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Thai immigration officer at airport didn't allow me to enter

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34 minutes ago, visarunner said:

He must have pissed off someone high up. You simply can not get on Blacklist by wandering the streets. If you are at fault with someone you might be on arrest warrant and be detained at airport when try to enter. But this guy is blacklist. 100years.


I don't know what u trying to prove just to amuse to others,  what us ur point ?Just to  advertise  thaivisaService.

Seriously  u didn't accomplish anything ,just to write  the top of passport " he is bkaclisted"..everyone can do this just  to blame on others. If I were ur position, I would have done otherwise. Such as: to take the passport to all immigration divisions including airport to print all files ?  to find out why blacklisted?  I don't think u know ur job very well  just to advertise ur company.. it is almost half way thru to get the job done. as I say before no body is perfect, we all can make mistakes in our life, we shouldn't  point at finger at each other... I am here seeking help and advice from those who r educated,bright people, I believe  that always good people out there.  so don't take me wrong, maybe ur company is good  fits to other people, but doesn't reflect me at all. How do I know if u checked at border, what prove u gonna provide me? U should print my record .

I will post the conversation between my lawyer and me, he told me that I have no record  whatsoever.  Do u think the thai consulate will issue visa  if I have a record or bkacklisted....for sake of argument,  I  can show u if u like, I been issued 2 single visa at different dates, but my boss didn't allow me to take a leave of absent,because 2 of my co workers took a vacation  back 2015. Both of visas expired...thnks





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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Am i the only one doubting the OP's story about a raid where everyone got arrested for visa violations even with valid permission to stay and the following extortion?

sent using Tapatalk

Yes, Its quite unheard of for a group random foreigners to all be rounded up and taken into custody for no reason .

   The only thing that makes sense , is that his group was suspected of doing something illegal .

    I do recall a case from 2012 ish , where a group of Chinese based people got caught working online , teaching English .

   Maybe the O.P could give more details about all the other foreigners who got rounded up and deported .


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6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Thai embassies and consulates do not check for blacklisting before issuing a visa. They have no access to immigrations database.

You already stated the lawyer you paid did nothing and gave you false info.

You need to find another lawyer and/or pay someone to do a thorough investigation to find why you were blacklisted for life.

You got what you paid for from Thai Visa services. They were able to confirm you were blacklisted and for how long.

Thnks ubonjoe, appreciated ur advice

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the OP already mention that he tried to enter and was denied. 


"back 2014 I flew to bangkok from Hong kong,but immigration at airport didn't allow me to enter to thailand,the officer told  keep saying tthat I have a lock on my name "


In 2015 a lawyer told you that your record is clean. based on our checking and your own experience he was wrong. You are blacklisted for sure and there is no print out. 


We could go on and find out what the real story is, but for obvious reason we should stop it here. You have been given valuable advise from other members.

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18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I think you contacted Thai visa service to check for the blacklisting (http://www.thaivisaservice.com/) . The info on immigration's database the officer checked does not show the reason for blacklisting. You might want to contact them to find out if they could  recommend a lawyer to file an appeal of your blacklisting.

Jeepers the above was a hard read ! 

Are you really from Canada ? It's beautiful there maybe you should stay there 

sorry to hear you awful but standard thai corruption story 

yours truly 

Li ky whyli dun meboredom 

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30 minutes ago, humbleguy said:

I don't know what u trying to prove just to amuse to others,  what us ur point ?Just to  advertise  thaivisaService.

Seriously  u didn't accomplish anything ,just to write  the top of passport " he is bkaclisted"..everyone can do this just  to blame on others. If I were ur position, I would have done otherwise. Such as: to take the passport to all immigration divisions including airport to print all files ?  to find out why blacklisted?  I don't think u know ur job very well  just to advertise ur company.. it is almost half way thru to get the job done. as I say before no body is perfect, we all can make mistakes in our life, we shouldn't  point at finger at each other... I am here seeking help and advice from those who r educated,bright people, I believe  that always good people out there.  so don't take me wrong, maybe ur company is good  fits to other people, but doesn't reflect me at all. How do I know if u checked at border, what prove u gonna provide me? U should print my record .

