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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

I see major differences.


CNN may not be completely unbiased, but they stick to the truth. Fox and Breitbart are twisting and turning to not reveal the truth, and even spread outrisght lies.

Fox are very clever, they never actually say the false story, its always the expert panel that says it, fox just feeds the question knowing what the answer will be.

The day after the "what about Sweden" remark, Fox news had a panel of experts that were pretty sure something had happend in Sweden.

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I have been a supporter of Trump. But, in this case I have to disagree with him. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. I served my country for 22 years and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. As such, a president does not get to pick and choose what parts he or she agrees with. We just went through that with the last guy. He totally disregarded what was in it.   It is up to the people to believe what they hear. Not the government. While I do feel the liberal media is quite biased in their coverage, I don't want the government deciding what I should and should not hear. 

Contradiction. Supporter of Trump and a supporter of constitution

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29 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Trump: it wasnt raining at the inauguration.


Fox news: we have a panel of experts who were there and didnt get wet, and a quote from a third party who says it wasnt raining.


CNN: here is footage of the president standing under an umbrella making a speech in the rain.


Next day, Trump goes on believing his own rubbish saying any reports of rain where fake, Fox news congratulates themselves for being a great news service, even quotes itself in a story about fake news, CNN get labeled as spreading fake news.


The ministry of truth destroyed any proof of rain, history gets rewritten, its now a thought crime to say it rained.

I think people should dwell on this a little longer....... the reason being that if the President of the United States isn't bright enough to know that it was raining, then there really is no hope.


Perhaps he suffers from a decreased mental capacity and is unable to tell truth from lies or what the true current state of a situation is, so he has surrounded himself with...........oh, wait a minute, a press Sec who announces that the conversation with the Australian Prime Minister "Mr Trumble" went well (didn't realise they had a new prime minister); a woman who is the counsellor to the president who doesn't know the difference between the truth and "alternative facts" and of course blatantly promoted Ivanka Trumps product line, and now it seems may have been reprimanded by the orange clown for not toeing the party line...... seems to be lies, more lies and untruths, and let's not forget, alternative facts.


You couldn't make this rubbish up..............

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

There's often a grain of righteousness behind these nutty Trump camp tantrums.  Sure, the optics are terrible,  but it's a bit disingenuous to ignore the context and cry foul as if it didn't exist.


When Fox was peaking on the partisan bulls**t meter several months ago (more than usual) I had to grin when Obama bitch slapped what's his name..... their WH Pool Rep..... by simply ignoring him.   Obama's gripe was Fox was "fake news" twisting truth to fit their agenda.  Might as well kicked the guy out of the room and in fact, he got so embarrassed/upset, he got up and left all on his own.  Did Fox, as a network, deserve that kind of treatment?  Hell yes!  Anyone who objected was clearly a member of the Basket of Deplorables, so who cares, right?


It's no secret where CNN, NYT, Politico, etc stand on Trump and which side of the aisle they lean toward in general.  Trump could single-handedly save a kitten from a tree, and they would somehow turn it into a negative story, maybe some snarky jokes about his hair matching the cat's, etc....


Being excluded from Spicer's Gaggle won't stop them filling white space, don't you worry 'bout that.  In fact, they are probably loving this development and the optics it generates.  Media Martyrs, loathed and ostracized by the most Powerful Man in the Galaxy,  rounded up, put on a train with barred windows and sent to Media Prison in Siberia for telling THE TRUTH to the Murican Peeples....who have a RIGHT TO KNOW!  Mew mew, sniff sniff.   This is waaaayyy good for business.  Michael Moore will be along shortly to make a 90 minute documentary about it. 

Trump could single-handedly save a kitten from a tree, and they would somehow turn it into a negative story, maybe some snarky jokes about his hair matching the cat's...


. .  . or Dirty Don grabbing another handful of pussy. 

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26 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Fox are very clever, they never actually say the false story, its always the expert panel that says it, fox just feeds the question knowing what the answer will be.

The day after the "what about Sweden" remark, Fox news had a panel of experts that were pretty sure something had happend in Sweden.

