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Two men arrested after Canadian tourist attacked with machete

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Just now, ocddave said:

I have a nasty attitude towards criminals, so basically if this happened to me, justice would be served one way or the other.....I don't care if takes me 20 years to recover and get back on my feet, they would both be dead. So when I look at it that way, what difference does it make, really? And are there no self-defense outcomes allowed in Thailand? I find that hard to believe, so  two guys can swing a machete at me, but I am not allowed to kill them in the ensuing brawl?

Pretty much correct. No. you can't. At least not by pulling out a gun it is illegal to be carrying.

Might sound nuts, so welcome to Thailand.

If you beat them with your bare hands, you might get away with it.

Otherwise, reread the previous posts. It will be murder. You will go to jail.

Not sure how much clearer we can be on this.

I don't like criminals either, so you do have my sympathy on your attitude, but your posts are really not helpful.

Many people do not survive 5 years in a Thai jail, let alone 20, so you would probably be dead too.

I am dropping this line, if you don't get it now, you probably never will.

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

PS, it was not a machete. Get the facts right about the phoney samarai sword and a true machete and you are on the road to learning. 

All I have learned is there are more people willing to be victims, then there are willing to protect themselves......sheep to the slaughter I guess.

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2 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

In summary...

The two thieves could have killed him but, quite reasonably, only used the minimum force necessary to achieve their aim.

However, the Canadian was foolish to inflame the situation by coming to the aid of his girlfriend, causing the escalation of an otherwise amicable transaction.

Damn Canadians - always causing trouble!



There's only one reasonable course of action for a 68-year-old, unarmed man to take in this situation... Give them the gold and send them on their way. Result: they lose 20k baht and sustain no injuries.


He was foolish.

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9 minutes ago, tropo said:

There's only one reasonable course of action for a 68-year-old, unarmed man to take in this situation... Give them the gold and send them on their way. Result: they lose 20k baht and sustain no injuries.


He was foolish.

I don't think any of us know for certain how we would react in this type of situation. I hope my instinct would be to step in between the criminal and my g/f as this guy did (of course, my wife might have a different view :wink:).


Seriously, we can't pre-plan for dangerous situations - we can only react instinctively. So, I don't think it's fair to describe the man as foolish.

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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

I don't think any of us know for certain how we would react in this type of situation. I hope my instinct would be to step in between the criminal and my g/f as this guy did (of course, my wife might have a different view :wink:).


Seriously, we can't pre-plan for dangerous situations - we can only react instinctively. So, I don't think it's fair to describe the man as foolish.


I don't believe he was protecting his girlfriend. He was protecting her gold necklace, which apparently, he did save, but at the cost of serious injuries.


I know how I react. I had a cell phone snatched from my ear once. I ran after the snatcher to a back street where someone showed me a gun. I promptly left the scene without my cell phone. I decided not to push the matter any further.


OK, it was a gun, but the sight of long knives would have had the same effect.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I don't believe he was protecting his girlfriend. He was protecting her gold necklace, which apparently, he did save, but at the cost of serious injuries.


I know how I react. I had a cell phone snatched from my ear once. I ran after the snatcher to a back street where someone showed me a gun. I promptly left the scene without my cell phone. I decided not to push the matter any further.


OK, it was a gun, but the sight of long knives would have had the same effect.

Well, your first paragraph is just assumption as was my remark about stepping in between the crim and the g/f, so we can agree to differ.


When you chased after the guy who stole your phone you were probably acting instinctively. If he had turned and shot you with his gun (rather than just showing it to you) I would not have described you as foolish.

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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

Well, your first paragraph is just assumption as was my remark about stepping in between the crim and the g/f, so we can agree to differ.


When you chased after the guy who stole your phone you were probably acting instinctively. If he had turned and shot you with his gun (rather than just showing it to you) I would not have described you as foolish.


The guy who snatched my phone did not produce weapons. It was his friends around the corner. If a snatcher produced weapons straight after he snatched, I would stop in my tracks. I was in my 30's too, not 68. A guy should know his limits.


Perhaps I was foolish to chase the snatcher. I did learn some restraint from that incident.


It's hard to see from the poor quality video, but the way I see it he kept coming after they produced machetes, or long blades, or whatever people want to call them.

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4 minutes ago, tropo said:

The guy who snatched my phone did not produce weapons. It was his friends around the corner. If a snatcher produced weapons straight after he snatched, I would stop in my tracks. I was in my 30's too, not 68. A guy should know his limits.


Perhaps I was foolish to chase the snatcher. I did learn some restraint from that incident.


It's hard to see from the poor quality video, but the way I see it he kept coming after they produced machetes, or long blades, or whatever people want to call them.

Well I'm sure we can agree, foolish or not, that we hope he makes a full and swift recovery and that the sword-carrying criminals get what they deserve.

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When I was in the military (a very long time ago) there was a term used for indiscretions. It was called insecure. It referred to leaving a weapon lying around. It also meant cash or jewellery. It meant equal penalties to the thief and the person who displayed such a lax attitude toward protecting goodies from thieves and enemies. Don't display crass examples to thieves and scumbags. The police cannot protect you from this. As my military training also taught me. Do not make yourself the target. Cheers

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5 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

When I was in the military (a very long time ago) there was a term used for indiscretions. It was called insecure. It referred to leaving a weapon lying around. It also meant cash or jewellery. It meant equal penalties to the thief and the person who displayed such a lax attitude toward protecting goodies from thieves and enemies. Don't display crass examples to thieves and scumbags. The police cannot protect you from this. As my military training also taught me. Do not make yourself the target. Cheers


A 20k one baht gold necklace is not a crass display of wealth. It's a very common item many Thais wear everywhere. It's the price of a mid-range cell phone.

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It was a bloody 700 dollar chain max. You hand the <deleted> thing over end of story. You want to bridge up and roll around town with you and the missus dripping gold early hours in iffy places up to you, I have, but lets drop all this heroic rambo bullshit. Bloke comes at you with a machete you give that gold up. If there were no visible weapons Id have a crack but I am certainly not dying or letting me missus get hurt for a lousy 1 baht chain. No brainer.

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5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Message to most people. Do not flaunt your wealth. Especially trinkets of gold and other small volume but high wealth objects. Wear bling. You can hand that over quite easily to low life criminals who probably don't know the difference 

Message to most people, LOM is no longer a tourist destination sadly


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Police said the men had been released from prison just three months ago and admitted to carrying out at least four other similar robberies this year.


Four other similar robberies this year?

Better and more faster police work would be desirable here.


Armed series perpetrators, robbers of the most dangerous type. Hopefully they get 5 years for each robbery. 25 years imprisonment would be good for this scum.

Edited by tomacht8
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What is going on ? Is it just because news is easier to report these days with everyone carrying a video camera and CCTV all over the place, or did this type of regular event not happen ten, twenty years ago ? Chumphon for gawd's sake.

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11 hours ago, mercman24 said:

all thais i know wear gold , they never seem to get attacked,  why should not a farang. wear gold, not sure if Ms King is thai or not. these low lifes need harsh  sentences, its the law that needs shaking up. and they have already got prison form, how about 3 strikes and your out for starters

Most Thais are not out at 2am

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