I will post the conversation between my lawyer and me, he told me that I have no record  whatsoever.  Do u think the thai consulate will issue visa  if I have a record or bkacklisted....for sake of argument,  I  can show u if u like, I been issued 2 single visa at different dates, but my boss didn't allow me to take a leave of absent,because 2 of my co workers took a vacation  back 2015. Both of visas expired...thnks

I think you are assuming that the full record of your charges, court case, and blacklisting are in the immigration computer. That is not the case. In terms of electronic records, Thailand is way behind the developed world. If you do not have copies of these, probably you did everything back in 2012 without either legal or consular support, which frankly was a very bad idea. Even then, I would expect (if you still have your passport from 2012) there would be some clues from the stamps in your passport. Anyway, collating all the information five years later will involve finding out where your court case was heard (with or without your presence) and the immigration office involved. Going back through paper files, once you get to the point of knowing where they are, will require cooperation from the officials, and probably a fair amount of searching. Having found the reasons, to get yourself removed from the blacklist will almost certainly be extremely expensive. Is it really worth US$100,000 to you?

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5 minutes ago, Itsnottheplaceitwas said:

Jeepers the above was a hard read ! 

Are you really from Canada ? It's beautiful there maybe you should stay there 

sorry to hear you awful but standard thai corruption story 

yours truly 

Li ky whyli dun meboredom 


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Why you want to go back to a country that blacklisted you for any reason you not know!

I would not take any footstep anymore in a country that would have blacklisted me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You may be on a black list because there is someone else with you same name that is a criminal,

and has been blacklisted. It happened to my friend Len Smith, as there were 3 other Len Smith's who

all were in police files, and were crooks.  You really have to check that aspect of why you

are on any list.


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5 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

You may be on a black list because there is someone else with you same name that is a criminal,

and has been blacklisted. It happened to my friend Len Smith, as there were 3 other Len Smith's who

all were in police files, and were crooks.  You really have to check that aspect of why you

are on any list.


They do more than a name check. It is cross checked to nationality and date of birth as well.

In this case it may of been the same passport number that he was using when he got banned.

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10 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

They do more than a name check. It is cross checked to nationality and date of birth as well.

In this case it may of been the same passport number that he was using when he got banned.

I just called my immigration lawyer based on bangkok., the canadian consulate in bangkok gave a list of lawyers in thailand .

So I already contacted my new lawyer a few hours ,I sent him all information including my passport copy , criminal check at rcmp ,canada, notary public .,  he will find out everything  why I blacklisted.  Probably I will know everythings in matter of 2 days..very active lawyer, very fast. But still didn't tell me  his fees, but he will for sure.



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23 minutes ago, humbleguy said:

I just called my immigration lawyer based on bangkok., the canadian consulate in bangkok gave a list of lawyers in thailand .

So I already contacted my new lawyer a few hours ,I sent him all information including my passport copy , criminal check at rcmp ,canada, notary public .,  he will find out everything  why I blacklisted.  Probably I will know everythings in matter of 2 days..very active lawyer, very fast. But still didn't tell me  his fees, but he will for sure.

It would surprise me if a Canadian criminal records check was of any use in determining why you were prosecuted in Thailand, but it is your money. The lawyers should have given you an idea of their hourly rates. It is going to be quite a few hours, plus (no doubt) some expenses for officials' cooperation. Good luck but, as I said already, getting off the blacklist (whatever the reason you are on it) will be very expensive.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Yes, Its quite unheard of for a group random foreigners to all be rounded up and taken into custody for no reason .

   The only thing that makes sense , is that his group was suspected of doing something illegal .

    I do recall a case from 2012 ish , where a group of Chinese based people got caught working online , teaching English .

   Maybe the O.P could give more details about all the other foreigners who got rounded up and deported .


It happens regularly all over Bangkok and even more regularly since 2010. They especially target Africans, Pakistani Christian refugees, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Burmese and more recently Koreans and Chinese. They raid the apartments and churches where the Africans, Pakistani Christians live as they stand out more due to the colour of their skin. Noticeably, the Nigerians are back in town building up their numbers so we are due for another major raid sooner or later.

