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BBC journalist faces five years jail for Thailand reporting

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After reading these replys I conclude that ninety percent of the posters either do not live in Thailand, have only been here a short time , or are living very insulated lives. He's been charged. He will not receive prison time . He will leave the Kingdom. Life will go on.

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The 'Junta' or Thai Govt did not make the charge against BBC's Head, rather some local lawyer did, on behalf of the so-called 'defamed' parties. Given past results, nothing will likely come of it in higher courts, Head will not lose his, nor his stay (although BBC should have removed him permanently for his blatant/purposeful ? pro-Thaksin/Yingluck 'reporting'/PR) Meanwhile, lawsuits should be changed to the civil code and even as in some 'civil' countries, to remain under the criminal code is criminal in itself. Hopefully reform of such may yet be undertaken after many years of Politicians favouring the criminal lawsuit domain.





The people who run the country really should think before they act, alienating a world renowned organization like the BBC will ring alarm bells all round the world and when prospective visitors/business people delve into the story and wonder what is going here they will look to other parts of South East Asia that maybe are a wee bit more transparent, accommodating  and tolerant of foreigners.


Its not late to retract this decision but then again there is the "face issue" to deal with isnt there?


Luckily for me, early on as an expat here I witnessed the exact same scenario in Phuket way back in 2005.  A talented Aussie furniture maker had married a Thai 'babe', moved here, and opened a new furniture factory in 2003.  To do this he formed a new legal corporation (Thai majority controlled, naturally).  With his expertise his new factory was very successful, growing quickly, and making lots of money.  Amazingly, after about a year of increasing sales, he went to work one morning but was denied access at the gate.  It seems the Thai board of directors had—secretly— the night before, voted UNANIMOUSLY to remove him as director.  This is obviously IMPOSSIBLE since he wasn't invited, hence not present, for the vote.  Of course someone had forged his signature.  At the time I met his mother she had come over for the duration providing emotional and financial support.  She told me the whole sad story.  By then it had already been dragged through the Thai courts for a year, with no end in sight, and mounting legal bills.  From what I heard later, the poor guy lost everything.


The only good news is it was a huge warning for me to be extra cautious.  The bad news is almost every day there's a new sad story of another fuh-lang getting fleeced.  LOL, I'm curious how the Russian mafia doesn't seem to be suffering from such shenanigans. 


just accept the country for what it is, or bugger off.  nobody is forced to live here.  the UK is corrupt, Spain is corrupt, seems that way here also, so just deal with it, keep your noses clean, dont buy a property, just rent and get on with your life.  easy


For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

19 minutes ago, Raybangkok said:

For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

Err the latest article was actually spot on, even had direct opinions from the person concerned, albeit dated. Due the the person's current position it was then deemed to be wrong- even though it WAS true.


This is the problems with at least 3 current laws here- even if something is right it can be deemed to be defamatory- which is frankly ridiculous.


Someone got pinged for LM just for posting a link to the article.


I am not a great fan of Head as he comes across as arrogant at times but in this case I think he did the right thing but will pay the price for it.


I've worded this carefully in order not to breach site rules (I hope!).


In the past i have been critical of Jonathan Head's inaccurate reporting on some Thailand issues.Not in this case however.I hope the BBC will support him to the conclusion of the case. People with less support are often forced to retreat under draconian legal conditions of bail. I suppose we can expect the BBC to be  added to other UK news outlets banned for critical observations of the Thai legal system.

1 hour ago, JAG said:

I think that if they jail him it will send a very clear message to the rest of the world.

At the moment the rest of the world doesn't really care too much. Jailing the staff correspondent of a major international broadcaster on such obviously trumped up charges may just change that.

Loss of face on the international stage - absolutely massive and irretrievable.

But WE all know. How many on here are boycotting Thailand at the moment? I certainly am - I (mainly) love the place, but there is too much going on that shows a lack of integrity, lawlessness, discrimination, injustices and a general lack of respect for people. On that basis, Thailand doesn't deserve my business and I don't deserve to risk my safety, finances and liberty by going there.


