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Foreign tourist hangs herself in the toilet on the Lampang to Bangkok train


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9 hours ago, farang1979 said:

So sad. R.I.P. young lady. I really wonder what was going her mind to do this. Maybe with the one banknote on her she was out of money. There's always a better way than this. :sad:

How do you know there is a better way....And what pray tell do you THINK goes through someone's mind when they take their own life....? I myself can come up with a couple dozen reasons why....

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15 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

The RTP could do worse than put together a team of TV volunteers: many former police and military officers on the site ( one suspects with good skills), not forgetting a wide assortment of multi-national crims.

for sure, some skilled types on here, but thankfully not as many spooks as soi 4 biergarten.



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Like others I don't consider this report factual.  Clearly murdered as we all know the historic abuse of women on SRT trains.  Anyway it states she hang herself from a handle.  No way do Thais build anything properly or to any professional standard so to state she hung herself from a handle is clearly B*****t,   the handle either would have broke or the screws would just have pulled out as Thais hammer in screws owing to their ignorance of drilling a bore then screwing them in correctly.  SRT are in this case just screwing the media to protect one of their own.  Lets hope the PM's slashing indictment of the board and removing them under section 44 not only introduces a degree of competence in the business but also a high level  of propriety in protecting passengers from their staff.

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On 2017/2/23 at 6:39 PM, kunfish said:

I hear that a lot of people go to Alaska to "escape" from their problems. Doesn't work out. Many end up dead or missing.

Did they freeze to dead or did they died of hunger or cold? would you like to give one or two cases, I am waiting to hear from you.

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11 hours ago, saakura said:

Drug addict with no money left and nowhere to go commits suicide?

Shooting up with partner in toilet, overdoses, partner stages suicide.  Police need to check cctv to see if see was travelling with someone on the train.  But to avoid paperwork, easier to have broken cctv.

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It might be a suicide   or another dreadful scaring murder case.

Suicide hanged at a toilet door of a train ? How can we believe this story ?

RIP young woman

Condolences for her family.

Edited by thooktong
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5 hours ago, trogers said:


11 hours ago, samjaidee said:

Have any members been asked to produce a passport when travelling on a train within Thailand? I was never asked in the five years I lived there, although that was in the early noughties.


You are asked to show your passport or ID card when purchasing the train ticket.



Strangely enough I was asked for my passport on board a train just the other week. I thought it very strange.


However over the years I have bought hundreds of train tickets and not once been asked to show my passport

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6 hours ago, DaveE13 said:

Very sad watching the video of her being searched on the platform. Couldn't the police at least searched her body for id etc in the toilet or outside. Then removed her off the train with a bit of dignity?

RIP young lady

Police ( any country )..dignity.... hard to put those two words together in any sentence/paragraph without using the word...NO


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11 hours ago, Cereal said:

It took the cleaners more than 8 hours to get on and clean the train???

it was the night train from Chiang Mai which would then depart the next night back to Chiang Mai from the terminus, Hualampong.

After the passengers alighted at Hualampong in the morning the train would have been shunted out of the way, perhaps to the sidings at Bang Sue to let other day trains come in to the terminus. 

Before coming back to the terminus to pick up the passengers for the night trip back to Chiang Mai, the train would have been cleaned and then the body would have been discovered.


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12 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Trains aren't free. If a drug user is down to their last few dollars, paying for a train trip with the intention of committing suicide during the trip seems odd. Was there another purpose for her taking the trip - visiting, touring, travel connection? No mention of having even a train ticket.


Combine that with other odd parts of the report (adequate cord length and strength to hang oneself, lack of ID, lack of suicide note) and the whole story doesn't seem complete. But then it shouldn't until a complete investigation has been done. But then the police have no business guessing suicide which often seems to be the cleanest approach police take to quickly close an investigation.

Good points.


Also looking at the horrific video that in fact brought me to tears, because she is someone`s daughter, that cloth, rope or cord she used to hang herself was deeply embedded into her neck as if someone with a lot of strength had pulled her body to gain a maximum affect. But of course it maybe that her own body weight had the same affect.


I don`t claim to be an expert or a master detective, but I guess we`ll never know for sure and like to bet there will not be any updates and it`s all forgotten in a few days.

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Like others I don't consider this report factual.  Clearly murdered as we all know the historic abuse of women on SRT trains.  Anyway it states she hang herself from a handle.  No way do Thais build anything properly or to any professional standard so to state she hung herself from a handle is clearly B*****t,   the handle either would have broke or the screws would just have pulled out as Thais hammer in screws owing to their ignorance of drilling a bore then screwing them in correctly.  SRT are in this case just screwing the media to protect one of their own.  Lets hope the PM's slashing indictment of the board and removing them under section 44 not only introduces a degree of competence in the business but also a high level  of propriety in protecting passengers from their staff.

I wasn’t aware there was any train manufacturers in Thailand

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

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On 24/02/2017 at 3:20 PM, Rob13 said:

Not doubting she offed herself, but I don't see how a person could hang herself from one of those bathroom doors.

Perhaps she had studied the missing tape from the DSI cells

nb Most tourists/foreigners have their name on the train ticket for sleepers but not sure for other classes of ticket.

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On 2017/2/24 at 5:39 AM, bannork said:

Most suspicious deaths in Alaska end up as cold cases.

Of course they end up as cold cases because it's cold up there isn't it? (it's a joke ).

By cold cases it means those cases were never solved I guess.

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17 minutes ago, balo said:

Could be anything , rape and murder , suicide . We will never find out. 

As seems to be the more frequent case in suspicious foreign deaths, the family or relatives will have to hire a specialist for an autopsy and an investigator to get a competent opinion for cause of death. But for the latter I doubt the death site has been preserved beyond the day of discovery of the death and any clues or evidence in the toilet room would have been obliterated to place it back into service. RTP is not known for preserving evidentiary chain of custody. But then it dislikes being challenged.

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On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 4:47 AM, smedly said:

the report hasn't really said a lot to either believe or not to believe - they found a girl hanging in the toilet, as for the police and what they believe - well they are not pathologists and until a proper examination is carried out they are guessing more or less the same as anyone here on this forum can do.


Does it sound suspicious - personally I would have to say yes at this point based on very little and hope that a thorough professional investigation is carried out to completely rule out foul play

Professional investigation, you jest. We already know the outcome, drugs, farang,  suicide - so easy to sort out- next case please. 

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1 hour ago, cardinalblue said:

My guess is she was murdered....has all the factors of a staged suicide...too scripted...

You're right. He would use ink to draw all the old needle marks on her right arm as well as the lacerations on the other. Not to mention sliding the bolt of the toilet door shut before exiting out of the toilet window that has only a 4 inch gap.

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