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30 minutes ago, Estrada said:

It happens regularly all over Bangkok and even more regularly since 2010. They especially target Africans, Pakistani Christian refugees, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Burmese and more recently Koreans and Chinese. They raid the apartments and churches where the Africans, Pakistani Christians live as they stand out more due to the colour of their skin.

There has been only one instance of this kind that I can recall and that was the Nigerian Church on On Nut and the Police were responding to reports of drugs being sold on the premises .

    That was a raid because of reported illegal offences taking place .

Nothing to do with simply being foreigners .

   The RTP target people suspected of doing something illegal .

The RTP dont round up groups of foreigners for no reason at all  , which is something that the OP stated

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19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There has been only one instance of this kind that I can recall and that was the Nigerian Church on On Nut and the Police were responding to reports of drugs being sold on the premises .

    That was a raid because of reported illegal offences taking place .

Nothing to do with simply being foreigners .

   The RTP target people suspected of doing something illegal .

The RTP dont round up groups of foreigners for no reason at all  , which is something that the OP stated

And all the raids in the Pattaya area of condo blocks for overstays and other misdemeanours on a fairly regular occasions when immigration have enough of it!!

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2 minutes ago, Estrada said:

I live in that area have witnessed the raids and talk to these people so I know what is going on. They round up groups of foreigners simply because they are in a group of foreigners that fit a profile. Most recently was the round up of Mainland Chinese in the Srinakarin Seacon Square are and this led to the arrest of the owners of OA Transport running a zero dollar holiday scam. They were targeted because they were taking business away from the higher priced hotels. The Chinese are now back and business is picking up again. Several groups of Koreans were also targeted in this area and led to the arrest of some of the local B.I.B. who were also involved. Rider Resort was mentioned in the BP. Niran Residences and the Market area in front is regularly raided and people who do not look Thai are rounded up for a shake down. Indians are rounded up from time to time suspected of running illegal money lending in the area but many of the old timers have Thai residency so they are soon back. The Pakistani Christian Refugees are targeted in regular round ups and taken to prison, the UNHCR in Thailand do nothing to protect these people who I have seen bear the scars of axe and knife attacks as well as burns from being tortured by Pakistani extremists.

All the cases that you mention, the people were suspected of carrying out illegal activity 

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20 hours ago, Doiger said:

you are already half way through your ban and only now you are questioning it.

seems a bit strange to me.

As mentioned in other posts, unless you post a photo of the stamp in your passport then it is difficult for anyone to give you a proper answer.

Sorry for late reply,time differences  here and there

Let me check it out if I still  can find where stamped on my passport 

I got few stamps on my passport.

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21 hours ago, BritTim said:

It is likely that you do have information from 2012 giving the stated reason for the blacklisting, quite likely in Thai. I would suggest you scan and post all stamps, court papers, and any other information you have from that time, only blanking out personally identifiable information such as name and passport number. The experts here should be able to decipher what really happened. Events after 2012, while distressing, are not relevant in figuring out what happened, and what you might be able to do about it.


One thing does surprise me. Normally, when immigration is trying for bribes from foreigners, they bring in a bilingual Thai lawyer to explain the fact of life to their victims. You have not suggested whether this occurred in 2012. Were you taken to court? Did you have legal representation if you were?

Yes ,one interpreter was with them  just to negotiate  with foreigners, bargaing. ,just to lower the price,  full of people .

Majority  of people were africans,Asian and European as well . No court nothing  we ended up very huge compound, can't remember  the name, dc,ids..anyway they never took us to the court, no court ,nothing. Treated us like criminals, ,.but I didn't stay long .just 9 days.flew back to canada..




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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

All the cases that you mention, the people were suspected of carrying out illegal activity 

I don't think the Pakistani Christian refugees are doing anything illegal, except perhaps visa issues.

I could be wrong, but the families I know certainly aren't drug dealers or boiler room operatives.

If you care to enlighten me, I would appreciate that.

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