I was rather shocked when I saw that Head had exposed himself to an inevitable defamation suit with the video which was a worthy piece of reporting to expose the risks of being parted from their life savings faced by not very bright farang retirees in Thailand.  However, it was hardly a earth shattering piece worthy of BBC World.  


Now I would say that, in addition, to not being able to work outside Thailand for the duration of the case, Head will face the possibility of not being able to work inside Thailand either.  The new media law will require all journalists to be licensed by a rather dubious committee.  I am willing to guess that a lot of foreign journos regarded as controversial in Thailand, such as Head and Stephff will not get licensed.   There is already one LM case in pending as a result of sharing a BBC article.  Although the article cannot be traced directly back to Head, there must be a lot of influential Thais who would prefer to see someone else in charge of the BBC's Thai office.  


I disliked Head's patently pro-red shirt coverage in the past but he does have integrity at a certain level,  even I don't agree with all of his views, and I  would not like to see him forced out of his job or out of the country and certainly not imprisoned. 

32 minutes ago, Raybangkok said:

For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

Yes, off to jail with anyone who disagrees with you! You must love the junta.

1 hour ago, drbill said:

After reading these replys I conclude that ninety percent of the posters either do not live in Thailand, have only been here a short time , or are living very insulated lives. He's been charged. He will not receive prison time . He will leave the Kingdom. Life will go on.

"He's been charged. He will not receive prison time . He will leave the Kingdom. Life will go on."


Perhaps you are correct.  However it is wrong, it represents further erosion freedom of the press in Thailand, and people who care about the future of this country object.  Do you?

50 minutes ago, Raybangkok said:

For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

Care to give examples of Jonathon Head misreporting Thai news?


You really can't do better in impressing the free world with Thailand's international reputation as a "democracy" than jailing members of the international media who expose corruption and oppression in LOGS (Land of Greedy Smiles) every once in a while. What an impression it makes!  How long before overseas investors wake up to the implications?

13 hours ago, mark131v said:

Nice bit of deflection there.....


Simple question to you and the other fans of the little fuhrer and his minions in green, do you think it is right or wrong what is going on here? not interested in Thaksin or any of that ancient history....


Seems to be Head reported the correct facts about the lawyer operating in shall we say a slightly questionable manner, good well researched journalism I would have thought...


Wasn't Head the bloke who discovered the body parts in the trees after the Buffoons in Brown had finished clearing the area of the bomb in Bkk last year, seem to remember he broke that news first too....


Unfortunately you are trying to separate the past and the present. Of course you are not interested in the past or ancient history (only 10 or 12 years ago and hardly ancient) but without the past there is no present or future.


Do I think what is going at at the present is good or bad?


It is bad but not a lot different than has been happening for decades in Thailand. It is a well meaning law that was badly written and open to interpretation in many ways, few of them good. All it takes is somebody  as has happened here to force the issue and it ends up like this.


Try to understand that this government did NOT introduce these laws as they have been on the books for a long time and have been used by ALL political parties if it is to their own advantage. This government OTOH seems to have a different interpretation of those laws and is enforcing them more rigorously .


Eventually things will come to a head and hopefully in a safe and reasonable manner. That is the hope that I carry for my Thai wife and more so for my son. Sadly I cannot see that happening in the short term but perhaps in several years it may be better.


The problem in Thailand is there are few if any good people or white knights who can or will do something about it.


There have been few if any decent politicians of any party that I would have voted for if I could have voted in the first place over the last 25 years and certainly none that I can see looking into the near future.

16 hours ago, tso310 said:

Didn't they try and get him on similar charges after the aifrport takeover a few years ago. Probably can't repeat what the story he posted said but the BBC moved him to Turkey until it was safe to return.

No chance this time. They have taken his passport.


I watched the interview with Head and the lawyer who brought this defermation case. At one point the lawyer refused to have the camera crew present in the same room and they had to stop filming when Head asked him if he was involved in the scam and why he had accepted a false signature on the land document .

