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Pattaya is more than sex and sin - says Thai Rath news - as controversy rages.

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They are constructing a couple of pipelines to discharge the waste a kilometer or more off the shore line,so the algae blooms should soon be a thing of the past.

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Walking street is for shopping for p...y why else would anyone go there.

"you have a lovely shirt on sir  I can make you a better one and even make two for the price of one"

14 hours ago, petermik said:

Please be informed Beach road is a much cheaper shopping area...........so my mates tell me anyhow  :cheesy:


11 hours ago, trogers said:

That's the attraction of Pattaya...a shopper's paradise offering a wide range of quality and prices within walking distance, between the hours of 2pm to 5am.

WRONG sorry,bargain hunting starts from 6am where BOGOF (buy one get one free) deals can be made......again so my mates tell me anyhow :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Pattaya was called the " biggest whorehouse " in the world way back in the 80,s by another UK newspaper.

The powers that be in Pattaya did not like it then, and they dont like it now.

Well ! they have had 30 years to clean up the reputation of the City and have done nothing, except reap the profits from the Tourists.

Well suck it up .

and most of them do I hear in soi 6


Of course there's a lot more to Pattaya than 'sex and sin'.


They're forgetting the drugs, murder, conmen and international fugitives.

8 hours ago, colinneil said:

Walking street is for shopping for p...y why else would anyone go there.

Quite a few seem to go for d..k


Of course it has more than sex and sin...

It has drugs, guns, ladyboy gangs, violent beatings, police shakedowns, theft, suicide, alcoholics on their last binge, roving gangs of teenagers racing their mosquito bikes, pollution etc. 

All joking aside, there are some quality areas I visited with my mum and family many years ago. 

I found most of the so-called "seedy" areas were fairly well-concentrated and contained. They are there for one's choosing, but not in your face. Maybe things have changed since my last visit. But I wouldn't change a thing. Shutting down the go-gos and talking bars would be like shutting down the casinos in Las Vegas. They are part of what makes Pattaya what it is. And Pattaya is a "must see" destination for those on their first visit for the whole "Pattaya experience" whether one decides to partake in the sex and sin or just be a spectator. 

If the authorities just cleaned up the crime aspect, they could expect even more visitors. Shutting it down would make it a ghost town. And you think the bars and girls will just say, "Oh well. Fun while it lasted. Let's go back to the farm and plant rice."

The sex industry (on that scale) will just move. Maybe to Rayong or Sattahip. Like herpes, it will never go away it just needs to be managed more effectively. 


2 hours ago, jesimps said:

I live a twenty minute drive from the city centre and it's beautiful, not a girly bar in sight. However, the centre (and other areas) is wall to wall sex. So Thai Rath is right in a way. I can't see why they're trying to water down the sexy side though, Pattaya has something for everyone and that IMHO is how it should be. The city and many other places in Thailand have thrived on it for years, why try and deny it. I haven't been in a girly bar in years but would hate to see them shut down. They add character to the place. I wouldn't live anywhere else.



"I haven't been in a girly bar in years"... So where do you drink? Boyztown, 7-Eleven, or home?


just a minute there are 000's of tourists who have a great time without getting deeply sucked into the sex scene, Indian families, Russians, Malays etc ive been staying in the soi lk metro, soi buokao area for my last 6 visits and its obvious many men are just boozing most of the time and might just have an occasional massage with extras,, ,many expats ive spoken to are very small users of the scene, i may be wrong but the main users of the well known sex areas in patts are a hard core of regular mongers the numbers of which ebb and flow, 

variable tourist numbers to Patts has little to do with the sex scene rather than general world economic conditions and the value of the thai baht !  if they want to get more tourists in Thailand simply down value the baht, they would return in their millions to all areas of Thailand 


lets not forget yet again that the main users of sexual services in thailand are Thais

2 hours ago, DerekMarshall said:

"water as clear as the Andaman sea" 


doesn't speak much for the Andaman does it! filthy sea water where zero birds are seen and very few fish near the shore as filthy untreated sewage is pumped into the sea..jump in get dysentery and possibly e coli.  Everyone knows as the town expanded 1000 fold over the years the local council did not upgrade the sewage works. 


