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Trump opens door to immigration reform in speech to Congress


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Trump opens door to immigration reform in speech to Congress

By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason



US Vice President Mike Pence (L) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R) applaud as US President Donald J. Trump (C) arrives to deliver his first address to a joint session of Congress from the floor of the House of Representatives in Washington, DC, USA, 28 February 2017. REUTERS/Jim Lo Scalzo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he was open to a broad overhaul of the U.S. immigration system, a shift from his hardline campaign rhetoric, as he made his first speech to Congress following a turbulent first month in office.


Trump, in a prime-time address to a country that remains divided a over his leadership, emphasized his desire to focus on problems at home by boosting the U.S. economy with tax reform, a $1 trillion infrastructure effort and an overhaul of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, known as Obamacare.


After an initial month in office dominated by a fight over his temporary travel ban on seven Muslim-majority nations, Trump looked for a reset to move past a chaotic period that sowed doubts about his ability to govern effectively.


U.S. stock futures advanced at the start of Trump's address, but gave back some gains later in the speech.

Trump said a broad immigration reform plan was possible if both Republicans and Democrats in Congress were willing to compromise. He said U.S. immigration should be based on a merit-based system, rather than relying on lower-skilled immigrants.


Comprehensive immigration reform eluded his two predecessors because of deep divisions within Congress and among Americans over the issue. Trump said reform would raise wages and help struggling families enter the middle class.


"I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: to improve jobs and wages for Americans, to strengthen our nation's security, and to restore respect for our laws," said the Republican president, who took a hard line against illegal immigrants in his 2016 campaign.


Trump has used his early weeks in office to repeat vows to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and intensify deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.


At the same time, he has expressed sympathy for children who entered the country when their parents crossed the border without proper authority, the "dreamers" who so far are protected by an ordered signed by Obama.




Trump voiced a need to persuade Americans to rally behind his agenda after a bitterly fought election, but he made his argument in terms of getting behind his effort for a "new chapter of American greatness."


Trump said he wanted to provide "massive tax relief" to the middle class and cut corporate tax rates. But he did not offer specifics and failed to comment on the most pressing tax issue facing Congress, a proposed border adjustment tax to boost exports over imports.


Lawmakers have been looking to Trump for more leadership on an issue that has divided corporate America and Republicans in Congress.


His speech was a far more conventional presidential speech than his Jan. 20 inaugural address, in which he painted a bleak picture of the country and described it as beset with "American carnage."


Trump called on the Republican-led Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare with reforms that expand choice, increase access and lower costs.


Republicans remain divided on how to accomplish that goal and Democrats are ardently opposed to tampering with a system that provides health insurance for millions of low-income Americans.


Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear said in the Democratic response to Trump's speech that "you and your Republican allies in Congress seem determined to rip affordable health insurance away from millions of Americans who most need it."


(Additional reporting by Richard Cowan, Ayesha Rascoe, Jeff Mason, Emily Stephenson, Doina Chiacu and Megan Davis; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-01
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1 minute ago, zaphod reborn said:

Terrible immigration policy.  Anything to avoid closing the H-1B visa loophole.  America needs migrant workers for low-skill jobs.  It doesn't need cheap Indian computer programmers.  Total fail.

Actually, trump uses the H-1B loophole to bring in waiters and other staff to work at Mar y Lago.  He claims that he can't find US workers to do the job. The locals dispute this. But it may be that they wont' work for the poverty level wages that he offers.

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          The entire speech was probably written by the same sort of silver-tongued writers who have been writing other key speeches for him.  It's easy to get up on a podium and say things that will get applause.  


        What Americans need to do is see whether the US will improve while Bannon and Trump are in charge, or not.  You or I could get up in front of an audience and say things like:  Everyone should have good jobs!  We should not discriminate! etc etc.  It's all grandstanding platitudes at this point.  


               What Trump and Bannon have done thus far is not encouraging.  In just one month, there is litigation re; their Muslim ban.  There are about 10 different committees supposedly looking into possibly treasonous activity by Trump and his yes-men.   Half the members of those committees are trying to squash any investigative action.  The other half want an independent prosecutor to do a thorough investigation.  If you've been paying attention, you can guess which side is trying desperately to shield Trump and his henchmen from any scrutiny - and which side is seeking openness.