Don't forget their reliable sources that have said ...

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2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Trump could single-handedly save a kitten from a tree, and they would somehow turn it into a negative story, maybe some snarky jokes about his hair matching the cat's...


. .  . or Dirty Don grabbing another handful of pussy. 

Heh heh, gooood one, even if past its sell by date.   

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42 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


They were correct. The important word is "cumulative ".

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now there ya go again...  so at Manchester United's game  at 1pm 10,000 walked through the turnstile and that same 10,000 were there at 2pm and 3pm so there were 30,000 in total!  CNN style!!!   Fox (who I loathe and never watch) counted it correctly at the hourly rate which is the standard way to arrive at those rates but this was only an example

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now there ya go again...  so at Manchester United's game  at 1pm 10,000 walked through the turnstile and that same 10,000 were there at 2pm and 3pm so there were 30,000 in total!  CNN style!!!   Fox (who I loathe and never watch) counted it correctly at the hourly rate which is the standard way to arrive at those rates but this was only an example

Granted, but their statement was correct. If you want 100% correct Fox had 200,000 more cumulative viewers.

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Trump is acting very much like a child who has been caught telling a lie and is now trying his best to hide his involvement by disparaging the source of the truth.

Even the Fox News anchor, Shepard Smith, defended CNN as being a respectable news source, and NOT fake news as the Donald has falsely asserted; and in doing so has in essence called Trump a liar.  




Fox News anchor Shepard Smith defended CNN on Friday after the news organization was barred from spokesman Sean Spicer’s question-and-answer session at the White House.

"For the record, 'fake news' refers to stories that are created, often by entities pretending to be news organizations, solely to draw clicks and views and are based on nothing of substance," Smith said during his program.

"In short, fake news is made up nonsense delivered for financial gain. CNN’s reporting was not fake news. Its journalists followed the same standards to which other news organizations, including Fox News, adhere," he added.



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7 hours ago, stevenl said:

AP and Time were right to walk out. I have said it time and time again, he is out to silence the media.
It is getting more dangerous by the day.

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In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ... say it ain't so !

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1 minute ago, alanrchase said:


Granted, but their statement was correct. If you want 100% correct Fox had 200,000 more cumulative viewers.

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I made it CNN 13.27m and Fox 37.11m  but it's academic CNN claimed, and lied, saying 34m watched CNN and 34m watched Fox they 'forgot', as you accept, that CNN counted cumulatively to enhance their numbers by millions.

Anyway let's accept that both sides are as bad as each other and we should ALL call for truth from either side. CNN cannot claim they are 'pure' but just chase truth without BIAS (not easy I know).

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4 hours ago, Rob13 said:

To be fair, he hasn't banned the media,  only a select few news outlets.

(?!!) Multitudes of brave fighting souls (and journalists also) have sacrificed their lives in successive wars  against tyranny for the sake of freedom (for example, so that YOU may have the freedom to espouse removal of a 'select few' news outlets). For society this includes freedom of the press, which is NOT predicated on ONLY which news YOU or your demagogue President deems fit:

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument
(in ancient Greece and Rome) a leader or orator who espoused the cause of the common people.

History has seen this play over and over again (and yet again) it never ends well.


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I made it CNN 13.27m and Fox 37.11m  but it's academic CNN claimed, and lied, saying 34m watched CNN and 34m watched Fox they 'forgot', as you accept, that CNN counted cumulatively to enhance their numbers by millions.

Anyway let's accept that both sides are as bad as each other and we should ALL call for truth from either side. CNN cannot claim they are 'pure' but just chase truth without BIAS (not easy I know).

I am sorry but they didn't enhance their numbers by millions. The figures for "cumulative" viewers were 34.4 million for Fox and 34.2 million for CNN. Sneaky of them to use cumulative figures I agree.

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North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un appears to get by with only one media outlet. Yeow News (loose translation fox). They get the stories right 100% of the time. Kim Jong-un 38 under par playing 1st game of golf, learnt to drive a manual car at age 3, invented the Big Mac, Nth Korea have been to the moon etc. They dont appear to need a second news outlet to question or present alternate opinion. 