Should read "Water as clear as the sewage that is pumped into it" 

Sewage is the bane of all popular Thai beaches - even in Phuket. It's just that Pattaya is much worse. Hopefully, the military government recognizes the problem and takes some action to address it.

9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I could substitute the word culture with a more appropriate one !

There's for sure music and beach in Pattaya. 


Those who are against sex must have problem with "charlie" and jealousy takes over.

Pattaya is the same like many similar places in the world ..The difference only is that is more "open" .

Pattaya definitely is good for expats and people wants to meet and share experiences living there.

To be honest it is most alive city in Thailand  that's I always like to spent some time there instead of having boring days in Bangkok not to mention other tourist places where maybe they like sun and beach ...they simply do not have this in own countries.

But for people like me and others like me Thailand is a little bit more nice country to spend time then just having sex.

Anyway , Budda teachings are ; multiply ... so what do you want from this place like Pattaya where people do not have to hide own dreams .

2 hours ago, johng said:

They are constructing a couple of pipelines to discharge the waste a kilometer or more off the shore line,so the algae blooms should soon be a thing of the past.


1 or 2 Km? Yep! Algae blooms will be a thing of the past.

Until the tide comes in, with an onshore breeze behind it..

They, and the poo, will be back,  a bit more diluted than before, admittedly.

But the filth from the local streets will still get washed there in the rain in the same amounts.

And then there is the film of diesel on the surface.

So, you won't catch me swimming there for love nor money.

Bang Sare was OK not that long ago, but sadly, it is not what it once was.

Need to go round the hook to the beach past Utapao airport to find crystal water now.


Ban everything Sex related and see How Many Condos are Sold out of the Tens of Thousands of Empty ones.....Also see what a Stop in One Million tourist will bring to the city   that come here for the Night Life and Extras....Hope the Govt can Prop up all that Poor Families in Issan that rely on the Sex Tourist if there is such a thing?


Why waste the time debating on this issue. If the authority is serious about this then wipe out the whole of Pattaya for good!


This is getting boring.  How many expat residents in Pattaya have ventured outside of Walking Street, Beach Road, Middle Road and the like?  Most of the posters here I guess.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  There is a very different side to Pattaya if you are at all interested.  One poster said you have to go 10 miles out of Pattaya to find anything of interest.  That's nearly 20 kms.  What a load of BS.  Maybe I should be a tour guide there.  I live in Hua Hin and there's is much more for a family to enjoy in Pattaya.

Get off those bar stools!

26 minutes ago, HHTel said:

This is getting boring.  How many expat residents in Pattaya have ventured outside of Walking Street, Beach Road, Middle Road and the like?  Most of the posters here I guess.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  There is a very different side to Pattaya if you are at all interested.  One poster said you have to go 10 miles out of Pattaya to find anything of interest.  That's nearly 20 kms.  What a load of BS.  Maybe I should be a tour guide there.  I live in Hua Hin and there's is much more for a family to enjoy in Pattaya.

Get off those bar stools!

Maybe its time for u to relocate.

6 hours ago, Revolutionary said:

When was that photo taken of the beach. I was there 4 weeks ago and the water looked liked poo and the beach was a tip. 

I have  never  made  it  to the  beach.  Who  can tell  me  that  is  the beach at Pattaya?  lol



No, I like Hua Hin.  Have lived here for 15 years so I'm well and truly settled.  But it does annoy me when I read about the general view of Pattaya.  I have been there many times with my family.  The kids love it and there is plenty to do without setting foot in the 'bar area'.

11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I'm sure if you go ten miles outside Las vegas you won't see a Casino.

The inner part of it is flashing lights, and serious gambling, which no one denies.

Sure, ten miles outside Pattaya you have some nice attractions that are not sex related.

Trying to pretend that the centre of Pattaya isn't about sex is akin to insisting the world is flat, depsite the evidence.