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

          The entire speech was probably written by the same sort of silver-tongued writers who have been writing other key speeches for him.  It's easy to get up on a podium and say things that will get applause.  


        What Americans need to do is see whether the US will improve while Bannon and Trump are in charge, or not.  You or I could get up in front of an audience and say things like:  Everyone should have good jobs!  We should not discriminate! etc etc.  It's all grandstanding platitudes at this point.  


               What Trump and Bannon have done thus far is not encouraging.  In just one month, there is litigation re; their Muslim ban.  There are about 10 different committees supposedly looking into possibly treasonous activity by Trump and his yes-men.   Half the members of those committees are trying to squash any investigative action.  The other half want an independent prosecutor to do a thorough investigation.  If you've been paying attention, you can guess which side is trying desperately to shield Trump and his henchmen from any scrutiny - and which side is seeking openness.

How many of those 'committee' members are Democrats?  Politics can be so confusing.  :unsure:

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

          The entire speech was probably written by the same sort of silver-tongued writers who have been writing other key speeches for him.  It's easy to get up on a podium and say things that will get applause.  


So you are saying you liked the speech?

Edited by kevkev1888
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Given that every other article posted here is about Trump, I'm surprised more hasn't been said about the speech he gave tonight. Did anyone watch it? I didn't as the guy creeps me out. Here are the early reviews:









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I watched part of it, until he told his first lie.  Didn't take long.  I switched off after that.  If he would have said this during his campaign instead of some incredibly nasty things, I would have voted for him.



"I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: to improve jobs and wages for Americans, to strengthen our nation's security, and to restore respect for our laws," said the Republican president, who took a hard line against illegal immigrants in his 2016 campaign.


Hard to argue with this.  Sadly, he can't do it alone and will need the help of a deeply divided congress.

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His speech was written by a speechwriter.  Nothing unusual in that as that is the way it always happens with all Presidents.  Clearly they have to try and gag his standard ranting and he behaved impeccably in reading from the script.  Is this a turning point for Trump?  Will he ditch all his bizarre commitments and have a go at being a proper POTUS?  Time will tell but let's see what happens when he starts Twittering again.

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3 minutes ago, muffy said:

Donald Trump is the greatest U.S.A :shock1: president ever , and works for free . 

He doubled the membership fee at his Florida resort based on being president. A few of those increased memberships give a lie to your assertion that  he works for free. 

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Trump's immigration policy is beginning to look more like Obama's every day.

Trump's healthcare plan is looking more like ACA every day.

Trump's crackdown on immigrant crime is looking more like Obama's every day.

Trump's strategy to defeat ISIS is looking to Obama's generals for leadership.

Trump's infrastructure looks like Obama's plan.

Trump play more golf that Obama.

And people didn't want Hillary to carry on Obama's legacy.

Such irony.

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Good to see all the trained seals clapping in the background what a joke these turkeys are. They would sell their soul to the devil oops they already have. You will be able to listen to a new government voice called what else "Voice" For your reading pleasure


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10 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Trump's healthcare plan is looking more like ACA every day.


Ryan must have been inwardly squirming as Trump spoke on this subject.

The GOP replacement is virtually the opposite of everything Trump said.

President Bannon will have to tell Trump to tone it down a bit.





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I watched the whole speech from when he entered to when he left. This was the best speech he has given yet because he stuck to the script; however, very short on any real details as to what he is really going to do. Everyone wants jobs; safe places to live and affordable healthcare. However, his inner circle of Bannon, Miller Preibus are ultra conservatives who really don't care about how the common person is suffering. In addition, Paul ryan, Speaker of the House has his own agenda regarding a balanced budget. The only way Trump can get a $54 Billion increase in the defense budget which is already the largest in the World is by gutting other programs which are related to healthcare and social programs for the poor.

He sounded like he knew something about budgets and programs but in reality he sees everything from the aspect of how much can be saved and how much can be made. He has never had to work hard like the majority of Americans; walk to work because he couldn't afford a car or make a choice between paying for medicine or eating.

