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France's Le Pen loses ground in poll after state employee comments


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26 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Currently one can only assume you're yet another troll of this forum. 


Are you able to stop referencing far right conspiracy nonsense / ideology in your posts; instead actually answer the question/s posed to you.


how about if I tell you that if we organize tomorrow FREEXIT referendum in France, the "Yes" will win by a margin of at least 60%, this ain't a conspiracy theory, France is turning itself into a far left Stalinist dictatorship.



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14 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Using an alt right propaganda cartoonist - lol

a democracy is a way for the people to express their desires, they vote for whatever they wish and like. Why are you afraid from a simple youtuber speaking in a sofa ? why cant you refute him intellectually, Besides why are you afraid  from organizing a referendum ? don't worry the days of the EU are outnumbered, the masses will soon awaken to the fact that it was the biggest scam of the 21th century, not a single French could explain to me why a country like Switzerland or UK has lower unemployment rates and higher growth rates compared to the stagnant EU zone.

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15 minutes ago, heroKK said:

a democracy is a way for the people to express their desires, they vote for whatever they wish and like. Why are you afraid from a simple youtuber speaking in a sofa ? why cant you refute him intellectually, Besides why are you afraid  from organizing a referendum ? don't worry the days of the EU are outnumbered, the masses will soon awaken to the fact that it was the biggest scam of the 21th century, not a single French could explain to me why a country like Switzerland or UK has lower unemployment rates and higher growth compared to the stagnant EU zone.

Not 'afraid', just sick and tried of never ending BS alt right propaganda being punted by you and others on this forum.

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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Not 'afraid', just sick and tried of never ending BS alt right propaganda being punted by you and others on this forum.

it is time to change policies I guess, those elites didn't success to bring any prosperity, the country is plunged into high public debts, high unemployment rates, high crime rates. It is time for the French and other Europeans to take back the control of their own country, sets their own monetary policies , ,shuts their borders from terrorists and criminals, am I asking for so much ?

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1 hour ago, heroKK said:

it is time to change policies I guess, those elites didn't success to bring any prosperity, the country is plunged into high public debts, high unemployment rates, high crime rates. It is time for the French and other Europeans to take back the control of their own country, sets their own monetary policies , ,shuts their borders from terrorists and criminals, am I asking for so much ?


You are asking for what? It is very unclear when all you do is rant. You tell us what you hate but you provide no details that demonstrate that any of your observations are base on fact or reality. Let's take public debt. What is the problem with France's level of public debt. The issue is not the amount but whether France can manage it. The markets will judge whether or not France's public debt is unsustainable. Here are the figures for French 10 year bonds https://www.investing.com/rates-bonds/france-10-year-bond-yield Doesn't seem like the market is concerned so why should you be. Unless you don't understand the concept of public debt. For the intellectually challenged, governments issue bonds to raise money to invest. Investment in things like infrastructure raises the quality of people's lives and generates wealth.


Let's take your statements on monetary policy. Most developed economies such as the UK and Switzerland do not have the government setting monetary policy. Monetary policy is set by Central Banks as in the EU. So England leaving the EU would not return control over monetary policy to the government. In fact since it is not part of the Eurozone, its monetary policy is not set by the ECB.


On every level, the alt right rants of bigots, racists and chauvinists just do not hold up under scrutiny. It's like all these VDOs of that putrid racist Condell being posed. He is just saying the same crap that you and the other alt right write down. Unsubstantiated, fact free, anti-intellectual rubbish.


The EU is one of the most far-sighted, brave and important initiatives of the 20thC and will long outlive the flapping gums of the old white racists who oppose it.

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39 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

On every level, the alt right rants of bigots, racists and chauvinists just do not hold up under scrutiny. It's like all these VDOs of that putrid racist Condell being posed. He is just saying the same crap that you and the other alt right write down. Unsubstantiated, fact free, anti-intellectual rubbish.


The EU is one of the most far-sighted, brave and important initiatives of the 20thC and will long outlive the flapping gums of the old white racists who oppose it.

This comes to my previous question, since the EU has brought six figure income jobs, safe cities and  prosperity at all levels to the populace, Then why don't you organize a "FREXIT" referendum  to confirm your claims that the EU is great project and people are loving it  ?

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2 minutes ago, heroKK said:

This comes to my previous question, since the EU has brought six figure income jobs to the populace, safe cities and  prosperity at all levels, Then why don't you organize a "FREXIT" referendum  ? to confirm your claim that the EU is great project ?


I see you modified my post in your reply. You removed the portion that demonstrates the baselessness of those things about which your rant i.e. public debt and monetary policy. Similarly your anti-immigration rants are just as baseless.


Your reply is incomprehensible. You again demonstrate no understanding of reality. National Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, not the EU, so are primarily in control of labour. Similarly National Governments are responsible for public safety. You just like acting anti-EU statements to anything that pops into your mind?


If you ever decide to get something factual down in writing, I will be happy to respond but you are spouting nonsense so far.

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31 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I see you modified my post in your reply. You removed the portion that demonstrates the baselessness of those things about which your rant i.e. public debt and monetary policy. Similarly your anti-immigration rants are just as baseless.


Your reply is incomprehensible. You again demonstrate no understanding of reality. National Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, not the EU, so are primarily in control of labour. Similarly National Governments are responsible for public safety. You just like acting anti-EU statements to anything that pops into your mind?