Most places in Asia have sex areas, but they don't try to pretend otherwise. They regulate it to run smoothly and no one really cares.

Until Thailand stops seeing things in terms of "face", reality will elude them, but no one else really cares either.


if you go 10 miles outside of Las Vegas you will be in the desert with nothing but cactus for company

13 minutes ago, JenksB said:

if you go 10 miles outside of Las Vegas you will be in the desert with nothing but cactus for company

Not quite so. The Hoover Dam is close by as is the now disused nuclear bomb test site which allows tourists into BEEF (Big Explosion Examination Facilty). The Grand Canyon is a popular day trip. Reno has legal brothels. Woops. Nearly got back on topic.

10 hours ago, jesimps said:

I live a twenty minute drive from the city centre and it's beautiful, not a girly bar in sight. However, the centre (and other areas) is wall to wall sex. So Thai Rath is right in a way. I can't see why they're trying to water down the sexy side though, Pattaya has something for everyone and that IMHO is how it should be. The city and many other places in Thailand have thrived on it for years, why try and deny it. I haven't been in a girly bar in years but would hate to see them shut down. They add character to the place. I wouldn't live anywhere else.



The only problem i have with this is the girl's motives for working in the girly bars. It is simply the false economic attraction. It lures very young up country girls with dreams and and zero education and zero ideas. They get corrupted and most left with even poorer future outcomes. Of course it is a numbers game and if she has the legs, tits and savvy .... she is on her way!


I know every country in asia, the world is replete with a red light district however Pattaya serves to disenfranchise these kids too early and too young and too ill-informed with too many parasites earning  dollars on their backs. This is the ugly side of pattaya. It isn't that transactions and sex is rife it is its effects not being properly opportunity costed socially.


Sihanoukville, takes this negative social axiom further and you might say Fukuoka or Amsterdam is on the other end of the axis.  I am not a wowser suggesting to shut it down just saying the true negative costs are not highlighted here, and it is these sad stories which become  circuitous and inherited and hurt most without increasing social betterment. 


Just offering a flip side...



14 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Pattaya was called the " biggest whorehouse " in the world way back in the 80,s by another UK newspaper.

The powers that be in Pattaya did not like it then, and they dont like it now.

Well ! they have had 30 years to clean up the reputation of the City and have done nothing, except reap the profits from the Tourists.

Well suck it up .

we all came here originally cos of the reputation, it was the best place in the world for women and freedom a few years ago, its getting a lot more lawful like farang land. i do hope they dont spoil it here by cleaning it up too much. 

15 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Pattaya has lots of options.  Great shopping Malls lots of beautiful 

tourist attractions....However please stop telling tourists, and

advertising the beautiful ocean and beach.   The water is filthy and

polluted, the beaches are loaded with trash, plastic bags,beer bottles

and general filthy trash.   I have lived inPattaya 7 years, only went into

the filthy water once....you must go 7-8 km south for a decent, cleaner

beach and water or to one of the islands.    As a tourist, make sure your

Hotel has a wonderful pool....that is the only water to enjoy in Pattaya!!

Time to haul out the Pattaya Beach pics again and let's all count the beer bottles, plastic bags, and other trash on 'filthy' Pattaya Beach.  As I've said before, the beach is not pristine but I wouldn't describe it as filthy, either.  I often walk the promenade from around Northshore to Central Festival and the beach is usually pretty clean.  As for the topic, Pattaya is and likely will always be a party town but tourists and expats living here full or part-time can find plenty to do away from Walking Street, Soi 6, etc.

P_20161121_174649_1_p (1).jpg



There are many reasons why some one would chose to go to Pattaya.

Saying that a sex holiday is the ONLY reason people come to Pattaya is just as dumb as saying that is not a reason for some.

Either way the argument is stupid.

Different people  have different reasons for what they chose to do.



The beach chair vendors usually keep the sand in front of their concession clean...there is often lots of "stuff" floating in the water. they also have set the swimming zones to line up with areas of "high algae bloom"

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