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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

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To all you American basher and haters out there, you understand this was not a press conference don't you, it was what you call a poll conference where just a select few of media sources are invited and they then in return share it with the other news sources. Every president for the last 50 years has done the same type of event, this is just another perfect example of how the media takes a story and twists it for there own agenda.

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We saw Donalld throw his toys out of the pram in the election campaigning.

He is just a stupid spoilt child, who can not handle being criticised, whether fairly or not.

To prevent parts of the Media from doing its job, reporting, is petty, stupid and seriously wrong.

About the only things this administration has done so far is alarm the world and piss off just about everyone apart from dumb right wing idiots, who soak up his malevolence and bigotry.

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A free press is by definition two sides to any story or argument, two different opinions, that is the definition of bias.


If you only put out information via a media that agrees with you, and will not question it, thats propaganda and a dictator.


Suggested reading, George Orwell 1984, any book about how a dictator rose to power. 


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And what in the heck is Buzzfeed anyway?.   Aren't they like an obscure, snarky blogger outfit with a Youtube channel?  Jeez, they've got to be loving this self-inflicted martyrdom, lumped in with the other innocent victims, CNN, NYT, et al.   Suspect their business and on-line following has increased dramatically.  :laugh:

Edited by 55Jay
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32 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Those organisations are still free to write what they like. Not a single freedom was taken off them.


The bottom line is that when the "free press" turn themselves into political hacks, out to ouster the president, they don't really earn full access to his team.


Cry all you like about it.  This is not impeding the freedom of the press in any way whatsoever.

Bottom line is that for the moment Trump doesn't like the mainstream media coverage of the Russian links which forced out his guy days after being appointed. And the Trump playbook is vindictive. Not difficult to work out but brings tears to our eyes having to read the awful attempts at spin Spicer style.

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30 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

As a citizen of the United Kingdom, I can hand on heart say that I do not support the BBC and they do not support me.


Donald should be knighted for barring them.

Then you, sir, with greatest respect, are a fool....

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24 minutes ago, captspectre said:

cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

Can you give a link to something they've said about Trump that's a lie?  Would love to see it.

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25 minutes ago, captspectre said:

cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

As I understand it, American news feeds do not have a duty to be unbiased and balanced. The BBC does have such a duty. The fact that they are criticised on all sides leads me to believe that they probably have it about right.

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22 minutes ago, bkkfaranguy said:

To all you American basher and haters out there, you understand this was not a press conference don't you, it was what you call a poll conference where just a select few of media sources are invited and they then in return share it with the other news sources. Every president for the last 50 years has done the same type of event, this is just another perfect example of how the media takes a story and twists it for there own agenda.

Not true.  This was a very strange thing for an administration to do.  As detailed here.  Get your facts straight.






In a statement, the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) blasted the move.


"The WHCA board is protesting strongly against how today's gaggle is being handled by the White House," said Jeff Mason of the WHCA board. "We encourage the organizations that were allowed in to share the material with others in the press corps who were not. The board will be discussing this further with White House staff."




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30 minutes ago, captspectre said:

cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

Its about time the First Amendment was dumped Trumped.

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28 minutes ago, captspectre said:

cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

You get all of your information that is truthful from FOX Propaganda then do you?

If you only ever believe one side of the story, you will be making judgments based on only half the information.

I take everything FOX says when commenting on Democrats with a pinch of salt, but I still check it out.

Ignoring the other side means you miss out on a perspective different to your own, that oft times can be quite enlightening.

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13 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Bottom line is that for the moment Trump doesn't like the mainstream media coverage of the Russian links which forced out his guy days after being appointed. And the Trump playbook is vindictive. Not difficult to work out but brings tears to our eyes having to read the awful attempts at spin Spicer style.

That's my thinking also.  Trying to limit the fallout from them talking to the FBI illegally about suppressing/twisting the details of the administrations interactions with Russian agents.  Luckily, many in congress are going after this aggressively.  This just adds fuel to the fire.

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From banning news networks to stoking fear, hysteria and nationalism, it must be rewarding for Trump supporters  to see how well this is all going, as they commonly share the 'useful idiot' with others to achieve own goals:

'They're quite obviously playing Trump. In other words, they see in Trump a useful idiot.'

Thus,  Conservatives, Putin (+alt/right and other extremists) are all aligned behind Trump to get what they can out of the 'useful idiot':

*Conservatives want a roll-back on taxes primarily for the rich, roll back environmental laws and wall street/banking regulations, rollback of healthcare (the going backwards list is too lengthy to post) and ultimately appointing a multi-generational dominant Supreme Court to rubber-stamp them to do as they wish (and shutting out unwanted media, just a bonus along the way).

*Putin wants to see democracy and it's hallowed institutions totally discredited, along with main stream news, plus a break-up of western economic might (EU/Brexit/TPP etc) and a retreat to nationalism as is happening in the West (fits nicely to justify his own similar goals, all while weakening the West, win/win).

*Might throw in the other 'winner' here which is ISIS and their ilk who  want  to see the West completely reject Muslims so they can not only gain a recruitment bonanza, but also accelerate their goal of prompting a clash of civilizations. But being a relatively tiny group of extremists  they can't possibly achieve this on their own. However, enter pied-piper nationalists like Trump with increasing lemmings on both sides of the Atlantic and this not only greatly accelerates but bodes well for the ISIS cause .

