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U.S. Democrats pick Perez to lead party against Trump


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U.S. Democrats pick Perez to lead party against Trump

By Justin Mitchell


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U.S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to lead the daunting task of rebuilding the party and heading the opposition to Republican President Donald Trump.


ATLANTA (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to lead the daunting task of rebuilding the party and heading the opposition to Republican President Donald Trump.

Members of the Democratic National Committee, the administrative and fundraising arm of the party, picked Perez on the second round of voting over U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a liberal from Minnesota.

Following one of the most crowded and competitive party leadership elections in decades, Perez faces a challenge in unifying and rejuvenating a party still reeling from the Nov. 8 loss of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He immediately made Ellison his deputy.

After losing the presidency and failing to recapture majorities in Congress, party leaders are anxious to channel the growing grassroots resistance to Trump into political support for Democrats at all levels of government across the country.

"We are suffering from a crisis of confidence, a crisis of relevance," Perez, a favourite of former Obama administration officials, told DNC members. He promised to lead the fight against Trump and change the DNC's culture to make it a more grassroots operation.

Perez, the son of Dominican immigrants who was considered a potential running mate for Clinton, overcame a strong challenge from Ellison and prevailed on a 235-200 second-round vote. Ellison, who is the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress, was backed by liberal leader U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

The showdown between candidates backed by the establishment and progressive wings of the party echoed the bitter 2016 primary between Clinton and Sanders, a rift Democrats will try to put behind them as they turn their focus to fighting Trump.

Those divisions persisted through the months-long race for chair, as many in the party's liberal wing were suspicious of Perez's ties to the establishment and some Democrats raised questions about possible anti-Semitism in Ellison's past.

Some Ellison supporters chanted "Not big money, party for the people" after the result was announced.

But both Perez and Ellison moved quickly to bring the rival factions together. At Perez's urging, the DNC suspended the rules after the vote and appointed Ellison the deputy chairman of the party.

"I am asking you to give everything you've got to support Chairman Perez," Ellison told DNC members after the vote. "We don't have the luxury, folks, to walk out of this room divided."


Perez said the party would come together.

"We are one family, and I know we will leave here united today," Perez said. "A united Democratic Party is not only our best hope, it is Donald Trump's nightmare."

Trump took a dig at Perez and Democrats in a tweet offering his congratulations on the election.

"I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!" Trump said.

Perez and Ellison wore each other's campaign buttons and stood shoulder-to-shoulder at a news conference after the vote. Perez said the two had talked "for some time" about teaming up, and Ellison said they had "good synergy."

"We need to do more to collaborate with our partners in the progressive movement," Perez said, adding he and Ellison would look for ways to "channel this incredible momentum" in the protests against Trump and against Republican efforts to repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare plan.

Sanders issued a statement congratulating Perez and urging changes at the DNC.

"It is imperative that Tom understands that the same-old, same-old is not working," Sanders said. "We must open the doors of the party to working people and young people in a way that has never been done before."

The election offered the DNC a fresh start after last year's forced resignation of chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who stepped aside when the release of hacked emails appeared to show DNC officials trying to help Clinton defeat Sanders in the primaries.

Both Perez and Ellison have pledged to focus on a bottom-up reconstruction of the party, which has lost hundreds of statehouse seats under Obama and faces an uphill task in trying to reclaim majorities in Congress in next year's midterm elections.

Perez said he would redefine the role of the DNC to make it work not just to elect Democrats to the White House but in races ranging from local school boards to the U.S. Senate, pledging to "organise, organise, organise."

"I recognise I have a lot of work to do," he said. "I will be out there listening and learning in the weeks ahead."

Perez fell one vote short of the simple majority of 214.5 votes needed for election in the first round of voting, getting 213.5 votes to Ellison's 200. Also on the first ballot were four other candidates -- Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown, election lawyer Peter Peckarsky, and activists Jehmu Greene and Sam Ronan.