If you ever decide to get something factual down in writing, I will be happy to respond but you are spouting nonsense so far.

The way you write remind me of Romania's dictator "Nicolae Ceaușescu" who were producing all sort of fake stats claiming everything is alright until the famous uprising happened, France right now is in the same condition. Thousands if not millions of people are living in misery the official unemployment rate is 10%, but is much higher in reality. Factories has closed and moved offshore, rampant crime rates. hundreds of Islamic no-go zones.


The country is bogged down in unproductive and highly ideological political debates that are getting the country nowhere. The Taxes are very high, the living cost too. since 30 years not a single start-up managed to get public in the CAC 40. Just compares this to the states with (Facebook,. Uber etc..). Just few weeks ago a famous football player refused to play for Marseilles team because he was scared his home would get broken, if a wealthy football player is scared, how about the ordinary citizens WAKE UP...

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6 minutes ago, heroKK said:

The way you write remind me of Romania's dictator "Nicolae Ceaușescu" who were producing all sort of fake stats claiming everything is alright until the famous uprising happened, France right now is in the same condition. Thousands if not millions of people are living in misery the official unemployment rate is 10%, but is much higher in reality. Factories has closed and moved offshore, rampant crime rates. hundreds of Islamic no-go zones.


The country is bogged down in unproductive and highly ideological political debates that are getting the country nowhere. The Taxes are very high, the living cost too. since 30 years not a single start-up managed to get public in the CAC 40. Just compares this to the states with (Facebook,. Uber etc..). Just few weeks ago a famous football player refused to play for Marseilles team because he was scared his home would get broken, if a wealthy football player is scared, how about the ordinary citizens WAKE UP...


Very boring having bigots and purveyors of fact free information telling me to wake up. You list a bunch of things and with the implication that the EU is to blame for such malaise but they are not interdependent and you provide no evidence that Brussels is to blame.


Just rant basically. The French social contract is an interesting area of discussion but not on this thread. I can see no evidence that a race based anti-immigrant political party will have any impact on those things you identify. Your entire post reeks of fear and pessimism.


So keep your unsolicited advice to me to yourself. It is unsought and unwelcome. Demanding fact based argument is not a case of being asleep. You provide events, not facts. Maybe the footballer has a girlfriend in another city. Maybe the listing requirements of the FTSE or SET are easier for French firms. And as for your allegations about unemployment numbers, prove that officials statistics are false or withdraw your absurd statement about these unverified millions of unemployed.

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What surprises me is that people actually take these polls seriously and believe the media outlets that release them.

I remember hearing from all these leftist media outlets that Hillary Clinton had a 98-99% chance of winning and people completely fell for it :cheesy:

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11 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

What surprises me is that people actually take these polls seriously and believe the media outlets that release them.

I remember hearing from all these leftist media outlets that Hillary Clinton had a 98-99% chance of winning and people completely fell for it :cheesy:

I remember the polls on average showing Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote by 3 percent but they were proved massively wrong. She won by a mere 2 percent. Huge fail!

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22 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

What surprises me is that people actually take these polls seriously and believe the media outlets that release them.

I am astonished that the French didn't learn the lesson from the con artist Sarkozy  and his campaign slogan " travailler plus pour gagner plus"  -  work more to earn more, which in reality has turned into " travailler plus pour gagner moins", work more to earn less, at the end of his mandate  :cheesy:

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On 08/03/2017 at 3:42 PM, heroKK said:


how about if I tell you that if we organize tomorrow FREEXIT referendum in France, the "Yes" will win by a margin of at least 60%, this ain't a conspiracy theory, France is turning itself into a far left Stalinist dictatorship.



How can you be so sure  ?; the last poll shows that only 22 % of French want to leave euro currency ; may be polls can make mistakes, but when  a candidate has 30 % more than the second, I don't think there will be mistakes

I think that for the second round every body ( left, right ) who has a brain will vote against Le Pen , it will be about 65 -35 % for Macron ( remember 2002, 82 % for Chirac )

"far left Stalinist dictatorship." where did you find a such bullshit ? left or far left are finished in France, only 10 %

Le Pen will lose because she wants to leave Euro currency and EU and her economic program is upsetting . I read the French press everyday and I can tell you that you know nothing about France

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18 minutes ago, Aforek said:


Le Pen will lose because she wants to leave Euro currency and EU and her economic program is upsetting . I read the French press everyday and I can tell you that you know nothing about France

My own cadidate of choice would be  Nicolas Dupont-Aignan , unfortunately he s not the type of person that loves to kiss the a#$ of the elites and establishment. he's gaulist  and can lead France from the current problems, but because few people understands his potential Le Pen is okay or at least Fillion, but Macron never, he s a puppet of the banking cartel.


What France needs is a total halt and reset to this globalist project that became a sort of "usine à gaz", the Euro zone don't function for all southern Mediterranean states "Italy - Portugal - Spain - Greece" , this was the conclusion of dozens of economists and entrepreneurs including even Francois lenglet who is never from far-right, sooner or later the public debts of Greece and Italy will plunge the whole zone into deeper recessions.


The Brits are very smart they knew how to use the UKIP just to get out of this mess and then elect a conservative majority parliament. we need the same recipe.



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