the world. Its hard for me to get a good price for my nice carepets that take so long to make because they don't understand quality. Thais aren't missing anything by not knowing about America.

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