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Online appeal to help Russian kids in coma following Pattaya accident


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Online appeal to help Russian kids in coma following Pattaya accident





PATTAYA: -- An online appeal has been launched to help two Russian children who were involved in a motorcycle accident on Sukhumvit Road. Pattaya, last Thursday.


Both Daniel Mokshantsev,16 and his sister Katia,14 are in comas.


Their motorcycle was hit by a tour bus carrying Chinese tourists back to the resort from Nong Nooch gardens. The bus driven by 56 year old Rot Bothaisong is believed to have gone through a red light, MTODAY reported.


The children - who were wearing helmets and licensed - were coming out of Soi Huay Yai.


The appeal says that their father is bringing them up alone and massive bills are expected at the hospital where they are being treated.


It states that the children have "closed craniocerebral injuries and brain hemorrages with extensive bruising".


Following the accident many Thai people drew praise for helping the victims at the scene of the accdent before they were taken to Wat Yansangwaram Hospital.


Account details in Russia and Thailand have been announced for donations.


Source: MTODAY

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9 minutes ago, Slaps said:

Video I have seen shows 100% the bus running a red light


Can you share that video?  I live just down the street from that light and see these tour buses passing on the left, in the shoulder.  Running red lights (I've seen 2 do this in the past few days only).  Try going past Nong Nooch Gardens around 5PM.  They just go right into the road.  I've seen some really nasty accidents there.  All it would take is a light.


Right there at Huay Yai is a police box.  They do nothing but collect fines from scooters from time to time.  Worthless.


2 minutes ago, robertthebruce said:


Very sad indeed.


but what parent would let a 16 and a 14 year old out in Thailand on a Scooter ???


Its dangerous enough for Adults...


Hence the sad consequences,......


I won't ride my scooter on Suk around here.  Too many accidents.  Too many vehicles going at very high speed.  Too crazy.


I wish the best for these poor kids.  One big reason, as you say, to not ride a scooter here on roads like this.  Just too dangerous.

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Surely the tour bus has insurance. By all reports, he jumped a red light, so fault would seem to be clear.

Why shoud the father get slapped with the bill? That IS what insurance is for, right?

My heart goes out to him and I hope the kids both make a full recovery.

I also hope the driver gets the book thrown at him.

I shall be going to the bank to donate, as this is worthy, even though it should not be necessary.

Edited by darksidedog
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From this photo it  it first looked to me like the bus (traveling north ) ( the report says coming from Nong Nooch so heading north )

had taken the filter lane to turn left at the temple (notice Saisawan sign in background )

if it had jumped the red light I don't see how he could make it across sukhumvit  all the way to the other side before hitting the kids.

Then I though he could have been going south and turned right against the northbund Sukhumvit traffic that may explain the tail end of the bus being over the center dividing line.  


But in any case I hope the kids recover, there are CCTV cameras at the junction  which should show who is is to blame and their insurance should be paying out.


bus 1.jpg


bus 2.jpg


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Sorry I don't have, it was just shown to me, it's out there


You can't see the red light but he was going fast


And I mean FAST



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36 minutes ago, johng said:

Did he cross the whole width of Sukumvit or did he turn  left or right ?




Can't help you, I don't know the area



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8 minutes ago, Slaps said:

Can't help you don't know the area

I think I do know the area..but even if I don't why cant you tell me if the bus crossed  both north/southbound carriageways  ie: coming from the east side of the junction   or did he turn left  ie: coming from the south  or  right meaning he came from the north.


ohh ok maybe YOU don't know the area...

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<Deleted!> <deleted>.  He should be put in jail.  He was headed north and ran the light at Huay Yai.  Way late.  And way fast.  The scooter was going across the road headed to the beach and was absolutely creamed by the bus.  Amazing they are still alive. 


It's in the video here:

I'm sickened....


