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Bringing my girlfriend to America

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12 hours ago, Kabula said:

I lived in  Thailand for 11 years and in Costa Rica for approximately 10 years. In that time I've seen many American male citizens bring their ladies into the United States only to be disappointed, because the ladies missed their families, their food and their friends. Most ended up going home after a few months, some in two weeks!


Many of the ladies couldn't take the cold, winter temperatures and in some cases depending on the area, the discrimination.


Some of the ladies took on jobs and were treated like slaves. They jetted home fast.


Many went for the money security only to discover the money dried up fast with the economic retreat and the massive job losses now in America.


Your lady will probably be happier and safer staying in Thailand.

Kabula, some will accuse you of being negative.


I applaud you for being a realist.

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9 hours ago, Pinot said:

My wife of 4 years was turned down for a tourist visa last year. It seemed like the interview was over when she she/we didn't own a house in Thailand. I expect to get her in next time around. 


I think you'll have a very tough time getting your girl in. Always worth a try. 

They will not give a tourist visa to your wife. Flat out no!  I went through that.  You have to get an immigrant visa.  For this young man the fiancée visa is the best option.    The way things are going, its better to not have a bf if you want a tourist visa.  I don't know about the education visa.  Jim Styers helped me fill out all the paperwork for a very reasonable fee, and my wife got her 10 year green card about two years ago.  It helps to have an expert American help you if time matters.   Mistakes take a long time to correct.   The wife suddenly wants to become a US citizen after jerko got elected!  lol! 


As for them being happy here, they do not like snow (except to visit, like Tahoe), or being isolated.  What we have here in Sacramento is a nice Wat, so she has a nice social life.  You can find them friends at Thai resturaunts.   In time, she will learn better English and have American friends.  She needs to work harder at it, you need an intelligent girl, or its hopeless.  American women can be VERY jealous so be prepared for that.  Also, FB now allows free video calls to Thailand, so that helps.  

Edited by kalidescopemind
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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Kabula, some will accuse you of being negative.


I applaud you for being a realist.


is a 100% right!!!!we cant  to get away from our home lands and come to live in Thailand so why on earth why would a Thai lady want to go there.

when reality hits home that its not full of easy money their on the first fight home.idont blame them. you cant take a fish out of water.

Edited by catman20
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7 hours ago, lostinataxi said:

Perfect advice!  I was married and this is exactly what happened and she wasn't some young floozy from a bar, she was well into middle age with grown kids, but was "polluted" by the coffee guzzling females she worked with, and I think even the guys.  Live in Thailand with them.  Not that many can adapt well outside of Thailand and it often ends in a disaster.  Getting a work visa here is a huge problem as well, unless you marry her and get a SS number for her, but beware the coffee guzzlers she will meet and the nosy neighbor ladies who will also fill her in on her "legal" rights she will enjoy here.  LEAVE HER THERE MATE!   Your life will be far less stressful.

Poor guy must think we are ganging up on him

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7 hours ago, lostinataxi said:

Perfect advice!  I was married and this is exactly what happened and she wasn't some young floozy from a bar, she was well into middle age with grown kids, but was "polluted" by the coffee guzzling females she worked with, and I think even the guys.  Live in Thailand with them.  Not that many can adapt well outside of Thailand and it often ends in a disaster.  Getting a work visa here is a huge problem as well, unless you marry her and get a SS number for her, but beware the coffee guzzlers she will meet and the nosy neighbor ladies who will also fill her in on her "legal" rights she will enjoy here.  LEAVE HER THERE MATE!   Your life will be far less stressful.

Again for every success story you hear you hear one experience like ours. Its the way life goes and once she hits foreign shores she has lots of time to assess the scene. Thinking patterns change as we age what we are today we would not have recognized a couple generations ago. A lot of women mentioned here had money but when you fall in love with a lady that's as poor as a church mouse your wide open.  Youse pays your money youse takes yur chances. Father time never stops his assault. 

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On a side note I think its better if she applies on her own if her finances are in order.... if the embassy finds out she has an American boyfriend the odds of getting a visa are decreased.  Its best she doesn't have any connections to an American when applying. 


Logic... thai person is less likely to return to thailand or leave the states once their visa is expired if they know an American.

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35 minutes ago, speckio said:

On a side note I think its better if she applies on her own if her finances are in order.... if the embassy finds out she has an American boyfriend the odds of getting a visa are decreased.  Its best she doesn't have any connections to an American when applying.


Yes this is what I was thinking. That's why I assumed just having her get a tourist visa on her own would be the best idea. But then was wondering about staying long-term. I intend on working there for a year or two and then returning to Thailand. Anyway I think we'll do the tourist visa thing first, and then cross the next bridge once we get to it.


Anyway thanks again to everyone with a relevant answer. I believe I got the info I needed.