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4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Don't get distracted guys. All this mud-slinging from Trump and the acolytes is intended to get us away from the juicy issue at hand. And that is the Russian question. As with All The President's Men, all we want to know for now is Who, What, When. Follow The Money can wait. The Trumpeteers are beside themselves that the NYT et all will get to the source and all this bluster is a desperate attempt to discredit them ahead of the blow-up. Oh Hunter Thompson, we need you now!

And don't forget the FBI contacts here as well.

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15 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


I am sorry but they didn't enhance their numbers by millions. The figures for "cumulative" viewers were 34.4 million for Fox and 34.2 million for CNN. Sneaky of them to use cumulative figures I agree.

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That's not the info I have as Fox's were not cumulative but never mind thanks for being honest. I was hounded to provide some proof that CNN were capable of lying and I posted two examples and there are loads more but i don't have time to sit all afternoon analysing footage to dig them all out  :)  none of them are beyond it but it bugs me that CNN project themselves in such a pure light


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8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Don't get distracted guys. All this mud-slinging from Trump and the acolytes is intended to get us away from the juicy issue at hand. And that is the Russian question. As with All The President's Men, all we want to know for now is Who, What, When. Follow The Money can wait. The Trumpeteers are beside themselves that the NYT et all will get to the source and all this bluster is a desperate attempt to discredit them ahead of the blow-up. Oh Hunter Thompson, we need you now!

well let's see? I think it much more likely it's blown out of all proportion and I commend Trump for increasing Russian ties the bigger issues for me are pro-choice and pro-marijuana and I utterly condemn him for seeking to roll those changes back (Israel too - I hoped he would stand up to the Zionists)

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That's not the info I have as Fox's were not cumulative but never mind thanks for being honest. I was hounded to provide some proof that CNN were capable of lying and I posted two examples and there are loads more but i don't have time to sit all afternoon analysing footage to dig them all out  :)  none of them are beyond it but it bugs me that CNN project themselves in such a pure light

I did check the figures on the Web before replying. Possibly a biased source that I looked at. Hardly a lie by CNN. Much easier to come up with Trump's outright lies than with the "fake news".

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They sure are running scared. When you are frightened of facing questions in case you cannot provide answers then you really are not fit for office.  Maybe a press meeting for them should be lunch at Fox News.  Trump is insane and goes on to show this everyday but hard to see how Spicer can be so spineless as to go along with this madness?  I guess that is why Trump chose him.

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Hmm we will disagree what constitutes a lie but I think Goebbels would have approved of counting 10,000 3 times to make 30,000.  
Sir how many times have you been married?  well first year I had 1 wife and every year until now which is a total of 10 years so I have had 10 wives!  
here's another one:  CNN:  "Trump says media is enemy of the people"
did he say THAT?  no he said "fake news is enemy of the people"
CNN not lying?  really?   (my third example and have to get on with something else - have a nice day)

I will accept that. The media needs to quote more accurately and then put their spin on it.

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41 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Hmm we will disagree what constitutes a lie but I think Goebbels would have approved of counting 10,000 3 times to make 30,000.  


Sir how many times have you been married?  well first year I had 1 wife and every year until now which is a total of 10 years so I have had 10 wives!  


here's another one:  CNN:  "Trump says media is enemy of the people"


did he say THAT?  no he said "fake news is enemy of the people"


CNN not lying?  really?   (my third example and have to get on with something else - have a nice day)

Yes, Trump did say that. From his twitter account.


The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes@NBCNews@ABC@CBS@CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017


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Yes, Trump did say that. From his twitter account.

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes@NBCNews@ABC@CBS@CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017


Perhaps Trump realised the gravity of such a quote, because he deleted it. But that was not before screenshots were captured of his tweet.


Now of course any good cult of personality follower will still deny that this happened, I think actions such as these are just incredibly deceptive.

That is not true. The tweet is still there. I believe he deleted his original post and included a few more news outlets and left out the word "SIck" at the end of the rant.

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