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If it's proved he run the red light

Jail him for minimum of 5 years.

life ban from driving commercial vehicles as well


It's about time the authorities of this country  earned there pay.

make some changes,   to remove the murderous Drivers / Riders of the roads of


Time to stop the silly money collection days at the side of the road, and go after the real killers.

on the high ways,  catch them in the act.of red light running and various other dangerous activities on the roads


Hope the kids recover.


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26 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It's in the video here:

Yes horrible to watch,  I use this junction almost everyday  the traffic on the North/South Sukhumvit is very fast  like a racing track

they  even like to race to the red light slamming on the brakes at the last second

Notice in the video that the white SUV stops momentarily then carries on across too !

The kids are lucky to even be alive, bus company insurance should be footing the bill.

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3 minutes ago, johng said:

Yes horrible to watch,  I use this junction almost everyday  the traffic on the North/South Sukhumvit is very fast  like a racing track

they  even like to race to the red light slamming on the brakes at the last second

Notice in the video that the white SUV stops momentarily then carries on across too !

The kids are lucky to even be alive, bus company insurance should be footing the bill.

I think (hope) the white SUV was going to help the kids.  Just like the guy parked at the light was doing towards the end.  Hope!!!

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I think (hope) the white SUV was going to help the kids.  Just like the guy parked at the light was doing towards the end.  Hope!!!

I agree... it does look this way.


I don't often promote these things or make personal comments as a moderator but as this is also close to my home I advocate sharing the hell out of that FB video so it goes viral.

Until the law is enforced these bus drivers will continue to drive recklessly thinking they are above the law.

Manslaughter is what we have just witnessed.

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The bus was clearly in the wrong, he was heading north on Sukhumvit and obviously ran the light on the inside as all other traffic was stopped. 


I have seen this many times there, especially with the tour busses. 


The bike was crossing Sukhumvit heading towards the beach, they had right of way. 


Unfortunately as they are tourists, young and probably didn't know the area they didn't keep looking for something like this. 


I hope the driver gets hammered and the Company pay all costs and compensation! 


Unfortunately I have lived here a long time and doubt that will happen. 


I hope they make a full recovery. 

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Unfortunately, I doubt that either of the poor kids will recover completely.  I have been a skydiver for many years and had quite a few friends badly injured and in commas with what sounds like the same injuries.  I would bet that they are both in induced comas to try and let the swelling go down and to keep them from seizures.  Judging from the people I know these two will probably never be the same people they were, head injuries are usually not something you simply wake up from when they are severe.  Still, we can hope!

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1 hour ago, Wallander4 said:

Buscompany have to pay hospitalbills etc. but not gonna happen since its just foreigners that got hurt ...

Add, there's a 50/50 chance:


- The bus company is / isn't registered.

- The bus company or whoever is the actual owner of the vehicle has /hasn't got correct insurance for this type of vehicle being hired out to passengers.


Comes back to a point mentioned on these threads a million times, why isn't this industry (and many others) properly and continuously monitored?  

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Always comes back to accountability in this case the bus company but the legal system is a wet napkin so accountability isn't enforced and people/companies aren't held responsible for their actions...


thus nothing ever changes or improves except the date...

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Terrible driving by the bus driver who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and I hope that these two youngsters make a full recovery very soon.

I hope other parents will look at this and not allow their children to ride motorbikes at such a young age. It's clear from the video that the driver of the motorbike couldn't have been looking toward the main danger area or he would have seen the bus was travelling way too fast to stop before making the turn. Experience on the roads will teach you to expect the unexpected and this wasn't even that difficult to see had the driver been looking. It's possible the driver just thought, we're on green so we can go.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

<Deleted!> bastard.  He should be put in jail.  He was headed north and ran the light at Huay Yai.  Way late.  And way fast.  The scooter was going across the road headed to the beach and was absolutely creamed by the bus.  Amazing they are still alive. 


It's in the video here:

I'm sickened....


Maybe the traffic light was out of order.  They seem to be running from all sides.

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