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17 hours ago, likeke said:

For the life of me, I can't understand why guys want to uproot Thai women from their families to travel to a foreign country because it rarely works out. You are just asking for trouble.

Sometimes these Thai women want to go to America.  They have heard things you see.  In my case, it worked against me.  She was middle aged, not very good english and brought her grown kids (both under 21 at the time) along with her.  We lived in a small town far from any other Thai people.  When I say small, I mean small, around 6,000 people small!   They were the only Thai around for at least 60 miles in any direction!   They became sort of mini-celebrities here.  Eventually the wife started listening to the coffee guzzling and nosy neighbors and co-workers.  Over time, she changed a lot and her kids were trying to lure her away from me to live with them, just like they did in Thailand!   One day, I left for work, after five years of marriage and thinking we had NO problems (because she never complained) and when I got home she was gone.... just like a ghost.  That was two years ago come May 8th.  She is 53 and behaves like a teenager now.   She was never a bargirl and came from a good family with money too.  So shit happens you cannot imagine, even with women you would think would be better than a bargirl.  I have patiently waited for her almost two years now, but I realize I will have to divorce her since she will not communicate at all with me.  Good luck to her.  At her age her looks will soon fade and she will end up an old lady living with one of her kids the rest of her life and all because she listened and took a lot of bad advice from others.   I suspect even though she didn't complain to me, she said things to others, which is why she ended up getting a lot of bad advice.   I learned the hard way it's best to live with them in Thailand, but I hope this guy can learn from us on this thread and not make a decision based on emotion.  It will save him a lot of unhappiness to stay in Thailand with her.   I also realize there are some few success stories out there where things worked out, but I doubt they are more than the ones that didn't.  Good luck.

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sorry to read this lost in a taxi!

Sounds horrible.  I have experienced that Asian women are very good at just never replying back when they decide things are not working. They are very strong that way I'm sure it is very painful for you.  IF you have now been married for 7 years you need to hurry and get a divorce before the 10 year mark or she is entitled to some of your SS.  Yes this is what I have read.   

And no way is kalidascope correct.  He cant compare his wife and him applying for a tourist visa to a single woman.   IF she apply's then her husbands career and income, history come into play. They cant prevent a loser US citizen form returning but they can keep him from bringing in another. he should have applied for a marriage visa anyway.  

Think as  USA immigration.

#1 Does this person have a clean police record?

#2 Is it reasonable that this person is going to be a tourist?

---I'm sure education,  age, financial condition, career, work ok with long vacation, a good future to return to.

--English ability compatible with travelling in the USA. 


The trouble with getting a tourist visa for her to visit you for 2 years is that if she does get one and visits for close to 6 months and then goes back to Thailand then returns as she goes through customs the 2nd time they may detain her for much questioning on how she can afford to stay so long... they begin to suspect her working illegally. I know someone who this happened to... She was quite afraid and she insisted she travel along with one of my ladies on her 3rd trip here. to make her visit look more legit???  You can imagine its not hard for a experienced immigration officer to see through things. 

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When you are dealing with real estate it is all about Location Location Location.

when you are dealing with Thai women it is all about Money Money Money.

you may think it is Love, or whatever you want to delude yourself with......it is not.

i was married with a Buddhist wedding etc. she had her own house, and everything was hunky dory.....I thought. She was very controlling, but I rolled with the punches etc. the breaking point was a year into the marriage when I bought a new car and she expected me to leave it with her all the time at her home far from Phuket....so I would pay for it, but have to use taxis. So I said No, I am not a fool.....I hope. She flatly stated she gets the car or we divorce. So it was Bye Bye. And I thought I had a great marriage. I was working to make the marriage work long term......she was living a lie, and was figuring out ways to get all the money she could. Now she is back on ThiaCupid looking for another sucker. She is beautiful, intelligent, and manipulative.....and be warned, speaks French......spoiler alert!!!!!

I don't know your age or your gf 's age. But in life opportunity knocks again and again. There are millions of Thai women out there......think carefully before you are in the Thai Trap. By the way, I am not angry or bitter......I put it all down to experience and be smarter next time.

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Just a word of caution first. I can speak by experience, I brought a Thai lady that I thought was an unicorn to the US for 3 months a few years back. She was what I thought the perfect girl (no previous partners, married parents, money for herself), but things turned sour once we were there. She got exposed to "society cancers" such as political correctness and feminism, and since her mind was like a sponge (22 years old) she fell into it and since I no longer had that "white factor" there, she started looking elsewhere. When we came back to Bangkok, it took just 1 month and she left. She was a good lady, but just not in the right environment.


Now for your visa. The V.O. basically wants to see proof of ties (no pun intended) to her home country, in order to demonstrate that she will come back to Thailand rather than staying in the US, working illegally, and have anchor babies. From the most important to the least, the proof of ties you should present are:

1) Children in her home country with you.