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, withdrew just before the voting, while Brown, Greene and Ronan dropped out after the first round.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-26
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Congratulations ... The new DNC Chair Tom Perez wanted to "put a fork" into Bernie Sanders Latino support - on behalf of Hillary Clinton



Quote: From Perez to Podesta (link above)

Congrats again. While I recognize that the mother load is Texas, I am very excited about Massachusetts. I know it is not yet done,

but it is looking good. I also look forward to my appearance on Telemundo tomorrow where I can trumpet her strong support among

Latinos and put a fork once and for all in the false narrative about Bernie and Latinos. Congrats


IMHO this does not bode very well for the immediate future of the Democrat Party.

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I hope that Trumps 4 years in power change a lot of things in the US. at least the 

wealthy people can not run Trump like some other politicians.  That alone is a big change.

  The Democrats better take that to mind as they plan their comeback.


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Democrats have learned nothing and are going down the same road again.

Both Democrats and Republicans are more interested in maintaining or attaining power than doing the business of their country,

Looking forward to an independent candidate  next election.



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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope that Trumps 4 years in power change a lot of things in the US. at least the 

wealthy people can not run Trump like some other politicians.  That alone is a big change.

  The Democrats better take that to mind as they plan their comeback.


Right, as Donald already thinks like those wealthy people.

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Congratulations ... The new DNC Chair Tom Perez wanted to "put a fork" into Bernie Sanders Latino support - on behalf of Hillary Clinton



Quote: From Perez to Podesta (link above)

Congrats again. While I recognize that the mother load is Texas, I am very excited about Massachusetts. I know it is not yet done,

but it is looking good. I also look forward to my appearance on Telemundo tomorrow where I can trumpet her strong support among

Latinos and put a fork once and for all in the false narrative about Bernie and Latinos. Congrats


IMHO this does not bode very well for the immediate future of the Democrat Party.

Seriously? Mild stuff from a partisan campaign. Another leak from the Russkies? Funny the Russkies didn't attack the Republicans. I'm guessing their private emails were much dirtier considering the constant filth coming out of trump's mouth publicly.

Anyway the immediate future of the democratic party is already grim. This is about building for the future. It's doubtful Bernie or Hillary will be running for president again.

Perez is a progressive. His politics are very similar to Ellison except on Israel policy. If the Democrats think they are going to come back to power on a demonize Israel agenda ... good luck with that.

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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope that Trumps 4 years in power change a lot of things in the US. at least the wealthy people can not run Trump like some other politicians.  That alone is a big change.   The Democrats better take that to mind as they plan their comeback. Geezer

"at least the wealthy people can not run Trump like some other politicians."


         Is that a joke?  The wealthier a person is, the more Trump bows down to her/him.  Wealth is Trump's God.  Some very rich people own Trump, hook line and sinker.  Look at the billionaires he appointed to Cabinet positions.  De Vos and Tillerson are mega-wealthy.   5 of Trump's appointees, plus Bannon, are or were Goldman Sachs execs.  Trump is the very wealthy's lap dog.  If they tell him to stop inner city lunch programs for poor black children, Trump will do it in a heartbeat.

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I hope that Trumps 4 years in power change a lot of things in the US. at least the 
wealthy people can not run Trump like some other politicians.  That alone is a big change.
  The Democrats better take that to mind as they plan their comeback.
trump is massively corrupt. Just look at his business practices after the election too. Man of the people you think? Funny.
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22 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Democrats have learned nothing and are going down the same road again.

Both Democrats and Republicans are more interested in maintaining or attaining power than doing the business of their country,

Looking forward to an independent candidate  next election.



yep a guy called Putin should fit the bill

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Never heard of Tom Shiraz before. 

12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Members of the Democratic National Committee, the administrative and fundraising arm of the party, picked Perez

In other words ...."if you can raise some money Mr. Perez your'e in ". The Democrats to a tee. 

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43 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

yep a guy called Putin should fit the bill

desperate times call for desperate measures , case and point Trump.

drowning people will grasp at straws.

Always a danger.

I am sure there are many Puttin type players  that did not fail to notice Trump's success.

On the other hand we had Sanders who supported many of the same things Trump supports without the craziness.  So there is hope,.

 The Chinese have a curse: "May you live in interesting time" and these are certainly interesting times.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I doubt many real Democrats think Perez is a bad pick. trumpists would trash any pick.