To sum up, looks like all 3 are decidedly 'winning' in their aligned agendas, so well done Trumpsters/Brexiters/Nationlists et al (and it's only beginning, almost too late to stop, thus congrats?)

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3 minutes ago, bangkok101 said:

maybe it's "not free", this white house access needs to be earned.

Its a right, free speech and democracy does not have to be earned, brought or only given to those who agree with you.

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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Its a right, free speech and democracy does not have to be earned, brought or only given to those who agree with you.

hey, CNN and the others are free to speak, write, sing, etc ...just barred from the gaggle. Where is the problem? If I don't want you in my house, you ain't gittin in boy...very simple concept. If you don't like it why don't you sue the government.

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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Not true.  This was a very strange thing for an administration to do.  As detailed here.  Get your facts straight.






I see you get your sources from ABC which is a branch of the propaganda media for the left almost like believing what comes from Fox no real facts from this source!

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3 minutes ago, bangkok101 said:

hey, CNN and the others are free to speak, write, sing, etc ...just barred from the gaggle. Where is the problem? If I don't want you in my house, you ain't gittin in boy...very simple concept. If you don't like it why don't you sue the government.

That's the problem.  Limiting who can and who can not attend a briefing based on what they say about you is just wrong.  It allows them to hide the truth.  It's just wrong and amazing some can't see it as such.  This is something a dictatorship would do, not the leader of the one of the largest nations in the "free" world.  Extremely sad and disturbing.



1 minute ago, bkkfaranguy said:

I see you get your sources from ABC which is a branch of the propaganda media for the left almost like believing what comes from Fox no real facts from this source!

I can get the same stuff from any outlet.  Pick one.  Saying ABC is a branch of propaganda media is just tolling.


Is this better? LOL






White House bars outlets from Sean Spicer media gaggle

News organisations criticised by President Trump among those blocked from 'gaggle' with Press Secretary Sean Spicer.


Journalists from several right-leaning outlets were also allowed into Spicer’s office, including the website Breitbart News, whose former executive chairman, Steve Bannon, is Trump's chief strategist.



Breitbart is a terrible media outlet.  Yet allowed to attend.  Al Jazerra was banned.  Picking and choosing media outlets that will cater to your statements is terrible.  Hope you can see that.  Dictatorship at it's worst.

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Tomorrow morning we wake up to a trump press release "the sky is red, not blue". Fox news reports and verifies the press release as true, gets a panel of agreeable experts to tells us its true. Blame Obama and Hilary for the blue sky mess.


CNN are not given the press release, cannot question the press release as trump only talks to fox, or provide contrary facts, if they do its fake news. 


We can all sleep soundly in our beds, under a red sky, safe from those immigrants.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

That's the problem.  Limiting who can and who can not attend a briefing based on what they say about you is just wrong.  It allows them to hide the truth.  It's just wrong and amazing some can't see it as such.  This is something a dictatorship would do, not the leader of the one of the largest nations in the "free" world.  Extremely sad and disturbing.



I can get the same stuff from any outlet.  Pick one.  Saying ABC is a branch of propaganda media is just tolling.


Is this better? LOL





Breitbart is a terrible media outlet.  Yet allowed to attend.  Al Jazerra was banned.  Picking and choosing media outlets that will cater to your statements is terrible.  Hope you can see that.  Dictatorship at it's worst.

nah, no 1st amendment issues here, speak freely y'all, but not from my house, today, until i say so.

heavy handed by trump, but not surprised, he is not shaped by "political correctness", maybe just tactics to wind up the pundits, keep em honest.

Gotta like it.

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cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

I so frequently hear this claim of "fake news" and lying by CNN, such as you have made here.

Perhaps you can help me with this: with all these numerous purported lies by CNN, can you cite just three substantiated cases of CNN falsehoods where they were lying through their teeth?

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hey, CNN and the others are free to speak, write, sing, etc ...just barred from the gaggle. Where is the problem? If I don't want you in my house, you ain't gittin in boy...very simple concept. If you don't like it why don't you sue the government.

Ever heard about democracy? Transparancy? Checks and balances? Ow never mind. Trump good, media bad right?

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

There is nothing more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President Trump.....indeed !

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Just now, joecoolfrog said:

There is nothing more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President Trump.....indeed !

I cannot bear to watch Trump on the TV so I switch it off whenever he is on. He reminds me of my favourite comedian, the late Tommy Cooper, because when he came on, you knew immediately by his appearance that he was a comedian.

It’s the same with Trump because you can tell by his orange make up and dyed hair that he is a clown, but the only concern is that what Tommy Cooper said made more sense.

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cnn especially is not only responsible for the so called "fake" news, I call it Liars! they openly lie about the news. there is noting more infuriating than to watch and listen to a speech by President trump and than go to cnn and see it butchered and  edited  and the announcer lying thru his teeth about the speech!

You listen to Trump's speeches? What a waste of time. The only thing he does is lie and instigate hatred. Like all dictators do.

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