2) A stable job with a letter authorizing her leave on the proposed travel dates. A McJob won't cut it.

3) Real estate, the more equity the better

4) Money in the bank, usually $100 per day of travel but better have more, not deposited right before asking for the visa.

5) Vehicles, the more "equity" the better

6) Anything that shows her involvment in the community, such as being part of a certain organization.


Once the above requirements are met, it's all about "don't screw up" at the interview. Have all required documents clearly organized and ready to be pulled within 5 seconds of the V.O. asking for them. While nothing guarantees success, I got a Canadian / US / Schengen visa for my current wife on the first try. However it was only for 2 weeks due to the warning I posted above.


The first 6-month entry might be easy - if she got a visa, the border agents assume that the US embassy judged her capable of traveling to the US, so it should be straightforward. The problem might come on the second 6-month entry - if you're lucky, you'll fly under the radar, but there's a possibility of her being sent back. To mitigate this, I'd advise against a second visit too quickly - I don't know if it's easy for you to go back to Thailand often, but she can't live forever in the US. After her first visit, she'll need to apply for a spouse visa. Be careful that you might be liable if she runs away, so ensure that you fully trust her before starting the process, as it'll mine your credibility if you want to bring someone new afterwards.



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  • 1 year later...
On 3/2/2017 at 7:38 AM, elgordo38 said:

Been there done that only wish you good luck you will need it. She will meet all kinds of coffee guzzling females who are experts on her "legal" rights. It goes downhill one day at a time. She has a lot of rights there married or not. Just telling you to save you from the heartache I endured. Remember the old expression " Never take the girl out of .........."

My thoughts entirely: She will be weaponised against you. American Feminists and Thai Gold diggers will her offer her advice to take everything you own.

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I have no idea how the US tourist visa works.

Now my wife had been in US many years ago on a student visa yet was denied twice for a tourist visa, when all we wanted to do was visit on vacation to to see my daughters and my stepson

Ultimately we got 'really' married and it was easier than anything, and now she has a green card

Edited by GinBoy2
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/5/2018 at 2:16 AM, GinBoy2 said:

I have no idea how the US tourist visa works.

Now my wife had been in US many years ago on a student visa yet was denied twice for a tourist visa, when all we wanted to do was visit on vacation to to see my daughters and my stepson

Ultimately we got 'really' married and it was easier than anything, and now she has a green card

Can you give me more details on this?... I know my gf will get denied a tourist visa, so since I was gonna get married to her here in Thailand anyway, is it just easier to get her a US visa by getting married in Thailand?... thanks in advance ????

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I lived in  Thailand for 11 years and in Costa Rica for approximately 10 years. In that time I've seen many American male citizens bring their ladies into the United States only to be disappointed, because the ladies missed their families, their food and their friends. Most ended up going home after a few months, some in two weeks!
Many of the ladies couldn't take the cold, winter temperatures and in some cases depending on the area, the discrimination.
Some of the ladies took on jobs and were treated like slaves. They jetted home fast.
Many went for the money security only to discover the money dried up fast with the economic retreat and the massive job losses now in America.
Your lady will probably be happier and safer staying in Thailand.
Many farang think that they need to 'save " thai women from a horrible life of poverty.

That may be true in a few cases but for the vast majority they have no interest in the West and why should they? If it was that amazing we would all be there right now
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2 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

Many farang think that they need to 'save " thai women from a horrible life of poverty.

That may be true in a few cases but for the vast majority they have no interest in the West and why should they? If it was that amazing we would all be there right now

  And then theres the shock of realising that people have to work for money

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Not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this, but does getting married to a Thai woman in Thailand make it easier for her to get a visa to the US than if she was single and tried for the tourist visa?
Thanks in advance :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/6/2018 at 1:50 AM, Snacks said:

Not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this, but does getting married to a Thai woman in Thailand make it easier for her to get a visa to the US than if she was single and tried for the tourist visa?
Thanks in advance ????

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Hi there.


It makes it easy, but the process is actually LONGER than if you pursue the K1 (fiancee) visa. We went the K1 route and are now happily married for 6 months. Will be moving back to Thailand next year.


Needless to say the many disgusting, xenophobic comments here are just jaded keyboard warriors in an alcoholic stupor out in Nakhon Nowhere. My wife loves the Winter weather (I don't). She isn't being "weaponized" by American feminists (lmao). She also really likes working here. No more 12 hour days for 500 thb.


All in all, she actually quite likes America (far more than I do). It's taken a lot of convincing on my part to get her to want to move back to Thailand.

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I feel like more people who get denied post here than the ones accepted. And then you of course have the one or two idiots who like to generalize because of their poor history.

I can say that, if you have a genuine relationship with the person, and you can prove in some way that she will go back at the end of her stay (job, home, etc.) then you have a VERY good chance of getting approved.

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