He's not a bad pick, but not a very exciting one. That's not necessarily a bad thing either - party needs to take stock and re-build itself, and maybe he's better suited for this task compares with Ellison. Of course any pick would be trashed, but again, Ellison is way more open for attack by Trump & Co., and only some of that can be leveraged to the the Dems benefit.

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Exactly. It's not as if they nominated Perez for president. Personally I feel that Perez is a very passionate man but with limited charisma. I understand that most people wouldn't feel "excited" by this pick but for me the concept that the democrats are starting to do smart things to rebuild from the ruins is excitement enough. 

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This past election should have been Sanders vs Trump .... the two outsiders.


The American public elected Trump primarily because he was not one of the selected

candidates from either of the two established parties.


It's too bad that the DNC sabotage of the Sanders campaign did not allow for the American people

to have a real choice.


The paradigm has shifted, the DNC and RNC are both facing a new reality, politics as we once knew it is history.  Trumps

victory has thrown both the Bush and Clinton dynasties to the rubbish heap, and both political parties

along with it.



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I doubt many real Democrats think Perez is a bad pick. trumpists would trash any pick.


Real Democrats are not of the neo-liberal persuasion. It looks like the Democrat party is doubling down on their big money corporate leanings. I think it is a mistake. 

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


He's not a bad pick, but not a very exciting one. That's not necessarily a bad thing either - party needs to take stock and re-build itself, and maybe he's better suited for this task compares with Ellison. Of course any pick would be trashed, but again, Ellison is way more open for attack by Trump & Co., and only some of that can be leveraged to the the Dems benefit.

Well Said.  Perez  hits all the right buttons; Highly educated, experienced, well spoken, visible minority, impeccable public service record,  respected prosecutor who acted to against white supremacists and protected  the LGBT community all while maintaining his moderately conservative personal views and from a family of well respected physicians.


The DNC  picked the best person available and one who will not be a  magnet for petty attacks. He is unassailable by the Saunders  wing because of his strong civil rights record and for his decent cabinet performance. He  won't present an easy target like Ellison because this guy is a progressive moderate who knows how to play in the sandbox with the  Jeff Sessions and Tom Cotton's of the USA.


The DNC is  rebuilding and this guy is a cornerstone.

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47 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What is your objection to TOM PEREZ? 

I don't have an objection to him.  I just think that the democrats need someone more dynamic to re-build the democratic party.  If that is the best they have then that is who they must put their trust in.  As you know I am not American and only see these things as a concerned outsider.  I don't get to vote like you guys do.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Seems like a poor choice to me.  The democrats have an enormous amount of re-building to do and this appears to be the wrong man for the job 

Agreed. The first thing they need to do is hire an ex-NSA or CIA CISO to come in and sort out their IT.



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10 hours ago, riclag said:

Another blow to the socialist commie ideology.  

Socialism and Communism are distinct. To lump them together shows a misunderstanding of both. 


Regardless, did you ever consider what Trump's policies actually were? He  is forcing companies to use more expensive American workers. The result is that American produced goods will be more expensive for American consumers. Effectively, the rich will subsidise the poor, which is essentially welfare capitalism and not a million miles from Socialism. 

Edited by LandOfWiles
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59 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't have an objection to him.  I just think that the democrats need someone more dynamic to re-build the democratic party.  If that is the best they have then that is who they must put their trust in.  As you know I am not American and only see these things as a concerned outsider.  I don't get to vote like you guys do.

I think you might not understand the role.

See:  Reince Preibus.

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42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I think you might not understand the role.

See:  Reince Preibus.


Reince Priebus is a poor example. Priebus moved away from his party's establishment to back a popular candidate with a chance to win. Democrats have shown no such flexibility, preferring to annoint their candidates instead.

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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Reince Priebus is a poor example. Priebus moved away from his party's establishment to back a popular candidate with a chance to win. Democrats have shown no such flexibility, preferring to annoint their candidates instead.

This  charge of anointing is such nonsense


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25 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


You should be a defense lawyer. "Your honor, my client should be found innocent of theft because because he's not very good at it".

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