Many of the pundits say he sounded Presidential- but as one poster stated- give anyone who can speak publicly a speech written by someone else and they would sound the same. I will believe it when he stops using Twitter in the middle of the night; stops denigrating thiose who have a different vision than he and when he stops attacking the media and providing his 'alternate facts as the truth.

The one thing I heard that may make some sense is he knows Ameerica needs a new Immigration policy-but  not more Visas for computer specialists from Pakistan and India but Visas for those who work the fields and all the other labor jobs that Americans refuse.  To solve the technology worker shortage- he might want to think about incentives for HIgh School Grads to enter the field by providing free tuition or job guarantees.


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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I love the irony.  It has to be irony doesn't it?

Works for free, but his expenses are three times Obama's and he plays more Golf.

I suppose he's saving you a fortune on Green Fees though.



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33 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I watched the whole speech from when he entered to when he left. This was the best speech he has given yet because he stuck to the script; however, very short on any real details as to what he is really going to do. Everyone wants jobs; safe places to live and affordable healthcare. However, his inner circle of Bannon, Miller Preibus are ultra conservatives who really don't care about how the common person is suffering. In addition, Paul ryan, Speaker of the House has his own agenda regarding a balanced budget. The only way Trump can get a $54 Billion increase in the defense budget which is already the largest in the World is by gutting other programs which are related to healthcare and social programs for the poor.

He sounded like he knew something about budgets and programs but in reality he sees everything from the aspect of how much can be saved and how much can be made. He has never had to work hard like the majority of Americans; walk to work because he couldn't afford a car or make a choice between paying for medicine or eating.

Many of the pundits say he sounded Presidential- but as one poster stated- give anyone who can speak publicly a speech written by someone else and they would sound the same. I will believe it when he stops using Twitter in the middle of the night; stops denigrating thiose who have a different vision than he and when he stops attacking the media and providing his 'alternate facts as the truth.

The one thing I heard that may make some sense is he knows Ameerica needs a new Immigration policy-but  not more Visas for computer specialists from Pakistan and India but Visas for those who work the fields and all the other labor jobs that Americans refuse.  To solve the technology worker shortage- he might want to think about incentives for HIgh School Grads to enter the field by providing free tuition or job guarantees.



as grudging compliments go, this one deserves an oscar.

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I believe Trump is being manipulated by Bannon, Miller and others whose alt Right agenda is being pushed on Trump.  When Trump speaks about job loss; suffering by the middle class on and on- he strikes a chord. The issue is that he blames the wrong cause and thus his cures are flawed. Actually Bernie Sanders had some of the same complaints- but bernie had the cause correct as well as the solution.

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5 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

So you are saying you liked the speech?

It was a sales speech.  Trump is a salesman. The proof is in what ensues.

Trump is also a liar.  There are hundreds of examples.  

If you believe what was said in the speech, then you may also believe the Iranian prez when he says there are no gays in Iran.  Talk is cheap, particularly when it comes out of the mouth of a professional and life-long liar.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

His speech was written by a speechwriter.  Nothing unusual in that as that is the way it always happens with all Presidents.  Clearly they have to try and gag his standard ranting and he behaved impeccably in reading from the script.  Is this a turning point for Trump?  Will he ditch all his bizarre commitments and have a go at being a proper POTUS?  Time will tell but let's see what happens when he starts Twittering again.

He's figuring out how to act presidential, with an emphasis on the word 'act.'  Much of his income, prior to entering politics, was acting.  Acting, salesmanship, and borrowing money, those are his strong points.  In different venues, he'll go back to his more comfortable role of bully, like when he keeps calling journalists, "the most dishonest people in the world."


He's in his 70's.  He's not going to all of a sudden become a decent person.  He will, however, continue acting and reading teleprompters of words written by others.


When I saw all those brown-nose Republicans clapping, including Ryan, it became crystal clear: DEDICATION TO REPUBLICAN PARTY IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN DEDICATION TO COUNTRY, .....or morals, or decency, or truth, or responsibility, or fairness or inclusiveness, ..... . . . . . . .

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