22 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Unfortunately you are trying to separate the past and the present. Of course you are not interested in the past or ancient history (only 10 or 12 years ago and hardly ancient) but without the past there is no present or future.


Do I think what is going at at the present is good or bad?


It is bad but not a lot different than has been happening for decades in Thailand. It is a well meaning law that was badly written and open to interpretation in many ways, few of them good. All it takes is somebody  as has happened here to force the issue and it ends up like this.


Try to understand that this government did NOT introduce these laws as they have been on the books for a long time and have been used by ALL political parties if it is to their own advantage. This government OTOH seems to have a different interpretation of those laws and is enforcing them more rigorously .


Eventually things will come to a head and hopefully in a safe and reasonable manner. That is the hope that I carry for my Thai wife and more so for my son. Sadly I cannot see that happening in the short term but perhaps in several years it may be better.


The problem in Thailand is there are few if any good people or white knights who can or will do something about it.


There have been few if any decent politicians of any party that I would have voted for if I could have voted in the first place over the last 25 years and certainly none that I can see looking into the near future.

A more obvious deflection.


What is happening to Jonathon Head and the free press in Thailand is wrong.  It was wrong when it happened under elected governments and it is wrong under a military government. 


You give the distinct impression that you think this sort of thing is wrong when it happens under a democratic government but is acceptable under a military government.  Of course you can easily prove me wrong--simply state that what is happening to Jonathon Head is wrong.

1 hour ago, Raybangkok said:

For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

Care to mention examples of the misreporting?

7 minutes ago, heybruce said:

A more obvious deflection.


What is happening to Jonathon Head and the free press in Thailand is wrong.  It was wrong when it happened under elected governments and it is wrong under a military government. 


You give the distinct impression that you think this sort of thing is wrong when it happens under a democratic government but is acceptable under a military government.  Of course you can easily prove me wrong--simply state that what is happening to Jonathon Head is wrong.


What deflection? Just because I don't agree with you?


I was answering somebody else's post and giving my thoughts, not yours or anybody elses. If you don't like my post then don't read it, put me on you ignore list if you wish.


Was it equally wrong when Thaksin did the same thing by suing reporters for billions of baht? Of course it was but I don't remember you complaining about that at the time.


Please try to get it into your head that the government is NOT involved in this.


It is between Jonathon Head and the lawyer.


every day more and more these days foreign tourists are being warned not to come here,


          not because of foreign journalism .        the thai government & thai people are doing the damage themselves.


        i for one do not give a damn for thailand anymore, ive had enough and thank god ive sold all my assets here and have gotten away. 


   loads more places out there where we are made welcome

18 hours ago, mark131v said:

Yes indeed, always good when an investigative journalist leaves a corrupt dictatorship as that will certainly make the place a fairer and safer place......

Time to leave this dump!

1 hour ago, Raybangkok said:

For many years Jonathon Head has been misreporting Thai news. Twice he has been warned by the government about breaking les Majeste laws and is currently under investigation for doing it a third time. Thai people have been spreading the news about him on facebook including his picture and place of work. The BBC is renowned for misreporting just look at the petitions being raised in the UK for the government to stop the organisations funding. I think a few years in prison might make him realise that as a journalist his responsibility is to report the facts and not made up stories or personal opinions.

The BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation?) in recent years has gone downhill, they are not the fair and independent reporters they once were, look at the stance they took in the recent US elections, far from "independent" reporting!

They have long chosen the stance they take in their reporting, often choosing to ignore "news" for reasons only they decide!

If this journalist does end up in prison? which I very much doubt, there are a lot more out there who have no inclining of their responsibility to report the truth & hopefully join him, again - not going to happen. The BBC are not even reporting this, shows how principled they are, IF Thailand does pursue this and the BBC does turn against them, they could inflict a lot of damage, such is the power of the press, right or wrong!

19 hours ago, Allstars said:

I swear I will NOT speak the truth and nothing else but NOT the truth

I  just "swear"

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